#my door is always open for questions - at no extra cost ๐Ÿ˜‰
potionpeddlerpatchy ยท 3 months
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Hello to all my darling travelers, fellow witches and mages, and close companions alike!
Lately, my thoughts have been plagued of all things fun that one can do during the summer, especially at the beach, so here I am to invite you to join me on my fun! After all, doing these things is better in groups~
So please, stop by my little getaway home for some drinks, food, fun, and good times!
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Basically, this is a more informal event sorta thing than my usual ones! So, come on into my inbox and ask any of the following!
Beach Day head cannons of you and your f/o
Summer Event head cannons of you and your f/o - if you don't like swimming
A Summer Moodboard themed after you and your f/o
Or a Summer-Themed Potion
and, of course, if you wanted - I can always turn these into double dates myself and my f/o joining in on the fun~
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I do hope you all join me for some fun in the sun~
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potionpeddlerpatchy ยท 1 year
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A rummage sale
Opens Friday, October 6th at 2pm, Closes Friday, October 13th at 11:59pm
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How humorous it is to say that I, a traveler like me who can never stay in one place for long, would be holding such an event. It is an event that is typically reserved for those who stay put and collect, to then find themselves overcrowded with bobbles and trinkets to find the need to regift them - for a price of course.
But it appears that my little shop has been around for a year now, and I suppose that due to that homely nature I find with keeping it, I too have turned into those creatures that make it a habit to sell their old belonging.
After all, a year's worth of clutter must be dealt with, even for a peddler such as myself. And I have always found that it is better to give things no longer needed away than to sell them; generosity is in my nature after all.
So please, dear traveler, have a look around at all the trinkets, charms, and books you see upon my shelves and see if one catches your eye or even heart.
After all, trash can become a treasure in the right hands
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Please Choose What Calls to You
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Personal Reading of Your Palm:
If you are a little weary of venturing into all that is unique around you, perhaps I can be your guide. Allow me to look upon your palam and direct you where your heart is asking to go and the fate that will befall you should you listen. (matchup + how you meet)
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Enchanted and Alluring Charm:
It caught your eye didn't it, from the moment you walked in you could not take your eyes off of it. I am more than willing to allow you the chance to claim it as your own, if you so wish to treasure it (moodboard and/or matching outfits)
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Intriguing Book of Old:
I see you have found a bit of my collection of literature, one that has taken many years over many landscapes to curate. Though I do find it rather sad to part with such old friends, I can see they would be far more beloved by a traveler like yourself. So please sit, and stay a moment longer, after all, I would want you to love the story you are about to be bonded to (fairytale matchup with drabble) (none left)
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I so hope you will find a treasure amongst my things, traveler
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