cherrislushie · 4 years
Among Us Chaos #1
Sassy: Don't kill me, don't kill me, and I will not snitch
EggBoi: Yellow is a hoe colour
Sassy: *singing* I just died in your arms tonight! *gets killed and screams a bit* ... *sings again* I JUST DIED IN ELECTRICAL!
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cherrislushie · 5 years
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cherrislushie · 5 years
Okay, I am literally such a freakn dork. I love making art and Fanart is something I mostly enjoy doing. So, I posted Fanart for the animators 4 days ago and omg Pau was the first one who saw it and it just went crazy! AHHHHH! 😝 3 days ago I made fanart for OddJayAlter and he was the first to like and retweet it. I don't do Fanart for attention, I just enjoy making things for people and if they like it then yay! If not then that's okay. Tonight I made fanart fot Jocat and AHHHHHH he liked it. 😊 Even if they smile at it I did my work on making people smile. 😝😝😝😝 See? I'm a dork lol 😂
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cherrislushie · 5 years
✨I dream too much✨
🌌Late Night Thoughts🌌
Those nights where you can't sleep, and you have a bunch of things going through your head. Graduating in May, moving, hoping things go well. I get stressed so easily now and days and it's just mostly pressure from the family and drama that happens a lot at school. I sometimes feel lonely, but it doesn't last long some nights, very rarely cry myself to sleep like I used to when living I Springfield MO. Things are a bit better here, but still sorta bad? Idk how to put it to words on what goes on. Nothing to bad at least, still tho. Its currently 12:53am, gonna try to sleep.
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cherrislushie · 5 years
I finally came to my opinion on the DanPlan situation.
I am still full on Team Hosuh, Jay and Animators. That's never going to change. But after taking time today to rewatch the videos since no school today because it snowed like hell over night, I finally came to an agreement with myself. Neither both Daniel or Stephen are in the right. In Daniel's video, he showed screenshots of his conversations with Stephen so the information Daniel was giving us is valid. Some things Stephen said in his video didn't quite make a lot of sense to me at first, then Jay's video came out and it became more clear. There is no doubt that Daniel did mistreat the animators, meaning to or not, he did and that's that. I feel like both Daniel and Stephen told the truth on some parts, but also lied in other parts. I know in my post before that is called "DanPlan Is Ruined.." I state that I can't even come close to forgiving Daniel. After he came out with his video, watching it all the way through, I felt at peace and now I feel like I can start to forgive him again. He is going away for a while, possibly forever because of the situation. To the fandom part, I am very VERY disappointed in the DanPlan fandom. Death threats to not only Daniel but to anyone who was on Team Daniel and to anyone who supported Daniel. It is very highly uncalled for.
I do have to agree with Daniel, the problem should have stayed private between the two and whoever else was involved. That's where I feel Stephen did wrong on his part.
Finally, I have to say, I am still going to support Actually Stephen, but also DanPlan, even if it doesn't become active ever again. There are videos that will never see the light of day because of this and it's ridiculous..Instead of hating and questioning, let's end it and support them both and everyone else involded for the future. It'll be a bumpy ride but, I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end.
Thanks guys. ❤️
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cherrislushie · 5 years
I can't even be in my discord right now because people are so heated about Dan's video. I'm not on any side until I am more awake and able to look more into this. I believe Stephen and Dan both told the truth at some parts, and lied on other parts. I believe Jay's part in the situation and I'm still on Team Animators, Team Hosuh and Team Jay. But I'm very confused, tired, and still in tears about this. I have seriously never been this confuse..I'll rewatch videos tomorrow after school and go from there. But until then, I'm on neither team Stephen or team Daniel. I don't hate Daniel, I just, it was just to much to where I didn't like him and couldn't forgive him. I think after his video I can actually start to forgive him again. Anyways, before I don't get any sleep at all..night guys.
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cherrislushie · 5 years
Im so confused...Im crying and confused about this..
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cherrislushie · 5 years
Omg..Daniel finally came out with his video...
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cherrislushie · 5 years
DanPlan is ruined..
Hey guys. So today I am going to talk about DanPlan. As you guys already know, Jay had came out with his video a day ago, explaining his side, everything he found out, and what he has tried to do. At first I was all for forgiving Daniel and hope that he learns from his mistakes and be better! But, after Jay’s video, I don’t think I can actually bring my self to even come close to forgiving Daniel. I was so close to the first time, I was so willing to even wait and see if he’ll come out with his side of the story but right now I just, I give up on Daniel..Stephen is gone, Jay isn’t going to be a part of it, and Hosuh is going to be doing military stuff for 2 years..Daniel treats the animators so poorly, he basically says that they are easily to be replaced at anytime. I just wish that the animators find some place better for them. Because working with Daniel isn't good nor healthy for them to be working in those kinds of conditions. Its cruel and highly uncalled for. A once great channel before March of last year happened! The fact that Daniel doesn’t really care about anyone who isn’t an “Original” to the channel makes me so upset. An original or not, they don’t have to be on your channel to help you, they don’t have to do what you want to support the channel. But like Daniel said, they can leave if they want. News flash Daniel, Stephen is more than just an employee, Jay isn’t your call up hooker for content, the animators aren’t your slaves, and Hosuh..he deserves so much better..This needs to stop..the channel I don’t think will ever be the same if it becomes active again, because people are going to remember exactly what Daniel did..I don’t think any of us can convince him to do better, fix himself, and apologize..We can try but, trying can only get us so far before we finally say, enough is enough..It’s over guys.
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cherrislushie · 5 years
Cosplaying Hosuh! Hosuh is best bean!! Yes I am highly aware of what is going on, but I choose to look past it. Mistakes were made, let’s not attack Daniel and support Stephen through this! Can we at least do that? Btw, TEAM HOSUH XD Audio belongs to DanPlan.
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cherrislushie · 5 years
Youtuber Chat #4
~Christmas Addition~
Mark: You fucked up, get against the wall and take your punishment!
Wade: Yeah let's get him!
Tyler: Uh, Merry Christmas?
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cherrislushie · 5 years
Youtuber Chat #3
Pewdiepie: *Tries to be Jack* TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES!
Jack: *Tries to be Felix* How's it going bros! Bros, bros.
Pewdipie: Geezus, I did better then that.
Jack: Bitch.
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cherrislushie · 5 years
Youtuber Chat #2
Bob: Wade! Wtf are you doing!?
Wade: I don't know! Mark what am I doing?!
Mark: Hell if I know!
Wade: I can't stop!
Bob: Mark make him stop dancing to the Kahoot music!
Mark: *is starting to do so also*
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cherrislushie · 5 years
Youtuber Chat #1
Markiplier: Yo! Jack! How's it hanging?
Jacksepticeye: *Is upside down from Mark's trap* Oh you know, just here hanging off of your ceiling!
Markiplier: Oh yeah.
Jacksepticeye: Want to explain why you had a trap?
Markiplier: Uhhhh....Squirrels?
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cherrislushie · 6 years
V3 Issues #2
Kokichi:The culprit is Gonta.
Gonta:G-Gonta did no such thing!
Kokichi:Sure sure, then prove it Gon--
Gonta:Bitch i did no such thing to Miu!Unless you want to say you did it then go right ahead! But don't go pinning it on me!
Everyone Else:...
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cherrislushie · 6 years
Hey guys!! As ya’ll of course would know that October is next month and I have something big planned for then! All I can say is that it is a cosplay that will be only seen during the ENTIRE month of October and the only month you guys can see it. I might post pictures of it here but you can Definitely find more about her on Tik Tok/Musical.ly. My name on there is the same as it is on everything else.  Tik Tok: Pastel_LillyPad This is something I have been wanting to try for a while now and since next month is October and Halloween I think it will be the best time to work on this project! I really hope you guys will like her and I will keep ya’ll updated as much as I can! Thx ya’ll!! <3
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cherrislushie · 6 years
V3 Issues #1
Shuichi: Wait, we're trapped here!?
Kokichi: What do you think? We're trapped here by a evil talking black and white bear named Monokuma and by his Monokubs who are so stupid i don't care what their names are, we have to kill each other, do classtrails, punish the killer and move on to the next round. Yet being trapped here is all you worry about?
Shuichi: ....
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