#my brain decided we're in a full on 1930s depression
chromotps · 8 months
Another CoraLaw and AceLu HC ask. And also, shenanigans and fluff.
- Law uses Takt on Cora whenever he's about to trip, knock something over, in the enemy's line of attack and more. But also, he uses them whenever people get too physically close and "friendly" to Cora. Switching Cora with a paper that says "fuck off" infront of the person lmao. Cora teleporting into Law's side/lap and shouting apologies about what Law did even tho he has no plan to get up and go back to the person (Yes I know Cora is too big to fit in Law's lap. No I don't care about that xD). He also uses Takt to keep Cora from escaping him. Especially in arguments.
Law: Either we fix this right now or you'll stay afloat for the next 8 hours.
Cora: You seriously can't wait that long. I was a marine, I can wait!
Law: I'm a doctor AND a surgeon. You wanna test my patience? Do it now.
After 20 minutes Cora relents bc Law stares at him pointedly the whole time.
- Luffy brings Ace with him when he's on the hunt for food. He'll look for a new kind of species and have Ace cook it (AKA set it on fire until it looks cooked). Then, when they're full, they'll sit under a tree and talk about anything. They also take a short nap there under the tree. It reminds them of their adventures when they were kids (Sabo is with them in spirit /j). I think this is more of an AU where Ace joins the Strawhats, and he's joined by the hip with Luffy.
- Everytime one or two (or all) of the Heart crew members does something that will piss Law off, they hide behind Cora (metaphorically). Cora will attempt to distract Law (he doesn't even have to try, the moment Cora is on Law's line of sight almost all of his attention is on him) and calm him down. It works, kinda. Cause his idea of "distracting" Law is cuddles and kisses, but instead of Law, HE'S the one who gets distracted LMAO. So after a bit of cuddling and putting Cora to sleep, Law goes back to the crew cause he knows how the crew acts when they've done something and kept it a secret from him xD. At least Cora brought them some time to clean up whatever they could from the mess they made before Law comes back.
- Ace and Luffy will switch hats, sometimes intentionally and sometimes unconsciously. Intentionally is when one of them is feeling down or under the weather. Unconsciously is when they wake up and don't bother to see if they wore the right hat or not.
- Whenever the other crew members of the Heart Pirates wants to do something for their entertainment, they ask Cora first. If he's interested enough and also wants to do it, then they have an additional 40% chance that Law will let them do what they want. They now have a 42% chance of doing whatever shenanigan they have in mind. If there's no danger to what they have in mind, then it's an automatic win! Bonus is when Law joins in (he does it for Cora).
I don't know how to end asks lmao. I hope you enjoyed!
hooo so many cute hcs!! That last idea of the Heart crew trying to get Cora on their side in bargaining deals with their captain makes so much sense. 😂 Very strategic of them... They're masters of navigating Law's pride/strong instincts of preventing fun.
And I love acelu switching hats... i think i talked on twitter once about how it would mean a lot for luffy to trust Ace with his hat, and for Ace to trust Luffy with his necklace (since it was possibly a tribute to Dadan ;w;)... hhhh sharing accessories!!!
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