#my dad used to have a burner tumblr just to stalk me
jewishbarbies ยท 10 months
my mom has been very vocal about how much she doesn't like that i'm a horror fan for several years, and now she laughs when i mention anything about the Barbie movie because she "can't believe i like Barbie" since it's so different, like, if she only knew what i post about on the internet. oh boy.
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sneezingpotatoes ยท 4 years
Hi! I just wanted to say that I've been stalking your blog for a while now... Hopefully you don't take that the wrong way lol ๐Ÿ˜… But I love your writing style and I love your Draco and Reuben fics!
I had a question about Draco and his past. Like in your Christmas fic, Draco said "Don't you ever mention my mother again, you got that?" And I was just so curious and wanted to know like the backstory on Draco and his family if you don't mind sharing! ๐Ÿ˜… Again, love your writing and your OC's!
Well hello there! XD Omg my first ask?! Thanksss omg xD I totally don't mind if you stalk my profile LOL XDD I literally do the same thing hahaha thats literally all I do on tumblr ๐Ÿ˜… Thanks so much! Even though I don't post that often, I'm glad you're still able to read them and enjoy them!! And wowowowww yeah Draco... He's a whole story on his own LMAO XD Draco, Draco, Draco... My poor sweet child xD You wanna know the story behind Draco, ey? Well be warned. XD Here ya go!
I guess you could say Draco wasn't always an alcoholic douche bag. Well... he was always a douche, but... a happier douche lol. His dad is an alcoholic. He used to always come home drunk, and was always the angry and aggressive type. When he came home, he always was intoxicated and always had to find SOMETHING to be angry about so he could take it out on them :/ His mom on the other hand was like his saving grace. They were really close. She worked 3 jobs and she was always tired but, she wanted Draco to live a good and happy life. A happier life than she had. She wanted to provide for Draco despite their living situation. Yes, his dad had a job but he would always blow his money on booze and smokes and didn't care about their family really. His mom knew that she wasn't in a healthy relationship, with having her husband always coming home angry and yelling, throwing plates and glasses everywhere whenever they argued, but she was used to that. Her parents were in that same relationship, so that's all she knew and was used to. Draco was there, and tried to do the best for his mom. He always stood up for her, only for her to tell Draco that it was okay and that he didn't need to protect her. But then that day came... That traumatizing day that Draco will NEVER forget in his life...
The death of his mother...
It was a Tuesday night. Around 8pm. Tuesday night was known as T-bone steak night, a rule set by his father of course. Every Tuesday his dad wanted to come home to a cooked T-bone steak, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob for dinner. On this night, his mother was just so tired from working and stress that she forgot it was Tuesday and made a different meal for dinner that wasn't the T-bone steak. Of course his dad comes home drunk and angry, screaming and yelling, throwing all of the dinner plates off of the table, just making a mess all over the dining room. At this point, Draco tells his dad that he's had enough and tells him to leave. The mother doesn't say anything. The dad tries to slap the mother but Draco catches his hand and shoves him out of the house and locks him out.
Of course, the dad is pissed and drunk so he feels like he has to do something to punish them. So he breaks in through the living room window while everyone is sleeping and turns on all the burners on high and lights a match in the trash can and kicks it over before he leaves. Draco smells the smoke from the fire nearly 15 minutes later and searches for his mom, but at this point, nearly everything is in flames around him and he's afraid the roof is going to collapse. He finally finds his mother slowly getting out of bed and he yells at her to get out of the house and that the whole building is going to collapse soon. She says okay and that she's coming. Meanwhile, he rushes out of the house thinking that shes right behind him, only to see that she was still slowly walking out of the kitchen. He can see pieces of flaming wood falling from the ceiling as he debates whether or not to go back in and scoop her up out of there. They both gasp as she sinks into the floor from the floor boards giving out from beneath her. She was stuck, having her right leg so far into the floor that she was nearly sinking. At the last second he decides to go back into the burning building, but before he can get to her, a heavy piece of flaming wood falls onto her from the ceiling and it crushes her lower half and other leg. He can hear her let out a loud scream as he still rushes over to help her. At this point the adrenaline is pumping the fastest it ever has and he makes the executive decision to use his bare hands to lift the hot piece of wood off of her body. He wanted to get her out if it was the last thing he did. No matter how many planks fell around them, he was ready to die with her until she said...
"Draco... Honey, its okay... Momma loves you so much... Leave me here. You've helped me more than you know. Get out of here!" Her voice was strained with pain but she still managed to have a smile on her face as she said those words looking at Draco. It was hard, but he listen to her and left the building before it completely collapsed into a large campfire.
So, Draco turned to booze to cope. It made him feel warm, it helps him sleep at night. Its basically like a teddy bear to a child. He hates his dads guts, and whenever he sees him again, he wants to kill him. Like actually kill him. He'll go to jail, he doesn't care. He didn't have a house after their house burned down. He lived in his car until he lost his job and couldn't keep a steady job to support himself. He was mentally unstable from the event. His mom was his only family, and for her to practically die in his arms? He felt useless. She was right there and he couldnt do anything to save her... Eventually his sold his car and spent that money on booze too. The pavement by the bar was his new home. He was prepared to drown in booze until Part One of A Helping Hand xD
Thanks so much for the ask! XD There's a little lore from Dracos side! Hope you liked it :)
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