#my contribution to our huge AU where Celica's siblings survive and rebel against King LIma
thepathsofdestiny · 6 years
~*~ The Faithful have a saying: Mila provides. Duma protects.
In autumn of the year 384 VC, Octavia Rothschild, eldest daughter of King LIma IV and heir to the throne of Zofia, stood with her stepmothers and half-siblings as they laid Lady Liprica to rest.
On that night, Octavia and her brother Arcturus, a novice cleric in Mila’s service, learn a painful lesson: those with plenty simply have more to lose. And those without must fight to hold on to what little they do have.
Heavy is the head that wears a crown, no matter how old- or young- they may be.
And on the night of the fire, Princess Octavia is only sixteen... ~*~ This AU started out two weeks ago on Discord, after an offhanded remark about Desaix dying before he could kill all of Celica's siblings, and Celica's big, buff big sis killing Lima and taking the throne. Then we spent a whole night giving them names... and appearances... and personalities... Well. This just goes to show what happens when you ask a Discord server full of writers "what if". So shout out to the group chat for coming up with this family who'll kill for each other- because everyone's trying to kill them. And if you're just joining us, well, buckle up, because I do believe you're in for a ride... ~*~
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