#my dad immediately said ''what if the holes in the jaws were for a primitive sorta bit (goes in the mouth) for dog sledding?''
banukai · 5 months
Whenever I accidentally scratch my teeth with a fork I am reminded of the paleolithic teeth that were found scratched... ancient humans who would hold skins in their teeth and stretch them with stones.... we are the same...!
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the-silentium · 5 years
Wait for me to come home Pt. 7
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Masterlist  Part 6
Pairing: Eddie Brock x Reader, Venom x Reader
Warning: Angst, fluff
Words: 5160 Words
It can be really cruel how the unconscious plays with someone's mind. It takes your worst fear and turns it against you in a horrible nightmare or takes the thing you want the most in the world and gives it to you in an illusory dream. You enjoy that so realistic dream so much and lose yourself in it. But then the unavoidable moment to wake up finally strikes. All the fantasies crumble down and reality hits you with a harsh slap across your face. You were imagining what never happened. Your reality is so full of shit. 
That's what happened to you. Your brother did almost die by your boyfriend's hand. You did call Sebastian for assistance after expelling Venom out of your apartment. You did sleep next to your brother and wake up next to him. But your brother accepting the fact that your boyfriend is the host of an alien definitely didn't happen. In fact, he doesn't even know. Your call to Eddie that day to try to find a solution didn't happen, so is your intimate moment with the symbiote. All the good moments and all the progress were in the end just a bunch of bullshit your mind made up to make you last another day. 
The accident occurred 7 days ago. Aiden returned home the day after the event still unable to talk. He asked you to go with him but you refused. You had to argue with him for almost an hour before he finally gave up. He wrapped a scarf around his neck to hide the blue yellowish skin and drove home safely. No need to tell that you got a frantic call this same evening. Aiden's wife, Sarah, was so scared that Venom would come back for you and finish the job that she begged you to come to their house for some time. It took a lot of talking but you got to stay in your home with the promise to call them every evening. Now all you have to do is think about what to do next. And change your door. 
Because Venom exploded your door handle. Again. Plus, the door frame has a hole where the latch bolt should go, so the door didn't stay closed. Not feeling like fixing it at the moment, you bought 3 door locks and put them on. It wasn't the best option but you couldn't care less. Your dad would definitely laugh at your crappy work and take the matter in his hands but he wasn't here, so crappy work it is. 
You tried to call Eddie, but you always end on voicemail. You knew that you didn't do anything wrong, but you couldn't help yourself but feel guilty. You didn't know why you just know that the feeling kept weighing on your mind. You didn't get much sleep because your brain wouldn't let you a second off. It was weird. You had so many thoughts at the same time, but you felt so empty. 
The air conditioning hit you square in the face at the second the automatic door opens. You make your way in, waving at the security guard before getting in the elevator. You press the 15th-floor button without hesitation and close your eyes to muster up your strength to survive the day. Your only hope is that you will not see him at all. It hurts, even more, when you both glance at each other and he clearly goes out of his way to avoid you. You tried to corner him but you are no match with aliens supersense. He hears you coming from the other end of the building and disappears in a rush. 
Signing when the doors open, you put a smile on your face and starts the day with force. You wave at Kayla and goes for your office. You quickly send your last pictures to Sam and take in your new list. Easy ones. Yay. You fill some paperwork before grabbing your jacket and your camera. You double-check that your spare batteries are in the case before returning to the streets and hunt down your subjects. 
Few hours pass and your head is far away from your daily problems. You met some amazing people through your photoshoots and you return to the journal with new numbers in your contact list. On your way back, you meet Kayla and you both start to make plans for the week. You were both really excited for the new Lion King movie so you planned a movie night tomorrow night. What better than a Disney movie to return in your childhood and forget all about your adult worries?
Back at your office, a note is neatly written and lies on top of your keyboard. You immediately know who is the author because of the origami swan that keeps company to the little square of paper. Are you in for a little gala in my company? I would love to hear from you darling. We didn't see each other as much lately. I'll wait for your answer in my office.          -Kyle
You smile at the offer and immediately you want to say yes. Galas with Kyle are always interesting and enjoyable. What makes you hesitate though is that you have to pass Eddie's office to reach Kyle's. You breathe deeply, grab the little swan and reach the elevator. You smile to the people already in and press the 19th-floor button before trying to make yourself as little as possible. Your finger jump on your hips. Wow, the 4 floors that separate your two departments feel like an eternity today. 
Someone gets out at the 17th floor. Another one at the 18th. When the door on the 19th finally opens, you are tempted to stay in and enjoy the ride to the differents floors but people eye you like they know that this is your destination. You slowly step out and take in the calm atmosphere of the journalists area. People are typing at their computer, some are silently chatting in the break room while some others exchange opinions on an article. 
Your eyes are attracted towards a certain investigative reporter cubicle. Your heart skips a beat when you take in his tilted head. He looks too concentrated to notice your presence. Before tears drown your eyes you reach Kyle's office. You don't have time to knock that the door opens and his smiley face greets you. 
"Y/N! You are radiant as always dear!" He takes a step on the side to let you in.  
"Hi, Kyle. Thank you. You are pretty handsome yourself." You get in and take a seat in one of the two chairs in front of his desk. He sits in the other and faces you, letting the door open. "So, we are going to a gala?" 
His hands join together in a satisfied motion. "So will you be my other half for tonight?" 
Short notice. Again. Journalism sucks sometimes but hey, you got to pass your time with the most gentleman being that ever existed. "You know I love this kind of event." You put your elbows on your knees and smile mockingly at him. "So, details?" 
Kyle reaches for a file on his desk. A very primitive part of you feels eyes on your neck. You get a bit uncomfortable and shift in your seat. You have a good idea of who's watching you but you can't help but scratch your neck in discomfort. The feeling passes soon after that and you release a breath you didn't know you were holding. 
"The gala is organized by…" 
Eddie tuned out his friend. His right finger is taping uncontrollably on the desk while his eyes glare at the screen without seeing it. To hell his article. He already had a hard time concentrating when you weren't there, now that you are, his guilt resurfaced. With it is now mixed jealousy. 
You are once again paired with Kyle for a dressed-up event. You will dress for him and not them. You will dance with him, not them. He will be able to see you smile, but not them. Oh, how they miss it. How much they want to hold you in their arms again. How much they want to feel your lips on theirs. Your absence really weights on the symbiote and his host. 
Sure, Eddie refused your calls at first. His guilt was eating him alive and he was so scared that all you wanted to do was scream at them and ultimately end your relationship. It was understandable. He hurt you by hurting your brother and the fear in your eyes when Venom reached for you... it still haunted the symbiote. 
They didn't get much sleep the first day. They were too worried to rest or eat. It was a first. Venom didn't bug his host for food for a whole day. The second day has been really hard though. They were both lacking sleep and food. The cocktail resulted in a dozen of missing robbers, muggers and assholes. At the end of the night, when they felt like they drained all their frustration, they stealthily went to your window and watched you sleep for some time. Your brother must have returned home because he was nowhere to be seen and his sent was faint. You whimpered in your sleep causing Venom to unlock and open your window slightly. He wanted to comfort you like he always did but Eddie stopped him. You were better without them he said. They would only bring problems to you. Reluctantly, the alien took a step back and returned amongst the shadows. It broke him to let you behind but his host was most experienced than him in these situations.
Venom knew he did something bad to you and all he wanted was to apologize. Every time Eddie calls him a parasite, things go back to normal when he apologizes, so this situation is no different, right? Error, apology, back to normal. Easy really. But Eddie's stubbornness to stay away from you is complicating Venom's plan and is seriously starting to weight on his nerves. He misses you and his host won't do anything to repair the situation. 
Right now, the journalist can't help himself. He stares at your form and feels the symbiote move beneath his skin. It reassures him to know that the symbiote was still watching and not lurking in the pit of his body. They both fell in a quiet routine since Eddie burst Venom's bubble about their probably ended relationship with you. 
"I'll pick you up at 7." Kyle's voice forces Eddie back to reality. He doesn't have to turn his head to know that the male has an arm on the small of your back. The low hiss resonating in him tells him all he has to know. 
Ours. Venom low growl makes Eddie clench his jaw. 
Not anymore. 
You don't know for sure. You avoided her like a pussy. 
Shut up. Us falling apart… It's the natural way of things after what we've done. 
That's stupid. 
That's the truth. 
"Perfect." Your melodic voice gives goosebump to the brunette. "I'll be ready. See you tonight Kyle." The smile in your voice makes Venom's jealousy reach a peak. 
Eddie has to grab his desk with both hands to keep the symbiote in check. His knuckles had turned white by the time you reached the elevator and your smell disappeared with you. He lets out a breath he didn't know he was keeping and Venom settles a bit. 
We have a bad feeling about this gala, Eddie.
You are just jealous because she's not going with us. 
Eddie fells a low rumble shake his body. It is not jealousy. It is something more. 
Humming, Eddie tried to concentrate on his article again. Not to avail. The Venom's feeling was perturbing him too. He really wished that it was jealousy and nothing else. 
19:08. Venom couldn't stay in place and has been chanting hungry hungry hungry for the past 20 minutes. Finally giving up, Eddie let his other take control but he had to promise to not approach the neighborhood of the gala. Grunting, Venom still engulfs his host and gets out of the apartment by the window. The fresh air of the evening invigorates the black alien. He swings through the air from building to building and stops only when your apartment building come to view. He stops on a nearby rooftop and pays attention to what's happening. Your lights are off, windows closed and your camera isn't on its usual spot. 
Disappointed, Venom returns to a more troublesome neighborhood with a goal in mind. Fill his stomach while keeping an eye out for you. The feeling in his gut keeps him on edge and every little sound catches his attention. 
It doesn't take long for him to find his first meal. A scream brings him to an alley where two men cornered a woman and forced themselves on her. Protectiveness flood through Venom making him barge in the scene like fire was surrounding him. He makes a quick job of biting the head off the first guy and proceeds to pass his anger on the second. He starts to beat the shit out of him, throwing him on the brick walls, crushing his leg under his own foot and terrorizing him with his toothy maw. When an unpleasant smell of urine reaches Venom's nostrils, he decides that the game is over. He finishes quickly in two bites and takes a moment to calm himself down when a hand touches his forearm. His head shot toward the source, baring his fangs, ready to attack.
The woman flinches, fear all over her face. The feeling of déjà-vu freezes the symbiote. At her place, he sees you standing there, scared of him. He immediately hides his fangs and retrieves his taloned hands from near you. He even takes a step backward before the woman speaks up. 
"Th-thank you for saving me." She shakes a little but stands her ground. Her hands move to grab the opposite upper arm in a self hug manner. 
Venom relax a little and crouch a bit, wanting to be a little less intimidating. The woman takes it as an invitation perhaps, because she moves forward and delicately touches his right cheek. It triggers a feeling the symbiote has been experiencing in the past days. He didn't like it one bit. The silent ache in his heart whenever something reminds him of you. The missing warmth on his skin every time you would merely brush at him. 
For days Venom wondered what caused the emptiness in him. He knew for sure that there was no physical hole, he searched for one 3 times. He tried to ask Eddie about it but only got silence as an answer. He tried searching on his host's computer. The thing always seemed to have all the answers to Eddie's questions. Only, the symbiote was met with a vocabulary he didn't understand one bit. Human emotions. 
Tonight, though, he finally understood what was wrong. The little spark in his chest was gone. Your spark. He always thought that you were the one who put it there and it made him feel special. Eddie had one too, of course, but now that Venom thinks about it, both of them are missing. 
His heartbeat skyrockets when panic takes him over. You took your sparks back?  Was it too late to apologize and make things better? The delicate touch on his cheek was now burning him causing him to take a few steps back. No one can touch him like that. Only you. He only wants your spark, no one else's. 
He turns on his heels and climbs the building next to him. You. He needs to see you and make things better. He ran from building to building at first and change to web-slinging when he decided that it wasn't fast enough. Now. He needs you now. 
Eddie is confused in the black armor that is the symbiote. One moment, he felt guilty and then hell break loose. A tornado of emotions consumed him and his heartbeat is uncontrollable. He tried to talk to the symbiote, tried to calm him down, asked what was wrong, but never get an answer. He could only stay in the backseat and watch. 
Again, the bad feeling they both felt when Kyle invited you to the gala plague their minds. Something was wrong. It wasn't jealousy. It was instinct. A 600 million years advanced instinct that told them to hurry their asses. 
Venom pushes himself harder when his destination appears in his line of vision. He lands heavily on a rooftop adjacent and jumps to the edge. His eyes widen when he takes in the scene taking place in front of them. Multiple police cars block the entry of the building, agents rushing to evacuate the street, 4 ambulances on standby waiting for injured and the SWAT team preparing themselves for an assault. 
This couldn't be happening. They promised to protect their little one. They failed. Twice. They need to get you out of there because they need you. And they need you now. 
Just wait a second budy. We need info. 
No we don’t.
Yes we do. You can’t just barge in like that. There may be a bomb or somethin’ and a lot of people can die if we don’t do it correctly. The black alien lets out a huff and gets down of his hiding place. He stays in the shadows and concentrates on hearing the briefing of the SWAT.
"-round 200 hostages on the 37th floor. We know for sure that there are 5 kidnappers, but there may be more. The first contact allowed us to know that there are wounded, but no deaths so far." A weight lifted from Eddie. No death. They still have a chance to get you out of there. "They are organized and have no desire to surrender. As soon as they find what they are looking for, they’ll go out in a bloodbath, so we have to neutralize them before-" 
A guttural roar escapes the symbiote and he lounges forward, scaring the shit out of the tactical team. He gets a hold of the thin brick portion of the building and starts climbing at a fast rhythm. Counting as fast as he could, Eddie prevents his other went he needs to slow his pace. Surprisingly, the SWAT didn’t open fire on them like Eddie had thought they are merely shouting orders to accelerate the assault. It’s the next floor. Stay hidden. 
Following his host’s instructions, Venom slowly gets near the edge of the window and analyze the situation. 1,2,3..7 kidnappers. All equipped with automatic rifle, kevlar vest, and tactical masks. No explosives insight. The hostages are all scattered around the room on their knees, head low and most of them are shaking. The wounded are crowded in the far corner of the room, near the entrance. Venom passes all their face in check and is relieved to see that you are not one of them. 
Deciding that now is the best moment to eat heads, Venom shoots a web over the top edge of the window, jump backward and use gravity to enter the room in an explosion of glass shards. Many people scream and rush away from him. Cautious to not hurt any civilian, Venom force his passage by pushing the slower out of his way and get to the nearer bad guy. He only has time to scream and shoot one bullet at him that his head is already missing and his body falls limp on the floor. More screams reach the alien’s ears joined with multiple impacts of bullets. Venom quickly jumps toward another attacker and throw him across the room on another bad guy. They both fly together for a few feets before hitting the ground et meeting a horrible toothy jaw seconds later. 3 down, 4 to go. 
Unfortunately, the 4 others prepared themselves. Each one of them got a civilian in front of them with their rifle aimed for the head. You are one of them. Eddie’s blood runs cold and Venom freezes. Your peachy dress is covered in blood on almost all its entirety, tears run down your face and your right ankle is swollen. 
"Don’t move or their brains will redo the deco." 
A low growl erupted from his chest when his eyes shrink to thin lines. The man is too far for him to neutralize. If he makes a move, you’ll be dead before he reaches you. They can’t think of a way to get you out of here alive and it rises their distress. Your eyes met his and you try to smile at them. It brokes them even further. You look like you accepted your fate already and you are saying your goodbyes. God bless Venom’s sharp sight, the subtle movement behind the man threatening your life catches his attention. A dark-haired man slowly gets on his feet in a crouched position and nod to someone on his right. In his peripheral vision, Venom sees 3 other men doing the same and approaching slowly the kidnappers. 
Idiots. Braves. They both think at the same time. The black-haired man silently lifts his hand and show his palm to the others in a waiting motion. Then, he points the alien and Eddie is quick to catch his intentions. They need a distraction. And one they will get. He waits for the good samaritans to watch for his move and then he breathes deeply and makes the biggest roar he ever made. Just when they jump in surprise do the 4 civilians jump for the rifles and fight for it. In a millisecond, your captor loses his head and the other 3 receives the same treatment. 
Panting from the mix of fear and action, Venom takes a second to compose himself and turns to where you should be. The room is completely silent, no one sob, no one scream, no one cry. Everyone is watching him closely, waiting for his next move. You are on the floor, the dark-haired man checking you over. Now that Venom concentrates on him, he realizes that your good samaritan is Kyle. 
When the journalist sees your sight fixed on something behind his back, he turns around and puts himself between you and the symbiote. Eddie is relieved that you have a friend who would fight for you as much as he would do. Without being your boyfriend. That's his job. 
All Venom can think of at the moment is push Kyle aside, scoop you in his arms and return home to cuddle your body all night. That's when he remembers the blood covering you. Refraining his urge to just follow his plan, he tilts his head to meet your gaze. 
"Are you alright?" 
You nod and tighten your grip on what Eddie thinks is Kyle's jacket. 
"I'm fine. Thank you for saving us." Your voice is shaking a bit, but the sincerity on your face tell them that you really are okay. Kyle's strong arms wrap around your shoulders while he moves to be at your side and his eyes meet Venom's. 
"Thank you for saving us." His strong tone travels around the room and soon enough, a choral of "thank you" flood the symbiote and his host's ears. Never before did they receive such a big positive reaction to what they do. 
The moment abruptly comes to an end when the SWAT team barges in the room. Giving a glance at your form one last time, Venom turns on his heels and quickly make his exit by the broken window he came from. Policemen were still running the street and shouts could be heard when some of them spotted the symbiote. 
They didn't even try to follow him, concentrating their forces on the task at hand. Venom find a dark alley and returns back into his host. Still feeling the adrenaline in his vein, the brunette starts a sprint toward the scene and stops at the police barrier. They didn't evacuate the hostages yet. 
The journalist analyzes the barrier for a weak spot he could use to break in and meet you when you get out. Not too far from him is an abstracted policeman who is more interested in his phone than his job. Perfect. He approaches stealthily and waits for your appearance. 
1 minute later, the first hostages start to get out of the building. 5 more minutes and Eddie can see you being carried bridal style by the dark-haired journalist. Quickly, Eddie passes under the yellow tape, jumps the wooden barrier and avoid the policeman who finally got off his phone. He runs as fast as he could, helped by his symbiote. 
Your gaze found theirs and you talk to your friend. He puts you down a second before Eddie reaches you and hugs you tightly. His head finds the crook of your neck when yours meet his chest. Venom is undulating under Eddie's skin, restraining himself to wrap you in his black tendrils. You start sobbing, making their heart clench. He releases his grip on you and analyzes your body for some injury. 
"I-I'm f-fine Ed. Just my ankle." You manage to say between your sobs. 
Sure enough, your ankle is swollen and a shade of deep blue started forming. 
"The blood is from someone else." Came the voice of your friend. "Darling here saved someone's life." He pats your shoulder and smile at them. He looks terribly tired. 
Eddie looks down and sees the same tiredness in your eyes. He takes you bridal style, your arms wrap themselves around his neck and your head find the side of his neck. 
"I'll get you checked on by a paramedic and we can go home, okay?" 
"I'm fine, really." The event really took its toll on you, because your voice becomes heavy with sleep. 
"I'll feel better if you get checked on." He can feel your nod on his skin and carry you near an ambulance. 40 minutes later, you are now on your way home after dropping Kyle at his first. The cab comes to a stop in front of Eddie's apartment building. 
"C-Can I stay at your place?" You ask him with a little shaky voice. "My door isn't the best description of safe at the moment."
Eddie pays the driver, gets out and take you out of the car in his arms without effort.
"Your place wasn't even an option. You stay with us." Now that nobody was around, thin black lines start to form around your form and keep you steady against your boyfriend. 
"I'm sorry." They almost didn't hear you whisper in their neck. 
"Sorry for what?" He frowns, trying to fit the key in the keyhole, but give up and let the symbiote do the job. 
"For what happened in my apartment." If it wasn't for Venom's head snuggling yours, they wouldn't have heard you. 
"Nothing is your fault little one." His head stops moving against yours and holds your gaze. "We should have analyzed the situation before jumping to conclusion." He licks your left cheek. 
You smile at him and the symbiote starts purring. Eddie finally enters the apartment and takes all of you in the bathroom. He puts you down on the closed lid of the toilet and starts running a hot bath. 
"Wait here." He quickly moves to the kitchen, takes a bag of ice from the freezer and get back to you. Your eyes are closed and your breathing is even. You look asleep, but your eyes open when you hear them. Eddie crouches and cautiously takes your bad foot in his hands. You wince but keep silent. He applies the ice on your ankle and you sigh. 
When the bath is almost full, he stops the water and helps you undress before you get in. They stay at your side and both symbiote and host start to wash your body. They are sure that you fell asleep, but your voice breaks the silence. 
"Venom, I'm sorry for burning you." Opening your eyes seems difficult, but you manage. The symbiote licks your cheek while tendrils start massaging your back. 
"We forgive you little one. We understand why you did it." 
Tears start to run down your cheeks. Your hands slowly lift to cradle Venom's right cheek and Eddie's left cheek. 
"I love you both."
Eddie's lips meet yours and moves in sync. You stay there for as long as you could before your need for oxygen make you pull back. 
"We love you too," Eddie whispers against your lips. 
When you started to feel too tired for the bath, they both take you out, dry you with towels and carry you to bed. There, you snuggle to Eddie's chest, black goo wrapping your form almost completely. 
"Are we your boyfriends again?" He sounded nervous. 
"Did we stopped being in a relationship?" You genuinely ask. 
"Eddie said that us falling apart was the natural way of things after what we did." 
You snort. "That's just stupid." 
"That's what I said!" Now, he sounds so satisfied with himself. He puts his head on the crook of your neck. 
"Hey, I felt guilty for what happened." 
He heard that your brother was okay. No permanent damage. He felt better, but still, shame and guilt plagued his heart. 
"My brother is fine, I'm fine, so there is nothing to worry about. You know, we could have talked about this instead of ignoring each other." 
More shame. Damn, he was such an idiot. At the thought, Venom starts purring. 
"Yes you are." 
Not helping dude. You laugh at their silent exchange and pet the symbiote. 
"Oh, Venom." You start. Said symbiote lift his head to meet your gaze. "You really improved your roar. I'm sure the other end of San Francisco heard it." You chuckle. 
Pride fills the alien and a huge smile forms on his face. 
"Thanks for being my hero." You say before taking his head in both hands and kiss his mouth. 
Venom is stunned at first, his eyes widening. Then he regains control of himself and starts to move what would be his lips with yours. If possible, his purr loudens and his black mass starts to wriggle. 
You laugh and pull away. His head, without support, fell on your chest and seems to melt a little. Eddie chuckles and pulls you in for a kiss. 
Venom didn't sleep that night. He was too occupied enjoying the feeling of your body against his and replay your kiss in his head. He loved how you called him your hero. But most of all, he enjoyed the feeling of the little spark in his and his host's chest. 
Tag list: @slither-in-a-half @a-frozen-bag-of-corn  @noshi-chan
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