#my bf is also autistic so im autism4autism i love an autie ass nigga
pathologising · 1 year
this may seem random, but i thought I'd share with you. There are apparently a surprising number of girls who are actually autistic that get diagnosed as bpd instead due to gender discrimination by medical professionals (think of it like the new modern hysteria label)
I had thought for years that my issues were only because of my bpd, as they had massively overlapping symptoms, but it turns out I have been undiagnosed autistic this entire time. I still relate to a lot of bpd things, but knowing it was autisim helps me understand myself a lot better. It wouldn't hurt if maybe you would want to look into the same and see if you relate and maybe could accommodate your needs a lot more.
Anyway, it makes me sad when you suffer a lot because you're a sweetie, so I hope maybe this might somehow be helpful, and maybe you can ease your burdens by knowing.
I love u I am probably also autistic as well bc my little sister is autistic and I suspect my dad is too so it wouldn't surprise me if I can add autism to the pile of disorders but ty I love u
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