#my cats are effectively trying to destroy any function capabilities i have lol
liarsweapon · 3 years
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besidesthe first one idk if ima color any of these bc these sketches were primarily my looking at multiple references and trying to copy what i was seeing as closely as possible w the exception of like clothing changes and little things like that but these are the base sketches i got done before my mother decided she needed to control a 24 year old again
last one @folkesange my mom interrupted me before i could figure out how to lineart an ether merm tail slksskks
#out.#may increase janies eye sockets#i checked four times bc i felt like the face looked off but no the proportions to nats actual face were right so#idk maybe its bc ive been looking at it for an hour each of these linearts took abt an hour or so#the first one more like two but i wasnt trying to duplicate specific styles as much on that as actually having to brain it so#almost midnight and ive done no coloring#whoops#tomorrow im either gon actuslly clean or do more lineaorks so i have bases to work in later when i dont wanna draw and only wanna color so#hopefully ill at least clean a bit bc jfc my dog made an absolute mess on the floor idek whsy she did#executive dysfunction is bULLSHIT but i cant get riddalin anymore thanks to my sister stealing them from me so what am i gon do lol#ridalin didnt work anyways tjo i just hyperfocused for 10 linutes then passed out#evidently tho it means it djd kinda work bc i did hyperfocus but i still passed out afterwards so#mep i know theres other options i just dont remrmber whay theyre called#kinda wanna ask if j can go back on ambien its not adhd but i mean i slep so#for those noticing the even more spazzy bs of the brina#my cats threw their tree on my head again a few nights ago#it bles a bit#and i had another concussion#and adhd symptoms worsen from concussions#my cats are effectively trying to destroy any function capabilities i have lol#my ribs hurt and idk why#oh i have replies too dont i#may do those tomorrow too idk#no promises but i will t r y#honestly ones w/o icons or w ppl tbag dont mind my not cutting posts will be prioritized just bc going on lappy is a lot rn#iTS MIDGHT NOW AND IM OVERMENYAL INWANNA DRAW MORE MOM WHY#oh yeah i only put the sig over the lineart so ppl cant just take the lineart and claim it as theirs#like my lineart is 90% my staring at pose references and copying what i see down so like#i think anyone can do that#its like tracing without tracing bc youre not like drawing over an image bur sometimes you put the image over and lower opacity to see if
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aziraferals · 8 years
i was tagged by @likeadeepbluesea :)
1: Are you named after someone? nah i named myself
2: When is the last time you cried? i got a lil teary eyed yesterday because that episode with george o’malley
3: Do you like your handwriting? im compulsive about my handwriting so i mostly avoid writing by hand if i can
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? i only eat turkey and im very specific about the texture 
5: Do you have kids? no i do not have a small germ factory nor do i want one
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? probably for like 5 seconds because we’d have so many shared interests but i would be immediately bored that we were identical in all things
7: Do you use sarcasm? it is my constant state
8: Do you still have your tonsils? affirmative
9: Would you bungee jump? maybe
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? i’ll pretty much eat any cereal unless it has any berries or other disgusting things. usually i binge eat it and then dont eat any for months on end and then im like cereal!! again and the cycle repeats. probably because when i eat it my mouth gets sore? i think i put too much of it in my mouth at once so when i chew it like destroys my mouth idfk i basically dont function as a human so
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? nope plus usually im wearing my barn boots and those fuckers just slip right off
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? who isn’t. this world is shit but we’re somehow making it through
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavour? grapenut, but i also had coconut pineapple one time and HOO BOY good shit
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? idk my mind immediately goes blank because anxiety
15: Red or pink? meh
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? this sentence is... so contradictory...
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? none and none
18: What was the last thing you ate? im eating those pink round mint things which are actually my brothers but he left them on the couch and i have no self control
19: What are you listening to right now? the washing machine because it’s in the room next to me (i snuck in my horse’s nasty ass leg wraps mwahaha)
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? dark blue?
21: Favorite smell? hay and shavings and leather and horse all mixed in (some barns have a bad smell but some barns have a rlly good smell that settles and milds out on your clothes just right so when you smell it after not being at the barn for a while its so comforting) also after it rains and it’s cold and its like you’re breathing in really clean, refreshing air and it still has that rain smell
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? the receptionist at the vet office
23: Favorite sport to watch? the equestrian olympics
24: Hair color? dirty blonde. i suppose you could call it light brown but when it’s cut short you can tell it’s blonde
25: Eye color? i got some ben c eyes woot woot. i mean his are some other league but u get what im saying
26: Do you wear contacts? funny story, according to my eye doctor im a prodigy because i learned how to put in my contacts in about 15 minutes and it usually takes ppl either a full hour or they have to come back for a second session (they make u put them in & out 3 times without issue before they approve you to take them home) i hate my glasses but i am simultaneously too fucking lazy to wear contacts tho
27: Favourite food to eat? pretty much everything i eat is my favorite thing because im so picky and only eat about 5 things and they have to be things that i really like because otherwise i wont eat them.
28: Scary movies or comedy? comedy
29: Last movie you watched? arrival
30: What color shirt are you wearing? blue
31: Summer or winter? winter
32: Hugs or kisses? hugs. ive never kissed??? lol nerd
33: What book are you currently reading?  im reading a fucking amazing fanfic right now (X)
34: Who do you miss right now? someone i havent met yet. lmao im not even trying to be deep but like... im lonely for someone and i havent met anyone yet yah feel. 
35: What is on your mouse pad? nothing
36: What is the last TV program you watched? im rewatching grey’s anatomy because thats what i do when im rlly depressed and dont feel anything because shonda rhimes has no mercy and tortures everyone and im like thank god i am capable of emotion sometimes. rewatching sherlock would be much more effective but sherlock is Too Much(TM) 
37: What is the best sound? when horses nicker, when my cat does his lil chirp which he does all the time its so cute, hooves on pavement, people full on laughing
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? i just. don’t care
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? one time i went upstairs to eat some lunch but there were no plates so i had to walk all the way downstairs again to get some and then back up. it took years. i saw things i never thought i’d see. im weary with travel, i can’t wait to be back in my own bed
40: Do you have a special talent? i have double jointed shoulder blades or something so i can hang off the backs of chairs on them and when i played sports i would try and intimidate the other team when we did stretches by popping them out the sides rlly far. does that count
41: Where were you born? a hospital room
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