#my brother bullies me though he has too much power for a youngin
ask-the-substitute · 2 years
I have an older brother he’s the most annoying person I know and also the only person I trust with some stuff. Brothers are weird because they will drive you crazy and open your door just to stare at you then call you a nerd but they also understand you better than a lot of people. So many of my favorite shows or interests came from my brother suggesting stuff because he thought I would like it. I hope that helps with the whole what’s it like to have a brother question
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"Designated person to mess with" is definitely appealing. I could put some scheming toward that instead- keep up the reputation.
Maybe with less of the killings. Sadly.
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I hate to admit it but you guys are starting to sell me on these things. Got hooked on accomplices and now I can't go back.
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