#my appreciation for their trans characterization almost cancels out with my critique of their poc characters
genderfreakxx · 2 years
The moment in umbrella academy where Luther is like “we should like?? Have a party or something?? I don’t just wanna brush past it because I love him??” And Diego is just like “for the love of- hey Viktor- Luther wants to make sure you feel loved. Do you feel loved?”
And viktor sorta shyly goes, “yeah. I do.”
So Diego’s just like “good. Because you are. Anyway- the world is fuckin ending. Let’s go.”
And Diego walks off and Luther compliments Viktor’s haircut- just-
I love it, it’s just so fucken accurate to the story line and not at all out of place and it felt so natural and good and aaaaaahhh god they really just handled Elliot’s transition so god damn well I’m cryin just a bit
I never thought I would see someone even close to me portrayed in a show I like and it wasn’t even a big deal-
The fact that the strife between Viktor and Alison didn’t have any impact on his transition- yeah, they did Alison dirty as fuck and that was worthy of criticism (because like seriously, they did Alison dirty with that characterization) but it didn’t have any impact on the trans plot line and I can’t thank them enough for that, at the very least
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