#my brain started drafting a note and I had to be like ohhh wait this is bad isn’t it
apotelesmaa · 4 months
I think the fact that u can just get prescribed ssris without being told about side effects to watch out for and then have your dose raised and suddenly have your mental health absolutely tank is. So funny. Absolutely incapable of feeling emotions to the point where all of my relationships are fucked (unable to feel affection/love) my academic career is fucked (unable to feel any sense of urgency towards assignments/attendance) my Everything Is Fucked (unable to gauge emotional well-being until things are actually hazardous) but at least I also can’t feel the Consuming Despair. Giving zombie realness. Going through the motions pilled. Apathymaxxing.
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staycatcher · 5 years
Cursed 001
Member: Kim Seungmin x Femme Reader (she/her) (Jisung is also in this, we love wingpeople)
Au: (Dorky/Pure) Frat Boy! Seungmin x Baddie! Reader + Unexpected Soulmate AU [in the same universe as Anguish, no need to read it though!]
Genre: Crack, Angst, Fluff? (she’s all over the place, partner🤠)
Rated 14? for too much swearing, kind-of-stranger danger, getting into mentioned kind-of-stranger’s car (don’t do what y/n did!!), suggestive themes & jokes, hangover & leftover tipsiness, cringe, promiscuous bisexual reader, nothing explicit though!! Also, Jisung is too much I’m sorry
Word Count: 4.1k
Notes: special thanks to @staytion-nine for being a bro and reading & critiquing my full shitty drafts and @strayneoculturekids & @hyunjinssmile for thinking my crack parts were good & somewhat funny way back when I wrote them ilyssssm🤗💞💛
ps, I hope you readers liked/found my easter eggs!!🥴
“Your heart began to sing, sing triumphantly as if you broke some sort of curse- Curse? Wait, hold up. Hold the fuck up. I think he’s my soulmate?! But I can’t possibly have one-”
Cursed series 1/?-  ~001~  😈🤓😳~
Growing up, not a single day passed without your single mother reminding you that meeting your soulmate wasn't going to happen for you. The odds were not at all in your favor, not her’s, not your grandmother’s and not even your great grandmother’s mom; being the youngest girl of the youngest in the family made you carry such a burden. The streak that your family had going on for generations was too strong to break at this point. It’d be a miracle and a half if you ever heard of your soulmate for a fraction of a second. You started to accept by the time you learned how to read, that a life with a soulmate was frankly not in the cards for you. 
To say you were completely and utterly blind-sighted when you met your soulmate, would be the understatement of the century. You lived your whole life with no fear or any expectations of long lasting relationships whether it’s with a soulmate or not. You lived the life you knew many people with soulmates or obsessions with commitment couldn’t live. You lived a life of freedom, focused on yourself. 
Now, it's been three months at this university; three months, and you already have a reputation that precedes you. Contrary to popular belief, you don't like the attention. Yet somehow the spotlight seems to follow you. Though, you would argue you weren’t as charismatic as you were careless. Your carelessness seemed to be your charm and charming you seemed to be.
A groan tore out from your throat when as stretched over to snatch your boots. Jelly legs hobbling all over the place as you scrambled to tug them on, stubbornly not zipping down the zipper which only made it harder for you in the long run. Once on, you trudge on forward, not giving a shit if things were inside out or not, all that mattered to you was going back to sleep in your own bed. You have to remain careful though. You don’t want to go too fast and have stomach acid erupt out of you in aggravation, ruining the Sorority’s carpet and your morning. So, you watched each and every wobbly step as you did your best to navigate your way out of the crowded, trashed halls of the post-party filth. Fortunately, it seemed you’ve risen before anyone else, no conscious creatures for you to deal with. 
The clock struck six o’clock as you strut down Greek row, your steps more firm now, waking you up more with each step. However, waking up meant more hangover symptoms, though you weren’t exactly sober. You made it about four more clumsy steps down the sidewalk before a car slows down next to you. This has happened to you more times than you can count, but never when the birds were fucking chirping. You huff out in irritation, walking faster, thus, less firm as you tried to remain calm. 
Who the hell pulls up to you when it’s fucking sunrise?! Unbelievable. 
You only make it two more steps before the right next to you. Even though you tell yourself not to, your head swivels to look at the driver on instinct. He looks vaguely familiar, you’ve seen those cheeks somewhere but his name is lost on you. You acknowledge him with a questioning look as he rolls down the window.
“Want a ride?” He offers like you’ve known him for ten years and your pets were best friends. You were expecting a catcall but his voice was full of awkward sincerity and a bit of reluctance that couldn’t be faked.     
“I thought chivalry was de-ad.” You choked, giving a nudge with your words to test his sincerity.
“I thought you liked girls more and don’t believe in it anyway.” He dished back. Okay, fair. This guy’s a real one. 
“Touché... Ohhh what the helll-” You huffed, “I’ll take it.” You vaguely recognize him and he seems to know you too so what can hurt; that’s at least how you look at it in the buzzed moment. 
His unimpressive car comes to a smooth stop, you hear the doors unlock and you sluggishly yanked the door open and groan as you slide in, kindly ignoring the mess because you’re not much better. 
 “Did you not party last ni’?” You blurted, looking over at him with a dry smile. As you do, you can really take him in. His dark, messy hair and his cute over-expressive face, topped with a pair of doughy cheeks. Despite the cuteness, there’s not a doubt in your mind this is some frat boy on the college team, though you’re not even sure what team is in season right now. One thing was for sure though, his guns were proudly out of a cut out muscle-t like a living, breathing fuckboy starter pack. Infuriatingly, he pulled it off, he looked too attractive for this time, on the weekend especially. With all that being said, he seriously looks like the kind of guy that should be as fucked up as you are right now. And yet, here he is, behind the wheel looking as sober as a slice of bread.
“Nah,” He starts, getting his foot off the brake and turning back into the road, “me and my soulmate stayed in ‘cuz coach is making practice earlier than usual.” 
Well, that train left the station. “Ahh, that-that's too bad.” You heard yourself pettily trail off. 
“Nah, ‘zall good. I think coach is taking it out on us ‘cuz his wife found out he’s doin’ drugs and gambling again-“
“Do ya have any friends like you?” You blurted out again. 
“Do ya got any friends that do things like this?” You grumbled, resisting the urge to facepalm at yourself. Fucking hell, Y/n.
“That go to practice this early? Yehh. The whole fucking basketball te-“ 
“No!” You hiss, head pulsing, his voice is too goddamn loud. “Gentlemen!” clarifying and sulkily leaned your head against the cool window. 
“Ohhh!!~” Then he belts out laughing like a blaring fire alarm, making your entire brain rattle.
“Shhhh!” As you turn to glare at him, you realize your turn was coming up. “Wait!! Turn here!!” 
He hissed and stepped harshly on the breaks. “This one?” 
“Yeah!!-“ it was already too late when you unnecessarily clarified, so he had to turn around and go turn in again. Thank god the streets were dead at this date and time. You’re sure he broke at least four traffic laws.
“Shit, man!! You can’t say that and then expect me to make the turn, I got too excited!!” He was beaming, far too excited for your dumb question and not at all concerned about his chaotic driving. 
“What the fuuck?!?! You’ got a soulmate-“
“No, dumbass!!” He whines like you just missed the best play in the whole game, too bad there aren’t instant replies for day to day conversations. “I have a bro who we’ve been trying to get laid.~” And now he makes the turn, good job buddy. 
“Okay, two stops from now you’re gonna turn left.” It is then that you realize the last part of what he just said. “Huh? Li-like frat bro?”
“Yeah, dude. He’s so pissy I don’t think his hand is doin’ it for him anymore.” The dude laughed at his own joke, elbowing you in the side. Normally you would have joined in and punched him but for some reason, your little fucked up heart started to warm up hearing about this cute frat boy.
“Ahhhh.” And then you laughed a little too late, his wingmanning ass didn’t notice.
“Yeah! And he says books are better than pussy so that’s how we know he’s becoming a lost cause. We’re placing our bets that he won’t get it on until he finds his soulmate.” 
“What a swee-eetheart.~” You hiccupped with dazed eyes and chapped smile. You had to admit, you were endeared. You never heard about a dorky, innocent fraternity boy before, and you never would have thought that it would appeal to you.
“Is it this one or the next one?” 
“This one. So whoo’z this friend of yours-“ Unfortunately you were caught off by a ringtone blasting at the fullest volume making your brain wail in pain, for the second fucking time this morning. 
He just snickers. “Sorry, gotta answer this… Yuh~?” You just huffed and closed your eyes, deflating a little bit. 
For some unknown reason, that name made you jolt back up into your seat. ‘Seungmin’, why does that sound so familiar?! 
“Well, speak of the devil!!~” He got too excited and looked at you, and gives you an over-enthused wink. You’re assuming this is the frat bro. “Your car won’t start??~~” This dude, you still don’t quite remember the name of, was really playing this up. For possibly the same unknown reason, him talking to this dude has your full attention. Normally you’d eavesdrop half-heartedly but this time your whole heart started to beat a way it never has before, begging you to soak up as much of this half conversation as possible. 
“Of course I’ll drive my wittle brother!!~... -fuck off a few days totally does count!!- Whatever!! Anyway, fair warning, I became a fucking uber this morning, I’m driving this girl too so prepare yourself!!... Shhh, it’s not a joke! And she’s really hot; make sure your heart and dick are ready.” 
You were about to beat this dude before you vaguely heard the muffled voice on the other line chew him out for you. You couldn’t hold in your smile before you realized; even though you were abnormally giddy, now is not the goddamn time to meet this kid. You looked like you were run over by three different military-grade vehicles and you’re more than sure you had lipstick marks from last night smeared in various places all over you. But most importantly, you were in a limbo of drunk and hungover. You needed way more rest and sustenance before you should interact with anyone of importance. You opened your mouth to scream at him but you were cut off yet again. 
“...Yeah, yeah. Anyways, I’ll turn around now, just for you.~ I’m pretty sure we’re close to her dorm but who cares how late I’m gonna be for practice! I’m making shit happen! See ya in a sec, muah!” If you weren’t high key starting to panic, you would’ve laughed at this dude’s unending ridiculousness. There is no way in hell you’re gonna meet this familiar stranger‘s friend that he’s setting you up with at six fucking a.m. in a frankly disgusting state.
“Do not turn around or I swear to fucking Rupaul-“
“No can do, bro. Besides, you seemed interested in him so why not!?! Be grateful! I’m gonna have to run double the fuckin laps cuz a’ this.”
‘“Why not’?!! I just got outta’ a stranger’s bed and I’m still drunk and somehow hungover too and my dorm is just around the corner-“
“Listen; bros before hoes. Frat legacy.” And with that, he chuckled as he turned the car around for the second time today. You take back the gentleman comment you gave him earlier, he’s a pile shit. 
“I’m gonna fucking jump out of the car-“ you groaned with a bluff, tugging at your smeared face and he smugly locked the doors before you could finish. “Cmonnn!~ It’s too fucking early for this shit, man! Why didn’t I just keep walking or just stayed-“
“I'm doing you a favor!~”
“Dropping me off when and where I asked you to is doing me a favor! That’s literally why I’m in your messy ass car that smells like rancid fuckin’ cheesecake in the first place!!”
“Hey, now you’re just being mean!”
You groaned and glared out the window, opting to ignore him now. This argument had you sobering up. This just really wasn’t it. You resisted the urge to pull down the mirror and see how bad you really looked but, you would rather not know how bad it is. Knowing your past morning afters, you’ve looked a hell of a lot cuter every other time. 
It seems like you’re just gonna have to grin and bear it and let this one go. There’s plenty of bitches in the sea. Bitches that never made you heart skipped like this before- and without you even meeting them-
All you could think about how embarrassing and fucked up this whole thing he’s pulling is as you glare at the passing sidewalks and cars parked at the side of the roads. You wish the passing textured and crumbly neighborhood sidewalks could swallow you up. It’s not often that you felt so burdened at an awaiting social encounter these days. You hated this.
“And we’re here!!” He stops and proudly puts the car into park. “Okay, Siri, call ‘Noodle Bitchass’.” 
The fuck-
-“I’m sorry. I didn’t get that. Would you like me to search the web for ‘Nude space app’?”-
“Ughhhhh. Fuck you!! I said, ‘Call~ Nooo-DiLL BiiiiTCh AAAssss’~~!!!”
 -“Okay. Calling Noodle Bitchass nerd emoji, middle finger emoji in medium tan’.”- You were about to cry in shocked laughter but the guy answered too soon so you had to snort into your hand and curl in on yourself. 
“Yah!! Han Jisung!!” Holy mother almighty, his voice is pure sunshine and honey. Your body slowly uncurled back up on its own. Fuck, okay it’s on speaker. Shit, I can’t even breathe, can’t make a sound.
“We’re here, man.” 
“Hhhhh… she’s not still with you is she?” Is it possible to be attracted to a voice? I think I’m attracted to a voice. 
“Hell yeah, she is! Suck it up, bro. You’re already making me late and she’s fine~!!”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Jisung-“ Oh, good lord. Him swearing really just--
“Get in or I’ll leave you here and set her up with Innie instead.” You just heard the guy sigh and the sound of a facepalm, you’re guessing, before the line went dead. And finally. You could finally howl with laughter, or perhaps it was more like manic screaming in infatuation.  
You have never, in all your years of living felt like this because of a person. Is this what it feels like to be whipped? Fuck, fuck, fuck- It’s like I’m at a concert- but not really and-
You were still in the thick of it when a door ripped open. When you reflexively looked over, all the air that was left in your lungs pathetically wheezed out of you like a sad balloon. 
Then the sensations all hit you.
Wow, okay the drunkenness and hangover is gone? I feel good? I feel alive, I feel the cool late autumn air? I feel feelings; feelings I’ve never felt before? You were light as a mother fuckin’ feather and astounded as all burning hell. You were openly experiencing so many intense emotions, something that hasn’t happened in so many years. 
At that moment your mouth and his gawk right open at the exact same time, not that the two of you noticed. Without any volition, your eyes immediately drown in the other. Okay, he’s actual artwork? He was dressed so cute like he was ready to take some cute aesthetic photos for a dumb little blog. Oh god, he smells like a cup of tea in the forest after it rained?! That’s so specific- but. He smells so lovely. 
His hair was pure angelic fluff and his skin was a light, silky caramel. You watched before your tired, dry eyes, the caramel in his cheeks rise into the purest shade of pink and his eyes widening into adorable little saucers. When they met yours, they were sparklier than any ring on any finger; you swear to god herself, you felt electricity crackle in your veins like wood to the fire.  Your eyes couldn’t pull away, you felt like a giddy little kid again. Whirling with excitement and curiosity as you looked at him all bundled up for the late fall weather. Your heart began to sing, sing triumphantly as if you broke some sort of curse- 
Wait, hold up. 
Hold the fuck up. 
I think he’s my soulmate?! But I can’t possibly have one-
That’s when your entire body began to heat up in question. None of this made sense to you. 
How is this possible? How is this fucking possible?! The only thing your brain seems to produce in reaction is unending, spiraling questions. For each and every one of them, whether rhetorical or not, you didn’t have a sensical explanation or possible answer. This didn’t make any sense, it went against everything you ever knew to be true. 
You couldn’t have a soulmate, your maternal lineage fucked that up for you, it was what you were born into without a choice. A perpetual heartbreak, something that started out as merely coincidental to grow into a family burden that carried on precariously. How can it be that for generations, the youngest daughter in the family never got to meet their soulmate until now, until you? You were on the brink of a fucking existential crisis. 
Seungmin seemed shocked as well, though leagues and leagues below the ballgame you’re dealing with right now. He looked shocked; appearing delightfully surprised. Shocked as if he wasn’t expecting to be surprised with a present on a random and unimportant Wednesday, not shocked as if he just broke a generations-long family streak. 
Before you can continue these heavy ass thoughts, Jisung blasts out an interruption yet again.
“Jisung, shut the fuck up.” To your surprise, it was Seungmin who interrupts ‘Jisung’ and not you, as he gets the rest of the way into the messy car. His put-together ass looks completely out of place in this shitty car, it made you try to hold in a smile as closes the door with barely restrained enthusiasm. 
Before he turns back, you force yourself to face forward and try to calm the hell down and calmly reassess the situation. 
Alright... You met your not plausible-soulmate, out of all places in time and space, in the car of a kinda-stranger who offered you a ride home in the early-ass morning after getting laid at a sorority party. 
Okay. Great. This is great.
You cleared your throat and tried to remain cool. “O-okay, awesome. Where ar-are we heading to first?” Okay, that wasn’t entirely cool but maybe you can blame it on literally everything else wrong with you in this situation. 
“I don’t know, man. I deadass wanna just skip practice altogether and-” Jisung was interrupted by the sound of a camera’s shutter. You instinctively whip your head around towards the sound, only to be met with Seungmin camera-handed. He has the fucking nerve to take two more in the time it took for you to whip around. 
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?” Your voice ripped out of you, croaking out like an enraged toad. He then takes the final picture as you’re screeching at him. This just kept getting richer and richer. First, Jisung’s bullshit, then life-altering realizations that you broke some sort of generations long streak of not having a soulmate, and now your seemingly miraculous soulmate taking unexpected, embarrassing photographs of you in the worst state you’ve ever been in?
“Taking your picture.” He grinned with a shrug, no guilt or shame to be seen nor heard. You could not hold in squawks of disbelief. His pride and excitement seemed to only grow at your bewilderment, he had the nerve to do a precious ‘hehehe’, the kind that little kids do after they steal a cookie from the jar. 
“Give me that!” You sneer as you go to savagely rip it right out of his perfect hands. However, the two of you seemed to be matched in more ways than one; neither of you would budge, equally as strong as the other. 
“No way! You’ll delete them!!” 
“Yeah, exactly!! ‘No way in hell will I let you keep pictures of me like this!” 
“‘No fuckin’ way will I let you delete them!”
You gritted your teeth. “Then let me take pictures of you!!!” And then you can sneakily delete-
“Yeah and then you’ll delete yours.” How the fuck did he know-
“Seungmin, just give her the goddamn camera so I can drive and drop your hormonal asses off before coach murders me.” 
There was a raging fire in Seungmin’s eyes as he slowly and painfully let go of his forsaken camera so you could tentatively take it. Upon retrieving the camera your fingers accidentally grab unto Seungmin’s. Resulting in a little static shock zap, startling you and heating up your cheeks immediately with a jerk and a hiss. Seungmin reacted similarly, blinking like pink dust blew into his eyes to land on his cheeks. Your hand yanks it back towards you before you even realize it. Jisung was far too excited to watch this drama unfold right before his wide eyes. 
 If this was a normal day for you you’d jump to delete those humiliating pictures of yourself immediately, looking nothing short of the cheshire cat. But this was evidently not a normal day in any sense of the word, so, what you did was unlike you. You huffed out a breath to encourage yourself before slowly raising the camera to your dominant eye and focused the lense as best you could. 
At least I can photograph how irritatingly handsome he looks at this hour. 
You took the first picture, zooming in on his now grouchy, but still stupidly handsome face. Then you zoom out as far as possible, hoping to take in this entire scene in front of you, his angry posture in an adorably preppy outfit, this messy, disgusting car and how out of place he looks in it.
“Only two more.” Seungmin huffs with an eyeroll and by some divine power (perhaps the same divine power that made this odd miracle happen in the first place), you clicked fast enough to get some of that petty behavior visually documented. You pressed down twice, sadly that was your limit you agreed upon.
You didn’t even look at the pictures you took nor the ones Seungmin took so that you wouldn’t be tempted to delete them. It felt like you were committing a saintly act; as if simply taking his picture like you said you would, without deleting anything made you pure and free of sin. Perhaps this twisted reality of somehow defeating the ancestral odds had you feeling undeservingly self-righteous.
“You better not delete yours either.” You sneered once more, before jabbing the camera back into his sweatered chest. This time you were determined not to turn around again, you couldn’t risk him taking any more pictures. You also aren’t entirely sure you could handle seeing his stupid perfect face once more. This was an outrage and this was your way of protest. Also, an unspoken miracle, but enough of that.
You swiveled your head away from Jisung and Seungmin, fully leaning into the cool window and began to count the street lights and stop signs. As the grueling seconds ticked by the more concentrated you tried to be. Soon enough the concentration turned sleepy and before you knew it, you were knocked out. All your adrenaline fueled energy depleted.
All through your protest-turned-snooze, Seungmin couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off of you. He couldn’t help but find it endearing how you could be an absolute riot only to pass out three minutes later. It hurt how cute he found you, no matter how scandalous you seem to be. You seemed so genuinely shocked, it made him want to cry. And he’s also fairly certain that this isn’t new to you, you not only partied all night and regularly. And judging from the markings on your skin, you might’ve done a little bit more than party last night. In fact, it might’ve even enticed him, might’ve gotten him a little hot under the collar. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that he already whipped and he hasn’t even caught your name.
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prompt: msr version of the castle/beckett kiss in knockdown, preferably ust seasons!!!! you’d be my FAVE
ohhh anon, i love this prompt!! this isn’t an exact replica of that scene, but i do hope you enjoy it. (for reference: the aforementioned scene is here.)
They're walking through Arcadia Falls together, practically arm inarm like a couple of perfectly happy newlyweds. Scully wants to laugh at theirony of it, when they couldn't be further away from the picture they’recreating.
Mulder's arm is around her, and she can't decide if she wants toshake it off or just lean into it. Barely a month ago, he was constantly at herapartment while she recovered from her gunshot wound: bringing over movies forthe two of them to watch or playing cards on her bedspread, his hands on hershoulders or her knee or her hair, warm and callused. He couldn’t stop touchingher, and she didn’t want it to stop. And then everything fell apart, to thepoint of a letter of resignation half-drafted and sitting dormant on her deskback in Georgetown. She would've turned it in, but Mulder almost died. Mulderalmost died, and then there was a bank robbery where he almost died again, andshe had several straight nights of nightmares where they both did die. Shechickened out, and now they're here, in fucking California pretending to bemarried, and Mulder won't stop touching her, and she resents that she can'teven enjoy it. The thought of resignation flickers in the back of her mind likea flame.
It's February in California, and it's actually kind of chilly, soScully can't completely complain about their close proximity. They're walkingthrough the Falls under the guise of “getting to know the neighborhood”(Mulder's overeager explanation), for the sole purpose of trying to discern anystrange activity. They still don't have any idea what happened to the Klines,much less who is responsible for their disappearance. So Scullysuggested a walk, but now she mostly just feels ridiculous. All they've seen isrow after row of identical houses. And besides that, who actually tourstheir new neighborhood like this? It feels like too much even for the cornypersonas that they've managed to create. A dog would make this make more sense;Scully suddenly misses Queequeg the way she always does in moments like this.(It's silly, but she never felt this lonely when she had a dog.)
“Hey,” Mulder mutters, low, in her ear. “Someone shot us a weirdlook back there. I think I recognized them from the move.”
“Was it the neighbor who protested the basketball hoop?” Scullyasks, just as quietly—she’d witnessed that whole scene from the end of thedriveway. She steps to the side a bit in an attempt to both regain some space(and hopefully some sanity), and to look Mulder in the eye.
Mulder looks a little confused, but he rubs his hand briefly,affectionately over her back before pulling away. “No, I don't think so,” hesays. “Whoever it is was nosing around the boxes we kept the files in, though.”
She remembers that man. If it hadn't been for the destruction ofher lab equipment, that would've been her main focus during the move. She looksbriefly over her shoulder and sees the familiar man at the end of his lawn,hands in his pockets. “Think he's onto us?” she murmurs.
Mulder shrugs, and then says in a loud, overly cheery voice, “Gee,this neighborhood is beautiful, isn't it, honey?”
Scully resists the urge to roll her eyes as she bobs her head upand down in response. “This was the perfect assignment for you, Mulder, wasn'tit,” she says dryly, scuffing her lower lip with the edge of her teeth. “Justan excuse for you to act like a cheese ball for a week.”
“Mm-hmm.” He’s close again, her shoulder against his chest and hishand against her shoulder. He nuzzles her hair with his nose, so sweetly thatshe wants to cry, and whispers, “He’s tailing us, Scully.”
They’re coming to the end of this street; Scully makes a sharpturn at the last house, verging away from the neighbor. Steps away from him alittle and takes a few renewing breaths, gulping back the temptation to cry orscream or just run away. “If we head this way and loop around,” she saysloudly, overly cheerful, “we can be back at the house in time to make dinner.I’m starved.”
“Good idea,” Mulder throws in for effect.
He’s looking at her a little funny, but she just ignores him.Clenches her jaw and pretends that this is the normal walks she takes everyday. Purposeful strides. A stunningly cold breeze ripples through the air,pushes at her stiff housewife hair, and she shivers involuntarily.
“Are you cold?” Mulder asks softly. “Wait a sec, c’mere.” And he’speeling off the light jacket he’s wearing, and he’s draping it over hershoulders, and she really is going to cry now.
She hardens her face, resists the urge to shrug the jacket off.Resists the urge to just lean into this, just wrap herself up in all of thisand let Mulder touch her and moon over her, and forget that it’s all just forshow. She accepts the jacket, in case anyone is watching from the window, butshe also replies to him in a soft, furious voice. She says, “You don’t have todo this.”
“Do what?” His voice is still light, teasing; his hand is suddenlyon her back. “Give my wife my coat if she’s cold? I don’t want you to—”
“You don’t have to do this,” she snaps, suddenly notcaring. She wonders if Mulder ever gave Diana his jacket on a case, wonders ifthey’d ever done anything like this. Wonders if they can ever break throughthis. She motions to the air sharply, her fake ring glinting in the settingsun. “Give me your coat. Walk around with your arm around me. Make it personal.”
She says that last part with venom lining her voice, and when sheturns towards him in a jerky motion, she sees the stunned look on his face. Helooks hurt, somehow, and she viciously wonders how he could possibly be hurtwhen she’s just said to him what he’d said to her. She crosses her arms overher chest almost protectively, and is about to say more, when she sees it. Thenosy fucking neighbor gaining on them, his face screwed up in determination.“Mulder,” she says softly, urgently. “Don’t turn around, but that neighbor frombefore, he’s…”
Mulder seizes her face in his hands, his palms warm and callusedon her cheeks. He leans in before she can ask what he is doing, and kisses herdesperate and hard. Her mouth falls open under his in a stunned sort of way.His nose is mashed against her cheek and he is kissing her fiercely, his thumbsstroking her hair and the side of her face. Her hands fly helplessly to hisside, crumpling his sweater in her fingers and tugging him a little closer. Hisforehead bumps against hers as he pulls back, the warmth radiating off of himand his jacket slipping over her shoulders, and she kisses him again, brieflyand very nearly chastely, but not quite. And she might have done it again if itwasn’t for their new neighbor behind him. “Hey,” he says pointedly, standing atMulder’s shoulder. “Hey. Mr. Petrie?”
He pronounced it wrong, Scully notes as she lets go of Mulder. Herbrain is foggy, an astonishment that feels eight months late. No bee, no virus,nothing to stop anything of it. She breathes unsteadily, and is grateful fortheir cover as an excuse, rubs her hands against her slacks and forces a smileat the neighbor. For effect.
“Oh, sorry!” Mulder says with a hearty laugh, but it sounds allwrong. Like he’s just as thrown as she is, breathing too hard. “Didn’t see youthere. I was just…” He shrugs, tugs Scully close and tucks her into his side.“I couldn’t resist kissing my beautiful wife. She really is something, huh?”
The neighbor is unamused. “You knocked over my lawn ornament,” hesays irritably. “Do you know what kind of trouble that could get me in?”
“Oh,” Scully says, blinking owlishly. “Oh, I… I’m sorry, sir.”
Mulder nods, squeezing her close with one arm. “So sorry,” hesays, like he really couldn’t care less. “Won’t happen again.”
The neighbor shoots them both a hard look. A weary look. “You justmake sure it doesn’t,” he says. “And maybe keep the canoodling to the home,okay?”
Scully’s cheeks turn red, although she isn’t sure if it’s fromembarrassment or annoyance. “Sure thing,” Mulder says cheerily. The neighborhuffs irritably and turns away, walking back the way he came.
Scully’s face is hot, her mouth practically tingling. She takes afew more deep breaths before moving away, her hand scraping over Mulder’s chestas she turns towards him. She says, “Mulder…” without having any real idea whatthe end of that sentence is.
He laughs nervously, brings a hand up to rub at his hair. “Thankgod we didn’t blow our cover,” he says anxiously. “Skinner probably would’vebeen pissed if we didn’t even last a day out here, huh?”
And that’s all it takes. She takes a few steps back, hands tuckedin her pockets and blows air out of her mouth. It was all to preserve theircover, like all of this has been. She’s making it personal again. She ducks herhead, gives the ground a hard look. “Yeah. Thank god,” she says quietly. Scuffsher shoe against the ground and clears her throat. “I’m headed back, Mulder,”she says wearily. Pretends she can’t still taste him, feel his fingers againsther face. “I’m going to see if I can figure out dinner. You can stay out and keeplooking, if you want.”
She peels off the jacket and hands it back to him before turningaround and starting back to the house. “Wait, Scully…” Mulder protests frombehind her, but she ignores him. Keeps walking through the idyllic neighborhoodthat is not hers and that she doesn’t belong in.
The sun is sinking below the horizon. She walks home.
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