#my apologies to any non zukka shippers who see this
azenkii · 4 years
zukka tiktok au where sokka does one of those 'im in love with my best friend' things and he's like 'so zuko's birthday is in a week and i'm gonna do one stupidly cliche romantic thing for him every day until his birthday and if he still hasn't figured it out by then i'll just straight up kiss him - well, technically gay up, but you know what i mean'
so sokka goes all out with the romantic cliches and zuko still thinks they're just bros doing bro things and filming it for sokka's tiktok, even though they're baking cakes and stargazing and going on ice-skating dates together (and sokka's comment section is getting progressively more frustrated because 'you FED him CAKE BATTER how does he not know yet' and 'dude im sorry but your crush is the densest guy ive ever seen you bought him a full bouquet and all he said was he doesnt have any vases')
so then on zuko's birthday he, being the oblivious dumbass that he is, still hasn't figured it out yet. and to his followers' surprise, sokka doesn't do anything super obviously romantic? they just make a pillow fort and sit in it eating pizza and popcorn and watching old slapstick movies, and zuko's like 'you should apologise to your followers this is the least eventful thing you've ever posted' and sokka's like 'oh hohoHO i beg to differ' and he leans over and kisses him
except he does it in a really stupid way with like fish lips and a big 'MWAH' sound so he and zuko end up laughing and then sokka just? stops recording? and all his followers are like 'W HAT HAPPENED WE NEED TO KNOWWW'
two hours later sokka uploads a video of zuko sleeping with his head in sokka's lap and he captions it 'guys look at my boyfriend' and his followers go CRAZY
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