#my dinosaur nerd heart was just so so happy with this movie although you know. there could have been. more dinosaurs lmao
rishiguro · 1 year
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“i’m glad you enjoyed yourself last night,” you said, eyeing iwaizumi in the kitchen as he made himself a cup of coffee, a mug filled with your favorite morning beverage already sitting in front of you.
he hummed, his back still turned towards you. “it was a lot of fun,” your boyfriend — your actual boyfriend, you couldn’t believe it — agreed, turning to meet your eyes with a genuine smile on his face. “thanks for bringing me, your friends are fun”
you smiled back at him. “although that late night purchase wasn’t necessary,” he muttered immediately after, referencing the green, fluffy dinosaur — although he swore it was godzilla but you couldn’t see the semblance — hat that he had bought just about twelve or thirteen hours ago.
you shrugged it off easily. “you look cute in it, i don’t know what you mean”
the dark haired man quickly turned around, yet you didn’t fail to see the blush creeping onto his face. “idiot,” he muttered, the embarrassed smile audible as he spoke.
tapping your fingers on the mug in a fast rhythm you shook your head. “i don’t care, i’m right”
iwaizumi sighed, turning back around with a steaming cup now in his hands. he leaned against the counter, eying you carefully before shaking his head slightly. he took a sip of his coffee before speaking again. “fine, maybe you are”
“just maybe?” you asked, raising your eyebrows at him, a teasing tone in your voice.
he nodded “yes. maybe”
you rolled your eyes playfully at him and gestured for him to come closer to you. iwaizumi immediately did, leaning over the counter till his face was close to yours. you put down your mug and leaned over too, giving him a little peck on his cheek, whispering into his ear that he really was adorable.
as you decided to take a sip, iwaizumi spoke up again, his thumb rubbing the outside of the cup in his hands. “so… i actually got some good news too” “i didn’t want to bring it up last night because it didn’t seem fitting”
you looked at him questioningly. “did you finally realize that i was right about jason voorhees?”
he huffed. “never,” he said, clearing his throat before he spoke. “i will die on this hill”
you grinned at him.
when you first saw him you never would have believed iwaizumi of all people to be such a nerd. sure, he wasn’t the only person to like (or even love) godzilla, insects, volleyball or horror movies, but it was incredibly fascinating and also adorable to see him so passionate about things. you loved to see how his eyes would light up at the simple mention of the topic, much less the look on his face when he found out that you were not only willing to listen to him talk about these things but also wanted to engage in conversations about it with him.
his lips thinned, his mouth forming a smile on his face. “but it seems like i won’t die so soon”
you narrowed your eyebrows, setting down the mug in your hands. “hajime?”
“my treatment is complete,” iwaizumi said, his voice slightly shaking in excitement. “and my symptoms are easing up too”
you stood up, making your way over to your boyfriend with just a few fast steps. “it’s probably still a bit too early to tell but i think remission is right around the corner”
“oh my god,” you exclaimed happily, throwing yourself into his arms, hugging him tightly. “this is great news! i’m so happy for you, holy shit”
the both of you had a huge grin on your faces now, arms tangled around each other as you pressed yourselves so close together that not even a piece of paper could fit between you.
“i can’t believe it”you blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of the few tears that built up in your eyes.
“me neither,” iwaizumi replied breathily, detaching himself slowing from you. “i’m still shaking”
you grabbed his trembling hands in yours, giving them a squeeze. “shit, this is amazing. i don’t even know what to say”
you heard him chuckle and as you looked at him, his face filled with relieve, pride and joy you felt your heart swell and you couldn’t help but ask him a question. “hajime, can i kiss you?”
“you can always kiss me, baby”
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/ɛvəˈnɛs(ə)nt,iːvəˈnɛs(ə)nt/ — “soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.”
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taglist: @ninjamomo @not-another-ackerman @midnight-drives-with-sunarin @bloombb @jewlmin @tia827 @namyari @fuckyouwhotookmyname @yuminako @megumuro
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
hiii 💕 if u r interested could u do 52 and 58 prompts (can i kiss u smth like that and are you flirting with me?) it could be about y/n having a crush on bakugo (he likes her too) but she flirts way too much on him (in front of everyone at the dorms) in the weirdest moments (middle of class, 1a watching a movie, eating lunch) but ends in fluff IM SO SORRY IF ITS TOO MUCH TO ASK if u don’t like it i can write another one 😊
A/N: This had me so happy, you have no idea. Thanks for the idea, and you better give me more :b 
Title: Who said pickup lines don’t work?
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
52. “Can I kiss you right now?”58.  “Are you flirting with me?”
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Katsuki Bakugou!:
You were constantly getting away with embarrassing him, there were way too many times to count as it was practically a daily occurrence. You were always doing it in the most public places, like in the classroom:
“I’m lost.”
Bakugou looked up to see you hovering over his desk, a confused look on your face as you held your notebook. It was study hall, and Aizawa was fast asleep, leaving people to their own devices. He was originally studying by himself, until you came over to bother him that is.
“Dumbass, why do I care.” He huffed, hoping his face wasn’t spotting a blush as he saw you pout.
“Because you’re the only one who can help me.”
“Tch. Whatever.” He looked back down at his desk as you set your notebook down in front of him, pointing to a-
A picture?
“Like I said, I’m lost. Can you draw me the directions to your heart?” 
You pointed at your drawing, in the middle of it it said ‘Your Heart’ in very fancy lettering. 
Bakugou knew that this time his face definitely was heating up as you gave him a big flirty grin. The snickers and coos from his classmates only embarrassed him further as he ripped the page out and exploded it in his palms. 
All you did was sigh and shrug your shoulders, giving him a wink as you grabbed your book in hopes he wouldn’t burn that too.
“Maybe next time, firecracker~”
Or even during lunch for the entire cafeteria to hear if they were listening. He knew that most likely no one cared, but it didn’t help it when you did something so grand it felt like all eyes were on him.
“Oh Katsuki!” You yelled from across the table, voice so loud that even Bakugou wanted to cringe back from it.
“What do you want now.”
“So, in front of all these witnesses,” You pointed to the lunch table and the rest of the people in the cafeteria, “I need you to do something.”
“But you have to! Listen, you’re smart so I need you to answer this okay?” You fluttered your eyes, and Bakugou felt his resolve cracking. You always knew how to get him to do whatever the hell you wanted, he was sick of it.
Mina, Kaminari, and Sero started to snicker as you dramatically stood on the table. They must have known about your stupid plan, those assholes.
Plenty of eyes found their way over towards the commotion, and Katsuki felt his temper flare. Feeling mortified as you blew a kiss towards him and began to walk closer from atop the tables. 
“STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!” He got up and sped away, hoping the red on his cheekbones wouldn’t become permanent. He wanted your lips nowhere near his, or so he told himself.
Even times where it was just you two, you never left him alone.
“I’m sorry, were you talking to me?” You questioned, looking up from the pot of water you set on the stove to boil.
Katsuki, who was cutting some vegetables looked up with a brow raised.
“Well then, would you please start. I like hearing your voice.” You smiled while grabbing the noodles.
“NO!” Katsuki snapped his head away from you, putting more force into his cutting than necessary.
“No fair, your voice is too pretty to be kept quiet. Talk to me.”
“S-shut up already! I’ll fucking kick your ass if you keep it up!”
“Could I kick yours back if you do?~”
There were times where you weren’t even trying, yet you still somehow managed to get to him. This time in particular is when he couldn’t hold back any longer, and that was the first time you were flustered by him.
It was right after school ended, everyone was exhausted by Aizawa’s intense training at the end of class. Everyone had made their way to get changed out of their uniforms when Bakugou had saw you lingering behind. You looked tired and worn down, having a rough session with Shinsou earlier. Katsuki was annoyed the entire time you were fighting, not because he thought you couldn’t handle yourself, but because you seemed distracted and were taking more hits than you should have been. 
Without even realizing it himself, he stopped to bend down, pretending to tie his shoes as he waited for you to catch up. Once you were by his side you looked down at him with a frown, what the hell was this?
You were always smiling at him.
“What the hell is up with you?” He huffed, standing to his full height.
“I’m just.. Tired, sorry.” You shrugged, bringing an arm to rub the side of your neck, looking away.
Katsuki just stared on in worry, although if anyone told him he was worried he would blast them into oblivion, because Katsuki Bkaugou was never worried.
“Tch, then get more sleep. You can’t keep getting your ass handed to you like that. Got it?”
You smiled, or well you tried to. It was small and didn’t seem to be real, and Bakugou felt a bit hurt cerep into his chest. He looked away as quickly as he could, hoping you didn’t notice the upset look in his eyes.
You hadn’t been pestering him lately and he was growing annoyed. You weren’t being yourself, and he had this nagging feeling he didn’t understand tugging on his heart. 
Picking up the pace to get away from you, he didn’t think you’d try to so hard to catch up to him.
“Bakugou-ooh!” During the match, Shinso had delivered a hard blow on your left knee, and now that you were rushing to keep up with your crush, your body wasn’t ready for the pressure. Along with the blow, and still being so tired from your match, you moved quicker than your body wanted and your knee gave out.
Katsuki quickly turned to see you tumble forwards, so he stuck out his arms to catch you before you fell face first onto the floor. You stumbled a bit more, but his tight hold on you held you up, allowing you to steady yourself in his arms. They were wrapped around your waist, holding on just enough to not be painful. You could feel his chest underneath your palms as they pressed against him, and you couldn’t help the slight blush at the thought of how strong it was. He looked far too handsome right now, and your gaze was stuck on him.
 His beating heart quickened as you looked up at him, your eyes were blown open wide and sparkling from the setting sun that was filtering through the large windows. It caused his breath to hitch as your lips parted open in awe, a light blush across your own cheeks. 
“Oh Katsuki.. I think I’m falling for you.”
Normally he’d fight you, push you away and yell at you for being ridiculous as always, but right now you were too beautiful to look away from. You smiled up at him, and it wasn't the same flirty smile you always teased him with.
No, this was a genuine smile that he’s never seen before and he couldn’t help but look at your lips.
He knew what that feeling had to be, he missed you. Your flirts, your presence, but most importantly;
That’s the smile he’s been missing all day long.
He couldn’t help it, the urge to speak was too strong and so he just followed through.
“I’ll sweep you off your feet for the rest of my life if you keep looking at me, just like this.” 
Your mouth dropped open, red roses blooming across your cheeks as your breath caught in your throat. He was just looking at you so intensely, like if he was absolutely lovestruck. You didn’t know what to do, so you just stuttered.
“W-what? I-I.. huh? Are you flirting with me?” This seemed to snap him out of his own daze, because his cheeks then matched yours as he backed away from you. Hands crossed over his chest as he yelled at you.
“But you said-”
“Did you mean it?”
“I DID!”
“Really?” You bite your lip, happiness coursing through your body at the sight of his flushing face.
He eyes screwed shut while letting out a sharp breath, opening them slowly but keeping his gaze on the ground.
“I.. I did. I.. I fucking like you okay?”
“I like you too Katsuki, really really!”
“I hope so, otherwise I’d kick your ass for leading me on with those terrible liners.” He clicked the roof of his mouth with his tongue, uncrossing his arms to shove them into his pocket instead. 
You just giggled, closing in on him to wrap him into a hug. He went ridgid, not sure what to do, but calmed down as he heard your voice.
“They’re only for you, no one compares to you.”
“Damn straight.”
“Oh, hey.. Can I kiss you right now?”
“Damn straight.”
Later that night, back in the dorms, you were sitting on the couch, with your now boyfriend, when your phone buzzed. Pulling it up you saw a text from Kirishima.
“What does he want?” Katsuki huffed, receiving a text from the boy as well.
You opened the message and couldn’t help but smirk.
“Looks like he had a present for us, damn there must be something wrong with my eyes ‘cause I can’t keep them off of you in this picture. Who knew you could look this cute.”
Katsuki slammed his phone on the couch, jumping off while screaming out into the dorms.
You only looked back to the picture, your heart squeezing happily as you did. It was from earlier, he must’ve been spying. It was after Katsuki hugged you right after your kiss, and while you couldn’t see his face at that moment, you could see it in this picture clearly.
You swore to yourself you’ll see it in person one day, the smile on his face was the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen in your life.
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astridxreyes · 6 years
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W H O    A R E    Y O U?
AGE: 28 APPEARANCE: Astrid rarely wears makeup and, when she does, she wears a bare face kind of "no makeup" makeup look. She likes fashion and likes experimenting with clothes, but often is seen in more plain jane clothes in an attempt to blend in (ex. t-shirt, jeans , sweaters, white sneakers). GLASSES/CONTACTS? She has glasses that she occasionally wears, but only to help her blend in as a "human" who needs reading glasses. TATTOOS? She has a matching tattoo with her friend Liv (who she accidentally turned into a harpy) that says "to infinity" across her rib cage (here); A couple of watercolored little birds on her right collar bone (here); stay gold tattooed across her left wrist (here); a tattoo that says 'but without the dark, we'd never see the stars' on her left upper thigh (here); a little anchor on the back of her neck (here); and a little elephant on the back of her ankle (here). SCARS OR BIRTHMARKS? Astrid has a couple different scars on her body. She has some scars on her hips and her wrists from TW: self harm; Her left wing doesn't tilt exactly right and a has a scar across from it; she has a tiny little scar that can barely be seen across her right temple. RICH OR POOR? Astrid grew up in poverty and although her adopted family is very wealthy, she lives a lower middle class lifestyle not wanting to borrow money from them. SPECIFIC TICK OR MANNERISM? She fidgets with her hair when she's nervous, often switching up her part from one side to the other or fidgeting with the hem of her skirt or shirt as she talks to people; she also has a tendency to rock back and forth slightly on the balls of her heels and nibble on her bottom lip.
P E R S O N A L I T Y ?
What is your idea of perfect happiness? 
“I don’t really know if I believe in perfect happiness anymore, but I guess if I had to pick I’d say that moment when I just forget where I am. When the world around me fades away and I just can exist without the past or... fear of the future.” If she had to pick a specific moment, she knew it would have been when she was flying, high above the trees, far away from any source of people whom she could hurt, where she could just sing to her hearts content, letting the wind kiss her cheeks.
What is your greatest fear? 
Being found out, being sent to prison or even worse, transferred. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t scare the shit out of me, excuse my language, to be sent somewhere- anywhere- away. But, I think the part of me that scares me more is what would happen to my family- the Reyes who took me in when they didn’t have to- and my friends like Liv. I did this to her, I scratched her. I turned her. I ruined her life and, because of me, she might end up spending the rest of it behind bars. And Damien- he already lost so much. I wonder if he’d even look at me again if I ruined what was left of his family, Astrid couldn’t help but think. But, she wouldn’t ever dare mutter it out loud.
What is your biggest pet peeve or trait you deplore in yourself? 
“There’s kind of too many to list. But, I guess if I had to pick I’d say just not feeling able to be myself? Or even really knowing who I am? I sometimes see other people around my ages, fooling around laughing and letting loose. You know, those people who are the focus of every group they’re apart of, who make you laugh out loud and are just magnetic? Those people who everyone can’t help but be drawn to? I see them and I get jealous, so freaking jealous, because I can never be like that. And it’s not just because-” Because she was undeclared. “I just- sometimes I feel like I’m drowning in my own body. In my own skin. Like no matter who I’m around or what I do, I’m on edge and petrified of being myself, of letting people in, of getting hurt again, of having someone take something of mine that wasn’t theirs to take. I hate that I don’t feel safe, that I haven’t felt safe since I was like 10 years old and will probably never feel safe again and- and I hate when I look at these bright amazing people, I know deep down that I’m not one of them and I probably never will be, I guess...”
What is your biggest pet peeve or trait you deplore in others? 
“I don’t know? I don’t really know if there is one. But, maybe being entitled? Those people who feel like the world belongs to them and everything is for their taking even if it’s not?”
Which living person do you most admire? 
“I have two. My mom and dad. My adopted mom and dad. They took me in and gave me everything. Not just a home, but a family even if it was far from easy. They’re kind of the coolest people in the world and I don’t know what I’d do without them.”
Which living person do you most despise? 
“I don’t know if he’s alive anymore, but...” Charlie...
What is your greatest extravagance?
“College? I only went for a year and a half before it was just too much to keep paying for on my own, but it’s definitely the most I’ve probably ever spent on anything.”
What do you consider the most overrated virtue? 
“Maybe faith? I don’t just mean in the ‘higher power’ sense. I mean just hope. Believing that everything is going to be okay, even if the world is falling apart at the seams?”
On what occasion do you lie? 
“I kind of lie everyday, now-a-days. About who I am? Where I came from? But, I guess I lie the most when I tell people ‘I’m fine’.”
“What is the quality you like most in a significant other?
“Optimism? Or maybe humor? If someone can make me smile or let my walls down, they’re a-okay in my book.”
 Do you have a catchphrase? Which words or phrases do you most overuse? 
“Maybe ‘Gosh Darn it?’”
Who or what is the greatest love in your life? 
“Fiyero Tigelaar. And if you know who that is, then you probably know why.” She’s a little theater nerd and fell in love with singing and the stage.
When and where were you happiest? 
“The first time I flew across the lake. I kind of had a whole Harry Potter riding a hippogriff, moment. It’s was pretty awesome.”
Which talent would you most like to have?
“Shapeshifting would be pretty cool, but I’d settle on getting over my stage fright?” Or singing without the possibility of accidentally paralyzing someone or knocking them out... Kind of puts a damper on being a broadway star and all.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 
Being Declared without having to go to jail, would be pretty cool? She couldn’t help, but think.
If you could pick up and go anywhere, where would you most like to live? 
“Just get me anywhere in Europe with a backpack and I’ll be happy.”
What is your most treasured possession? 
“My Hello Kitty backpack. It’s silly and cheesy, but it’s all I’ve got from before I ran away, so...”
What do you value most in your friends?
“Faith, trust, and I have yet to find someone with pixie dust, but that would be cool too.”
Who is your hero of fiction? 
“Elle Woods. She got into Harvard. You know, not like it’s hard or anything.”
What historical figure do you most identify with? 
“Amelia Earheart. She was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and she just never let anything hold her back. I don’t know if I’m anything like her, but I want to be.”
What is your greatest regret? 
“Not getting out fast enough when Charlie... when I was turned.”
What is your life’s motto?
“If you’ve seen Warm bodies-”
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Would you describe yourself as being an optimist or a pessimist?
“Optimist. I’d say I’m a glass half full type of person, but I drink water too fast to have half of anything left.”
Introvert or Extrovert? 
“Introvert aka a not so closeted loner... I really should get that on a t-shirt.”
How do you hope others will see you? 
How are you seen by others currently? 
“Nice? Which I kind of hate by the way. I mean being nice is great and all. At least, I’m not the devil or anything, even if our pastor might disagree if he-” learned the truth. “But, in my experience, nice is kind of the go-to-word to describe someone you know nothing about.”
How do you see yourself? 
“Like Tracey Turnblad shoved inside a scrappy filipina body.”
How do you react to praise? 
“Last time someone complimented me, I’m pretty sure I flailed my arms and made a sound that could best be described as an awkward dinosaur noise? So not great.”
How do you react to criticism? 
“I thrive in it. My self-esteem loves being taken down a notch. But, in all seriousness, I try to prove them wrong and often end up doing something I’ll probably regret like doing a weird rollerblade dance routine to Stayin’ Alive. Clearly, one of my finer moments.”
Do you often make snap judgements or take time to consider? 
“I’d like to think I’m a rational thinker, but... did I mention the Staying’ Alive boogy dance? On Roller blades?”
Do you think you lead more with your head or your heart? 
“Bu-dum, bu-dum, bu-dum...  I was trying to make a heart sound and the second I did, I instantly regretted it.”
When was the last time you cried? 
“When half of the ice cream in my cone fell on the ground. What? It was a very traumatic experience.” Even, though she knew it was actually when her parents asked her if they could adopt her. Happy tears.
What is your guilty pleasure? 
“The Bachelor franchise. It’s like watching a car crash. It’s horrifying, but you can’t look away. That or singing to show tunes in my car at the top of my lungs when no one’s watching or sitting in the taco ball parking lot eating a quesarito while... also listening to showtunes. And then I end up ordering dominos and make the deliver guy knock on my window like I’m doing some shady drug deal when in actually it’s just for cookie brownies and those parmesan bread knots... I have a lot of guilty pleasures.”
When was the last time you showered? 
“This morning and every morning like a hygienic person?”
Are you the type of person who talks in the movie theater? 
“No. Unless it’s a horror movie. Then, you’ll find me curled up in my chair, peaking through the cracks in my fingers covering my eyes, screaming at the characters not to go in the room and asking them why in the world they’d be asking if anyone’s home when they hear a creepy noise upstairs, as if the killer is just going to respond with ‘oh hi love! I’m just making myself a sandwich. But, don’t worry. I’ll be down in a giffy to kill ya.’”
Are you more of an indoor cat or an outdoor bird? 
“I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane-” (Cue Five for Fighting - Superman) She’s an outdoor person.
Are you a fan of Harry Potter and, if so, what would be your Hogwarts house? 
“Honey badgers don’t care.” She’s a huge Harry Potter fan and a Hufflepuff all the way.
Do you like superheroes and, if so, which character is your favorite? DC or Marvel? 
“Yes! And Kitty Pryde aka Shadowcat.”
Did you used to play Pokemon? And if so, what be your starter Pokemon? 
“Yes! And in the versions I’ve played, Squirtle and Piplup.”
Star Wars or Star Trek? Or neither?
If you were in the Hunger Games, what would be your game plan? 
“Hide?” Hide until I get caught and then fly up real high or sing until anyone who tried to attack me gets stunned so that I can escape?
If the zombie apocalypse happened today, how would you defend yourself?
“I’m a goner anyways, so...” ZOMBIE HARPY HERE I COME!
What’s the first thing you do when you’re home alone?
“Slide across the floor like I’m Tom Cruise in Risky Business while singing ‘What Dreams are Made Of’ into a hairbrush like Hillary Duff.”
What is the most overplayed song you listen to? 
“Defying Gravity or Satisfied. Can you tell I used to be a theater kid in High School?”
Do you believe in a thing called love?  (cue the Darkness song…) 
“I believe in a thing called love Just listen to the rhythm of my heart There's a chance we could make it now We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down I believe in a thing called love Ooh!...
too much?”
Do you believe in love at first sight? 
“No. I believe in lust at first sight, but when you think about the cliche disney fall in love moments- Prince Charming couldn’t even recognize Cinderella when she didn’t have a big ball gown on and, in Snow White, which also was Prince Charming funny enough... he was kind of a stalker and necrophiliac? And yeah... I don’t know if I want that personally.”
If you could travel to any period in time, future or past, where would it be? 
“I’m kind of happy now, to be honest. Even though I wouldn’t mind reliving the early 2000′s again?”
Have you committed a crime? 
“Who? Me? Nooooo.... Never....” I’m literally undeclared so... you do the math?
If you could commit a crime and get away with it, what would it be? 
I’d like to continue being undeclared without being caught, thank you very much.
If you found yourself trapped in an elevator with a group of strangers, what would be the first thing you’d do? 
“Panic? I’ve seen Tower of Terror and I have no want to be the little girl in that movie.”
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bibliophileiz · 7 years
Wayward AF
Since I can’t really organize my thoughts without screaming and jumping up and down and I’m just going to, um, “liveblog” on like my ... sixth? ... rewatch. Wayward Sisters was just. So good.
Obviously, spoilers abound below.
- First thing first: Opening song in the Then sequence has me pumped.
- Werewolf stuff: Love that Claire is saving a little girl with blond curly hair. Bet she kind of wishes she had that happy an ending to her supernatural adventure when she was that age. Werewolf fight scene is really good -- Kathryn Newton’s using actual defense moves women are taught in self-defense classes. I’m specifically thinking of how you jam the heel of your hand into the softer part of an attacker’s face when he’s on top of you. “I kill monsters. That’s who the hell I am.” Yeah, it is. Also, for all Jody (and Claire) go on about Claire jumping in without a plan, I think the ‘shooting a werewolf through a box while wearing a delivery hat’ thing constitutes a pretty good one.
- Alert, Claire has a journal. Repeat, CLAIRE HAS A JOURNAL!
- Loving all the overhead shots, but does anyone else think it makes Sioux Falls look like a theme park? It just looks so pleasant from above.
- (I’m sure Sioux Falls is pleasant, although I wouldn’t know because I’ve never been to South Dakota, but it looks like, Disney Land pleasant is my point.)
- Alex called Walt.
- ”You’re wearing my sweatshirt.” 
- Related, how tall are all of these girls? Clark Backo looks like she’s almost as tall as her jeep, but the other women all only look a little shorter. (I am obsessed with tall girls because I myself am 5′1″.)
- All of these characters are wonderful, but Alex might be my favorite, which I didn’t expect.
- Walking into Kaia’s hospital room, Claire’s already got her flirt on, leaning against the door, flipping her hair around. Then she swoops in and saves her from the monster (with Jody’s help) a few minutes later. Kaia’s knight in a leather jacket. 
- Alex snapping her rubber gloves before ripping the monster’s face mask off is weirdly attractive.
- Did anyone EVER think they would see a scene between two women comparing SCARS??? That’s the sort of thing you see between gruff over-testosteroned dudebros in Steven Spielberg movies.
- “I might puke.” Patience did not sign up for this.
- “Don’t tell me it tastes like chicken.” “No Sam, it’s a lizard. It tastes like a lizard.”
- “(The door) stayed open for a few hours.” Dean, it stayed open for a few hours only because your ex-boyfriend killed himself closing it early, wtf, show Crowley some respect.
- “If I go now, maybe my dad will take me back.” “Is that what you want?” Alex “I was raised by vampires” Jones can’t figure out why someone would want to hang out with anyone but Jody.
- I am here for the Patience vs. Claire standoff.
- “Believe me now?” Claire just got told.
- D-Train Sheriff Donna “She’s killed a lot of vampires” Hanscum and she has all that because she’s from Minnesota. She has a nickname for Claire, and it’s Rainbow Brite and Claire responds to it and just ... ugh, my heart. Patience’s face when Donna asks who knows how to use a flamethrower just makes my life. I was honestly expecting her to be a little over the top because ... Donna’s over the top. But she had the perfect amount of humor, toughness and sweetness, and just, ugh. I love Donna in this one.
- There’s a lot to unpack in the scene between Kaia and Claire in the back of the jeep, and I’m gonna need a whole other post about it.
- “Donna, I cannot lose another child.” Crying forever for Jody.
- Does the music during the monster scene when Jody and Donna are sneaking through the ship remind anyone else of the music playing during the Mines of Moria sequence in Fellowship of the Ring when the fellowship’s running from the Balrog?
- “Darth Dickwad!” Maybe that should be included somehow in Claire and Kaia’s ship name.
- It makes a lot of sense that Kaia goes in because she kind of knows her way around the Bad Place.
- The defensive position Donna, Patience and Alex take againt the monsters at the top of the stairs is actually a really good one. They can hold their ground and take out the monsters one at a time, and the monsters can’t charge them all at once in the narrow stairway. Also, I don’t think they really need Jody to help hold off the monsters, and Jody could have gone in with Claire, which I thought she was going to suggest.  I really like how Jody’s kind of torn between helping Donna and the other girls and looking after Claire. Her maternal instincts are being pulled in two directions.
- I also super love Donna being a mentor to Patience. 
- “Our hero.” You better believe Claire’s your hero, Dean.
- Simultaneously the best and worst part of the episode Kaia shoves Claire out of the way of the spear. Great moment. She looks up and holds out her hand weakly. Claire grabs it and whispers, “Kaia.” Kaia’s hand slips out of hers as she dies. Gold. Followed immediately by this fucking WASTE OF SPECIAL EFFECTS, WHAT THE FUCK A GIANT ROCK MONSTER?!?!?!?!  I’m just saying, if you’re going to use your special effects budget, can you at least use it on a Lucifer-Michael battle that is cooler than them punching each other? Seriously? It’s just. The monster was menacing enough when we just heard it crashing through the forest, you didn’t need to ruin it with the stick figure monster. (Rock figure? It was kind of bulky.) I’m just saying, the time spent showing us a not-very-realistic monster could have been spent drawing out the drama of Kaia’s death scene. It’s just. It could have been like Boromir’s death scene in Fellowship of the Ring. (I know I keep comparing aspects of this episode to Fellowship. Trust me. That’s a good thing.) It. Could. Have. Been. Great. If it had been given more time to breathe. And I guess you can make the argument that it’s supposed to happen pretty quickly because the portal’s closing and the monster’s coming and Dean’s having to grab Claire to keep her from charging at spear-throwing Dark Kaia, which is also a great moment, but that argument is kind of weak when they spend, like, five minutes standing by the portal staring at the shitty monster when they really should have just jumped through it as soon as they reached it. As I said, simultaneously best and worst part of the episode. Really really good death scene, marred by the hideously designed rock giant monster thing. (Also, if we hadn’t seen the monster, then tumblr would have spent the next six months arguing over whether it was a dinosaur or a dragon or a giant, and I could have thrived on that shit.)
- Patience killed a monster!
- I also like that Patience realizes her vision was true but that she read it wrong. She saw someone die and then saw Jody cradling Claire in her arms and just assumed Claire was the one who died. She doesn’t realize until it’s too late that Claire was actually mourning the person who died. I’m a fan of Patience having to learn how to read her psychic visions.
- In fact, I’m just a fan of everything about Patience in general. I want her and Alex to be besties too. I feel like they’d bond over science and schooling, and Claire would make sarcastic comments about them being nerds together.
- Dean better feel bad for Kaia’s death after threatening her with a gun, that’s all I’m saying. 
- I like the idea of Jody and Co. taking care of the monsters from the Bad Place (especially if Dark Kaia is going to keep opening portals), but I hope there are some Supernatural Verse monsters in Wayward too -- I feel like Claire still has a few bones to pick with angels, and Alex can take out some more vampires.
- Claire’s internal monologue at the end reminds me of Veronica Mars. I wonder if they plan to have Claire do an internal monologue for all the episodes if the show gets picked up. Not sure how I feel about that -- internal monologues can get really cheesy really quickly, but some actresses can pull them off. (It actually doesn’t work as well when men do it for some reason.)
- “I don’t care if I have to tear another hole in the universe. We’re going to find it, and I’m going to kill it.”
- I can’t see Kaia show back up at the end without breaking into a huge grin. I know it’s supposed to be, like, a dark version of her, but I can’t help it.
- Overall, I’m psyched and I hope this can be a show. I’m telling all my friends who have sort of gotten away from watching Supernatural to try this one out. It will make an amazing show, and I REALLY want to see Claire’s reaction to like jerking the hood off and seeing KAIA!!
- (Also I want an episode where they have to deal with angel shenanigans, and they’re like, “We don’t know anything about angels, let’s call the Winchesters” but Sam and Dean are busy, so they send Cas, and he’s there all awkward and nerdy and totally hitting it off with Alex, and Patience is so confused because maybe by this time she’s seen pictures of Claire’s parents, and she’s just like, “Isn’t that your dad?” and Claire’s like, “Ugh.”)
- 10/10 would watch Wayward Sisters if it became a show.
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