#my bff had to watch like 15 movies before she totally understood how my family talked lol
zmediaoutlet · 2 years
happy ww, z! i'm gonna throw your question back at you, because it's a fabulous one and i'm very curious about the answer: what are some things that *you* love that you think Sam/Dean would like too?
happy wincest wednesday with the uno reverse card! hmm -- this is actually pretty hard, haha, because I try to resist this as much as I can when I'm writing... but hell, let's do it:
music: I still think Sam basically doesn't like music. Sorry. I mean he's not like a superfreak, of course there are songs he likes more or less than others, plus he's got that whole weird 80s glam thing he's apparently into, but -- I think generally speaking it would not *occur* to Sam to put music on most of the time, he's not searching it out, etc etc. Music is Dean's sphere. So, related to that, (self-indulgence projection time) I think that Dean might have liked the early 90s grunge scene more than he might have let on. It's easy to have him say 'ugh, those dudes are all whining about their feelings -- what are they, chicks?' -- and he may have legit thought that about Kurt Cobain, lol -- but some of the heavier Pearl Jam/Alice in Chains/Soundgarden/Mudhoney songs might have pulled him in when they played on the radio, and then he might have found himself singing along to lyrics that weren't just fast car/pussy magnet etc but something like something's gotta turn out right, and... He had a lot of reasons to love grunge in the early 90s, let's just say that, lol.
books: I think Sam read a SHITLOAD of crappy fantasy novels with those gleaming-tattered covers as a kid. I mean, he was gonna read the Game of Thrones books -- that's clue enough. David Eddings, Anne McCaffrey, the whole shebang. And even when he got a little older and realized how many of them were basically copy-paste trope adventures, I think he still really loved them because they were... simple, and the monsters got dealt with, and magic helped, and the day was saved. (This is the same reason Dean loves action movies.) ((Here I guess I will tack on my Dean-and-reading headcanon, though it's not a z-projection: much as music is Dean's sphere, Dean feels that academics/reading is Sam's sphere, and he's specifically a little embarrassed to read for fun, which is specifically why Sam's always surprised when Dean mentions reading something at all -- so, he also reads, but mostly only when he's alone, and what he reads is stuff that has strong emotional utility -- aka westerns and poppy sci-fi and easy murder mysteries and romance novels. He wants a day to be saved, too.))
movies: idk if this counts as projection because I think it's pretty borne out by canon, but both Sam and Dean love the whole range of 70s-80s comedies that came out when they were kids and they can quote large chunks of them. Mel Brooks, Harold Ramis, National Lampoon, old SNL Best Ofs they put out on VHS, etc -- this is the language that wraps around how Dean talks, and even if Sam doesn't drop lines as much he understands the context and meaning whenever Dean does and it doesn't even count, really, as joking when they do it -- it's just how words work. It's good to be the king. Cheeburgah cheeburgah cheeburgah. When someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES. (that last one would come in handy with Jack.)
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