#my dad i have learned is incapable of having two way conversations which is endearing but unproductive
elytrafemme · 1 year
i really do wish at least one of my family members had a normal perspective on politics. not in the sense that any of them have bad takes persay but just that literally none of them approach the broad concept of Politics in an effective manner
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aviss · 4 years
Jaime/Brienne either 15 (meeting in the ER) or 22 (meeting at a terrible wedding). Thanks!
Thanks so much for the prompt, since I already did 22 I’ve gone with 15, meeting in the ER.
Selwyn rushed to the hospital as soon as he got the call, an uneasy feeling in his gut in spite of the nurse's reassurances that Brienne was alright. It wasn't that Selwyn didn't believe them but people who were alright rarely ended in the ER, and Brienne was a very prudent child to engage in antics that would land her in the hospital so when it happened it was a cause for concern. 
She had recently started some martial arts and fencing lessons at his request, Brienne had made no friends in school in the two months since they had moved to King's Landing and Selwyn had hoped she would meet likeminded people there. They would have called him from the gym if it had been an accident there, though, not from the hospital. Add to that her mobile sending all his calls to voice mail and Selwyn was worried.
He arrived at King Robert's hospital and rushed out of the cab and straight into the ER looking for the distinctive blond head. He exhaled in relief when he found it, Brienne was sitting in one of the universally uncomfortable hospitals chairs, clearly not gravely injured, and she wasn't alone. Next to her was a little boy pressing a wad of paper against her bleeding nose and trying to make her tilt her head back to stem the flow. Selwyn hoped it wasn't broken again, Brienne was already too conscious of her looks. 
He saw the darkening bruises on her cheek and jaw then and clenched his jaw as he advanced, fury at the idea of someone beating on his child seething in his veins, only to stop a second later when he was jostled from behind, a young man running past him and bumping Selwyn's shoulder in his haste, blond curls bouncing with each step. 
"Tyrion!" the young man said and the little boy with Brienne looked up as she finally leaned back and closed her eyes, her big hands coming up to hold the napkin, covering most of her face. 
Mismatched eyes in a face much older than he had expected focused on the blonde. There was a matching bruise on the odd face. "Jaime!"
Selwyn reevaluated some things; that was no little boy, not in the way he had thought before. That was Tyrion Lannister, and the running blond had to be his brother, Jaime. Tywin Lannister's children, and somehow Brienne had landed in the hospital with one of them. 
Still angry but now also curious since he could see Brienne was really fine, Selwyn approached at a more leisurely pace not drawing attention to himself and listened to their conversation; he was certain he'd learn more about what happened than if he asked Brienne. 
Jaime kneeled in front of his brother, his eyes scanning him for injuries as he asked question after question. "What happened? How did you end up in the hospital? Who did this? Who's that? Did they hurt you? You know you scared me? What father will do if he finds out?" He sent a suspicious look at where Brienne was, still with her eyes closed, as if she had done something bad to his brother. 
Tyrion rolled his eyes dramatically. "It was Clegane and Loch," he said and his brother's eyes snapped back to him, widening for a second before they narrowed in clear anger. 
Tyrion shook his head. "Gregor." That made Jaime grit his teeth, green eyes sparkling with fury. "They thought it would be funny to push me around when I was going home, Brienne saw them and stopped them." Selwyn took note of the names. Later, once they were home, he would investigate who those two were and how to make sure they never laid a finger on his daughter again. Not that Brienne was incapable of defending herself, Selwyn was certain they would be nursing their own bruises, but still. He wasn't as rich and powerful as a Lannister, but he wasn't without resources. "And why do you think I had the nurse call you and not father? I'm not an idiot."
"Of course not," Jaime said, smiling at his brother. He turned to Brienne then, nothing of the distrust he had shown before on his face. "Thank you, Brienne, for defending my brother." Brienne mumbled something unintelligible, not removing her hands from her face. "You must be very strong if you fought Clegane and Loch off, they are assholes because they are strong." It was said wonderingly, a thread of admiration in it.
Brienne finally removed her hands from her face and sat up, taking the napkin away and looking at Jaime. If Selwyn hadn't been looking intently at the young man for any sign that he was going to insult or mock his child, as men as attractive as him usually thought they had the right to, he would have missed it. For an instant, Jaime Lannister looked like he had been struck by lightning, his eyes wide and his mouth parting open on the exhale, two spots of colour climbing high on his cheekbones. He licked his lips, an unconscious gesture, and swallowed. Then Jaime blinked and the starstruck expression was gone.
Selwyn had seen that expression before, it had been on his own face the day he had met Brienne's mother, when he had seen those eyes his daughter had inherited and which rivalled the waters of Tarth in their allure. Lisette had been no beauty, like their daughter, but she had been the most gorgeous woman to Selwyn though it had taken him years to convince her of it.
"I wasn't going to let them hurt Tyrion," Brienne was saying with her usual straightforwardness, not having noticed anything out of the ordinary. Selwyn couldn't see her face but he knew how to read her body language, could see the hunch of her shoulders and the flush creeping down her neck, she was embarrassed.
"Thank you, anyway. Is anyone coming to pick you up?" 
Brienne nodded. "My father." 
The brothers exchanged a look that said they hoped he wasn't like Tywin. "We'll stay with you until he arrives. What do you want to tell him happened? We can back up any story."
That was Selwyn's cue. "That won't be necessary, I've heard all I needed," he said, taking the last steps separating them. All heads turned to him, a subtle tension creeping onto the brother's shoulders, wariness on their faces. Brienne on the other hand just looked mortified. 
"Sorry dad, I knew you were in a meeting," she said as Selwyn breached the distance separating them and pressed his lips against her forehead. 
"I can reschedule and if they have a problem, I'll find a new client," he said, unconcerned. He knew what was important. The brothers exchanged another, charged look. Selwyn turned to them and smiled. "Thank you for staying with my child, and offering to lie for her." Brienne flushed even darker at the endearment like he knew she would. 
A nurse called Brienne's name and she stood up, refusing Selwyn's offer of going inside with her because she was "Seventeen, not seven, dad. Stop embarrassing me."
"She got hurt defending me," Tyrion said as soon as she was out of sight. "You shouldn't punish her for it."
Selwyn had not had the displeasure of meeting Tywin Lannister and he didn't think he wanted to anytime soon, no children should look so scared of their parents as these two, who in spite of verging on adulthood were still children to Selwyn. "Why would I punish my child for standing up for others when I raised her to do that?" Selwyn said as gently as he could. He took the seat Brienne had vacated. "I'm glad she did, and that she's made some friends."
The brothers shared another look but didn't contradict him, taking a seat next to him to wait for Brienne. 
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