#my besties/sisters and brothers/pen pals' OCs
eminsunnytoons123 · 3 days
Special Birthday drawing for @ducktopia90264
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Since today is Aaliyah's @ducktopia90264 's birthday today, here's the birthday drawing I made for her and how she desired it =^_^=
So, in this picture, y'all can see Aaliyah (her self insert and she's the girl in red shirt without the bathrobe) looking up at her EXTRA large duck-themed Birthday cake, along with her OC Quax, and even Philly Phil, Amato (from mechamato) and Lonky (from running man animation) since they're her favorite characters, and ofcourse, there's also me myself saying that I made the Birthday cake myself =^//////^= 💛🧡💚💙🩷
I really hope ya will like this Aaliyah @ducktopia90264 , you're my really good loved one in my tumblr family ever since april or maybe even march this year, so I hope this will bring ya lots of joy and happiness on yer Birthday, I made this with my whole heart, love ya =TTwTT= 💛💗💖❤️🧡
Note: I'll still make my Birthday wish-list for october this year, and I hope I'll get some of my wishes ^///^;
I hope y'all will like this, especially Aaliyah =^/////^= 💛🧡💙🧡🩷❤️💛💖💚💗💜❤️💚🧡
And again, happy 15th Birthday, Aaliyah!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳💛💛💛💛🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎈🎈🎈🎂🎂🎂🎂
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vidjausers-fable · 9 months
Pen Pals(Veneer x OC)Chapter 5
Author’s Note: Hey guys! I hope you all had a great holiday. Mine was kinda meh, like always. Below is some more fanart. I also wanted to show off the design of Rebel Rivers! I didn’t want to base her design off an artist like how Avery is based off Avril Lavigne, however I gave her some Valley Girl aesthetics. Again, if you like my artwork, look me up on Instagram, Tumblr, or Twitter under Vidjauser! Thank you to my bestie, Tinalbion for beta reading for me. <3
Previous chapter
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Veneer didn’t know why the two were together in the office anyway. If Velvet was having a session with the counselor, then why was he there?
When Veneer snuck a glance at his sister, he saw how angrily Velvet glared down at Linda as she typed away on her computer.
While Veneer wondered how Velvet could act so maliciously toward someone who was merely trying to help her, Velvet was thinking the exact opposite of him. How could her brother not want to fight back against the tyranny that was evolving around in this facility? Why did he just lie down like a dog? The guards and everyone treated them like absolute garbage! She didn’t stand for it, and there was no way she wouldn’t stand up for herself against someone like Linda.
The longer the silence persisted, the more anxious Veneer felt. He watched Linda with a blank expression that was the exact opposite of what she usually looked, her nails clicking against the keyboard.. No one dared say anything, but Velvet was on the brink of bursting.
Veneer sat up straighter as Linda finally took her eyes off the computer, turning to the two of them. He couldn’t help but feel as though the two were in trouble somehow. Did Velvet do something to get them into some kind of trouble? Did he do something? Man, please just say something Dr. Graham…He couldn’t take the anticipation. 
Linda finally spoke, “Now Velvet, you know why you’re here, but I have to explain it to your brother.”
Oh here it comes… Veneer said to himself. He thought he was going to vomit. 
“After Velvet’s recent outburst and attempted escape, she has been transferred to my care. Veneer, your sister here has requested that she would like you to join her in her counseling sessions. She says she feels like she can’t do it alone and would like the support of her brother.” Veneer couldn’t believe his ears. “I will be helping her with regular counseling appointments, as well as anger management. You are free to leave during the anger management, of course, if you agree to help your sister with this request. Despite the request not being something we typically do here, we have decided that it will help with Velvet’s recovery. Is this something you’re okay with, Veneer?” she asks.
So much had hit him all at once, Veneer’s jaw had dropped. His sister had asked for HIS help? He turned toward her slowly, Velvet’s expression was as blank as Linda's had been at first, but he was side-eyeing him in a way that reminded him when they were kids again and she would threaten him to get him to do what she wanted. He gulped and reluctantly agreed with a small nod.
“I suppose…If it will help her out, then I don’t see why not.” He shrugged then questioned, “But does that mean she has to be in on my appointment?” No offense to his sister, but he didn’t want her three when he was revealing his most vulnerable parts of himself. No way indeed.
Linda shook her head, “No, Veneer. She won’t be, not unless you want her to be. This morning, we’re going to start with Velvet’s session and when she leaves, we will continue with you. Is that okay, Veneer?” 
Why did she keep asking?
Veneer nodded his head but it was further away from the truth. No, he didn’t want to be in the same room as his sister as she received therapy. Maybe if she had another counselor, but that was a weak maybe. What once was a safe space for himself abruptly felt chaotic. There was a spot in him, however, that wanted to help his sister through this, and this might be a good change for her. And maybe an opportunity for the two of them to repair their siblingship. Yeah, never mind his feelings. His sister needed help too, and what kind of brother would he be if he said no to something that would clearly help her?
“Yes, it’s alright.”
“Then we’ll continue. How are you feeling, Velvet?” Linda finally looked at Velvet, making strong eye contact with her. It was as though Linda’s whole personality had changed. The atmosphere in the room, which was normally bright and cheery, was now gloomy and covered in angst. Linda saved this part of herself for the worst patients of them all. Veneer wasn’t sure if he liked this side of her. 
Velvet scoffed and moved her leg to try and cross it over the other one, but struggled to. Why did they have to tie her up in such a dehumanizing way? Her thumbs were aching! “I would be better first if you’d take these damn cuffs off and stop treating me like a damn animal,” she cursed and watched Linda with a challenging scowl, which Linda gladly returned. “Can you please take them off, doc?”
Linda shook her head. “I don’t have the authorization to, even if I hate to see you tied down. It’s for safety, considering your track record here.” She flipped through a file and looked at the page she turned to. She finally looked back up at Velvet, “You should know that by now.” She slammed the file shut and tapped the cover with her index finger.
“Oh come on! I asked nicely, too!” Velvet complained and rattled the chains, making Veneer flinch at the noise and movements. 
“Velvet, I think it would be best to move on from this conversation and focus on something more detrimental to your recovery. Like your feel—”
Velvet interrupted, “Oh please!” she scoffed, waving her hands defensively, “I could care less to talk about how I’m feeling, and if you really did your research from what the other counselors have written about me, then you would know that. I don’t have any feelings to talk about. So get off my back.”
Veneer swore that Linda was about to blow a blood vessel in her neck. Instead, the doctor took a deep breath through her nose and released it. “I will say this only once because I will not be repeating it again. Velvet, you were told that your last chance was to do therapy with me. If you do not comply, then I will sign the approval to send you to a women's prison. Yes, a prison and not a correctional facility. You will be sentenced to those fifteen years you were promised in court and will not have an opportunity to return here at any point. When you are there, all of these resources that are meant to help you get back out into the world—” Linda pointed out her window, “--Faster and effectively will be gone. Permanently. What point do you not understand?”
Velvet’s mouth opened but it wasn’t her voice that spoke.
Veneer gasped at the news, his eyes widening. “Velvet is being sent to prison? Excuse me?” He turned to his sister. “Velvet, you didn’t tell me!” 
“Yeah, so what?” Velvet raised an eyebrow. “Not like you actually care what happens to me! You spend your days with your face in your stupid sketchbooks and letters to your girlfriend or whatever. You don’t pay attention to your own sister anymore!”
“Velvet,” Linda sounded like a mother scolding her child, “It’s not right to be attacking your brother right now. If there was something bothering you in the first place, then you should tell him and not let these feelings take over at intense times. Your brother has hobbies outside of you, and there is nothing wrong with that,” Linda defended Veneer. It made him feel heard. 
Things were quickly going downhill and Veneer wanted to retreat, but his sister wanted to fight. The only thing stopping Velvet from slamming her hands down on the desk was the cuffs on her thumbs, making it hard for her to stand up at all. Veneer was secretly glad for it.
Linda sighed, feeling as though this would be getting nowhere. They were going in circles. Velvet sounded as though she would have put more effort into her treatment if her brother was there, but this wasn’t an effort at all. And it was hurting Veneer, she could tell. She didn’t want to sacrifice the mental health of one patient for another, let alone one who refused to get better. She needed to take a breath, she wasn’t going to let this one make her feel flustered.
“Let’s restart this, Velvet. Please. Tell me how you’re feeling right now,” Linda wanted to rub the bridge of her nose to mask her frustration but didn’t.
“WHAT DO YOU THINK?! I’m ANGRY! I feel like I can’t do anything around here!” Velvet screamed, “I scream to express my emotions, but the guards think it’s me being threatening! If I express my emotions I get stuff taken away from me, and sit in my cell all day! I’M BORED AND ANGRY.”
A little lightbulb went off in Linda’s head, and she smiled. That was something she could work with.
“What’s with that stupid smile?”
“I think I know what’s wrong, and it’s something we can easily work around, especially with these anger management classes. You’re someone who expresses their anger outwardly, and that here is perceived as a threat. So you get your privileges away just as you say. So it’s making you angry, it’s making you want your freedom which leads to the escape attempts. Right?” She leaned forward, “Well Velvet, I can do something about that. I can make sure that I can get some of your privileges returned to you. Instead, time will just be added to your classes with me when you act out. How does that sound?”
Velvet frowned, and momentarily she was caught off guard. She didn’t like that this female could easily read her. Was this what it was like to feel vulnerable? “It sounds…fine. I guess. Whatever.” She rolled her eyes, but her voice significantly calmed down. That was a good sign to Linda. “If it means I can watch TV again after a few months, then I’ll do anything.” She shrugged it off but refused to look at the counselor.
Linda began to write. “Okay, I’ll pull some strings and ask them to return your rec time, though I can only promise TV time for right now. They’ll want to see your improvement before letting you go outside and do other things. But you’ll have to meet with me every Tuesday for therapy, and Thursdays for Anger Management. I think that’ll help get you back on the right track. I look forward to working with you more, Velvet.”
“Is that all?”
“For today, yes. I’ll talk with the warden and you should have TV privileges by tonight or tomorrow, I promise.” She pressed the button to call the guard, who came and began to unchain Velvet from the chair. He was hesitant as if expecting the girl to lash out, but she didn’t and getting her out of the room went smoothly. 
Now, it was only Veneer and his counselor. Both sat in absolute silence. Veneer knew that she was watching him, but he didn’t want to look up. His safe space had been disrupted, and he was unsure of how to function with that disruption now. It almost felt like a betrayal.
“Veneer…I know this isn’t ideal. So if you would like to back out now that your sister is out of the room, then that’s perfectly fine. I saw how your sister looked at you and how you looked at her before you answered. Velvet isn’t in here right now. What do you really want to do?”
Veneer hesitated. “I…I don’t know, really. I want to help my sister in any way I can, but it’s also…draining. That whole conversation drained me. I’m not sure how long I can actually keep up with any of that. So I don’t know what to do…” he sunk back into the chair when he answered. His counselor gave him a sympathetic look, her expression that of guilt for the whole situation.
Linda leaned forward, making sure she caught Veneer’s expression before she spoke, “Veneer, I know that was very sudden. You’re probably feeling pretty emotionally down at the moment, and it’s my fault for that and I am very sorry. I didn’t mean for all that to go down the way it did, and to put you on the spot. It was dropped on me very suddenly, and in turn for you as well. How about you give the idea a thought for a couple of days, but then I want you to come back and be honest with how you would like to proceed? I think it’s honorable that you want to help your sister, but it’s not worth sacrificing your mental health for it.” She reached out and this time, touched his shoulder to reassure him and honor his feelings. Veneer didn’t shrug her away this time. 
Veneer could barely manage a weak nod. He knew that Linda would never want to hurt him intentionally, but it didn’t mean that he wasn’t hurt. 
“Yeah, I can do that,” he finally responded.
Linda nodded. “Thank you, Veneer. By the way…In some other news, I wanted to let you know that Velvet will be relocated to a new cell. Because of her behavior and high risk of injury to herself and others. As part of protocol, we have to put her in our high risk hallway in her own cell. A guard will stop by later today to get her stuff.” She nods her head. “If you need another session this week, please let me know. I know this has been a lot going on. Other than this, is there anything you need to talk about?” she asked kindly, making sure she was extra soft with Veneer in this vulnerable state.
“Well…” Veneer scratched the back of his neck, “I haven’t heard from my Pen Pal Avery for a few days. I guess I’m worried about her and hoping that she’s okay.”
“It’s natural to feel that way. You guys talk nonstop from what I’ve heard. I’m surprised you haven’t brought it to her attention that she can visit you in person.”
Veneer’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped, “Wait, she can come to visit me?!”
Linda blinked before she laughed, “You didn’t even know that, Veneer?” She moved away from her clipboard and jumped on her computer before she began typing. “Yeah, all Avery has to do is call and schedule, or go online, and then find your name—”
“Wait!” Veneer held his hand out.
Linda stopped the same second, her hands hovering over the keyboard. “What is it, Veneer?”
“I haven’t…told her my real name,” he confessed as she scratched the back of his neck. He avoided eye contact once again. “I’ve used a pseudonym called Samson. I don’t want her to know my real name. I’m afraid she’ll reject me if she knows who I really am.”
Linda pushed away from her keyboard. “Well, Veneer…I can understand that fear. But what if she had asked to visit you in the future? What would you tell her then?” 
“I…I don’t know, really. But is there a way that maybe you can call her and set up a time? I use Samson as my pseudonym. I feel like it would be better to let her see in person rather than try to explain it over the phone.”
“It would be easier, yes. But the results can be what you’re not hoping for. Are you ready for that feeling of rejection in case it happens?”
Veneer thought deep down. There were two parts of him, both equally tearing him apart in his mind. Avery and him had a bond like no other, and she had been getting to know the real side of him, just not his real name. He would tell her that the only lie he told was that he was Samson, not Veneer. However, there was an even deeper thought that told him that Avery would hate his guts for keeping his true identity from her and subsequently his past misdeeds. He truly wasn’t sure if he was ready for that rejection. But at the same time. He wanted to hear her. He wasn’t sure if he could hold back anymore.
“Yes. I’ll be ready for it. I don’t want to lead her on any further…”
“Well, if you’ve been honest this entire time, then I don’t think you’ve misled her whatsoever. I think this will be good for you. I think she’s a friend you need. So yes. If you can have her call me, then I can set up a meeting for the two of you. Do you want your first one to be in person, or over the phone?” She asked and pulled up his file on her computer. 
As Linda glanced at it, she noticed that he had a recent update in his evaluations, bringing him to the top of the list of model patients. She saw that he was eligible for more than a visit. He truly was a top patient here, and the most well-behaved because patients never received something like this.
“What’s with that face?” Veneer frowned at the wide eyes growing on his counselor’s face. 
“Veneer, I just noticed. Your evaluation went up recently. If you want to, you can sign up for the possibility to go out of the correctional facility for a monitored outing.”
“What does that mean—?”
“That you’ll be able to go out of the facility with a guard! You recently were marked as the most well-behaved patient in this facility. With that honor, we trust you to be able to go out of the facility once in a while, where you’re able to do whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t violate our rules!”
“So I can get out of here?” His first thought was of Avery. He wanted to go to her work and meet her. But that would be too much. He would have to ask her. He didn’t want to screw this up by scaring her off. 
“Yes, but only for a couple hours.” Linda smiled at Veneer. Maybe news like this would help bring his mood up.
Sure enough, it did. Veneer’s smile stretched across his face before he spoke, “Okay. I’ll keep that in mind. I think I want to use it to go out with Avery, but I want to be able to meet her in person first. I don’t want to rush things, or scare her off.”
“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea, Veneer. Just come talk to me whenever you’re ready to set that time. And when Avery sends a letter back, tell her she can contact me to set up a time, she just has to call my number listed at the bottom of the pen pal program on the website. Alright?”
Veneer nodded, honestly forgetting his worry about Avery’s late letter before he stood up. “Thank you for everything, Dr. Graham. You’ve given me a lot to think about. I’ll also consider things with my sister…I’m not sure what to do there yet.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that, Veneer. Just keep your chin up, okay?” she smiled warmly at him. 
When Veneer returned to his cell, he sat at his sketchbook and journal he had received from Avery. She had sent a journal after explaining that sometimes she likes to draft her letters or collect thoughts that she wanted to make sure she included when writing to him. So, he decided to do that and began to write:
Avery, today has been a little hard. I never told you, but I have a sister. She’s a bit mean and manipulative. Today I almost let her get into my head, making me doubt myself and stuff. However, my counselor helped me clear some thoughts out. During that, she actually told me that you could visit in person if you really wanted. I think it would be great to meet you in person if you’re ever interested. If you are, contact my counselor. Her number should be listed on the Pen Pal website located online. Please let me know because it would be amazing to see and hear you compared to writing! I hope you’re faring well…
The entry was small, and even though he had the urge to send the letter right now, he resisted. He didn’t want to pressure her to send letters, especially if life got busy for her. He had recalled that she often took double shifts to make ends meet.
Momentarily, Veneer wished that he was a millionaire again. He wished he had that fame and money, but this time, he would have done things differently. He would have worked with Floyd rather than use him. He would have learned how to sing and how to practice rather than exploit that poor troll. He would have used his charm for good things, and not those awful things his sister had manipulated him into doing. 
But maybe he wouldn’t have met Avery, and that was a scarier thought than facing his sister. 
Ever since the aftermath at the Boom Box, Avery felt like an emotional mess. Seeing Rivers brought back memories of how she was kicked to the curb the moment she was of no use to her former friend. Before she had gotten her apartment, she had lived in a condo with Rivers. She lived in luxury before she lived in squalor. She had to turn her life around quickly and start from the beginning when Rivers evicted her with barely a hundred dollars and the clothes on her back. 
Once again, she felt exactly as she did all that time ago: empty and betrayed.
During the past two days, she hadn’t written to Samson. The only one she had kept contact with was Gracie, since it was easy over the phone—plus she didn’t want Gracie to worry over her, considering how often they saw each other at work. She just didn’t want to be hounded with questions that she wasn’t emotionally prepared to answer. Gracie was too good of a person to not ask.
For what it felt like, she read over Gracie and her messages the day after the incident at the Boom Box. 
Hey, where are you, are you okay? Gracie had texted. 
Yes, I’m so sorry. I tried to find you but I couldn’t. I got really sick from something I drank and I threw up. I went home after I couldn’t find you.
Oh no! Are you okay? Do you need me to come over and get you anything?
I think I’ll be okay. But I left my stuff at your apartment, can I get them sometime? Absolutely, I’ll make sure they’re safe at my place. Let me know a good date and time. Please get to feeling better.
Avery had cried so much that her body felt numb. Her eyes still had a lingering burn to them and her head throbbed. She didn’t quite feel like getting up and the thought of her going over to Gracie’s home again terrified her. Honestly, everything in the world felt wrong to her right now, and she didn’t want to do anything. 
Sighing, Avery curled up in her bed. She knew that she needed to get up and do something. Even a shower before work would do her well. She smelled of pizza and her skin felt slick with grease from work the night before. She barely had the energy to shower after work, like she normally did.
Get up, get up, get up… She screamed at herself. 
Slowly, she opened her eyes and stared out the window. 
Get up, do something. Do something. Eat. Shower. Do anything. 
Slowly her feet came over the edge of the bed before her toes touched the ground. This almost felt like too much. Just one more step, you’ve got this. And then she was out of bed, standing up straight. Feed the Pigs, and shower. Then wash your sheets. You can’t lay in bed anymore, you’re only going to feel worse off. 
Avery rubbed her face. Her fingers became slick with the grease that came off her face. That’s just great. Yeah, she really needed a long shower to take her mind off that. Then it would force herself to wash her sheets since they were dirty, and she didn’t want to feel gross right after showering. It took a lot for her to bring herself to the bathroom, where she grabbed clean clothes and a robe for after.
The shower slowly pulled her out of her own head. The heat of the water and the sensation of it sprinkling against her face brought her to a more relaxing world, which allowed her brain to calm down. It washed the burning sensation in her eyes and helped wash away some of the misery (actually, it was the grease), helping her think more clearly. Yes, Rivers upset her, but she had to remember that she was the bigger person, and she couldn’t let her ruin her life anymore. 
With her head clearer than what it was when she first went into the bathroom, she stepped out and tied her robe together. She went to the kitchen and made herself some comfortably sweet pancakes. The entire time, she saw Samson’s unfinished letter. She hadn’t even thought about writing to her friend. He was probably worried about her. Two days might not seem like a lot, but it was when the two had talked as often as the two of them did. She just wished she could pick up the phone and call him, and explain to him what happened. She knew that people read their letters, and that was something she didn’t want rumors to start over.
Samson deserved a letter. So instead of going to Gracie’s apartment to pick up her stuff, she wrote out a letter to Samson, apologizing for the delay because of her long shifts. This letter was shorter than normal.
Dear Samson,
Hey, I miss you and I hope that you’re doing okay. Things at home have been busy because I picked up more shifts, and even double shifts. Yes, I know you said I should calm down, but it’s hard to want to when money is an issue for you. I really want to save up to get a better apartment. I’m about to do more roller skating classes at work rather than waitress like I normally do, at least. It’ll be more fun I think. I really love skating and miss doing it more than skating from table to table. By the way, I really love the sketches you’ve been sending me lately! I’ve bought an album to store them in so they don’t get damaged. I feel very honored when you send me stuff! The sketch you did of my Guinea Pigs in some of the costumes from the magazines are so cute! We should totally try and make the outfits real one day, they would be better than anything I could buy from the store. By the way, I’m curious…Is there a way I could call you or meet you sometime? I would love to talk to you in person. Sometimes getting a letter out on time is difficult, but I understand if that’s uncomfortable for you right now. 
I hope you are faring well, and XOXO,
Your best friend, Avery. 
When Veneer received the letter, he felt over the moon and rushed back to his cell to read it. Velvet’s stuff was gone and he truly had the room to himself now. He sat at his desk without a worry and read over the letter, his heart strumming against his chest when he read that she wanted to call him. He didn’t even need to ask her if she wanted to visit. She wanted to hear from him!
That night, he wrote a letter back to her. The sooner he could get it mailed back out, the sooner the two could meet. 
His only fear would be that she would reject him the moment she saw his face. But he couldn’t let that fear ruin this moment. 
Dear Avery,
I would love to meet you in person. In fact, I have been thinking about it a lot. I didn’t realize that you could set up a time with my counselor for a phone call or a meeting in person, otherwise I would have done it sooner. I’ll be honest though, I would love to see you in person the first time we talk. Is that too much to ask? If you’re okay with that, call my counselor and set up a time with her. I was worried about you for a bit, but I guess that’s because I have more time on my hands considering I don’t do much around her. I’m thinking of getting a job in laundry though, even if it doesn’t pay a lot. Sorry that this letter is so short, I just wanted to get back to you immediately so we can meet as soon as possible. I haven’t had a visitor since I’ve come here. 
This time, Veneer didn’t write Samson and left the space blank where he usually put the name. 
And the next day Veneer mailed the letter to Avery. 
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eminsunnytoons123 · 3 months
Draw my oc Big Brent making out with the lunchlady while the westley teachers,students and his friends Quax,Dogo,Collette,Rudy and Ruby watched in the background
And also this is Big Brent:
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And those are his friends:
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Everyone went silent as they were making out... Until Tanya decided to scream 0_0;
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eminsunnytoons123 · 3 days
Can you draw my sona, hugging Sunny from C.O.3K.? :3
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Here they are, I rully like how you're slightly bein' interested in Co3k aswell, darling =^w^=
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eminsunnytoons123 · 5 months
Special gifts for all my besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals, my girlfriend And my boyfriend 1#:
Special gift for @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing 1
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Since I have felt like drawing very special gifts for all my besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals and my girlfriend And boyfriend, And for the start of these gifts that im making for them all, we are now starting with @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing =^_^=
I really like her arts And her OCs are very Creative, so I decided to draw the OCs of theirs that really Got my attention and that I think are beautiful, And those are dandelion the White flower And Angela the ghost bride ^///^
I'll draw more of their OCs Today after I do some of Sunny x Salieri doodles Today ^////^;
I hope y'all will like this, especially @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing =^_^= 🧡💛💗🩷
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eminsunnytoons123 · 4 months
1st request for @fancytigercupcake
Kejli Kincilova, the Monkey princess
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Since its now near end of this May, And I have made new two friends @fancytigercupcake And @vickymcsworld , @fancytigercupcake asked me an request to draw her OC, so here she is =^_^=
Since @fancytigercupcake likes nearly all my posts, And I started texting with her, she asked me to paint her OC, And I Drew her OC kejli Kincilova Monkey princess =^///^=
I really hope You'll like this @fancytigercupcake , I know its not very perfect, but I wanna give you lots of Joy And happiness 。⁠•́ w •̀⁠。
And I hope y'all will like this =^////^=
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eminsunnytoons123 · 4 days
4th gift for @fancytigercupcake :
A lovely hug~ 🩷 💜
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Since I have created three gifts for @fancytigercupcake , the first one being an art of her OC Keiji, and the other two being picrew images of her OC Keiji again and even Emma, so here's now a drawing of Emma and Indigo hugging =^_^=
And, I really hope ya will like this gift I made for ya again @fancytigercupcake , since ya liked the last three, ESPECIALLY the picrew image of Emma, and I really like yer comics and arts just like how I love all the arts and projects made by all my other loved ones in my tumblr family, so I hope this drawing brings ya lots of comfort, joy and happiness =^//////^= 💜🩷
Note: I'm still in a mood for some class of 3000 requests and art ideas ^///^;
I hope y'all will like this, especially @fancytigercupcake =^/////^= 💖💜
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eminsunnytoons123 · 8 days
Hmm I wonder if you can draw my oc qing'e huo doing telekinesis with madison's violin tho I'll give you her tho, here
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Here ya go, this was rully fun to draw =^w^=
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eminsunnytoons123 · 6 months
Gift for @sophia-does-skits / @lunatic-sophia
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Since @leafith told me to draw Sophia too since i Drew a gift for her, heres @sophia-does-skits 's OC as a gift for her =^///^=
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eminsunnytoons123 · 3 months
Special gifts for my loved ones in my tumblr family #5:
Squishmallow-fied Barbara 🖤
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Since I have promised in my "little Purple riding Hood, And the big BAD cheddar Wolf" post that I'll make a special gift for @nia1sworld since I really like her series And even her character named Barbara And even since I have made "class of 3000 squishmallows" part 1 (i'll make more parts soon ^///^) And since the muppets squishmallows certainly came out, heres squishmallow-fied Barbara Wilton =^_^=
This is a very special gift I have made for ya Nia @nia1sworld , you are a very good loved one to me in my tumblr family And I really hope ya liked my cheer-up message for ya since I know ya have been hurt by that evil And heart-less anon, so as another cheer up gift, heres squishmallow-fied Barbara since I really like her, especially design =^////^= 🖤 And I really hope this will Bring ya Joy And happiness 🫶🏻♥️💖
Note 1: I'll still make special gifts for all my loved ones in my tumblr family no matter what, And its because I wanna Bring them all sincere Joy And happiness And to let them know how much I love 'em all ^////^ ♥️💖🧡💛
Note 2: I'll make the part 2 of class of 3000 squishmallows either tommorow or Tuesday or maybe even wendesday =^.^=
I hope y'all will like this, especially you Nia =^/////^= 🖤♥️💖🧡💛
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eminsunnytoons123 · 3 months
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Here ya go @fancytigercupcake =^_^=
I Drew yer OC Keiji the Monkey princess with her new haircut I gave her =^.^=
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eminsunnytoons123 · 4 months
Art trade with @iggyguyy 1:
Rita, the silly one
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I have decided to do an Art trade with my bestie/Brother/pen pal Iggy @iggyguyy , And I asked him to draw Sunny, Salieri And moony together, And he asked me to draw his OC Rita, so here she is =^_^=
As you can see here, this is like an icon for Rita just like how I draw other OC's from my besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals, my two girlfriends And my boyfriend And even MY OC's And characters from class of 3000 And muppets. But heres a cute pic icon for Rita in her original look, winking, And listening to 'PORTALS' album on spotify by Melanie Martinez =^_^=
I hope ya will like this Iggy, I put ALOT of heart in this pic for ya And I really hope ya will like this =^///^= 💛🧡
Note: heres rita herself ^///^
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I hope y'all will like this =^_^= 🧡💛
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eminsunnytoons123 · 1 month
Idk you can draw zem btw
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Here ze is =^_^=
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eminsunnytoons123 · 1 month
Can you make Me and Ç Hugs?
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Here ya go, I was sleeping ^/////^;
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eminsunnytoons123 · 5 months
Special gifts for all my besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals, my girlfriends And my boyfriend 2#:
Special gift for Evie @mysafespaceblog13
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Since I have started this special thing where I make special gifts for my loved besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals, my two girlfriends And boyfriend that I love with my whole heart, And since I made a special gift for @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing , heres now a special gift for Evie @mysafespaceblog13 =^_^=
I have decided to draw her muppet OC Violet, since I have Drew one this year on february 2nd And I used it as color refrences, And I really like her OC Violet because of her design And because other People here make fanart for her =^_^=
This is the first fanart I made for Evie:
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I hope y'all will like this, especially Evie @mysafespaceblog13 =^_^= 💛🧡💗🩷💝
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eminsunnytoons123 · 2 months
Draw Lucille meeting my Brum oc Shellie
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Here ya go, It was 23:00 PM in my country when ya posted this so I couldnt draw it cause I was gonna go to bed ^////^
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