#my beloved angel morgen
loosesodamarble · 2 years
That is all.
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chidoroki · 2 months
Black Clover ch370
First new chapter of the year and I dunno if I should be thrilled or scared with how fast time seems to fly. Before we jump back into the extreme battle though, we get this nice colored double page. It's most likely due to all the HSR on my mind lately, but seeing all the coins and casino games just makes me think of Aventurine and Penacony.
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No matter how many months it's been, Rill will always have artistic beauty on his mind as usual, but great to see him, William and Charlotte still alive and well. Um, as well as they can possibly be anyways.
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It's been far too long but all the Bulls finally make it to the battlefield and I can see if any of my team-up predictions were correct. At the moment I can't really tell where this group is heading, or perhaps they're going to deal with these Lucius clones first and then help other squads, but I do like that Secre and Zora are nearby. I hope they have another combo moment like they did during the Spade arc. Kudos to Finral as always for his portals as well.
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Right away I'm wrong with who I thought Charmy and Gauche would assist, with Charmy being summoned along with the previous group and Gauche helping Rill instead. And I know I shouldn't be surprised to see Marie as Gauche's side, but she is so young dude! Why are we bringing your beloved sister to such an intense fight like this? I get he might wanna personally protect her and there's a slim chance that maybe her magic could provide a little help, but still dangerous! Anyways, I was right about one team-up and I'm so incredibly thankful it was about Vanessa going to help Noelle! I thought Charmy would've joined too to supply Rogue with an endless amount of mana, but Grey is a good choice too with her and our beautiful witch being at an arcane stage. This seriously pleases me so very much, knowing that the Noelle and her siblings will have a better chance at surviving with these two squad-mates around. (also giving me so much hope that Vanessa might sorta interact with a certain silver captain. hmm? please??)
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Seeing Gordon assist William and Charlotte is so smart though and I'm mad the possibility didn't even cross my mind at first, like duh, of course he's best around people with curses. Then Ichika and Nacht once again supporting Yami but we knew that. Still excited to see how our vice captain will handle dealing with Morgen.
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I'm realizing now how many double spreads this chapter has and they're all wonderful. I haven't a clue on who Henry is helping out or if he's just thrashing random clones and heavenly angels but go off king! Our chaotic duo loves to see it too.
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Slowly but surely making progress up towards Lucius' real body I suppose. It's always a good day when we see the brothers fight alongside one another. I can practically hear Haruka Mirai playing on full blast already and all my love for this series is swarming right back to me. Hell, I might re-watch it all again soon just for fun.
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Usually I'm over here expressing my hopes and wishes for next chapter, but surprisingly, we were blessed with two this month. Hang on.
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mickmundy · 1 year
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@5piecechickendinner i answered number 97 on this post, so this is part 2, numbah 122! :-) HEHE!! TY AGAIN SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING BESTIE THIS WAS SOOO FUN!! another kiss meme fill (which are still open hehe!)
122. “it’s always been you” kisses
“It’s always been you, since the day I met you.”
An old romance movie played dully in Medic’s lab from a small, tabletop television. The screen flickered and black bars rolled upwards off of the screen every few minutes. Nobody was watching it, only idly listening. The lights in his lab were low, pointed at the only subject in this room other than himself. 
“You’re so beautiful under this moonlight, my darling…”
Sniper nearly glowed beneath the light, shadows flirting and playing along the expanse of his skin as he took deep, even breaths. In and out, and again. He looked ethereal. Not that Medic would want him anywhere else other than where he was, but he could vividly imagine him looking even more stunning within his element… perhaps lounging among crocodiles on a rocky riverbank or laying alongside exotic flora in rich green, brown and golden hues…
“I daresay there’s not a more angelic sight than you before me…”
His gloveless, bloody hand lovingly ran itself through Sniper’s thick hair, his nails brushing over his scalp. Medic smirked as he heard the EKG kick up just for a moment before falling back into its relaxed beat. He paced around the table, admiring his beloved’s nude body, the modesty sheet that had covered him now laying over his hip and thigh. Dense body hair kept him… somewhat modest at the groin. The composition looked intentional, like he was a marble sculpture in one of the museums he favored in his young adulthood.
“Oh, my love! My heart beats for you!” 
Sniper’s eyes fluttered open, then closed again, smiling lovingly as he could smell his beloved doctor before he could see him. The hand that had been laced in his hair came down and caressed his cheek with the back of his knuckles. His thumb gently stroked his bottom lip. Medic inhaled shakily as the marksman’s mouth parted, tongue slipping out to slide over the pad of his thumb before pressing a chaste kiss to it. 
“Guten morgen, my heart,” Medic breathed, observing him as his patient, his lover, and his masterpiece. “Are you doing alright?” He asked, watching Sniper yawn and move to get up, being politely halted by the doctor pressing a palm gently at the center of his chest. “Na, na, not yet.” He urged, watching as Sniper’s brow furrowed in silent protest, but he obeyed all the same. He instead opted to stretch, arching his back and blowing a puff of air out of his mouth. 
The bushman’s stomach puffed out as he stretched and held the arched position, lopsided and misshapen ribs stretching against his skin despite the fat that typically concealed them from view. Scars, a light sheen of sweat that kept his body hair slicked down, and a few stray smatterings of blood adorned his skin. He finally relaxed again, flopping gently onto the table with a small thud before reaching his arms up and stretching them as well, extending his legs out and popping his knees and hip.
“I’ve never known any creature as beautiful as you… look at you. I’d even call you demure if I swear you didn’t know you were such a knockout…”
The backs of Medic’s knuckles came down over Sniper’s jawline, down his neck and trailed over his body as he stretched, watching as his movements influenced the shadows and how they caressed his beloved. “How’d I do, pidge?” Sniper asked, putting a hand behind his own head while the other reached down and idly scratched at a bit of dried blood on his belly. He yawned again; Medic smiled. 
He never overdid it with the medigun use with Sniper, but when they weren’t in combat he found that consistent use of the gun’s rays regardless of frequency often left the huntsman a bit groggy. Very cute. “Perfectly, of course. I’d expect nothing less from my greatest achievement.” He purred, stroking the backs of his knuckles over Sniper’s y-shaped scar.
“Good. Want to stay in your good graces, keep my title.” He teased, grinning crookedly as Medic perked up and looked at him with a look of surprise, laughing loudly and shaking his head. Sniper watched the doctor and propped himself up on his elbows, leaning back against them as he tilted his head to the side. “Something funny?” He asked. “Anyone could’a been your greatest achievement. Unless you’re tellin’ me I have nothing to worry about?” His lip curled up into a bit of a smirk; when Sniper’s smugness came out to play, so did those marvelous canine teeth. Medic’s toes curled in his boots.
“If I got just once chance to prove to you how much you mean to me! You’re my whole world, and you don’t even know it! I almost want you to go on not knowing… I’m just that selfish!”
“Oh, you,” Medic sighed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head with  a warm chuckle. He sat on the edge of the table and Sniper watched with a satisfied purr as the doctor’s fat thighs squished against the cold table. He giggled at the bushman’s shameless staring, hearing the EKG kick up just for a second. “That title will never belong to anyone but you.” He purred, leaning over Sniper and brushing their noses together. 
“Yeah?” The bushman asked, closing his eyes as he felt Medic gently urging him to lay down again by lightly pressing his forehead against his own. The doctor’s wide frame towered over him, obscured him in shadow and framed Medic’s head with a holy-looking crown of light. Sniper rested his hands on his own chest and let himself be mesmerized.
“Ja,” he confirmed, pressing a soft kiss against Sniper’s lips, kissing his bottom lip and taking him in another dizzying kiss right after. As if anyone else could truly carry such a title: important to Medic both romantically and professionally. Sniper was reborn of his own genius, sustained in part now by his own love, too. He grinned as he felt Sniper kissing the corner of his mouth, like an animal showing submission. After which, the huntsman claimed Medic’s lips in a tender kiss, claiming what he knew to be his. Medic did the same, kissing the canine tooth he adored so much before sliding his tongue against Sniper’s. Another successful procedure.
 “It’s always been you.”
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dariaendzhyel · 2 years
Что у вампира на уме?
What's on the vampire's mind?
English below
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Вы рады, что Дарья вернулась и они с Владом вновь вместе?
Vlad: Here she is, my beloved Daria... So cold.
Caleb: You even bought her a new dress, gothic!
Vlad: Well, it's obvious! She must be the most beautiful!
Morgen: I need to go get ready, Caleb, you can go, all I need is Vlad and his beloved Daria...Vlad will you come to the manor in ten minutes?
Vlad: Okay...Vlad: WHAT??! Are we going to resurrect her??
Morgen: Trust me, it should work! Please put her in a circle, and move away, but not far. And you can remove the candles, they are no longer needed.
Vlad: Okay... Morgen: Vlad? Don't worry! If this red cr@p disappears, then we've succeeded...
Vlad: I'm not worried, I believe you... But if you only make it worse, then trust me, you will become my dinner.
Morgen: Okay....
Vlad: P-Did it work? Please tell me what happened!!
Morgen: She's breathing... Vlad, she's with you again.
Vlad: Can I pick her up?
Morgen: Yes, of course! Vlad, you need to take her to the bed and be near her. She needs you.
Vlad: And when will she come to her senses?
Morgen: I don't know, it's up to you... I mean, your love for her. The more you love her and miss her, the sooner she will come to her senses!
Vlad: What is your name, mage?
Morgen: My name is Morgen.
Vlad: Morgen, I owe you... Thank you for giving me back my little angel.
Morgen: Heh, I enjoyed helping you. It's heartbreaking to see such a loving couple... You look great together. I'll leave you my number, if something happens, then call ... And I need to go.
Vlad: My dear ... You are here again, with me. I promise I won't lose you again. You'll be under my protection...I won't let anyone else hurt you!
Daria: *sighs*
Vlad: Daria?! Can you hear me?!!
Daria: V-Vladdy? Is that you? Oh my good, what happened to you? How much I slept. And why am I in this dress?
Vlad: It's been a month... I haven't heard this beautiful voice for a month... Daria! You're with me again!
Daria: I don't understand...
Vlad: I'll tell you everything later!
Daria: Vladdy?! What's that scar on your cheek? Who did this to you?
Vlad: It's a very long story, I'll probably tell you later...
Daria: My dear, why are you crying??! Did I do something wrong?
Vlad: Daria... These are tears of joy... You are with me again...
Are you glad that Daria is back and she and Vlad are together again?
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miguelmarias · 3 years
TOP 2020
 A)    Great movies made since 2015 seen for the first time in 2020: 
Buoyancy(Freedom;Rodd Rathjen, 2019)
Les choses qu’on dit, les choses qu’on fait(Emmanuel Mouret, 2020)
L’Île au trésor(Guillaume Brac, 2018)
Le Sel des larmes(Philippe Garrel, 2019/20)
Ghawre Bairey Aaj(Home and the World;Aparna Sen, 2019)
Undine(Christian Petzold, 2020)
Happī awā(Happy Hour;Hamaguchi Ryūsuke, 2015)
Netemo Sametemo(Asako I & II;Hamaguchi Ryūsuke, 2018)
Adolescentes(Sébastien Lifshitz, 2013-9/20)
Family Romance, LLC.(Werner Herzog, 2019)
Demain et tous les autres jours(Noémie Lvovsky, 2017)
Gamak Ghar(Achal Mishra, 2019)
Lunana:A Yak in the Classroom(Pawo Choyning Dorji, 2019)
Semina il vento(Sow the Wind;Danilo Caputo, 2020)
Objector(Molly Stuart, 2019)
La France contre les robots(Jean-Marie Straub, 2020)
Paris Calligrammes(Ulrike Ottinger, 2019/20)
Un film dramatique(Éric Baudelaire, 2019)
 B)    Great movies made before 2015 seen for the first time in 2020: 
Là-Haut, un Roi au-dessus des nuages(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 2003)
Pangarap ng Puso(Demons/Whispers of the Demon/Hope of the Heart;Mario O’Hara, 2000)
Les Films rêvés(Eric Pauwels, 2009)
La vida en rojo(Andrés Linares, 2007/8)
Come Next Spring(R.G. Springsteen, 1955/6)
Song of Surrender(Mitchell Leisen, 1948/9)
Adventure in Manhattan(Edward Ludwig, 1936)
Strannaia zhenshchina(A Strange Woman;Iuli Raízman, 1978)
Chastnaia zhízn(Private Life;Iuli Raízman, 1982)
Málva(Vladimir Braun, 1956/7)
Zhila-byla devochka(Once There Was a Girl;Viktor Eisimont, 1944)
The Unknown Man(Richard Thorpe, 1951)
Aisai Monogatari(Story of a Beloved Wife;Shindō Kaneto, 1951)
Practically Yours(Mitchell Leisen, 1944)
A Summer Storm(Robert Wise, 1999/2000)
Lettre d’un cinéaste à sa fille(Eric Pauwels, 2000)
Sombra verde(Untouched;Roberto Gavaldón, 1954)
Fantasma d’amore(Dino Risi, 1981)
Adieu, Mascotte(Das Modell vom Montparnasse;Wilhelm Thiele, 1929)
Mori no kajiya(The Blacksmith of the Forest;Shimizu Hiroshi, 1928/9;fragment)
Zwischen Gestern und Morgen(Between Yesterday and Tomorrow;Harald Braun, 1947)
Last Holiday(Henry Cass, 1950)
Dialogue d’ombres(Danièle Huillet & Jean-Marie Straub, 1954-2013)
Out-Takes from the Life of a Happy Man(Jonas Mekas, 2012)
Nice Time(Claude Goretta & Alain Tanner, 1957)
Aloma of the South Seas(Alfred Santell, 1941)
A Feather in Her Hat(Alfred Santell, 1935)
La Danseuse Orchidée(Léonce Perret, 1928)
Underground(Vincent Sherman, 1941)
Time Out(in Twilight Zone-The Movie)(John Landis, 1983)
Lackawanna Blues(George C. Wolfe, 2005)
Janie(Michael Curtiz, 1944)
Dernier Amour(Léonce Perret, 2016)
Jeunes Filles en détresse(Georg Wilhelm Pabst, 1939)
Kisapmata(Blink of an Eye;Mike De Leon, 1981)
La Dernière Lettre(Frederick Wiseman, 2002)
The Lady of the Dig-Out(W.S. Van Dyke II, 1918)
Their Own Desire(E.Mason Hopper, 1929)
 C)    Very good movies made since 2015 seen for the first time in 2020: 
Zumiriki(Oskar Alegria, 2019)
Atlantique(Mati Diop, 2019)
J’accuse(An Officier and A Spy;Roman Polanski, 2019)
Richard Jewell(Clint Eastwood, 2019)
Alice et le Maire(Nicolas Pariser, 2019)
Contes de Juillet(July Tales;Guillaume Brac, 2017)
Dark Waters(Todd Haynes, 2019)
Ofrenda a la tormenta(Fernando González Molina, 2020)
Nomad:In the Footsteps of Bruce Chatwin(Werner Herzog, 2019)
Into the Inferno(Werner Herzog, 2016)
The Zookeeper’s Wife(Niki Caro, 2017)
Journal de septembre(Eric Pauwels, 2019)
La Deuxième Nuit(Eric Pauwels, 2016)
Kaze no denwa(Voices in the Wind;Suwa Nobuhiro, 2019/20)
Da 5 Bloods(Spike Lee, 2020)
Izaokas(Isaac;Jurgis Matulevičius, 2019)
A Metamorfose dos Pássaros(Catarina Vasconcelos, 2020)
Tabi no Owari Sekai no Hajimari(To the Ends of the Earth;Kurosawa Kiyoshi, 2019)
La Nuit d’avant(Pablo García Canga, 2019)
My Mexican Bretzel(Nuria Giménez, 2018-9)
Domangchin yeoja(The Woman Who Ran;Hong Sang-soo, 2019/20)
Öndög(Wang Quanan, 2019)
Hatsukoi(First Love;Miike Takashi, 1959)
Million raz pogivaet odin Cheloviek(One man dies a million times;Jessica Oreck, 2018/9)
The Two Popes(Fernando Meirelles, 2019)
Félicité(Alain Gomis, 2016/7)
Salt and Fire(Werner Herzog, 2016)
Ni de lian(Your Face;Tsai Ming-liang, 2018)
Qi qiu(Balloon;Pema Tseden, 2019)
River Silence(Rogério Soares, 2019)
Charlie’s Angels(Elizabeth Banks, 2019)
La boda de Rosa(Iciar Bollain, 2020)
Guerra(War;José Oliveira & Marta Ramos, 2020)
My Thoughts Are Silent/Moyi dumky tykhi(Antonio Lukich, 2019)
Namo(The Alien;Nader Saeivar;co-script-Jafar Panahi, 2020)
Los silencios(The Silences;Beatriz Seigner, 2018)
Terminal Sud(Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche, 2019)
Tu mérites un amour(You Deserve a Lover;Hafsia Herzi, 2019)
Les Misérables(Ladj Ly, 2019)
Padre no hay más que uno(Santiago Segura, 2019)
Honeyland(Tamara Kotovska & Ljubomir Stefanov, 2019)
Izbrisana(Erased;Miha Mazzini & Dusan Joksimovic, 2018)
This Is Not A Burial, It’s A Resurrection(Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, 2019)
Primero Enero(Darío Mascambroni, 2016)
Lahi, Hayop(Pan, Genus/Genus Pan;Lav Diaz, 2020)
 D)    Very good movies made before 2015 seen for the first time in 2020: 
Topaze(Marcel Pagnol, 1936)
The SIGN OF THE RAM(John Sturges, 1947/8)
Abandoned(Joseph M. Newman, 1949)
Bewitched(Arch Oboler, 1944/5)
La Femme du Bout du Monde((Jean Epstein, 1937)
The Outcast(William Witney, 1954)
Saadia(Albert Lewin, 1953)
Un monde sans femmes(Guillaume Brac, 2011)
Dishonored Lady(Robert Stevenson, 1947)
Always Goodbye(Signey Lanfield, 1938)
A Blueprint for Murder(Andrew L. Stone, 1953)
Bedevilled(Mitchell Leisen, 1955)
That Forsyte Woman(Compton Bennett, 1949)
The Miracle(Irving Rapper, 1959)
The Madonna’s Secret(Wilhelm Thiele, 1946)
The Town That Dreaded Sundown(Charles B. Pierce, 1976)
Grayeagle(Charles B. Pierce, 1977)
Barricade(Peter Godfrey, 1949/50)
Tomorrow is Forever(Irving Pichel, 1945/6)
David Harum(James Cruze, 1934)
The Vanquished(Edward Ludwig, 1953)
Keisatsukan(Uchida Tomu, 1933)
...Enfants des courants d’air(Édouard Luntz, 1959, short)
The Winds of Autumn(Charles B. Pierce, 1976)
Suddenly It’s Spring(Mitchell Leisen, 1946)
Uchūjin Tōkyō ni arawaru(Warning from Space;Shima Kōji, 1956)
Swiss Family Robinson(Edward Ludwig, 1940)
Ludwig der Zweite, König von Bayern(Wilhelm Dieterle, 1930)
Faithless(Harry Beaumont, 1932)
Botan-dorō(Peony Lanterns;Yamamoto Satsuo, 1968)
Ginza 24 chou(Tales of Ginza;Kawashima Yūzō, 1955)
Goodbye Again(Michael Curtiz, 1933)
Lines of White on a Sullen Sea(D.W. Griffith, 1909)
You Gotta Stay Happy(H.C. Potter, 1948)
Cave of Forgotten Dreams(Werner Herzog, 2010)
Riff-Raff(Ted Tetzlaff, 1947)
The Moon is Down(Irving Pichel, 1943)
The Bride Wore Boots(Irving Pichel, 1946)
Adventures in Silverado(Phil Karlson, 1948)
The Stolen Ranch(William Wyler, 1926)
Congo Maisie(H.C. Potter, 1940)
Marcides(Mercedes;Yousry Nasrallah, 1993)
Hell’s Five Hours(Jack L. Copeland, 1958)
Daniel(in Stimulantia;Ingmar Bergman, 1967)
Diên Biên Phú(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 1992)
Canyon River(Cattle King;Harmon Jones, 1956)
Dos Basuras(Kurt Land, 1958)
Smart Girls Don’t Talk(Richard L. Bare, 1948)
The Big Shakedown(John Francis Dillon, 1933/4)
Corvette K-225(Richard Rosson;p.,collab.Howard Hawks, 1943)
The Gay Deception(William Wyler, 1935)
The Invisible Woman(A.Edward Sutherland, 1940)
Rage in Heaven(W.S. Van Dyke II;collab.Robert B. Sinclair,Richard Thorpe, 1941)
Wild Side(Sébastien Lifshitz, 2004)
I bambini e noi(Luigi Comencini, 1970//7)
The House Across The Street(Richard L. Bare, 1948/9)
The Doughgirls(James V. Kern, 1944)
The Love Trap(William Wyler, 1929)
Torch Song(Charles Walters, 1953)
The Meanest Man in the World(Sidney Lanfield, 1942/3)
Cole Younger, Gunfighter(R.G. Springsteen, 1958)
Ballerine(Gustav Machatý, 1936)
Via Mala(Josef von Báky, 1945//8)
Sky Giant(Lew Landers, 1938)
Les Invisibles(Sébastien Lifshitz, 2012)
Promène toi donc tout nu(Emmanuel Mouret, 1998)
A Story for the Modlins(Una historia para los Modlin;Sergio Oksman, 2012)
Something in the Wind(Irving Pichel, 1947)
Spoveď(Confession;Pavol Skýkova, 1968)
Guilty Hands(W.S. Van Dyke II;collab.Lionel Barrymore, 1931)
Atto di accusa(Giacomo Gentilomo, 1950)
Suspense(Frank Tuttle, 1956)
This Is The Night(Frank Tuttle, 1932)
Escape in the Fog(Oscar ‘Budd’ Boetticher,Jr., 1945)
The Price of Fear(Abner Biberman, 1956)
Happy People:A Year in the Taiga(Werner Herzog, 2010)
Urok(The Lesson;Kristina Grozeva & Petar Valchanov, 2014)
Le Naufragé(Guillaume Brac, 2009)
Lili Marlen(Peter Mihálik;script.Dušan Hanák, 1970;short)
Deseo(Antonio Zavala Kugler, 2013)
  E)     Great movies that improved by new watchings: 
Shanghai Express(Josef von Sternberg, 1932)
The Best Years of Our Lives(William Wyler, 1946)
Till We Meet Again(Frank Borzage, 1944)
Man’s Favorite Sport?(Howard Hawks, 1963/4)
Along The Great Divide(Raoul Walsh, 1951)
Hondo(John V. Farrow, 1953)
Where The Sidewalk Ends(Otto Preminger, 1950)
Mrs. Miniver(William Wyler, 1942)
Driftwood(Allan Dwan, 1947)
‘Good-bye, My Lady’(William A. Wellman, 1956)
Touch of Evil(Preview version, 1975;not later ‘improvements’)(Orson Welles, 1958)
Le Crabe-Tambour(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 1977)
Unfinished Business(Gregory LaCava, 1941)
Madigan(Don Siegel, 1968)
Big Business(James Wesley Horne;s.Leo McCarey, 1929)
Putting Pants on Philip(Clyde A. Bruckman;s.Leo McCarey, 1927)
The Runner Stumbles(Stanley Kramer, 1979)
Yushima no Shiraume(Romance at Yushima;Kinugasa Teinosukē, 1955)
David Harum(Allan Dwan, 1915)
The Virginian(Cecil B. DeMille, 1914)
Island in the Sky(William A. Wellman, 1953)
All About Eve(Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1950)
L’Eclisse(Michelangelo Antonioni, 1962)
The Roaring Twenties(Raoul Walsh, 1939)
The Plainsman(Cecil B. DeMille, 1936)
JLG/JLG-Autoportrait de décembre(Jean-Luc Godard, 1994)
‘Je vous salue, Marie’(Hail Mary;Jean-Luc Godard, 1984)
La Roue(Abel Gance, 1923)
They All Laughed(Peter Bogdanovich, 1981)
Innocent Blood(John Landis, 1992)
An American Werewolf in London(John Landis, 1981)
The Thing Called Love(Peter Bogdanovich, 1993)
Into the Night(John Landis, 1985)
The File On Thelma Jordon(Thelma Jordon;Robert Siodmak, 1949)
The Little American(Cecil B. DeMille, 1917)
In Our Time(Vincent Sherman, 1944)
The Hunters(Dick Powell, 1958)
Phase IV(Saul Bass, 1974)
L’Honneur d’un Capitaine(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 1982)
Backfire(Vincent Sherman, 1948//50)
Five(Arch Oboler, 1951)
Somewhere in the Night(Joseph L. Mankiewiz, 1946)
A Man Alone(Ray Milland, 1955)
Die Geiger von Florez(Paul Czinner, 1926)
Living on Velvet(Frank Borzage, 1934/5)
La Recta provincia(Raúl Ruiz, 2007//15)
La Noche de enfrente(Raúl Ruiz, 2012)
Carrie(Sister Carrie;William Wyler, 1951/2)
The Spiral Staircase(Robert Siodmak, 1945/6)
The Paradine Case(Alfred Hitchcock, 1947)
L’Amore(Una voce umana+Il Miracolo)(Roberto Rossellini, 1947/8)
The Heiress(William Wyler, 1949)
 F)     Very good movies watched again 
Bluebeard’s 10 Honeymoons(W.Lee Wilder, 1960)
The Five Pennies(Melville Shavelson, 1958)
Take a Letter, Darling(Mitchell Leisen, 1942)
Escape(Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1948)
Appassionatamente(Giacomo Gentilomo, 1954)
Así como habían sido(Trío)(Andrés Linares, 1986/7)
San Antone(Joseph Kane, 1953)
The High and the Mighty(William A. Wellman, 1954)
Taki no Shiraito(The Water Magician;Mizoguchi Kenji, 1933)
The Web(Michael Gordon, 1947)
The Buccaneer(Anthony Quinn;s.Cecil B. DeMille, 1958)
The Buccaneer(Cecil B. DeMille, 1938)
Desire Me(uncredited:George Cukor/Jack Conway/Mervyn LeRoy/Victor Saville, 1946)
Flaxy Martin(Richard L. Bare, 1948/9)
Swing High, Swing Low(Mitchell Leien, 1937)
Death Takes A Holiday(Mitchell Leisen, 1934)
Irene(Herbert Wilcox, 1940)
Beloved Enemy(H.C. Potter, 1936)
The Cowboy and the Lady(H.C. Potter, 1938)
Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam(Paul Wegener, 1920)
Mia madre(Nanni Moretti, 2015)
Hell On Frisco Bay(Frank Tuttle, 1955)
Stormy Weather(Andrew L. Stone, 1943)
The Milky Way(Leo McCarey;w.Harold Lloyd, 1936)
Pietà per chi cade(Mario Costa, 1954)
Repeat Performance(Alfred L. Werker, 1947)
Das indische Grabmal:1.Die Sendung des Yoghi,2.Der Tiger von Eschnapur(Joe May, 1921)
Julie(Andrew L. Stone, 1956)
The Member of the Wedding(Fred Zinnemann, 1953)
Winterset(Alfred Santell, 1936)
The Right to Romance(Alfred Santell, 1933)
As Young as You Feel(Harmon Jones, 1951)
You’ll Never Get Rich(Sidney Lanfield, 1941)
The Woman Accused(Paul Sloane, 1933)
Foma Gordeiev(Mark Donskoí, 1959)
The Parent Trap(David Swift, 1961)
High Wall(Curtis Bernhardt, 1947)
Mr. Lucky(H.C. Potter, 1943)
Un Marido de Ida y Vuelta(Luis Lucia, 1957)
The Safecracker(Ray Milland, 1957/8)
She’s Funny That Way(Peter Bogdanovich, 2014)
Oh...Rosalinda!!(Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1955)
Caribbean(Edward Ludwig, 1952)
Harper(The Moving Target;Jack Smight, 1966)
For You I Die(John Reinhardt, 1947)
Crashing Hollywood(Lew Landers, 1937/8)
Le Souvenir d’un avenir(Chris. Marker & Yannick Bellon, 2001)
Susan Slept Here(Frank Tashlin, 1954)
Bishkanyar Deshot(In the Land of Poison Women;Manju Borah, 2019)
Pollyanna(David Swift, 1960)
A Tale of Two Cities(Jack Conway;collab.Val Lewton & Jacques Tourneur, 1935)
Café Society(Woody Allen, 2016)
Shadow on the Wall(Patrick Jackson, 1949/50)
Tonnerre(Guillaume Brac, 2013)
Le Jouet criminel(Adolfo G. Arrieta, 1969)
‘Once more, with feeling!’(Stanley Donen, 1959)
The Shopworn Angel(H.C. Potter, 1938)
The Absent Minded Professor(Robert Stevenson, 1961)
Gavaznha(The Deer;Masud Kimiai, 1974)
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binkas · 4 years
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                   Meditations on Scripture While We Are Apart
                                             A Lectionary Blog
Dearly Beloved,
I share this meditation as I pray for the world, and for you, dear reader, that all might have peace and hope in this time of pandemic.
Pastor Robin  
Thursday, April 2, 2020: Psalm 31:9-16; 1 Samuel 16:11-13; Philippians 1:1-11
Dearly beloved, 
Less lectionary and more blog today, as other duties call. 
How are you all doing, I wonder?
Yesterday I got up crazy early in the dark (yes, daylight savings time -- why???) and went to the grocery store during the old folks’ hour. I filled a large cart, spending more money at once in a food store than I ever have. I was mindful not to take too much of any one thing, but instead sought a variety of foods, counting my blessings.
As we did last week, we early shoppers respectfully kept our distance from one another. Unlike last week, there were several folks wearing masks and quite a few avoiding eye contact. Almost zero smiles. 
As usual, I used the self-checkout. I wore regular winter gloves, and the screen did not wish to acknowledge my little, clothed finger. Unfortunately, my little clothed finger had to input four or five digits for each article of produce I weighed. As I tried to trick the machine into accepting my input, it would record errors. Then I would have to start entering the digits all over again. It took forever.
I hope not to have to return for two or three weeks; I pray that by then New York State will be experiencing a flatter curve, that there will be better news from Europe, and that China will be honestly reporting that the virus is mostly a memory.
While it is my intent to offer something positive to you with each blog entry, I am mindful that there are many places around the globe in which folks are only now starting to suffer from the pandemic -- places where the curve will not be spiking for some time. I pray for all members of our human family, as I am sure you do, as well.
And it is with gratitude that I keep singing to God this line from Danke fuer diese guten Morgen (Thank You for This Good Morning) from the German hymnal:   
                      Danke, dass ich all’ meine Sorgen auf dich werfen mag.
                          (Thank you for letting me cast all my cares upon you.)
Dear ones, I offer you the following:
In the spirit of  sympathy and solidarity with all who miss the regular, in-person fellowship of family, friends, and siblings in Christ, this, again from St. Paul:
I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ. It is right for me to think this way about all of you, because you hold me in your heart,* for all of you share in God’s grace* with me, both in my imprisonment and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel. For God is my witness, how I long for all of you with the compassion of Christ Jesus. And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you to determine what is best.  Philippians 1:3-10a
And, in the spirit of consolation, I offer this, from Martin Luther, via the Rt. Rev. M.M.S. Dube, Bishop of the Western Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe
In dealing with this situation, let us be calm and always trust in the Lord and know that we are surrounded by thousands of angels who watch over us in such a way that we can indeed trample upon the plague, as it is written in Psalm 91:11-13. “ He has given His angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways ...” (M. Luther on August 2, 1527 during the outbreak of the deadly plague which almost swept the whole of Europe.)
Finally, in the spirit of faith, trusting that Christians everywhere will soon reunite in celebration of the Sacrament of the Altar, know as Holy Communion and the Lord’s Supper, I offer this prayer for an Act of Spiritual Communion, from the Roman Catholic tradition, precisely for times such as these when we cannot celebrate the sacrament together in church.
                                              My Jesus, 
         I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. 
                              I love You above all things, 
                   and I desire to receive You into my soul. 
        Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, 
                    come at least spiritually into my heart. 
              I embrace You as if You were already there 
                      and unite myself wholly to You. 
              Never permit me to be separated from You.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Happy Birthday Josele~!
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The Emotion Mage of the Grey Deer squad.
The Heartless Witch of the Black Bull squad.
Host to the Blight Devil Almatra.
Jo. Joey. Jojo. Sele. Josie.
Morgen's Beloved Heart. The song of his soul. His treasure. His dearest.
Nacht's North Star. The light guiding him home. His angel. His darling.
Josele Canty.
Here she is depicted in her major stages of life. -First as a child, before she's met Morgen and Nacht. She's shy and withdrawn but all it will take is one chance meeting for her world to be changed. She grew out her hair as a child, thinking it would make her look more girly. -Second as a Magic Knight in the Grey Deer squad. She carries with her the grimoire she received alongside Morgen and Nacht. The sword on her belt, being a little big for her at the moment, was a gift from the twins as well. -Third as she is cursed by the Locked Heart spell and hosting Almatra. Her grimoire has lost color as her latent magic gets locked away along with her feelings.. She reaches for her heart, knowing that it beats strongly but without passion. -Finally, as someone freed from both devil and curse. Scars of the past mark her body but she doesn't mind them as she also wears with her reminders of a bright future. She is not like what she once was, but she is more than happy as she is. (So are her friends~!)
Her heart has broken and mended many times over the years. And though one of her loves is not living beside her and the other is weighed by great tragedy, Josele loves Morgen and Nacht equally.
I didn't expect Josele to become as popular as she did on my blog. And maybe it's because I'm constantly making content for her... But there is so much to her story and she's so full of potential. Some of my friends have inspired thoughts that I didn't consider before. Her story/character arc has remained largely the same since her initial creation but the details of her life have evolved so much.
I'm so glad with how Josele is turning out. How her relationships with the Fausts and the Bulls and even other people's ocs have been turning out. I'm happy that people are able to understand what I'm trying to get across with her. Sometimes I worry that I do too much with her but then my friends are like "lol, good for her" or "hey I like that idea."
While I may never do a multi-chaptered fic describing her whole journey, I hope the fics I do write convey her story well (and what she shares with Morgen, Nacht, and her other friends). I admit, I need to feature her being cursed more often since that's how she's meant to be most of the time the Bulls know her. It's just that my friends and I have been really into exploring her relationships and life (see her future kids with Nacht) after the curse is broken.
Hopefully I do get around to making more cursed-Josele content. I should also make more Grey Deer era stuff...
Thank you to everyone who has watched me create and write for Josele. To those who have helped me develop Josele with their own ideas. To those who have made a little Josele content of their own. And thank you to the people who simply show an interest in her character, it's a small thing with big impact.
Whatever becomes of Josele from here on out, I hope everyone is willing to stick around for that.
Art by @cringeyvanillamilk. (Literally this art has blown me out of the water. I look at it and it fills me with so much joy~! Also, I think I've fallen in love with my own oc./lh)
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