#my dog is humping a stuffed dinosuar rn
13tinysocks · 1 year
i just wanted to say how much i fucking love THIO. it's my favorite out of all the fanfics you've written and i really hope you both understand how much it means to me to have that as my go-to comfort fic. i searched so long for such a wonderfully written lesbian focused creepypasta fic for YEARS and it made me so happy to come across THIO. it completely sparked my love for the fandom and characters again. i just wanted to let you know how grateful i am that you kept up with that fic from beginning to end, through all the shitty comments and cringe-os who did nothing but whine for Jack instead of the hot dykes who MADE IT SO GOOD. thank you both so so much, i was completely out of the fandom for years until i read THIO and it sparked my little gay ass heart. representation in good writing means SO MUCH. thank you guys!!
Thank yew (i assume) fellow dyke. This is going to be really long but TLDR thank you for that from the bottom of my dyke heart. Glad yer back in the fandom. Jane and Natalie stans stay winning.
Growing up I remember there being one (1) Jane X (f)reader- it was really special to me. I always liked Clockwork and thought the fandom did her dirty due to misogyny and wierd mfs being like uhm shes shipped with toby so kys??
This fandom, as well as many others, (I am about to say something very lesbian of me), are obsessed with attractive men. People will mention women in passing like oh yeah they're so hot but random man number 42 is so sexy because blahblahblah.
Sometimes I just want something about girls. I don't care about men. I really don't even like writing them that much. I'm afraid of men. Men have hurt me and they've also hurt my work by just being... men. Take Jack for instance, we put him in THIO just to cast a wider net. We knew almost nobody would read the fic if there was no man to fuck. That's just how fandom is. SOCIETY!!!!
And while it's nice to see such enthusiasm and lust for a trans-man, which did make me happy as a gender freak- he's still a man and that's all (a shocking amount) of people seemed to care about.
I really appreciate assurances like this and connections to other people who feel the same things. It makes me hopeful that maybe I have a real shot at writing crazy lesbian horror porn. Giving lesbian art to lesbians is a healing experience to me.
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