#my dog watching me type this πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ
daycourtofficial Β· 5 months
Do you guys think the hounds in acotar have longer lifespans than typical dogs in our world? Or do you think Eris continues to keep his hounds and allow himself to grow attached to them, knowing their lifespan is only like 10-15 years, as a way to prove to himself that he can care about something, even though he knows it will only end in heartache? One of the few things in his world that provides him some form of comfort and they have expiration dates.
Do you think he has a graveyard for them, somewhere beyond Beron’s gaze, where he can fall apart over the unfairness of his world? And yet, no matter how many he buries, he still gets excited whenever there’s a new litter.
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espressokiri Β· 3 years
maybe angst with black haired manila mikey where he eventually kills Y/N too? maybe this could be in the timeline of "admit it you did it" for that extra pain? πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘ And Y/N was still so loyal to Mikey in the end and even tried comforting him before getting killed by him? The classic died with a warm smile type of thing too for extra extra pain. why do i do this to myself πŸ‘οΈπŸ’§πŸ‘„πŸ’§πŸ‘οΈ
Sano Manjiro x GN!reader
In which betrayal was inevitable.
Warnings: toxicity, reader death, manga spoilers, slightly suggestive
Genre: Angst
Notes: Anon you masochist :o I love it! This is affiliated with my Admit You Did It series! You can find part one and part two here!
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The humid air brushed against Y/n's dewy skin as they stared blankly ahead at the view. It wasn't much, an abandoned building that was on the brink of collapse, but they'd bear it. Running from authorities didn't seem as horrible as it did now, but perhaps now they could find a sense of peace in the falling rubble and creaking metal.
As promised, Y/n had followed Mikey blindly. Away from Toman, away from anyone affiliated with Toman. The promise Mikey had made was binding as he stood next to them, ill-looking and just as hopeless and tired as Y/n was. Sunken eyes and darkened eye-bags adding to the ill-fitting clothing. Both of them looked like they were withering away.
After the incident, Y/n had closed themselves off as they had done when they were recruited to Toman. Giving everyone the cold shoulder despite their persistence to break down the walls Y/n had built. The damage was done, it furthered when Baji had taken his final breath, not even uttering an apology to them on the brink of death.
Y/n remembered Sanzu respecting them in his own way, unconsciously becoming a body guard for both Mikey and Y/n as he appreciated Y/n's undying loyalty towards Mikey. The male was now dead in a ditch after Y/n slipped him the wrong pills.
"He's going to come, you know that right?" Mikey's voice echoing in the empty building as he leaned against a sturdy wall. Y/n turned their attention to the now black haired male, a neutral expression on their face, "who?"
It had been a while since Y/n had heard that name, Takemichi had left Toman when it got too much for him, but they didn't doubt that the male would seek out Mikey, "are you going to kill him?"
The silence was deafening, the male just analyzing the expression on his partner's face. Y/n held no emotion, a blank slate as they themselves bore their gaze onto Mikey's, "do you want me to?"
Mikey's question had caught them off guard, he's never asked before, often just giving them orders and killing the others himself.
"I will follow your orders, Mikey."
Y/n stared at him bewildered, unsure of his change in attitude.
"I want you to call me by my given name from here on out." He hummed, giving Y/n a one over, watching them gulp at the shift.
"O-okay, Manjiro."
A small smile stretched onto his lips, the light not meeting his eyes. He beckons them over and they instinctively obey, standing in front of him and awaiting his actions.
A hand reach out and caressed Y/n's cheek, "do you remember Kazutora's words?" Mikey asked softly, the hand slipping to hold Y/n's cheeks and slightly squishing them. Y/n nodded and Mikey chuckled as his other hand made way up their arm, "you really did turn out to be like my dog, huh? My loyal dog."
"Bark for me."
Y/n furrowed their eyebrows at his request, ready to decline him and pull away but the grip on their cheeks got harsher as Mikey noticed the change in their demeanour.
Mikey chuckled as he let go of their cheeks, resorting to giving a light pat on one of them, "you're a lost cause, Y/n."
"We're both lost causes, Manjiro." Y/n retorted, scoffing as they turned their head away from the male.
All sense of morality stripped away from them as they murdered their own friends cold-heartedly. The betrayal and fear on their faces forever haunting the duo. Y/n had the special permission to end Kazutora's life however they wished, killing two birds with one stone as they avenged Baji's death and sadistically satiated their own burning hatred for the male.
"Will you be okay with seeing Takemitchy after all these years? Especially since he did resemble-"
"Enough, Y/n." Mikey's cold voice had them shut their mouth in haste, aware they hit a nerve. Mikey sighed as he pulled Y/n closer to him, arms wrapped around their figure as he buried his face in their neck. Y/n's warmth and scent engulfing him into a sense of calm. Despite the humid weather, Mikey's fingers were cold and brought shivers down Y/n's spine as they settled underneath their shirt and on their burning skin.
It was no secret that the two had indulged themselves in intimacy before, seeking solace in each others arms with fervent kisses and acts of copulation. To them, they were the last people in the world. The only people who they could blindly trust and sought out comfort, to take out frustrations and sorrows.
Y/n was not aware of the feelings they held for Mikey, their heart numbed from the heinous activities partaken in the gang, romance held no place. They did care for him, they cared for him deeply, but they would not call that love.
Mikey on the other hand was well aware that he was clinging onto Y/n like they were his final lifeline. When he was younger, when they had made that promise to stay together, he didn't think things would end up in this unfortunate way. He was glad that they had stayed by him just as they promised but he had watched them rip themselves apart and become his puppet.
Mikey's lips ghosted over Y/n's, only their breathing being heard as they anticipated his next move. Their eye's half-lidded before closing entirely as they felt his soft lips upon theirs. A hand slithered up onto the side of Y/n's neck as the other was still slipped inside their shirt, traveling towards their lower back.
Mikey parted for a second, eyeing the blissful expression that laid upon Y/n's face before yielding and capturing their lips once again. Open mouthed kisses intensifying as their breathing became rapid from the sheer heat the two shared. Both their heads spinning as they thrived in the dizzying moment.
Separating, their foreheads leaned against each other as they caught their breaths. Mikey was physically pained by his thoughts, but he was aware that he had to follow through with his plan. Gulping, he planted a kiss on Y/n's forehead as he reached behind and grabbed the weapon in his back pocket.
"You trust me, right?"
Mikey question pulled Y/n out of their daze, "always."
The feeling of hard metal in between them had a surge of panic rise in Y/n's being, their reaction being too slow as the gun shot rang out. Widened eyes stared at Mikey as a warmth pooled around their chest, being caught from falling by the culprit as he gently lays them down on the dusty floor.
"M-mikey." Y/n gasped, coughing out blood as their body began to shake from the loss of adrenaline. A sad smile splayed on his lips as he ran his thumb along their cheek, leaning over them from his kneeling position, "I had to set you free, Y/n."
"I-i was free with you."
"You were never free, Y/n."
Tears gathered in Y/n's eyes, afraid of what lies beyond after they shut their eyes, "I'm scared."
Mikey gulped down the lump in his throat, "don't be, you'll get to say hi to Shinichiro and the rest of Toman." He leaned down to place another kiss on their forehead.
"K-killed by the hands of the man who saved me, I don't know if that’s romantic or upsetting." Y/n joked, tears slipping down the sides but were wiped away by Mikey. "I'll be joining you soon, my love."
"I love you, Y/n. Always have, always will."
His confession had Y/n upset, never having the time to mull over what they thought of Mikey in a romantic sense, "Manjiro, I-"
"I know, it's okay. I'm just happy we had time to get to know each other and stay together. I'm sorry."
Y/n laughed in disbelief, already seeing the tiny black spots in their vision turn bigger each time they blinked, "don't apologize, it's my fault for being so naive from the beginning."
Y/n gripped the hand that was cupping their cheek, "I forgive you, Sano Manjiro. Y-you did what you thought was right."
Their last breath was painful, despite the brave smile they put on for the male leaning over them, eyes shutting as they tried to focus on Mikey's touch as their body shut down. Even on their deathbed, they hoped to ease Mikey.
Mikey gripped their slackened body, willing himself to cry, shed a tear even, but he was left with an even bigger void than he had anticipated. He couldn't find his emotions to properly mourn them, his own hands stained with their blood. It was the right thing to do yet he hated himself for not being selfish enough for one thing.
He was alone in the ruins of the building. The ghosts of people who he had taken the lives of haunting his mind as he moved away from Y/n's carcass and settled himself upon a mountain of rubble, drowning in his thoughts.
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kittycatxoxo1 Β· 2 years
A todoroki AU part 2
Shoto starts sneaking out again but aizawa catches on pretty quickly and just says "you know you can just tell me your going and I'll go with you cuz dabi hangs out around my patrol route anyway so I can watch both of you like always"
Hitoshi starts going with shoto cuz obviously he's not going to sleep.
Everything in canon still happens but shoto is more open to having friends, he's just really awkward and doesn't get social cues.
When the League kidnapped bakugo aizawa puts his foot down and is just like "kid, he's with the League we can't help him without incriminating ourselves for supporting him (slipping him money)" but shoto tries sneaking out but aizawa catches him and puts a ankle monitor on him that will alert a teacher if he tries to leave the school. (cause of the dorms)
The saving bakugo thing still happens but there's a small bit of the kids having to get the monitor of shotos ankle.
I don't know how but I want the Lov to be caught and put in a villain reformed program (and have quirk suppressors for obvious reasons) and they need to be put with some pro heros like Vlad king has toga, best jeanist has Mr compress, hound dog has twice, the wild wild pussy cats has magne and eraserhead and present mic have dabi and tomura (maybe also kurogiri Idk yet)
Dabi HATES being close to endeavors "masterpiece" and doesn't know why the kid keeps trying to talk to him. So dabi starts just picking on shoto just like shoto is doing chores and dabi messes him up or just being picky "you misses a spot"
Tomura, hitoshi and shoto actually start bonding over video games and like trama dumping on each other on random nights. Shoto just walks into shiggys room "my dad trained me so hard I would throw up" and tomura is just like "same lol" the next night hitoshi walks in "my mom used to put a muzzle on me" tomura is like "damn dude, that sucks. I think I was given my quirk so I'd accidentally kill my family"
Aizawa coming home to a trama dumping session on his couch
Dabi still doesn't want anything todo with shoto and seeing tomura bonding with shoto as a betrayal.
Dabi still picking on shoto sees hitoshi and shoto having a sibling squabble like voices raised "you can't just take my things" type fight and dabi says "wow! you ARE just like endeavor, you gonna hit purple next?" And that just goes all over shoto and he calls it a night
Hitoshi is so pissed like his face is so red and he get all in dabis face just "you can't just say shit like that!" "shoto is nothing like that man!" And "you don't even know what shoto has done for you!!"
Aizawa AND mic have to pull hitoshi out of dabis face
Shiggy in the back like πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ
Part 1: https://kittycatxoxo1.tumblr.com/post/687160262683459584/a-todoroki-au-part-1-shoto-sneaks-out-dressed-up
I don't know how I'd end the fic if I wrote it but if anyone wants to write it, have at it! Just send me the link to the fic cuz I'd love to read anyone's fics that are inspired by my rambles!!
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