#my bad fyoran
bearlytolerant · 2 months
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yharnam · 2 years
akechi, fyodor, dazai, and izaya for the character meme. :)
so many... akechi
favorite thing about them: there's too many things but it's his tenacity and how he refuses to change himself for other people in the end (ie 3rd semester) for me babey!!
least favorite thing about them: fanon pancakes xD
favorite line: “I’m going to be entirely honest with you, I hate you.”
brOTP: makoto and akechi... i just think they'd have the stupidest intellectual conversations about morality and justice that i'd subscribe to
OTP: do i really gotta say it
nOTP: idk how people ship him and yoshizawa but absolutely no thanks
random headcanon: despite hating sweets, he perfectly curates his social media with date spot sweets and makes sure the other seat is always empty so that he can better appeal to his fanbase and look available as a celebrity. it's incredibly annoying for him to put in the effort, but he really is meticulous with it
unpopular opinion: akechi isn't a bad character, you all just hate the people with "scary" mental illnesses
song i associate with them: flight of the crows - jhariah
favorite picture of them: i can't find my favorite favorite but this is a runner-up by kaninn
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favorite thing about them: how incredibly intelligent he is.... look at that little guy go. look at the prison chapters where he's just talking with dazai in code that they both made up on the spot.
least favorite thing about them: i can't think of anything beyond the fact that his eng VA annoys me. that's how much i'm in love with this little rat man
favorite line: “I am crime. I am punishment. Crime and punishment are close friends. Borders vanish. Rooms awaken. The incarnation of death, the master of the ability-consuming fog… Eat, howl, and make violence as your instinct desires. This is neither a loss of control nor a singularity.”
brOTP: fyogolsig. we love two maniacs and a tired casino owner shenanigans
OTP: fyozai.... let me talk to you for the next twelve years why fyozai is the only perfect bsd shi
nOTP fyoran. don't see the fandom appeal
random headcanon: he has to get iron replacement injections for severe anemia or else he's just a useless little bag of bones in his bed for a long while. idiot. stupid.
unpopular opinion: i think fyodor is probably the most underrated villain of the series because people really sleep on him compared to how they treat members of the port mafia, or treat him like just an underling of fukuchi -__-
song i associate with them: l'inverno op. 8 no.4 in f minor 1. allegro - vivaldi
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favorite thing about them: he's such a fucking snake? like this man is on x games mode when it comes to his true agenda at all times. things just LINE UP to where they work out with the ADA for the most part, but he still has so many threads from his before life that he pulls whenever he needs to
least favorite thing about them: boiled down to either a part of a ship or teehee suicide joke by both canon and fanon ALL the time
favorite line: "If you place yourself somewhere close to raw emotions, where you’re exposed to violence and death, instinct and desire, you can brush against man’s true nature. I thought that way I could find a reason to live somehow."
brOTP: kunidazai... i just think they're funny little guys. :)
OTP: i can't say my true otp so i'll just say fyozai because i like them too!
nOTP: dazai and ranpo. i just cannot fucking stand it because of someone.
random headcanon: now that he has an actual apartment, dazai keeps an eclectic amount of collections from his interests. books, letter openers, handheld torture devices, little 100 yen gachapon figures. it's not to the level of hoarding, but it's much more than the normal level of collecting that your average person would have
unpopular opinion: dazai has a comorbid cluster b personality disorder but you're all too cowardly to admit that
song i associate with them: a mask of my own face - lemon demon
favorite picture of them: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/4657637
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favorite thing about them: i'm realizing i hate this question because there's never really just one thing. i love how he he tangents and how he loves to hear himself talk, and i love how he power trips without ever fully going to a place where he can't recover from a blunder
least favorite thing about them: his hairline... he's gonna be bald by 40
favorite line: listen... this isn't a direct quote from him but ABOUT him but it's my favorite thing that just explains him so well: “He may seem cold-blooded, but he is more human and his heart more brittle than anybody else’s, so much so that if you filled it with human love or betrayal, it would break easily, which is why, I think, he chose from the beginning to avoid it all, to love humanity, you understand? Not to accept, not to face it. To avoid it.”
brOTP: kadota and izaya!! i think they're pretty chill
OTP: shinzaya bc i can't say my other otp....
nOTP: there's only very certain instances i will even look at shizaya because of the fandom. and fanon shizaya ain't it.
random headcanon: izaya collects different scents of cologne that he gets as gifts from ~ certain ~ clientele, and will use it when he wants to impress. his favorite scents are usually ones with high fruit tones but nothing too aggressive that the subtlety can't speak for itself
unpopular opinion: i think people in the fandom are incapable of seeing izaya as either this troll character with very little substance besides being a nuisance or being a cocksleeve for shizuo when he's actually an integral pivot for most everyone's character development in the series because of his meddling and the SEVERAL strings that he has to pull at any given time.
song i associate with them: cotards solution - will wood and the tapeworms
favorite picture of them: unfortunate source but it's from the doujin ABBERANCE!!
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