#my dark disney xd subconscious strikes again
wlwofwaverlyplace · 1 year
The Secret Good Last Season of Lab Rats!!!
hiiiii I have not posted to this blog in over four years, but I NEED to share that I had a Lab Rats dream last night in which the Secret Good Fourth Season was finally released from the disney vault --- an entire season of Lab Rats that was written, shot, edited, and then hidden for decades in favor of the disastrous Bionic Island.... but justice was served at last, and the Secret Good Fourth Season premiered on Disney+ in March of 2023. Here is what we got:
- A really cool secret part of the original lab is revealed behind a hidden panel, saved from Douglas’s explosion by a bulletproof shell. Here, we find that Donald has shoved in storage a whole bunch of childhood memorabilia from the ABC kids, leading to a memorable Childhood Flashback Episode in the old lab, ending with a present-day twist when Leo finds SOMETHING SECRET (I forgot this part, sorry, but I promise it was a super epic game-changing secret)
- Bree comes out as a lesbian very early in the season and has a whole falling-in-love and dating arc with a non-bionic Aussie girl who encourages her to follow her dreams of global travel/adventure. They kiss in the series finale, obvi
- Leo gets his own two-parter episode mid-way through, very “Zuko Alone,” in which he’s stranded in the middle of nowhere on a mission due to Mishaps and must find his own way back to safety, discovering both his inner strengths as a leader and a new bionic ability in his arm along the way (echolocation!)
- The main season villain is an AI robot created by Davenport to take over his role as leader/mentor in the Lab Rats team so he can retire early (bc he’s still a lil selfish prick, apparently). At first, the kids all like this robot way more because it’s actually really supportive and encouraging of their dreams outside of mission work (oof), but things change midway through when Leo’s mid-season stranding SUSPICIOUSLY should have been prevented by the robot’s sensors but wasn’t. Things culminate closer to the finale when the robot takes it upon itself to remove all four kids’ bionics after identifying them as THE problem to them finding happiness. In a very weird pre-finale episode, the kids struggle with wondering if this is indeed a good thing since they can follow their dreams now, but they eventually resolve to beat the robot after learning that it will do the same thing to all the bionic kids from Krane’s army who’ve been trying to lead normal lives in Mission Creek with different foster families (yeah, this is basically the first time they’re featured all season after only occasionally showing up for a background gag here and there...). Basically, the moral lesson here is consent: it wasn’t right for them to be made bionic as kids without their consent, but it’s also not ok for the bionics to be suddenly taken away without consent. With Douglas’s and Donald’s and Tasha’s help, they have to beat the villain WITHOUT powers, win, and get to make their own choice about whether or not to take their bionics back afterwards. Bree chooses to take her chip back but uses it travel with her girlfriend for a few years (maybe doing some good along the way but mostly taking time for herself), Adam and Leo both choose to take them back and keep doing missions but with Leo fulfilling the role of Mission Leader after a whole season of developing as an A+ planner/leader, and Chase --- in a beautiful culmination of season-long character development --- chooses to shelve his chip indefinitely to pursue his dream of being a lawyer with only hard work and the intellect of his own natural mind to get there. Oh, and they all get sincere apologies from Douglas and Donald........... THE END
(ok, that last paragraph in the dream was literally just rObOT vILLaiN, but I improved it)
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