#my cordelia chase post will be similarly disastrous just telling you now
loisfreakinglane · 5 years
sansa stark
favorite thing about them
god literally everything how do you expect me to choose. okay okay okay for today i’m gonna kind of maybe cheat and say that my favorite thing about her is being inside her brain. i love her point of view more than anything else in the whole series. how she thinks, how she grows and what she believes, the things she chooses to say and the things she keeps to herself. her tiny rebellions maintained behind a wall of courtesy, her quiet courage. and then an added layer of snarkiness and flirtatious manipulation when she’s alayne stone.
least favorite thing about them
i could say her naivete and her strict adherence to social protocols, because of how that ruined her childhood relationships with arya and jon, but i can’t even consider those least favorite things because i LOVE those parts of her, I love that she’s had such a huge character arc. that she’s not a perfect person, that she had to grow and learn and UNlearn a lot of things
favorite line
“All it would take was a shove, she told herself. He was standing right there, right there, smirking at her with those fat wormlips. You could do it, she told herself. You could. Do it right now. It wouldn’t even matter if she went over with him. It wouldn’t matter at all.”
“They are children, Sansa thought. They are silly little girls, even Elinor. They’ve never seen a battle, they’ve never seen a man die, they know nothing. Their dreams were full of songs and stories, the way hers had been before Joffrey cut her father’s head off. Sansa pitied them. Sansa envied them.”
“I could close my eyes. The mule knows the way, he has no need of me. But that seemed more something Sansa would have done, that frightened girl. Alayne was older, and bastard brave.”
“She wondered where this courage had come from, to speak to him so frankly. From Winterfell, she thought. I am stronger within the walls of Winterfell.”
“She drew the knife and held it before her with both hands. “Are you going to stab me?” Dontos asked. “I will,” she said. “Tell me who sent you.””
“I hope you joust better than you talk. […] Should we ever wed, you’ll have to send Saffron back to her father. I’ll be all the spice you’ll want.”
and a show only line tragically cut from the final product? “I don’t know any songs. Not anymore.” I fucking LOVE that change, from her singing a song for the hound out of terror to her saying that instead. I think it both reflects that she is a bit older than in the book but also another way they chose to externalize some of her inner self
GOD HOW TO PICK BC LIKE SO MANY PEOPLE but okay so ALWAYS it’s arya and jon and bran and margaery
show specific? brienne and theon and shae!!!
book specific? myranda and mya and jeyne
i’m crossing my fingers tormunds daughter show up and one is spectacularly gay but yeah basically that’s where i’m at now YES I KNOW SHES MARRIED I DON’T CARE. (i forgot actually sorry but i do like the idea of sansa and a wildling girl) or bring back hannah john kamens character ornela? she and sansa would be SO PRETTY TOGETHER. in another life i could have hoped harry hardyng would fall deeply madly in love with her and they’d have a legit partnership esp after she was revealed as sansa stark and she was soft with his bastard children in a way she never thought she’d be as a child bc she knows better now and he’d be her handsome trophy husband who’s kind of a snarky asshole but head over heels for her. ALAS HE DOES NOT EXIST IN SHOWVERSE so ig that means either he’s a ramsay-type asshole who treats her like garbage and she must escape him or he’s completely irrelevant to the future.
i’m not personally here for any of the sansa/old men ships floating about. subverting her character doesn’t have to mean she winds up with an ugly old dude she’d never have wanted in season 1. she can still not want them without that rendering her character development void or lacking in some way
sidenote i wish this section had a fOETP bc i’m obsessed with her and cerseis relationship forever but that doesn’t fit into brotp otp or notp so i’m making an addendum
random headcanon
she bi dude
unpopular opinion
show-wise? i am both angry we lost her vale plot and that she was swapped out with jeyne for the bolton disaster show, but if i had to live with that then i’m glad we got her reunion with jon and her taking back the north. i’m mad at the journey s5 took but not the places it brought us to in s6, if that makes sense. BOOKWISE? ummm i don’t ship her with any ugly old men. also she’s one of the most amazing characters in the whole series (i mean the BEST to me personally) and her chapters are so unbelievably beautiful and lyrical and i could read them forever. also… the kingsroad was not that deep it was just a fustercluck and the only thing we don’t dissect enough was how cersei had so much time to manipulate her into keeping her mouth shut
song i associate with them
no song but here’s a fanvid rec :) i love watching this on my phone at 3 am and sobbing into my dog
favorite picture of them
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