#my brother thinks the mushies are something like agrocybe or some other kind i forget the name of
theplantqueer · 1 year
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dichondra repens, native kidneyweed - when this place was done up a bit before i moved in, they nuked the yard (including with something that was killing the honeybees for a while there) and started over, ironically killing off all the remaining elements of native ecosystems to achieve a perfectly landscaped "native garden". Half the plants are not even native to this area.
meaning i've had to gradually learn about what *should* be growing here and doing my little bits to put things back and help that along. an easy starting point was one of the groundcovers native to this area, dichondra! I sowed a few packets of seed in the patches where the lawn was thinner and it's loving life.
looking into the harder to get groundcovers soon, but planning native violets (among others) in some of the spots currently covered in bark chip.
as a bonus, I see the mycelium is doing its business in there!
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