#(mainly just pick a fandom and I shall do the rest)
potionpeddlerpatchy · 3 months
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Hello to all my darling travelers, fellow witches and mages, and close companions alike!
Lately, my thoughts have been plagued of all things fun that one can do during the summer, especially at the beach, so here I am to invite you to join me on my fun! After all, doing these things is better in groups~
So please, stop by my little getaway home for some drinks, food, fun, and good times!
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Basically, this is a more informal event sorta thing than my usual ones! So, come on into my inbox and ask any of the following!
Beach Day head cannons of you and your f/o
Summer Event head cannons of you and your f/o - if you don't like swimming
A Summer Moodboard themed after you and your f/o
Or a Summer-Themed Potion
and, of course, if you wanted - I can always turn these into double dates myself and my f/o joining in on the fun~
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I do hope you all join me for some fun in the sun~
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sholiofic · 3 months
WIP Find the Word meme
I was tagged by @black-bentley! I'm not going to do the "passing it on" part because my brain came to a screeching halt on trying to think of more words, so I will simply share some snippets of WIPs. In fact, since I have a ton of WIPs right now, this is a nice opportunity to give the Biggles fandom a look at what I'm working on. (All picked from the Biggles folder; I figured I'd branch out to my other 10,000 WIPs if I couldn't find all the words there, but I didn't need to.)
Rules: Share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the words in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word).
BB: The words I'm passing on are quick, leg, blink and wait!
This is the first few paragraphs of a fic I originally started writing for fan-flashworks' "Guest" prompt (on DW) last year and then wandered away from at the point where I had to figure out the actual plot.
It was absolutely inevitable, and yet when Algy opened the door and found Erich von Stalhein on the doorstep, he said, "Oh no," more or less automatically.
There was a quick tug of something like a smile on the normally implacable face, and von Stalhein said, "Greetings. May I come in? It's raining out here."
"Yes, fine, if you must." Algy noted that he was wearing a slightly threadbare greatcoat that looked as if it had seen service in the last war, only to be meticulously patched back together, and he was using a fold of it to protect the paper-wrapped parcel under his arm. For this reason mainly, Algy stepped back and allowed him in without putting up more than token resistance.
From the sitting room, Biggles called, "Erich? Is that you? Come save me, they're forcing me to endure a party in here."
The look that crossed von Stalhein's stern face as he took his coat off was something that Algy almost wished he hadn't seen, a quick flicker of softness and humour entirely at odds with the rest of his cold aspect. "I can't save you, I've come to join them."
This is a Sakhalin escape AU in which EvS doesn't show up in the chain gang on the day of the escape, so under the cover and confusion of the fire and related events, Biggles and Fritz have to figure out a way to break into the prison and look for him. I figured this fandom needs a good old fashioned prison break AU.
Following Biggles's instructions, Fritz climbed on [the horse] using a block of wood to mount. Biggles instructed him briefly in the use of the reins. The horse was well trained and calm, startling only a little, which would help.
"Hold this rope. You can take me in as an escaped fugitive. They won't know there's anything wrong until they count up the chain gang and realize they have an extra man."
"And then what?" Fritz asked, pale with tension. He took the rope end with a hand that shook slightly.
"By then we will hopefully have found your uncle and we will be ready to leave." Biggles clasped his hands together with the end of the rope tucked inside, so it was not evident they weren't actually bound but instead had the rope looped around his wrists. He looked up at Fritz. "You understand the danger we face."
"As well as you do," Fritz said. He took a deep breath and gently tugged on one of the horse's reins as instructed, turning its head toward the half-open door of the mill.
Biggles nudged Fritz's leg and gestured toward the riding crop fastened to the saddle. "Carry that. If they try to argue with you, I shall make some sort of trouble and you can strike me with it. That will be distracting, at least."
It took me a while, but I found a proper one with the exclamation point because I guess I had to make a scavenger hunt out of it. This is from the original version of the fic Rear Guard Action, in which EvS collapses during the escape from Sakhalin. I only kept the first section, and then it changes where Biggles stays behind with him in the published-on-AO3 version. Originally EvS stayed unconscious until they got him back to the Otter, so it was mostly from Algy's POV at that point.
Algy dropped the blankets on the floor, and then knelt beside von Stalhein and, businesslike, began to strip off the wet rags; by this point the cold, sodden prison suit was doing more harm than help. The fabric was so rotten that it came apart in his hands. Beneath it—
Algy swore again.
He had not wanted to feel pity for his enemy. He very definitely had not wanted to see him like this, ribs standing out beneath the clotted cuts of what Algy knew immediately were recent whip marks. There were others crisscrossing under those, partly healed, and colorful bruises that might be old or new; with the bad treatment it was unlikely that von Stalhein would heal quickly or well.
The soft bump of the boat against the hull, a twin to the earlier sound of Ginger's arrival, drew him with great relief from this task. Algy laid a blanket across von Stalhein and went to open the cabin door.
"Fritz," he said with relief, clasping the boy's hand and helping him in. "Ginger, let's trade. I'll take the boat, you come in and get warm."
Ginger shook his head stubbornly, blinking snow off his lashes. His hair was frosted white. "No, you stay dry, one of us shouldn't be soaked at least. Your coat is doing well enough for me. I'll fetch another of the men and then take you up on that, all right?"
"All right," Algy said reluctantly. "Wait!" He pulled down the damp coats and threw them into the bottom of the boat. "Take those back for the others."
Ginger gave him the familiar cheeky, boyish grin and paddled off into the growing dark. Algy shut the door and turned to Fritz, who had gone straight to his uncle and was bending anxiously over him.
"Go ahead and get him out of the rest of those wet things and wrapped up," Algy told him, relieved to put the task off on someone who wouldn't mind. His chest still felt hollow with unwanted pity. "I'll make us something hot."
Technically I COULD have used the above excerpt which also has "blink" in it, but I picked another one. This is another alternate version of a published fic, this time for Any Landing You Walk Away From, the one in which EvS is electrocuted on the fence. In the original version, Biggles (who has been shot) had to fly a plane while trying not to pass out. (I ended up having them rescued by Algy & co. instead.) I still want to repurpose that entire sequence for something else, because it was a lot of fun to write.
Biggles blinked sweat out of his eyes. He felt cold and dizzy. This was going to have to be a short flight, he thought. Fortunately they were not in a hostile country, just a temporarily hostile corner of it. Any field or suitably long and straight road would do. He just had to find one.
He heard von Stalhein say his name. In the glow of the dash controls, Biggles saw von Stalhein move jerkily and push down Biggles's flight jacket so he could lean forward to shake at his arm. "You're flying erratically," he said. "Are you trying to evade something?"
"Only my own poor decisions," Biggles said with what was trying to be a smile, but from the look on von Stalhein's pale face, he decided it hadn't worked as he'd hoped. "I need to find a place to set down this bird. Do you think you can help me find one?"
"In that?" von Stalhein asked, looking down.
They were flying above the cloud ceiling, cotton-soft in the moonlight. From what Biggles recalled, it would stretch for miles. They had to get beyond it, or go down through it.
Thank you for the tag, @black-bentley!
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wisteriabookss · 4 years
An Extensive Analysis of Eris
The recent excerpt from ACOSF has got this fandom spinning on it’s head because it includes a feral-smiling Eris waltzing with Nesta. As a result, people have now delved deeper into his character and whether or not he deserves a redemption arc (or an arc of any kind). 
So naturally, he has been compared to Rhys, because Rhys also appeared to us in the beginning as a cruel, cunning person, who was eventually revealed to have a bigger heart, and a valid excuse (at least amongst the IC) for his behavior.
I made this post to mainly catalogue all that Eris has done, analyze his actions, see if he indeed can be compared to Rhys, and to determine whether or not he should have a redemption arc. 
What We Know So Far
Our first mention of Eris is in ACOMAF, when Rhysand is explaining to Feyre what happened to Mor. I could put the quotes here, but just to save some time I’m gonna make a long story short.
Mor’s father, Keir, declared that she was to be sold in marriage to Eris. Eris is known for being cruel, and Mor begged Rhys to stop it. Rhys brought her to the Illyrian camp for a few days, and she decided to sleep with Cassian in order to ruin her “pure” image. Because she slept with Cassian, Eris refused to marry her. Said, “she’d been sullied by a bastard-born lesser faerie, and he’d now sooner fuck a sow.” Her family, although it’s not said explicitly, basically beat her, and then dumped her body on the Autumn court border with a note nailed to her body that said she was Eris’s problem now. Eris left her for dead in the middle of their woods.
Now, we’re going to look at what he exactly said during this event, given to us from Mor’s POV in ACOFAS:
“Don’t touch her.” Those steps stopped. It was not a warning to protect her. Defend her.
“No one touches her,” he said. Eris. “The moment we do, she’s our responsibility.” 
Cold, unfeeling words. “But—but they nailed a—” 
“No one touches her.”
A pale, beautiful face appeared above her, blocking out the jewel-like leaves above. Unmoved. Impassive. “I take it you do not wish to live here, Morrigan.”
He must have read it in her eyes. A small smile curved his lips. “I thought so.”
Eris took a step away. Someone behind him blurted, “We can’t just leave her to—” 
“We can, and we will,” Eris said simply, his pace unfaltering as he strode away. 
“She chose to sully herself; her family chose to deal with her like garbage. I have already told them my decision in this matter.” A long pause, crueler than the rest. “And I am not in the habit of fucking Illyrian leftovers.”
Now that we have Mor’s side of the story, we’re going to look at what Eris has said about that fateful day during a discussion with the IC in ACOWAR:
Mor snarled, rattling the glasses. “You never gave any evidence to the contrary. Certainly not when you left me in those woods.”
“There were forces at work that you have never considered,” Eris said coldly. “And I am not going to waste my breath explaining them to you. Believe what you want about me.”
. . . .
A frown at Mor as he drained his wine and set down the goblet. “I’m surprised you still can’t control yourself around him. You had every emotion written right on that pretty face of yours.”
“Watch it,” Azriel warned.
Eris looked between them, smiling faintly. Secretly. As if he knew something that Azriel didn’t. “I wouldn’t have touched you,” he said to Mor, who blanched again. “But when you fucked that other bastard—” A snarl ripped from Rhys’s throat at that. And my own. “I knew why you did it.” Again that secret smile that had Mor shrinking. Shrinking. “So I gave you your freedom, ending the betrothal in no uncertain terms.”
“And what happened next,” Azriel growled.
A shadow crossed Eris’s face. “There are few things I regret. That is one of them. But … perhaps one day, now that we are allies, I shall tell you why. What it cost me.”
A main takeaway from this is that there seems to be much more to story of what happened between Eris and Mor.
Does that mean him leaving her in the woods is excusable? No. Absolutely not. He didn’t try to take the nail out of her (which would’ve been the bare minimum), he didn’t alert Rhys that she was there, he didn’t do anything to help her. He started to make the situation even more traumatic by saying vile things to her. Whatever reason he gives for not helping her will be just that: a reason. But not an excuse. Those are two very different things.
Eris say’s that leaving her there is one of the few things he regrets. There’s something in that. I’m not saying under any circumstance that he should be forgiven because he feels guilty, thats stupid as hell, but it is showing that he’s not some apathetic, other-worldy evil person. There’s some semblance of a conscious in him. 
He also say’s that one day he’ll tell them why he did it and what it cost him. By what it cost him, I’m guessing he’s talking about the cost of ending his betrothal to Mor, because I can’t think of what he lost by leaving her there. 
I don’t think there’s been any mention of someone getting revenge on Eris because A.) Rhys told Feyre that, “Azriel found her a day later. It was all I could do to keep him from going to either court and slaughtering them all.” and B) her family was obviously going to do nothing cause they’re the ones who hurt her.
I’m not going to try and theorize what cost Eris had to pay. It obviously is something (or someone) important to him.
But to me, one of the biggest things we got from this discussion is that it seems Eris knows Mor is gay. That secret smile of his that had Mor shrinking, the way he says he knows why she slept with Cassian, and that he gave Mor her freedom by ending the betrothal without giving a reason . . . he knows.
He knew she was gay, so he ended their engagement, no questions asked. And then Mor was dumped in his woods, and he did nothing to help. 
Morally grey, indeed.
(P.S. To the person that posted something along the lines of, “I can’t wait to see Mor’s face when she see’s Eris dancing with Nesta,” . . . get help)
Another excerpt I wanna look at also happens during the recent discussion we’ve just seen, but it has to do with Feyre and Lucien.
“You hunted me down like an animal,” I cut in. “I think we’ll choose to believe the worst.”
Eris’s pale face flushed. “I was given an order. And sent to do it with two of my … brothers.”
That little hesitation before he says ‘brothers’. . . sus. That’s all imma say. (maybe there’s more than one illegitimate son in that family . . .)
“And what of the brother you hunted down alongside me? The one whose lover you helped to execute before his eyes?”
Eris laid a hand flat on the table. “You know nothing about what happened that day. Nothing.”
“Indulge me,” was all I said.
Eris stared me down. I stared right back.
“How do you think he made it to the Spring border,” he said quietly. “I wasn’t there— when they did it. Ask him. I refused. It was the first and only time I have denied my father anything. He punished me. And by the time I got free … They were going to kill him, too. I made sure they didn’t. Made sure Tamlin got word—anonymously—to get the hell over to his own border.”
Where two of Eris’s brothers had been killed. By Lucien and Tamlin.
Eris picked at a stray thread on his jacket. “Not all of us were so lucky in our friends and family as you, Rhysand.”
We see another semblance of conscious here when Eris refuses to take part in the slaughtering of Jesminda. To even be in the same room as it. He then made sure that Lucien wasn’t going to die by making sure Tamlin was at his border. 
I’m not putting these quotes here to say, “Look, he cares about stuff , so let’s excuse everything he’s done.” No. There is no excusing any of his actions. Just like we can’t excuse Rhysand’s behavior in the first two books, or Cassian’s, or Nesta’s, or even Feyre’s, etc. But what we can do is see the reasons for their actions, and try and understand why they acted the way they did. They have their reasons, and Eris has his. (P.S. I’m not trying to compare what they’ve done, I’m just noting that they all had reasons to do what they’ve done, and they all deserve to be heard out.)
Comparison To Rhys
As I said earlier, Eris has drawn a lot of comparisons to Rhys. I agree with most of them.
This fandom has catalogued all of Rhys’s questionable actions like . . .
*TRIGGER WARNING: words like sexually assaulted*
Rhys sexually assaulting Feyre three times in the first book by drugging her, and then compelling her to give him lap dances in front of the folks Under The Mountain. He then displayed Feyre again in a sexual manner in the second book in front of The Court of Nightmares as, and I quote, “The High Lords Whore.” 
In both situations he could’ve done things so much differently. In the first book, he could’ve just, oh I don’t know, kept her in her cell? Or maybe brought her upstairs as a normal person?
And in the second one she literally could have been ANYTHING else. Everyone thinks she’s his prisoner, so why didn’t they go with that? Why couldn’t he have just dressed her in some raggedy-ass clothing, messed up her hair, and then tell her to act super stoic or frightened? Really Rhys, she just had to be your whore? (I know it was consensual but that doesn’t make her persona okay. He could’ve picked literally anything else)
Did he have his reasons for doing this? Yes. Does his reasons excuse what he did? No. You don’t have to make everyone else around you act a part just because you do.
So while we may not excuse Rhys’s actions, we can understand his reasons even if we don’t agree with them. Same with Eris. We know Eris has his reasons, and I doubt we’ll all agree with them, but he still has them.
Let’s also not forget that Rhysand made a deal with Eris and Keir that he would support Eris’s claim to the Autumn Court throne when Eris decides to kill his father for it. He also allowed Keir and his court to come into Velaris, and even though they’ll be turned away by every vendor, he still allowed them in. While he had his reasons for doing this (the Darkling army for ACOWAR) he still did it. It still hurt Mor.
Redemption Arc 
My biggest hesitation in thinking Eris will get a redemption arc is wondering where it would fit in the books for him to have one. We don’t know how if his waltz with Nesta is just a one-time thing or if it’s a result of a friendship between the two. The second book is supposed to be centered around Elain, Azriel, and Lucien, so that could also be a spot where he get’s an arc, maybe through a relationship with Lucian or Azriel. 
Either way, I’m not gonna bring down the hammer and say that he shouldn’t get a redemption arc. Tbh, the term ‘redemption arc’ kinda annoys me because it shouldn’t be about redeeming what was done in the past, but more about learning from past mistakes and taking the initiative to grow into a better person. That’s what I want for Eris. He’s not going to magically be revealed to be this super sweet fun-loving guy like Rhys. I don’t want him to be revealed like that either. 
I just want to see more of his character, see why he is the way he is, and, like i’ve said a million times in this post, know his reasons for acting the way he does. 
One last thing before I go. I’m not interested in seeing any relationship blossom between Eris and the IC, or Nesta, and I think it’s unlikely anyways. There’s a possibility for them to have an understanding, sure, but no friendship. I know there are some people who automatically adore Eris because they hate Mor and that’s just stupid. Mor isn’t my fav either, but I won’t cheer Eris on just because he hurt her. 
That’s all I’ve got. If you’ve made it this far, I appreciate you. Really.
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lizacstuff · 4 years
Liza that 3rd fragman 👀 "if I was born a 100 times I'd fall in love with you everytime" Eda saying this is their last obstacle and nothing can separate them, serkan's "I'll be right back, close your eyes I'm here" If this isn't all a red flag for shits about to hit the fan then I don't know what is LOL (but also how cute to Edser look and them telling each other they love each other very much 😭😭😭)
That fragman is both the SWEETEST and the MOST OMINOUS thing I’ve ever seen. ALL AT ONCE.  
Friends... we’re gonna go through some things.  That being said, everything is going to be great. These writers have been solid so far, and I have faith they have come up with something really interesting to increase the longevity of this show. And I don’t know about you, but I’m prepared to go through some things if it means keeping Eda and Serkan for longer.  (I heart them)
This show is about Eda and Serkan and their love story, at it’s core it’s a comedy, it will all lead to happy things, but... yeah, buckle up! 
I have a lot of asks both about the fragman and last ep, so I’m going to answer a bunch under the cut. 
Anonymous said: The fandom theories about episode 28 have gotten so wild that I literally think the most shocking thing would be if they actually got married and were not separated (emotionally or physically). What if the earlier painful episodes were to make us believe that things couldn't possibly go right in 28 and it's a reverse psychology trick?
You could be right!  I like your thinking. I checked on twitter and I had to back away slowly. The juvenile temper tantrums were too much for me today.  
Look, I think it’s clear something big is coming. It has to, there has to be something that shakes up the show. Some of the theories are more upsetting and catastrophic than others, but the writers won’t do anything that dings either character or their love for one another.  Whatever happens will showcase the connection between these two and the chemistry between the actors, that’s the point of everything, and anything that does those things is gonna be a-okay with me. 
@jan31​ Hi Liza. Do you think we are going to see the wedding in 28 or they will leave it on a cliffhanger for next week. Lots of theories going round mainly cos of Neslihan saying new dimensions coming in episode 29, which could just mean married life etc. I have seen suggestions of memory loss, it's all a dream since episode one. I would personally love Eda to wake up like in episode one but for it to be a total turn around and she is the boss and Serkan the employee. Eda being robot yildiz appeals to me!!! I know it will never happen but leave me here with my dreams!!
I started the day at 90% sure they’ll be married in 28/29, but now I’m down to like 30% that they’ll get married in these episodes. I really, really want them to get married before whatever happens happens, because every scenario I can think of for this reset or starting again, seems like it would be better if they were married.  
However, the shooting spoilers from today, make me question that. Namely the videos where Hande appears to still be wearing the ring on her right hand. We shall see, that could be for many reasons. 
Honestly, though, I wouldn’t hate a memory loss storyline. Seeing one of them (and Serkan’s line in the trailer makes it seem like it might be him) lose their memory and have to fall in love all over again? There are worse fates for a shipper than getting to experience that all again but in a different way.  
Anonymous said: Your response to the fandom drama anon was so good, it's exactly how I feel. While I don't know what the old posts that were like are (that's shady as fuck) I did see all the other drama go down and wow. The actresses def need to stay in their lane and some of the fans, hoooo boy, it's obvious they're young based off their reactions alone. Had to unfollow some people once I realized what they were like. Also some of the IRL shipping reminded me of col*fer stuff, reading into everything and blowing it out of proportion (which then gets picked up by paps....). But you're right in that at least the show related drama is tame compared to OUAT. But still, people being too careless even while they know the paps see everything and harass Kerem and hande (omg did you see the video of hande the other day stopped in the van and she looked so overwhelmed 😔)
You’re referencing this post here about yesterday’s drama. 
Today Neslihan made it worse by addressing everything and claiming she didn’t like all those Hande-bashing posts because... wait for it... she was HACKED. Oy. Hackers got in and went back two years to like gross posts about Hande? Sure, Jan. While I don’t believe that for a second, I guess that at least gives her cover with Hande so they can all pretend it’s true and move on so it’s not awkward on set.  But, yikes, she needs to consult a publicist, she took a narrative that was circulating in certain circles in fandom and made sure all her followers were aware. Not very savvy. 
As for the paps coming after Hande, yes I did see her in the car, she did look overwhelmed. Back off vultures!!! That’s why I think Kerem sometimes throws himself to the wolves so that doesn’t happen. She always handles them like a pro, but you can tell she’d rather be anywhere else on earth than talking to them. 
The pap stuff is worse than I’ve seen before, they’re like vultures circling for any conjecture (sometimes made up out of thin air) they can turn into a question and blame fans. OUAT actors dealt with nothing like this. Also I can’t believe they never ask about the show. Like after last week? They could legit ask about the sex scene which probably would have given them some angle on the actors that they wanted, (especially since it was too hot for Turkish TV) but they let that pass them by, and instead asked the same questions about being together that they never answer. Dumbasses. They are not only awful people, they are awful at their jobs. 
In Van, the paps pay off crew members for info, they always know more than fans. Also I don’t remember stars of my shows getting this level of tabloid attention before. Except for on Riverdale, Lili and Cole generated that level of interest, and while I didn’t pay terribly close attention to them, I feel like they rarely talked to the paps, were just photographed. Also I don’t suspected the CW of calling the paps on them, but I suspect either the network or production company of sometimes calling them on Hande and Kerem. 
Anonymous said: Do you think it’s weird that they didn’t touch the kidnapping at all in either trailer? They might not have filmed it in time for the 1st one but certainly the 2nd. And I’m definitely not complaining about the ones we got because its like a fairytale but the kidnapping was the cliffhanger...? 🧐 I think they should’ve just left the princes storyline at “he went back to his country” but then they didn’t so......
If they’d left his story at just going back to his country, then the Prince really wouldn’t have served his purpose. He was brought on to cause some sort of trouble, so they probably need him to cause the trouble before he goes, lets hope it ends with this kidnapping!
And to answer your question, yes, I do think it’s weird that neither trailer touched on it. On any other show I’d think it was a huge red flag, but on this show maybe not as much because  a) there’s obviously a lot of romance in this episode, it’s not crazy that they are focusing on that to draw people in with the promos  b) this show likes to do cliffhangers that end up being no big deal, that happens a lot.  
Who knows it could turn out to be a big deal that shapes the rest of the episode in some unexpected way (Eda’s captured the whole episode and she’s dreaming about wedding prep, or... who knows) but I think it’s more likely that they resolve in the first 5-10 minutes and then move on.  Since we know from the summary (not that I trust those) that Serkan goes on the bachelor weekend, it feels like the Prince is taken care of prior to that. I don’t think he’d leave her alone for a second if there was a chance the Prince was still a threat. Perhaps Babaanne is pissed he tried to kidnap Eda and tells them she’ll handle it herself???
Anonymous said: Semiha not being in the promo is highkey suspicious. The actress is promoting the episode lol. She's about to Evil Queen this wedding ceremony but you know what, I'm fine with whatever she has planned if they end up married at the end of the day. What's funny is that since a lot of fans these days will assume that there will be shocking negative plot twists, not actually having one here would be a plot twist so I hope the writers keep them together for whatever's next haha
You’re not wrong, at this point, having this wedding take place would be a shocking twist for all of us!  As for Semiha... hmmm... it will be interesting to see what her reaction is to Eda being kidnapped by her pick of suitor. Serkan Bolat might be the son of the man indirectly responsible for her parents death, but he would never hurt her. Take note, Grandbag!  
Anonymous said: Do you mind sharing your speculative scenarios?
After the trailer today, I don’t know if I can even remember some of them. 
Memory loss
Grandma forces Serkan to choose between Eda and his company/wealth,  he chooses Eda and they start over from scratch with nothing
Time jump
AU starting over, showing a different path they might have taken together
These actors playing different characters in a new story
I don’t think the last three are likely, but they did spring to mind after some of Neslihan’s teases. 
Anonymous said: So this show doesn't get like fantastic ratings (it actually seems to be on the lower end compared to all other dizis airing) but the social media engagement is off the charts. Why is that?!? Is the show just extraordinarily popular internationally? or that this is a "shipping" show? I'm floored by the numbers - its like no other show/fandom is even trying
The ratings were terrific during the summer. But to your point, it has a huge fandom both in Turkey and internationally, but it’s worth noting that most of those charts you see where it beats every other show in every imaginable social metric is just for Turkey.  
It’s one of those lightning in a bottle situations where you get the right property and the right actors together at the right time and magic happens.  And, for sure, the number one reason is the shipping. Shipping drives fandom engagement, and a fantastic ship with a juicy, fun, tropey love story is what this show offers. It also offers up two extremely attractive, talented, likeable leads with off-the-charts chemistry (plus the added speculation about an off-camera relationship that has intrigued more than a few fans, tabloids and gossip sites and fueled interest) who have done a good job of building the fanbase through their social media engagement. Plus the timing is part of it as well. I don’t know about you, but this show hit the spot during this pandemic and the horror of 2020. We all needed this escape. 
Anonymous said:Do you think something happened in the writers room after the backlash of 25 and fan disappointment after Ayse's announcement? I feel like a switch flipped and now we're in fanficland with how much good content we've gotten in these last two episodes. Like I thought maybe they should wrap up the series soon before the characters got completely off the tracks but they may be finding their groove now and I'm interested to see what their next twist is after they can write out Balca/Seymen.
I don’t know about a switch flip, this show has been fanfic land since the first episode!  The tropes! That is how I described it to multiple people when I first started watching: an AU fanfic come to life.
As for the writing changes, no, I don’t think backlash after 25 affected 26 or 27, because 26 was already 90% shot, and 27 already written. However, I assume they themselves could tell that 25 got just too dark and had strayed pretty far from the DNA of the series. While I didn’t think it was bad, it was not fun to watch and this show ought to be fun to watch. 
Let’s hope, however, that the backlash affects future episodes in that they know what works... and what doesn’t.  The last two episodes definitely felt reminiscent of the first batch of episodes. Light, funny, romantic. If they can keep that tone... I’ll be thrilled.
Anonymous said: i didn't realize how much i missed "together" edser until watching 27.. it's been so long since they were "officially" together and we also had such few episodes of it.. ppl have been comparing it to 12 and while in some ways i agree, edser are always so different here than they were there. 12 was them navigating their new relationship.. they were more shy and finding their footing.. here they are very much established, as they should be after knowing their love for so long in comparison to 12!
Yes, it was lovely. You know I’ve preached a lot about how even though Eda and Serkan were broken up, they’ve still been together all this time. And it’s true, but there is something about them truly being together that is magical. We never got enough of that the first time around (a writing mistake in my opinion) and they’re so good together it’s lovely to watch. 
Anonymous said: Serkan not asking for help from Balca when asking his team for help with the marriage gifts preparations and refusing her offer of help when she asked made me so happy. Good job Serkan! He's learning! She's not trustworthy!
Yes, that was a good moment. And he was eyeing her very warily when she offered. The thing I don’t understand is how has no one caught on that she’s working with Babaanne? That entire office is filled with nosy people, has no one remarked on the number of times Balca has gone up to the office or they’ve disappeared for lunch at the same time? Come on Leyla! Come on Melo! Notice these things!  
Anonymous said: Fingers crossed that we finally make progress towards getting rid of Seiman & Balca now that all the girls were drugged and Eda was put in the car in the last episode. Unless Seiman has a change of heart and takes Eda back inside before anyone wakes & the guys get there then the show has to address it. Although I do not think Balca is going to back down unless Serkan straight up tells her he has zero interest in her and never will. Totally fine if that happens in the next episode.
Will Balca backdown even if she’s humiliated like that? She’s so delusional I’m not sure. What I am sure is that she’s dangerous. This came in before we saw the other two fragmans that have no mention of the kidnapping. Hard to picture how that is so easily resolved. Unless she frees herself (which seems unlikely in her groggy state) or maybe Melo’s future boyfriend is able to stop it before they get far?  Or I don’t know. I just know that I want to see Serkan lose his mind and all the other characters see Serkan lose his mind and then I want it to be over. LOL.
Anonymous said: As much as I am loving everything Edser, I cannot wait for Seiman, Balca and Grandma to be gone. And I am even more annoyed to think that the show might try to redeem all 3 characters. All 3 of them are truly awful people and no need to waste air time trying to make the audience think any different. Just my opinion...🤷🏻‍♀️. Show please finally expose those 3 for the psychos they are and get rid of them.
Bye bitches!  I don’t think there’s any redemption for Balca and Seiman. They both have poisoned/dosed people, hard to come back from that.  And there is no need to redeem them because neither is compelling enough to be a long-term character. But maybe Granny, we probably will see a redemption arc for her. 
Anonymous said: i know you were worried a few weeks ago that with ayse leaving as writer, we probably wouldn't have the same sort of comedy as previous episodes... but istg the whole kiz isteme scene, especially with chef alex, had me almost crying with laughter. especially when serkan off the cuff just goes "well if that's an option..." to everyone misunderstanding alex "wanting" ayfer for 2 nights and then eda ready to beat him with the flowers he bought her... comedic gold lmao.
SO GOOD! I was thrilled to see that sort of comedy, the sort of comedy we’d come to expect, from these writers. I think it bodes very well indeed!  
That scene was amazing. I know Neslihan said that much of it was improvised. Probably that line from Serkan (since Serkan is SO out-of-his-mind in love I’m not sure he could even joke about having Eda only two nights a week! LOL) was improv from Kerem, and Aydan asking about the other nights, and Seyfi bringing up the weekend. And Eda’s very Hande-esque “Ser-KAN.” 
I just love rewatching that scene and checking out everyone who is breaking character and just losing it. Cagri most of all. He’s blurred aback there but you can see Ferit spends the whole time laughing or trying to stifle a laugh. Reminds me of Cagri in the scene in 18 when they’re watching the security footage he was losing it in that scene as well. 
Anonymous said: i'm scared - I think they are really about to give us all of these happy EdSer scenes only to have something happen RIGHT before the wedding ceremony due to Babaanne. Based on the last episode, I don't think there's any chance of a breakup (knock on wood) but what if Serkan gets arrested, goes to jail for 2 years, and we get a time jump?
This was sent before the last two teasers, so yes I think something is gonna happen. We shall see!  I don’t really think Serkan going to jail for 2 years is in the cards, at least I hope not!  Besides if Babaanne did that she would have no hopes of ever reconciling with Eda, so that seems unlikely she’d follow through and leave him there for so long a time. 
Anonymous said: With the last week's sex scene, they did a lot of fade outs but the scene was basically still there so it wasn't much wasted effort for the actors. But for what they're teasing in episode 28 - idk how they can get away with showing them in the shower at all if Serkan lifting Eda with her clothes on had required blurring? Is Eda dropping her robe even pushing it? It's intriguing indeed.
Great questions. We’re 36 hours from finding out (well I'm longer than that because I wait for the English subs, hee hee) All I know is I want to see these scenes.. one way or another! 
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arctimon · 4 years
The following represents dialogue that is not final and is subject to change.
The group turned to where Fred was pointing to. The line of people were already staring to circle around the makeshift monument, and right at the top, from what Hiro could see on the viewscreens, was some sort of hammer. The camera was zoomed in enough so that he could see the finer details: the long, leather handle handle and a shiny metal protector with leather strap lazily hanging on the end. The head was stone, weathered to almost oblivion, with some sort of writing on the sides that he couldn't make out.
Hiro didn't understand why Fred was worked up about it. But this was also Fred, so no doubt he would tell everyone in about two seconds.
“...The Hammer of the Gods.”
Yup. There it was.
“OK, I'll bite, since Fred is off in Fantasy Land,” Go Go said, glancing at Olivia. “What happens when someone is deemed 'worthy' or whatever?”
“I don't know.” She looked up at Go Go, still fanning Fred's reddening face. “I don't think anyone really does. I follow The Collection as much as Fred does, and I can't recall an instance where anyone was able to lift it. There's rumors for sure; they range from tickets for life to autographs and everything in between. Someone online even said you could pick one single piece of The Collection to take home with you. But everyone agrees..”
She cast a wistful look up at the hammer.
“It's the pinnacle of comic book memorabilia. And people would give an arm and a leg just to touch it, much less lift it.”
“So let me guess. Knucklehead is going to try to get in line and-”
She motioned to where Fred had been last and noticed it was vacant. She looked up to see Fred making a beeline for the end of the queue. “Aaaand he's already way ahead of me.”
----- “I shall have it! You have played a worthy game, but there is nothing that you can do to stop me! I will have it! All of it! No one will stand in my way, not even your haphazard recruitment of heroes!” -----
“It has been a very long time since I have heard the roar of its thunder. The blinding flash of its lightning. The energy that it brings forth...it is unlike anything that has been and will be made.” She looked off into the distance, away from her newcomer. “Perhaps it was for the best that it was lost.” ----- “But I must warn you.” Their hands hung in the air, mere inches away from the glowing light. “This power is not meant to be trifled with. If it is bestowed upon you, then it must only be used in the most dire of consequences. The bleakest of circumstances. When all other options have been exhausted. Only the bravest of souls and the purest of minds can use this without becoming corrupted. So I ask you, young one...” Her eyes danced in the light as she stared them down. “Do you still wish to accept this gift...and perhaps all of the misfortune it may bring?"
So now you guys now what I’ve been working on for the past few days, and I am actually really happy with how this turned out.  But I still can’t draw.  Remember that. But onto the rest of the notes. The hammer is purposefully bigger than everyone's hands for a few reasons. One, because I wanted everyone to notice all of the shiny little details. Two, because someone may have accidentally drawn it too big and didn't feel like redrawing it smaller. Three...because shut up, that why. XD When drawing the BH6 version of Mjolnir, I didn't want to just copy the movie version or comic version and be done with it.  I wanted it to be unique.  I did borrow a lot from the MCU's one (mainly the handle), but the inscription is purely from the comics and the runes on the sides borrow from the Elder Futhark runic alphabet, something that will be commented on by one of the geniuses at some point in this story. It represents, as Olivia said, the shining crown of the Big Hero 6 world's comic nerd fandom. I don't want to give too much away for Artifact, but I can say a couple of things: 1.) Olivia is in it.  This is my first real attempt at writing her, so this should be interesting, if nothing else. 2.) This will be a one-shot, not a multi-chaptered story.  But it will be a long one, perhaps even longer than any one-shot I've had to date. 3.) No, I will not say who the woman is in the dialogue above.  Or who she's talking to.  That is a spoiler.  The mere fact that I'm saying it's a woman may be too much on its own. 4.) The story is still in progress.  I need to finish Continuity II before anything else. But you guys are more than welcome to take guess as to who will be worthy enough to wield the Hammer... *points to the hands in the drawing* Because it will be one of them. But before I go, there is one tiny little thing that eagle-eyed watchers may notice about one of the people in here.  And before you say anything, it's not a mistake. It's intentional.
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calliecat93 · 3 years
ST: TNG S6 Watchthrough Episodes 14-17
Face of the Enemy: Troi has been kidnapped and forced to look/pose as a Romulan officer. Why? The one responsible isn’t saying, but to say that she’s unhappy would be an understatement. As it turns out, Troi was abducted by a part of the resistance from Unification and they need a Starfleet officer in case their current plan goes south. They even mention Spock… IDK if I can see him approving of an abduction but maybe they just forgot to mention that he disapproved that part… then again I guess it makes logical sense. Eh, whatever. So… this is by far the best Troi episode that they’ve done thus far. She was kidnapped yes, but she is NOT playing the damsel-in-distress. She’s not victimized. She’s not sexualized. She’s not forced into a poorly conceived romance or undergoes anything gross/f*cked up. She has to act the part of a cold-hearted authoritarian among a ship of Romulans and she is freakin’ badass. Especially when she decides that she’s had enough going and thoroughly tells off her kidnapper N’Vek and that he will listen to her. 100% perfection. They even managed to make her empathic abilities useful. Did putting her in the uniform cause this? Did they get it out of their systems in Man of the People? IDK but I am all for it! It was also an awesome look into the Romulans and the going-ons on their ship, something we haven’t really gotten since TOS’ Balance of Terror, and all the Romulans are done very well. N’Vek kidnapped Troi but he did it for his cause and is a great morally grey character, and the female Romulan Commander Toreth is an excellent antagonist. Plus it’s nice to see more of the resistance and to see them within the Romulan ranks. It was an excellent episode and I freakin’ loved it~! Thank you show for giving Troi the badass episode that she deserves (even if it was this late in the show's run), now keep it up! 5/5.
Tapestry: Two Q episodes this season? Hell yes~! So… Picard dies. Welp. Q decides to take this to give Picard an offer: go back in time and undo his greatest regret, the incident that caused his artificial heart that he told Wesley about in Samaritan Snare. Back when he was a hot-blooded rebel who got himself into a fight that got him stabbed in the heart. In doing so, he now has a chance to correct all the wrongs and settle all he regrets in his life since that day. So up to this point, Q’s episodes since Q Who, while still entertaining and interesting, had been more light-hearted. Q still came off as an all-powerful being (Deja Q aside which him not being was the plot point), but his antics had been more comedic or light-hearted in comparison. In this episode, he’s acting like a trickster as per usual, but again more with the purpose to teach Picard a lesson. Why isn’t made very clear aside from maybe he just likes Picard (take that however way you’d like), but it’s nice to see this version of Q again while still utterly stealing the show. Picard got to undo the event… but would it have really turned out any better had it not happened? Would not making mistakes, having regrets, and making all the supposed ‘right’ choices when he should have had truly made a better impact in his present? That’s the funny thing about life, it’s easy to look back and go ‘if I had done this one thing differently, it would have been better’ and te desire to correct it is very powerful. But with mistakes comes the ability to learn. To grow. To mature. You’ll always have guilt and regrets, but you have to accept that this is what you chose and go about your life. Picard is a man full of thrown-away opportunities, pain, and so much more… but it also caused him to become a strong leader, intelligent, a risk-taker, and even with all his faults become a better person in his present day. Now obviously he doesn’t actually die, but he sure as Hell learned the lesson. The life he would have lead would have been unsatisfying, his old regrets replaced with new ones, and been unfulfilling for a man like himself. Now he can truly value the one that he has and the people in it. This was a fantastic episode. It’s crazy how Picard went from one of my least favorites to now one of my absolute favorites. His development and growth from a strict, aloof authoritarian to a much more reasonable father-like figure and much more humbled man and the captain has been excellent, and this episode just helps further that. The only real complaint is there’s not much time devoted to showing how his crew ended up without him, but that’s minor and doesn’t take anything away at all. Very well done~! 5/5.
Birthright: Okay, guess we got a second two-parter… and apparently it crosses over with DS9. Didn’t see that coming. But alrighty, I’m game~!
Part One: So the crew is on Deep Space 9 to assist in repairs of some incident involving the Bajorans and the Cardassians that I guess I’ll find out about when I get to the show. While there Worf is approached by an alien who informs him that his dead father? He may not be dead after all, having been kept in a Romulan prison. Worf doesn’t take it well. He ain’t the only one having daddy issues. While working with DS9‘s CMO Dr. Bashir, Data gets knocked out has a vision of Dr. Soong (a much younger one than in Brothers). Normally Data can’t dream so he’s pretty taken aback by this. So as a first part, this was pretty good. It sets up Worf’s plot well with him deciding to break into the Romulan camp to find out the truth and rescue the Klingons there. Data’s plot is overall nice. He’s never dreamed before so him trying to track down why is very understandable, especiallya after Picard suggests that he quit going through facts and try a more creative outlet to get his answers. So what happened? As it turns out Dr. Soong made it so that when Data reached a certain cognitive point, he would obtaint he ability to dream and he made an AI version of himself to talk to him. I guess he would have explained this to him in Brothers had Lore not shown up/had he not died. It was a really touching moment. Soong’s still not exactly the most ideal parent, but his AI copy seemed legit proud of how far Data’s come. Is it out of ego, legit parental pride, or both? That’s up for you to decide. As this is my first look at Bashir… so far I don’t have too manys torng opinions. he seems to act more liek a Science Officer or Engineer han a CMO, but he is cute and so far liekabe. He’s curious about Data, but doesn’t dehumanize him like Maddox in The Measure of a Man did, if anything he notes Data’s more human-like elements like being able to grow hair than any of the nuts and bolts. He seems pretty well liked from what I’ve seen int he fandom, so I’ll see how that holds when I reach DS9 but I like him so far. I do have some issues, but that more impacts the Overall so I’ll save it for there. So we end with Worf discovering his father’s true fate… and he’s informed by the Klingons there that he’s never leaving the camp. Welp. How will Worf get out of this one in Part 2? We shall see. 4/5.
Part Two: So what the heck is going on? Well, Worf’s father is infact dead, but there were captured Klingons. As they weren’t able to die with honor nor could they return home as it would dishonor their families (Klingons prefer death to capture), they chose to remain in the camp and live out the rest of their lives there. So now Worf is among multiple Klingons, the vast majority of which know nothing about their heritage, culture, and customs and had it outright demonized. To them, the lives they have are the norm and they have no desire to change it. Worf may have been out of touch with Klingons due to being raised on Earth, but at least he can explore it and get in touch with it. The ones in the camp? They can’t do that. They’re essentially in a gilded cage. Yeah, there's the argument that they achieved peace between Klingons and Romulans… by imprisoning said Klingons and demonizing their culture to them with the older Klingons allowing it. Though it seems it’s also because of broken spirits and the dishonor they’d have faced otherwise which is worst than death to them. There’s even one girl, Ba’el, who is half Klingon, half-Romulan… and despite what gets said I don’t get the sense that her parents' union was a fully consensual one. This was pretty good. Worf has found a group that like him were out of touch with their heritage, and he is now able to educate them and guide them. With all that’s happened and his struggle to be a true Klingon and find his way, this was really nice to have. He’s still clinging onto his hatred of Romulans and this episode isn’t going to help it dissipate, but at least it was addressed and Ba’el being upset at being judged due to how she was born was very much justified. Heaven knows that the themes here are still very much relevant in today’s time. Worf’s guidance pays off in the end and at last, they can be free. The younger Klingons have a rough road likely ahead of them since we know that Klingon society isn’t exactly the easiest to get through, but at least they have a chance at freedom. It was a very strong Worf episode and it was great to see~. 4/5.
Overall: Okay, so overall… it’s pretty uneasy. The Worf parts are good.. As I said, it was nice to see him in a position to give guidance to a group even more out of touch than he is. It was very wel done. The issues are mainly with Part One. We have this plot where they go to DS9… and we are barely there. We have Dr. Bashir… and only him. None of the other characters. We don't even see O’Brien despite him having transferred to DS9 at this point. Maybe the actors were busy sot they could only pick one but it kinda makes doing a crossover cheap. Bashir doesn’t even get a lot to do, you could write him out and very little would change. On the upside this means that viewers who haven’t watched DS9 won’t be confused nor would DS9 be required viewing, but it also kind of defeats the purpose of bringing DS9 in. It’s essentially just window dressing. Data’s plot, while nice, is completely dropped in Part Two. It feels like they were required to do a two-parter, didn’t have enough of the Worf plot to fill it out, and came up with the Data dream plot and using DS9 to fill it out. The crew also don’t really do anything in either part. As such, aside from getting Worf into the place he needs to be, Part One feels irrelevant. As such, I can’t give it a perfect rating. It was still good, but as a two-parter Part One bogs it down, but still allows for Part Two to happen. Overall, pretty good. 4/5.
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“The Worst Game” || YEAR 3 – Ch.17 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
<-- Last Chapter                          Next Chapter -->
Day posted: 9/4/2020
Word count: 3, 186
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
The clouds outside were dark and ominous above their heads. The sky was covered and not a ray of sunshine or smudge of blue sky shone through the large dense storm clouds. The wind howled in their ears and threw cold rain on their face as they walked up the grassy lawn back into the Castle. They had barely been able to hear Hagrid during their class and that really told them just how bad this storm was. The wind had turned his loud booming voice into a quiet squeak, no louder than a kitten’s purr.
Draco and his pack of Slytherins ran past with smug looks. Draco clutched his re-slung arm and snickered. “Ooh! Aah! It really hurts.”
“I can’t believe them,” Ron crossed his arms. “He had taken that stupid thing off MONDAY, and two days later he needs it again because ‘the weather’?”
Heather had been feeling quite guilty about her plan. It had saved her and gotten her back on her team, but it had screwed the Gryffindor’s practice up big time.
Harry groaned. “Don’t remind me!”
Harry had gotten very upset the day Draco had put her plan into action. He’d done it during potions, where he knew he could get away with it. They’re potions were boiling deep in their cauldrons and class was almost over when he’d clutched his arm in pain and fell to the ground, howling about feeling the storm clouds in his bones. Professor Snape sent him to Madam Pomfrey’s and by dinner time the Gryffindor captain was told that the match had been rescheduled to Saturday morning and it was now against Hufflepuffs.
Hermione put a reassuring hand on his arm, “You’ll be fine.”
They walked into the castle and Heather took Harry’s wrist, looking at his watch. “We’ll be late!”
“So what? It’s Lupin,” Ron smiled, “He might even give us points for it.”
Heather shook her head and elbowed Hermione who nodded and they both began running in the direction of the Defense classroom. The bolted up the stairs and just as they reached the door the bells rang throughout the school.
Heather pulled the door open and held it for Hermione. She walked in and gasped. Heather poked her head around the corner and saw Professor Snape sitting at the desk with his arms crossed and staring at them with narrowed eyes.
“Take your seats before I start removing points.”
They ran to their seats near the front and quickly took out their books. Heather had forgotten Professor Snape was supposed to teach Defense today! She turned to the door as Professor Snape began the lecture.
The seconds were dragging on and even Hermione was looking worried now. Harry and Ron were really taking their time.
Finally the classroom door opened and Harry walked in with Ron laughing behind him.
“Sorry we’re late, Professor Lupin. We – ” Harry came to a halt as he spotted Professor Snape at the front of the class.
“Are your ears working, Potter? Did you not hear the bells ring ten minutes ago?” Professor Snape pulled his robes around himself as he crossed his arms and smiled. “Shall we make it ten points from Gryffindor then? Take your seat.”
Ron sat in the nearest chair but Harry didn’t move, instead looked around at everyone and at Heather, who shook her head, begging him not to speak. She jerked her head to his seat but he didn’t budge.
“Where’s Professor Lupin?” Harry frowned.
Professor Snape’s smile twisted. “He’s too ill to teach today.” He narrowed his eyes and dropped the smile. “I believe I told you to take your seat?”
Harry still didn’t move. “What’s wrong with him?”
At this point the whole class was looking horrified at Harry, except the Gryffindors who mostly all looked very impressed.
“Nothing life threatening,” he said regretfully. “Let’s see. Five more points from Gryffindor. I’ll make it fifty the next time I have to ask you to sit down, Potter.”
Harry finally took his seat next to Heather. She shook her head at him, but he kept his eyes trained on Professor Snape as he went on.
“Before Potter’s interruption, I was saying Professor Lupin did not seem to record what topics he has already covered and so – ”
Hermione’s hand shot up in the air. “Sir, we’ve done boggarts, Red Caps, kappas, grindylows, and we’ve just finished – ”
“Quiet,” Professor Snape snapped. “I did not ask nor did I call on you, Miss Granger. I was merely commenting on the lack of organization Professor Lupin appears to have.”
“Professor Lupin is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher,” Dean Thomas spoke up.
Insulting Professor Lupin must have struck a nerve among the class because a murmur of agreement with the bold Gryffindor ran throughout the class.
Professor Snape looked more menacing now, glaring down Dean and the rest of the whispering class.  “You are all easily satisfied,” he spoke through his teeth. “First years should be able to deal with grindylows and especially Red Caps.” He paused and picked up the text book, “Today’s lesson shall cover – ” he flipped to the back chapter, “Werewolves.”
Hermione’s arm shot up again. “Sir, we’re supposed to be starting hinkypunks today – ”
“Granger.” Professor Snape’s voice was deadly calm and steady. “I believe the instructor for this class today, is me. Not. You.” He turned to the class, “Page 394. Read along.” He looked around and frowned, “Now! Everyone!”
Heather had already opened her book to the last chapter and stared at Professor Snape as he began his lecture. She’d never seen him so mad, not even after Neville had tripped and knocked over several handfuls of glass jars full of very old potions ingredients.
Professor Snape paced the front of the class. “What is the easiest distinction between a werewolf and the true wolf?”
The class stayed motionless and silent except for Hermione who raised her hand instantly. Heather looked down at her book and read the first lines of the first paragraph and raised her hand as well.
“No one?” Professor Snape tisked and gave his twisted smile again. “I see that Professor Lupin has failed to teach you even the most basic distinction between – ”
Parvati Patil stood up. “We’ve already said we haven’t gotten through werewolves yet. We’ve just finished – ”
“SILENCE,” Professor Snape snarled. “What an unfortunate surprise. Quite disappointing to meet a third-year class so behind they couldn’t even recognize a werewolf when they saw one. I’ll make sure to inform the Head Master of this and we’ll see what he makes of it…”
Hermione finally took her arm down. “Please, sir. The werewolf differs from a true wolf in the snout, the claws, the – ”
“Miss Granger, this is the – second – time you have interrupted me this class,” his voice was calm and cold again. “Five points from Gryffindor, for being an insufferable know-it-all.”
Heather pressed her hands to her face. How many times were the Gryffindors really going to interrupt Professor Snape? And was it bold or stupid to do so while he is clearly fuming with anger? She removed her hands and looked over at Hermione who had gone red in the face and was holding back tears. She felt guilty for being very annoyed but every Slytherin knew not to cross Professor Snape, and after three years of being his students, the Gryffindors should know that too.
“You wanted to know the answer and Hermione gave it! If you don’t want to hear it, why even ask us?” Ron shouted from the back.
Everyone turned to look at Ron who quickly realized he’d gone too far.
Professor Snape advanced on him slowly, savoring each step. He leaned down and gripped the edge of Ron’s desk, bringing his face close to his. “Detention. And if I ever hear you criticize the way I teach – any – of my classes, again… You will be – very – sorry indeed.”
The rest of class went by slow. Professor Snape had decided not to read to them and instead prowled around the desks as everyone read and took notes off the book. At one point he took to looking through their essays on past topics criticizing how Professor Lupin graded them too easily, as if daring another student to speak up out of turn.
“This makes no sense . . . Wrong. Wrong. Not even close . . . He gave this nonsense an eight? It’s a two at best . . .”
No one dared speak up after Ron’s outburst. They all bit their tongues and ignored his comments. Heather stared at the stack of papers in his hands and looked for any sign of her own essay, wanting to see what he thought of it. He picked up one with an ink smudge on the top left corner and she knew instantly it was hers.
He scanned the essay and looked at her. “Atrocious.”
She bit her cheek and went very red, glaring down at the words on the textbook. The bell rang and the class all sighed with relief. They started packing, wanting to get out of the room as soon as possible but Professor Snape held them back.
“I want two rolls of parchment, to be handed into me, on the ways wizards identify and kill werewolves. I want them by Monday morning. Any student who does not complete two full rolls will lose their house two points. It appears it is up to me, to get this class back on track.” He sat down and dismissed the everyone. “Weasley. Not you. We must arrange your detention.”
Heather followed Harry out with the rest of the class. The second they reached the stairs the whole class erupted with anger at Professor Snape.
“I can’t believe he said my essay was ‘atrocious’ – ”
“You know Ron was right. I answered what he asked and quite frankly– ”
“He hates Lupin. It’s so obvious! He’s never been like that with any other Defense teacher.” Harry stopped them next to a column. “Is this really all because of Neville’s boggart?”
Heather laughed. “Do you really not think it’s because of all the times YOU Gryffindors interrupted him today? He could barely get a sentence out without – ”
Harry groaned. “Don’t tell me he’s still your favorite teacher after this!”
Heather bit her tongue and crossed her arms. ‘Atrocious’? Really?
Ron came running down the stairs and almost yelled ‘Watch it!’ when he bumped Harry. “Oh. I didn’t see you.” He stepped behind the column and threw down his bag. “I have to scrub the hospital wing bedpans! With no magic! What an – ”
“Ron!” Hermione hissed, stopping him from cursing out their teacher.
Ron crossed his arms and glared at her. “Fine! But I still think Black should’ve hid in his office and torn him to pieces. It’d’ve done us all a great favor!”
Heather gasped. “That’s a very morbid thing to say, Ron.”
He rolled his eyes. “But you’re not denying it.”
“Of course we’re denying it,” Heather and Hermione said in unison.
The next morning Heather woke with a groan. She had spent several hours last night outlining her werewolf essay and now her eyes were tired and stinging. She had thought maybe the structure of the information from her essay had made it ‘atrocious’ and thought making sure the ideas flowed well would make him not think it was horrible.
She got up out of bed, dressed, and headed down to breakfast where Harry and Wood were talking – or more like Wood was talking at Harry who looked just as exhausted as Heather felt. She walked over and took a seat next to Harry.
Wood gave her a look. “I think maybe this morning you should go sit with your house… Since I’m talking strategy with Harry and soon the rest of the team.”
Heather frowned. She had always been accepted at the Gryffindor table, especially since she sat next to Harry always. “But you’re not playing us.”
“No. We’re not.”
Harry turned to her with a sheepish look. “M-maybe just this once? I mean the rest of the team will get here soon anyways.”
Heather huffed and stood up, crossing her arms. “Fine.”
She didn’t really have a right to be so upset. She was the one to blame for ruining their match, but no one knew that besides her own team. It was the second secret she was keeping from Harry but she still didn’t think it was very fair to be kicked from her usual breakfast spot.
She walked over to the Slytherin table and pulled a plate of toast over, taking several slicing and angrily smeared butter on them. She bit down and waited for more people to join the table. After several bites, most of the school had finally made it down and were excitedly eating breakfast in preparation for the match.
The Slytherin Prefects had decided to borrow Hufflepuff scarves and hats and were handing them out. Heather pushed hers aside and got dirty looks from a few fifth years and the Head Boy. The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff teams left and minutes later everyone else was filing out and heading down to the Quidditch pitch.
She found Ron and Hermione fast and joined them as they headed up the stands. They took their seats opposite the Slytherins and waited for the teams to come out of the changing rooms.
Hermione was looking up at the sky, holding her hair down from blowing in her face. “These are safe playing conditions… right?”
Heather and Ron looked up at the dark grey clouds that seemed to be gathering right over the school grounds. They looked so heavy they could fall to the ground.
“I’ve seen games played through giant hail storms,” Ron shouted over the wind. “This is nothing!”
Heather pulled hair from her mouth and decided to braid it down. She leaned over the railing and saw Madam Hooch walking out of the Quidditch ball closet with a chest under her arm and her broom in hand. Both teams came out and the school cheered as they took their positions.
The rain had started to really pour and Heather found it hard to see anything going on. She squinted and saw they were mounting their brooms and they the game was in play, but she never heard Madam Hooch’s whistle blow. The wind was muffling everything, and even Lee Jordan’s loud comments came back as a whisper.
All that she could hear was the cheering and screaming when Gryffindor scored points. Heather pulled her robes on tighter and pulled her hood up as she searched the skies for any signs of Harry, but everyone just looked like red and yellow blurs. She was glad she wasn’t playing, though yesterday wouldn’t have been as bad as it was now. There was another roar of cheers and she heard vague words about Gryffindor scoring points form Lee.
The sky was getting darker and the wind felt like slashes on her cheeks. There was a loud crack of thunder and suddenly a flash of lightning struck a nearby tree. Madam Hooch was now holding her wand to her neck and blew hard on the whistle, cutting through the sound of the rushing wind. The teams touched down onto the muddy field.
“Have they postponed the match?” Hermione asked hopefully.
Ron shook his head. “I think it’s a time out.”
“How can you tell? I can barely see anything from here?” Heather squinted hard.
“Oh! I have an idea!” Hermione ran down the stairs and seconds later she was running across the field to Harry.
“What is she doing?” Ron shook his head.
Hermione was running back and the whistle blew again. She ran up the stairs and shook her hair as she stood next to them. “Hopefully now he’ll see better with his glasses. I used a simple spell on them. He should be able to see the snitch now.”
“And he’ll end the game already.” Heather was already soaked to her skin and wanted desperately to crawl in bed and sleep the rest of the day away.
She looked up again, trying to spot Harry among the red streaks, when lightning struck again and illuminated the dark sky and a terrifying image appeared in the clouds. A black silhouette of a shaggy dog. She gasped and looked around, but no one else seemed to have been paying much attention to the actual sky, just the red streaked players.
Had she just seen the grim? She looked around again as the crowd quieted down and even the wind seemed to silence. The cold cutting rain suddenly seemed warm compared to the air that seemed to be freezing on the spot. She looked behind and saw waves of black floating cloaks making their way over the stands.
Her numb body was alive again with fear and guilt and sadness. All her worries and anxieties seemed to pound in her head as the cloaked figures floated around, moving their heads in search of something. She felt tears freezing on her cheeks and sobbed, remembering all the times Uncle Vernon had screamed and yelled at her, and all the times Dudley had hurt her.
She thought of Harry and tore her eyes away from the dementors. There were dots of red and yellow looking down at them from the sky, and a streak of red falling through the icy mist. From the corner of her eyes she saw a white light growing so bright it seemed to illuminate the whole stadium. She closed her eyes from the blinding light and suddenly felt all the horrible feelings seep away.
She gasped for breath and opened her eyes, looking around at streaks of black dashing away in a fury. She turned back to the field and saw Madam Hooch, Professor Dumbledore, and all the players huddled around the center.
Heather remembered the grim she had seen in the sky moments before the dementors showed. “Harry!” She ran down the stairs and bolted across the muddy field. Her feet almost stuck into the ground as she ran into the circle of people huddled around a body.
Hermione gasped behind her as they came into view of Harry, knocked out and wedged into the ground.
Professor McGonagall came through. “Albus, is he alright?”
Professor Dumbledore nodded. “Quite so. I slowed his fall. Why don’t we take him to Madam Pomfrey so she has someone to fuss over for a few days.”
Heather watched them levitate Harry and carry him out of the field. Ron, Hermione, and Heather followed close behind. She understood the words Professor Dumbledore had said, but Harry’s motionless body looked so pale and cold under the smudges of mud.
She blinked and realized it wasn’t the rain that was making it so hard to see, it was her tears. She wiped them away and sobbed, feeling Hermione grab hold of her hand and Ron put an arm over her shoulder as they walked up to the castle.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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mythiica · 5 years
Jar of Stars {IkeSen} Ieyasu Tokugawa
Title: Jar of Stars Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku Character: Ieyasu Tokugawa  Genre: romance, high school au Warnings: slowburn, hint of angst, minor cringe (its a highschool au, what did you expect) POV: third person w/ mai Word Count: 5k words Other comments: a valentine's day fic! a bit different than usual, but hope its good!
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“Do you need help?” 
          Ieyasu tips his head down, blonde bangs brushing over his eyes to hide his bashful expression. He isn’t exactly sure if she means to tease him, mainly because it’s the third problem in a row that he hasn’t gotten, but it makes his face flush nonetheless. Furthermore, it’s been at least an hour since the dismissal bell rang, but she’s still here with him. Wringing his fingers on the cords of his hoodie, Ieyasu mumbles his response: “Yes, I really don’t know what I’m doing here…” 
         Mai leans over the paper, tucking her hair back to prevent it from obscuring the question. The soft scent of her perfume brushes over Ieyasu. 
         Swallowing hard, Ieyasu fiddles with his pencil, tapping it against the desk to the same rhythm as his knee bouncing up and down nervously. The faded marks of graphite cover the blank space under the text, having been erased at least ten times. 
         “Do you have some paper?” 
         He turns around, rips one from his notebook, and offers it to Mai. 
         “Start by drawing what’s going on in the problem, right?” She sketches a diagram of a raft and then a squiggle for the water. For good measure, Mai draws Ieyasu’s signature scarf on the stick figure standing atop the raft before she smiles.
         “Is that me?” 
         “Yes, you’re paddling over to the shore where I am, see?” Mai adds a small version of herself further down on the page. “We know the density of water and the dimensions of the raft,” she says as she adds a stick Mai a bit further down the page. “Wait, I take it back, you have the volume and the surface area, but you can find the height easily.” 
         Ieyasu takes the cover off of his calculator. Clicking through buttons, he pushes equal. “The width of the raft is forty meters? That doesn’t seem reasonable…” 
         Mai looks around her before pulling the chair from the next desk over. “This is in centimeters, you have to multiply by ten to the negative second power.” She takes the pencil from his hand, soft skin brushing over his knuckles. “Try now.”
         “That makes more sense… it’s 4 cm.” 
         “Can you get the rest by using the formulas?” 
         Ieyasu nods slowly and leaves his hand open, silently asking for his pencil. 
         She obliges, handing it back to him. “If you’d like, I’ll show you what I got when you’re done. Alright?” 
         He taps the eraser against his paper, eyes large with admiration. Ieyasu zones out, thinking not about the physics problem under his nose, but about Mai instead. Although he appears composed on the outside, anything resembling a coherent thought tangles in itself. It’s safer if  Ieyasu doesn’t speak so he doesn’t make an idiot of himself. 
         Mai leans back and looks over her shoulder to see if he’s made any progress, which he hasn’t, so Ieyasu sits forward quickly and scratches his temple. 
         Instead of returning to her work, Mai tips her head to the window and pulls the curtains back to look at the sky. It’s late after school, and the stars are already out for the night, pressed against the pinks and purples of the sunset. There’s even a heart-shaped cloud, glowing orange from the final rays of sunlight. 
         “I have to get going, but text me if you need anything, alright?”
         “Yeah, thank you.”
               ⭐                                        ⭐                                         ⭐
Ieyasu flips through the origami book, looking for instructions for how to make paper hearts. The pages have coffee colored crescent stains and are also folded at the corners like someone was trying to make an origami with the pages themselves. He flips forward, worn edges rippling over his fingertips, until he finds what he needs. 
         Below the title is a faded diagram of loops and folds that Ieyasu isn’t really sure he can follow. The ink has sunken into the paper, leaving a light imprint of the steps in the yellowed pages. 
         “Thinking of joining the origami club, Ieyasu?” 
         He looks up and scowls upon seeing Mitsuhide, milk bottle in hand, leaning over his desk. 
         “No, I’m making something.” 
         “Well of course you are, but why are you using that? Just look it up.” He waves his hand in the air, making condensation from the bottle fall onto the book. Ieyasu frowns at this and pushes Mitsuhide off of his desk. 
         “Why do you have to bother me?” 
         Mitsuhide muses at this – Ieyasu being more defensive than usual. “Could it be that you’re making these for someone?” Ieyasu gives himself away without meaning to, and Mitsuhide laughs triumphantly. 
         “Leave it, just forget I had the book.” 
         “No, that won’t do! You must tell me.” 
         Ieyasu’s brows furrow. Telling Mitsuhide anything is dangerous because that information would find its way to the public by the end of the day. Not to say that Mitsuhide likes gossip, but he has a certain flare for finding out information that is meant to be kept secret. 
         “You know if you don’t tell me, I’ll just start assuming things.” 
         “Fine, assume things.” 
         “Absolutely not!” Ieyasu stands up abruptly, chair scraping against the ground. The other students in the classroom look up at him, pausing their conversations at the loud noise. Like a sad pup, Ieyasu sits back down quickly and pulls his scarf over his nose. “Stop assuming things, it’s troublesome.” 
         Mitsuhide spins the book around to get a better look at the open pages. “Hearts? I don’t suppose this is for our friend that you make puppy dog eyes at?” 
         Ieyasu can’t stop the blush from spreading across his cheeks, so he only lifts the scarf higher, but Mitushide has already received his confirmation. He slips down into his chair and tries to hide from the world, but Mitsuhide reaches to hoist him up by the scruff of his collar. “So it is…” The corners of his lips curl into a sly smirk and Mitsuhide sets the bottle down on the book. “How interesting. Shall I invite her over?” 
         Ieyasu steps on Mitsuhide’s foot, making him reel back. He proceeds to flick the plastic off of his book so that it clatters to the floor and rolls away, stopping only at a desk a few rows down. 
         “Mai, would you mind getting that? Ieyasu feels the need to abuse my breakfast.” 
         He looks up and realizes that she’s entered the room to witness his mild outburst. The anger fades from his mind, replaced with shame instead. Mai reaches down to pick up the bottle before she tosses it at Mitsuhide. 
         “What did you do, Mitsuhide?” 
         He catches it with a single hand. “Me?! I did nothing wrong,” he laments, bowing at the waist. 
         Ieyasu takes the opportunity to close the book quickly, and manages to do so just before Mitsuhide gets any ideas that would expose Ieyasu. He sticks his tongue out at his white haired friend and tucks the book under the colored paper he plans to use to make the origami. 
         “Guilty people always say that when they’ve done something, Mitsuhide. Are you bullying Ieyasu again?” Mai brushes her hair back, and the light filtering through the blinds catches on her earrings. They’re little star studs, smaller than the nail of his pinkie finger. Mai is always looking out of the window during class like she’s searching for something, perhaps a flicker of light against the blue sky to remind her that, indeed, the stars are still there. 
         When he watches her admire the sky, he thinks that Mai sees herself as a star. A single unit in an endless sea of twinkling lights emerging only at night. She claims she does best at night anyways, like she’s nocturnal when she shouldn’t be. 
         But she’s more than a simple star – she’s the sun. 
         “Ieyasu and I are only discussing this year’s club selection! He wants to try–” 
         “Archery. I’ll be doing archery this year.” 
         “That’s right! We ran into each other over the summer when I came to help organize the library. Do you think you’ll aim for an officer’s position next year?” Mai sits on the windowsill and tips her head back to lean against the glass. 
         Ieyasu reaches up and catches a stray lock of blonde hair to rub between his fingers. “We’ll see.” 
         Mitsuhide clears his throat. “Next year is so far away. However, Valentine’s Day is approaching…” He turns to Mai, cunning smirk flashing across his lips. “What shall I get you this year?” 
         Mai waves her hands, insisting there is no need, but Ieyasu has already focused his attention to the hair he’s holding. The sound of Mitushide’s voice fades, drowned by the overwhelming urge to get up and leave them. He can’t do that though, not without Mai asking him what is wrong. She cares too much, and he doesn’t want to worry her with that. 
         Instead, he slouches at his desk and looks at the whiteboard, rereading notes from class to distract himself. 
         “Maybe some chocolate?” 
         “Mitsuhide, no!” Mai says with a laugh. “Maybe you should get Ieyasu something.” 
         “The only thing he could give me is an hour of silence.” Ieyasu looks up at Mitsuhide. “Do you think you can manage?” 
         He covers his heart. “You wound me!” 
         “I doubt it,” Ieyasu snuffs, glancing at Mai. Her eyes sparkle, but he looks away quickly. You don’t look at the sun directly, after all. 
         “Anyways, Ieyasu, we’ll head down for lunch now. Are you staying here?” 
         He hesitates, weighing the options. “I… have to do some work.” 
         Mai nods understandingly and stands up, bookbag in hand. “Then we’ll see you later! Good luck!” Her hair sways at the same pace as the edge of her skirt as she walks. Ieyasu watches the two leave in silence. He hadn’t even realized that the other students also left, probably during their banter, but Ieyasu was too absorbed in the conversation to notice. 
         What bothers him is that the smile on her face doesn’t fade, and Ieyasu knows that it remains there even when she and Mitsuhide turn the corner. 
         When he’s sure that they are out of earshot, Ieyasu’s heart seizes and his throat contracts. Oxygen isn’t reaching his brain, sending his mind to speed through a dark array of thoughts. It weighs him down, the feeling of being left out, especially from something– someone– he so desperately wants to be a part of. 
         There’s no one left in the classroom, meaning Ieyasu is inevitably alone again. Despite this, he doesn’t feel safe to cry. He has no right to cry for something he could have prevented, so instead, Ieyasu lets himself wallow, the muscles in his cheeks twitching angrily before the sensation strangles his lungs. Ieyasu inhales sharply, over and over, forgetting to exhale because breathing out would mean he’d start properly crying. 
         He looks up. 
         The tears would ruin the paper, and he needs them for Mai. 
              ⭐                                        ⭐                                         ⭐
Ieyasu never got around to finishing his physics homework, and now it’s come for him, at eleven pm the day before it is due. He scratches his nose, but no miracle manifests, and he still doesn’t know how to solve the problem. Mai’s drawing is more of a distraction than an aid. 
         He palms his phone, turning it over until he has the courage to message her and ask for help. Would Mai even be awake at this time? He could message Hideyoshi, who, without a doubt, would be up at the moment and could help him with anything. Instead, Ieyasu rewords his text to Mai at least a handful of times, and he scoffs at himself. It’s harder to talk to Mai than it is to solve his homework. In fact, Ieyasu would rather solve hundreds of density and pressure problems than try to talk to Mai. 
         Ieyasu doesn’t really think that. 
         The bags under his eyes feel heavier than usual. Ieyasu stares at his phone for too long when he’s supposed to be sleeping, and he always gets scolded for it. So now, he turns the phone upside down and sets it on the edge of his desk, trying to convince himself that he’s not waiting desperately to see if she’ll reply. 
         Clicking the desk light out, Ieyasu closes his eyes and rubs the sleep away from his mind. When he sits up, instead of seeing his reflection, Ieyasu looks beyond the glass and up at the sky. His attention goes to the half moon hanging in the sky, its white splendor radiating outwards and illuminating the city. 
         If Mai is the sun, then Ieyasu is the moon. 
         He flourishes in her light and follows her path. In fact, he tends to follow her often. Ieyasu leaves his house at the exact right moment that he’ll pass in front of hers just as she is heading out. When they walk together, Ieyasu paces himself with the slightest delay so she walks first. He looks for her during lunch, and just seeing her is enough to make him feel better. 
         Ieyasu turns the lamp back on and spins his chair around so that he can pull the origami book out of his bag. Hearts are obviously a favorite, considering the state the pages are in, but Ieyasu considers something else instead. 
         It’s easier to find the pages for how to fold stars. 
         Actually, he flips right to it. 
         As Ieyasu reads the instructions, his phone vibrates. He reaches for it too quickly, but then hesitates to reply, not wanting to make it appear like he had been waiting for her (although he very much was). Mai should be sleeping at this time, but she’s taking the chance to help Ieyasu.
Did you get a pressure of 1.02 x 105 Pa? 
yes! do you need help with the others?  theyre about the same just dont get fooled by the last one, you need to solve for the mass by using density and volume
Ok Thank you
Ieyasu’s fingers hover over the keys. 
Why are you awake?
i always stay up late its a bad habit
Sleep. Goodnight
night yasu
         He waits to see if Mai says anything more, and when she doesn’t, he closes his phone and sets it down. Strumming his fingers on the page, Ieyasu reads over the instructions for folding a paper star. 
         Cut A4/Letter notebook into strips about a centimeter wide. One strip will become a star, so collect as many strips as needed.
              ⭐                                        ⭐                                         ⭐
Ieyasu has never felt so confident about a test before. 
         Albeit, he struggled through the bonus problem, Ieyasu had come out of the other side successfully. Nobunaga complains about using the wrong density for the second question, and Mitsunari tries to console him, explaining he might get partial credit for having the right process. 
         “Did you see Mai turned it in first? Either she knew exactly what she was doing, or had no clue,” Masamune jokes with a laugh. 
         “You only say that because you failed.” 
         “Ah, I did.” Masamune rubs the back of his neck. “I should have studied more…” 
         Mitsuhide returns to the topic of Mai. “And she asked for permission to leave the classroom. I wonder what she could be…” He wanders towards the door, but Hideyoshi pulls him back. 
         “You’re not going anywhere! We have to finish the signs for the club fair now.” 
         “Can I make a sign petitioning your dictatorship? I thought Nobunaga was the president. He should make the signs.” 
         Hideyoshi grips both Mitsuhide's and Nobunaga’s wrists. “We’re all going to finish the signs. I’m not spending another moment suffering alone with the glitter glue. The two of you are coming with me whether you like it or not.” The trio marches to the hallway, and their protests can be heard echoing through the building.
         Mitsunari turns to Ieyasu. “Would you like to–” 
         “Not now, Mitsunari.” 
         “Maybe tomorrow?!” Mitsunari calls after Ieyasu as he runs for the door.  
         Ieyasu chases his intuition and clamours up the metal stairs, bookbag hitting him with every step. He holds onto the railing to keep from falling, how embarrassing would that be if he tumbled back down? Mai is there, on the roof, and would surely hear him if he fell. 
         His foot catches in the step, but he picks himself up quickly. 
         Ieyasu must have jinxed it. 
         The door is partially open, letting sunlight into the stairwell. Stopping before the top step, Ieyasu watches the dust float through the golden rays. It reminds him of Mai’s hair when they walk to school together. How the morning sun crowns her with a halo of light. 
         Pushing it open, Ieyasu apricates, absorbing the warmth of the sun. It blinds him for a moment, but his eyes adjust. 
         And then there’s Mai. 
         She’s standing, leaning against the chain link fence and humming softly to herself. Ieyasu can hear her loud and clear, as though she were standing right next to him, because of the metal ac unit that picks up the vibrations of her song. Upon hearing the sound of the door, Mai looks back and smiles at Ieyasu. 
         “Did the test go well?” 
         Her voice is so warm, warmer than the sun itself. 
         “Yes. I got the bonus.” 
         Mai turns to face Ieyasu with an open stance. “That’s great! You remembered to draw diagrams?” She brushes her hair back and steps off of the edge to walk towards the bench. Patting the empty spot next to her, she coaxes Ieyasu over. “I think I missed one of the multiple choice problems.” 
         Ieyasu sits on the edge of the bench gleefully. “Don’t say that… you did fine.” 
         A silence falls over them, save for the cicada’s song from below. He doesn’t mind it though: Ieyasu likes just being there with Mai, and without anyone else. Leaning back, Ieyasu squints against the bright light, sunspots dotting his vision, but then he looks back at the weeds sticking up through cracks in the cement. 
         Mai kicks her feet back and forth. “You had to consider what wasn’t there. In the bonus problem.” 
         He looks at her from the corner of his eye. 
         “Like, you had to do unit analysis to find what you needed to get the pressure. There were no instructions as to how to find it otherwise.” 
         Ieyasu nods. “I was worried I wasn’t doing it right.” 
         “There are a lot of things like that though… things hidden until the right moment.” 
         Mai tends to go off on tangents like this, but Ieyasu finds it endearing. He listens intently to her, scooting the slightest bit closer to her. At any other moment, Ieyasu would have feared their proximity, but now, boosted with the confidence of the test results, he uses it as fuel. 
         “Like the stars. They’re always there, even if you don’t see them.” She raises her hand to reach upward. “Sometimes I imagine just taking a jar and running it through the sky, scooping up as many stars as I can. So I can have them near me at all times.” 
         I believe that. I look at you and see the world, even if it’s not really there. Can you feel that my heart is pounding for you? I can’t voice it, but it’s there. Just like the stars you love.
         Ieyasu and Mai look directly at each other. He knows he should avert his gaze, but her eyes are wide with wonder and it’s almost like she understands. 
         Even though you, the sun, are too far from the stars, I’ll get them for you. 
              ⭐                                        ⭐                                         ⭐
The origami book is long overdue for the library, but Ieyasu keeps it an extra week, determined to finish making the stars. His fingertips are numb from repeating the same motions, and there is a cramp in his palm that aches. He’s been working at this for at least an hour and now has an army of them. 
         He takes one of them, holding it gently between his fingertips, his thoughts drifting to Mai. Ieyasu hopes she’ll like his gift. 
         As he gets up to walk downstairs, Ieyasu smiles at the thought of her. He thinks of her tiny earrings and how they perfectly match the paper ones he’s made. There’s a wish tucked away in each little star. A paragraph at the bottom of the folding diagram explains that one hundred stars is a lucky occurence in certain cultures, but Ieyasu likes the notion that he’s given each individual origami a sliver of his feelings for Mai. 
         The house is empty as usual, leaving Ieyasu to hunt for a jar on his own. There should be some in the pantry… but they are filled with jam. Ieyasu steps on his tiptoes, stretching his arm to reach one of them. Upon successfully doing so, he transfers the contents into a small reusable bento instead, making a mental note to eat some of it later. 
         A drop of jam hangs off the edge of the jar, so Ieyasu passes a digit over it. It’s sweet and reminds him of summer. He rinses out the container carefully, even scratching his nail against dried plum skin to flush it out. 
         This past summer, Ieyasu went to school nearly every day to practice his archery skills. He still has calluses between his thumb and index finger from the string snapping against his skin. It was hard work, and the heat made it nearly unbearable. The targets stayed outside and had to be parallel to the school to avoid accidents. (It happened in the past, the current president warned Ieyasu, that someone shot an arrow directly through the third floor window and nearly hit someone.) 
         He remembers knocking the bow into place, focusing on the center of the target, drawing back. His muscles ached from repeating the motion hundreds of times without actually letting go of the arrow. During that time, conditioning was Ieyasu’s least favorite part of archery, next to the blisters that always formed on his fingertips. 
         It was a cloudy day too, the one in question that he’s thinking about now. Rain fell in some part of the city, but not directly overhead. Ieyasu wanted to make the shot – just one shot – before calling it a day and packing things so they would not get wet. 
         Ieyasu swallowed, inhaled, and let go of the bow. The hollow thud of the tip burying into the center circle made the corners of his lips twitch up into a smile. And then, the sky seemed to lighten, just as someone started to clap behind him. 
         Mai waved at Ieyasu from across the courtyard. She shouted something, but thunder drowned out her voice. It did not stop Ieyasu from seeing her bright face. Then, he didn’t know her name: all he knew was that she looked beautiful under the gold spotlight poking through the clouds. 
         Now, Ieyasu rips a few paper towels to dry the interior the best he can. 
         A grin flickers across his features for a moment before he returns upstairs. Scooping handfuls of the stars, Ieyasu lets them trickle between his fingers and fall into the jar. He made exactly one hundred of them, and they fit perfectly. In fact, the thick glass even makes it twinkle in certain lighting. 
         He sets it in the middle of his desk to screw on the lid before resting his chin on his arm to admire it. 
         Maybe one of the wishes will come true. 
              ⭐                                        ⭐                                         ⭐
Ieyasu clutches the jar close to his chest but does his best to not fold the ribbon. It took him nearly as long to tie the bow as it did to make the stars. Really, he doesn’t want anyone to see it, and by some grace, most people have already left the building. 
         Poking his head into the classroom, he checks to see if Mai is at her seat. Love hearts are strung at every corner: dripping from the board, taped to desks, and tucked behind doors. In previous years, Ieyasu really despised the decorations, thinking they were too imposing, but now, he doesn’t mind them as much. 
         There is no one in the classroom, as Ieyasu guessed, so she must be on the roof. 
         Just like before, Ieyasu stumbles up the stairs to the top of the building, and again he hesitates, admiring the golden haze of light slipping in through the crack. He runs his fingers through his hair, pulling strands to lay flat, even though they always do the opposite of what he wants. 
         With his palm gripping the handle, Ieyasu tries to think of something witty to say to Mai when he presents her the jar. Something about making a wish? Would that be too obvious… But the more Ieyasu thinks about it, the more worried he gets, so, on impulse, Ieyasu pushes the door open, stepping into the light. 
         But it blinds him. 
         It hurts more than last time he came to the roof. 
         Likely because, when his vision comes to, Ieyasu’s eyes fall on Mai and Mitsuhide. They’re sitting conveniently with their backs to him, so he’s the unwanted third to their pair. Mai accepts a heart shaped box from Mitsuhide, presumably filled with too-sweet chocolates that would give her cavities. Their fingers brush against each other when she takes it. 
         Why did she take it? 
         Ieyasu shakes his head, hoping that the dream will fade with it. 
         It doesn’t though, meaning this is some sick reality he’s being forced to witness. Ieyasu’s stomach churns, and the jar feels heavier suddenly, like it’s weighing him down. 
         He hears Mai’s wonderful voice as she laughs, but it’s followed by Mitushide’s deep voice telling her something that makes her blush. Ieyasu knows she’s smiling, he doesn’t have to see her to be sure of it. 
         They haven’t seen him, they’re too busy enjoying themselves. It doesn’t matter how far they’re sitting from each other, Ieyasu has already made up his mind to leave. He doesn’t remember closing the door behind him, and for all he knows, they could have chased after him and Ieyasu would not have realized. 
         He throws one foot in front of the other as quickly as possible, letting the haze in his mind guide him without question. 
              ⭐                                        ⭐                                         ⭐
He regrets not throwing the jar at Mitsuhide. Maybe it would have shattered, sending pathetic paper stars everywhere to blind him. And in the confusion, Ieyasu could have taken Mai’s hand and led her away, saving her from him. 
         That would not have been very proactive, at second thought, but anything is better than looking at the jar only to feel a burning sensation bubbling in his lungs. It claws at the back of his throat, and every time Ieyasu tries to swallow, he chokes on a lump. 
         If he threw it out of the window, would it make it to space? Perhaps then, the stars would have a better chance of doing their job. 
         Defeated, Ieyasu tucks his head into his arms and tries to calm his breathing. Hideyoshi had been sending him messages at the hour, but he failed to reply to any of them. There wasn’t a lick of energy in his body to fuel him to move. Despite the fact that his phone was only a few centimeters away, Ieyasu ignored everything. 
         If Mai is the sun, then Mitsuhide is a wave. 
         A wave in the middle of the ocean, tall and mysterious, ever changing and turbulent. Although the sun may know his calm facade, because he acts complacent and innocent in her presence, at night, the ocean churns madly. He accomplishes unimaginable feats, swallowing anything in his path. He’s reaching up to her with every crashing surge that comes down. 
         And the moon can only watch. 
         What could the moon offer the sun when he takes from her light? 
         Ieyasu bites the inside of his mouth and kicks his legs back and forth. His heart sinks to the depths of his chest. He must have made some mistake, put only ninety-nine stars in the jar, and that’s why it didn’t work. There’s no other explanation than he was too late. 
         Picking his head up, Ieyasu looks through the window and sighs. It’s a new moon, and the land is darker than usual. He supposes that there is a sense of serenity without the big ball of silver plastered against the sky. 
         He frowns suddenly and straightens his posture. 
         The moon is no thief – the sun shares its light. Furthermore, both are considered celestial bodies. No matter how hard a single wave tries to touch the heavens, it will never make it. Does that mean Ieyasu and Mai...
         Without thinking too much about it, Ieyasu picks up his phone and types a text. He doesn’t linger on it, but sends it right away. 
Are you free to meet up tomorrow?
         Ieyasu flips his mobile so the screen is facing down, pretending like he isn’t waiting for her reply. He pulls the tag of the jar gently, trying to smooth out the crease in the paper. It bends back into place, but the phone chimes before he can try again. 
         It makes him smile, her text. 
         Leaning back in his chair, Ieyasu looks again at the night sky. It’s a vast blanket of darkness, save for the hopeful flickers of white and gold. There’s no moon tonight, just the stars. It makes him feel less lonely. 
         And the stars will always be there, even if Ieyasu can’t see them. 
              🌟                                        🌟                                         🌟
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My Thoughts on JYP Entertainment
Founder/CEO: J.Y. Park - Good but problematic 
I have complicated feelings about JYP as a person.  I think that as a business man he is smart and knows his business.  I also think he knows how to train his trainees, but as a person and creator he has done some questionable things.  Mostly he is very misogynistic towards his female trainees, along with his own music lyrically.  
Two examples of this is during Sixteen he told Jihyo that she was too fat...to a 17-18 year old girl.  She also wasn’t what people would even considered fat.  His reasoning was not a good one, it was simply a stylistic look choice of a dancer’s body that he wanted and thus a 17-18 year old girl who was probably going through puberty wasn’t the ‘right size’ for him.  He also said this to another girl who was 17 on the nizi project in 2020.  Only five years later, his views unchanged.  
The second example is his questionable lyrics that he gives TWICE.  Not only in Cheer Up which is basically telling a guy, even when I say no, keep pestering me.  And Yes or Yes, basically disregarding that No isn’t an answer.  If either one of those songs was sung in context of a boy group, they would have been accused of disregarding the probablemic argument that as a society of a whole, women face daily.  There are other songs for example Girls Girls Girls by Got7, and I will probably go into a deeper separate post about cheer up and Yes or Yes, even other songs he has written as well, but I wanted to give examples here.  (Also not trying to put down TWICE or GOT7, counting that they didn’t write the lyrics or choose the song.  I’m talking about the Song writer, a man in his 40’s.) 
Company as a whole: Not the worst, but not the best.  (But really is any company) 
As a company, to me at least, they always wanted to be seen as a creative and forward thinking company rather then looking at it for money reasons, but how they treat their groups scheduling wise, future groups, and even trainee’s it seems to be more about money then what they want you to think.  It sometimes feels like a shady company that wants a sugar coat cover to hide what they do.  
JYP Entertainment is always praised for their look on mental health in their company and health in general.  Which is a good quality to have, but they also are just doing the bare minimum.  They are not doing it proactively, instead of only doing it after it’s a huge issue to the point were it affects business.  
Such as with Mina, it’s good that they didn’t force her to be on stage when she has a panic disorder, but also they let it get to the point where she couldn’t even go on stage.  With how much they promote and with no rest really given to the group until it’s absolutely necessary, meaning the girls’ are constantly working, I’m surprised only one member seems to have broken.  
Their trainee system: They don’t seem to care so much about talent
For their trainee’s they seem to pick nice, wholesome people who work hard.  Which isn’t bad qualities at all.  They also have strict rules that they have to follow, such as the dating ban, the no going to bars ban (which makes sense to me considering the burning sun scandal and so on).  They don’t seem to have a diet for trainee’s, but from the views of their Founder, I think it’s probably an unspoken rule.  
Compared to other companies, talent wise, they seem to focus more on dancing skills then actual singing.  When they do have singing, they seem to have a more westernized singing rather than a technical one.  This is kind of made apparent on the show Unnies, when Tiffany recorded with JYP.  Tiffany was trained at SM Entertainment which is known for having a more technical singing education.  During their recording he showed her a more breathy way.  She even stated, it was more about feeling rather then technique.  Which isn’t bad.  Most theatre performances want to emphasis feelings rather then technique, but if you can’t hit a note, there’s a too much of a problem.  Plus this doesn’t necessarily mean a good longevity career wise, because if you are using improper technique for long periods of time, it could result in vocal issues in the future.    
Moving on….
On how they treat Male Groups: They last longer then the girl groups.
Current Male Groups they have: 
2PM + Soloists 
Day6 - Band + Soloists 
JJ Project 
Got7 + Soloists 
Stray Kids 
Jus2 (sub Unit) 
3Racha (Sub Unit) 
J.Y. Park (Soloist) 
Former Notable Groups they had: 
Rain (Soloists) 
So with The boy groups, they seem to have a more usual staggered comeback release date, other then Day6 which for a year, they released a single every month.  From my past experience, they seem to promote Got7 over Day6 and now that Stray Kids have entered the chat, Got7 is now getting less promotions resources wise.  Which makes sense in terms of business, because they are already established while Stray Kids being the new kids on the block have less of a fan base.  That is normal for most companies, given that the Kpop system relies heavily on the already established fandom that they create in the first couple of years rather than a long term comeback and promotional system.  
2PM is from their 2nd generation of idols, along with their counterpart 2AM.  They had a similar single release date between the two like got7 does with stray kids.
I am mostly excluding G.O.D. and Rain from this conversation because they are from the very beginning, where JYP was just starting out.  G.O.D. is considered a legendary 1st generation group, and Rain is considered a legend in term so of male soloists himself. 
Just mainly speaking on Got7, Day6, and Stray Kids, their most active male groups currently, here is a timeline from their debut years and how many singles they each had.  
2014 - got7 Debut 
Got7: 4 singles, 2 Ep’s, 1 Studio
2015 - Day6 debut
Got7: 4 Singles, 2 EP’s 1 Repackaged, 
Day6: 1 Single, 1 Ep
Got7: 3 Singles, 2 Ep’s,  2 Studio 
Day6: 1 Single, 1 EP
2017 - Stray Kids Debut 
GOt7: 3 Singles, 3 Ep’s
Day6: 12 Singles, 2 Studio 
Stray Kids: 1 Single 
Got7: 5 Singles, 1 Ep, 1 Studio,1 Repackaged 
Day6: 6 Singles, 2 Ep’s, 1 Compilation, 1 Studio 
Stray Kids: 3 Singles, 4 Ep’s 
Got7: 3 Singles, 4 Ep’s, 1 Repackaged
Day6: 2 Singles, 1 Ep, 1 Compilation, 1 Studio 
Stray Kids: 5 Singles, 2 Ep’s 1 Repackaged 
To note, in 2020, Stray kids have 6 singles already planned or have happened.  Out of the three, Day6 seems to have the least amount of promotions all together minus one year when they released a single a month.  
On how they treat Female Groups: Milk them for they got then leave them to dry Once they hit a certain age.  
Current Female Groups they have:
Former Notable Groups they had: 
Miss A + Soloists 
Wonder Girls + Soloists 
15& + Soloists 
Jeon Somi/Trainee - complicated thing
Baek A Yeon (Soloists) 
They treat their female groups  differently then their male counterparts.  For them, they either care or they don’t.  Which is a weird thing to say, but you can tell by how they promote and how many singles they have.  For most JYP Groups, they seem to be more of an afterthought with recycled concepts over and over again. With Itzy is too early to tell they path that they will go with.  Will it be like MissA whose single count capped out at 8, with only one member the focus of the group?  Will it be like 15&, who was never actually given the chance to shine and disbanded before they were even known as a group?  Or will they overwork them like Twice?  Wonder Girls started off good, but once they went to US and didn't get the results that I think JYP wanted, they were fazed out, as they grew older.  JYP with their girl groups, seems to not know what to do with them once they hit a certain age.  Which isn’t just a JYP problem, but a KPOP problem.  The only differences is, he doesn’t wait till they are close to 30.  They tend to stop earlier.  
Let’s look at the numbers shall we….
15& - Deserved better!  
Debuted in 2012 at 15 (Both girls were 15) 
1 Studio Album 
5 Singles (4 of them on one album) 
Disbanded after having a four year hiatus 
Active only for 3 years (2012-2015) 
Disbanded by at the age of 18.
Miss A - Should have focused on the group as a whole, not just one member.
Debuted in 2010 at average age of 19.5
2 Studio Albums, 2 single Albums, 3 EP’s 
8 Singles...yeah just 8.
Active for 5 years (disbanded in 7 years) 
Disbanded by the average age of 24.5 (2015) 26.5 (official Disbandment) 
Wonder Girls - a Legend that had so much potential with their band concept!  
Debuted in 2007 at the average age of 16.2
3 Studio Albums, 4 EP’s 
15 Singles (with 2007 being their most releases in a year with 4)
Active for 8 years (Disbanded in 10) (In 2017 they had one goodbye song never promoted)  
Disbanded by the average age of 26.8 (2017) 
TWICE - Overworked for money
Debuted in 2015 at the average age of 16.8
3 Studio Albums, 2 Compilation Albums, 4 Repackaged, 9 EP’s (Still counting they haven’t disbanded yet) 
23 Singles in 5 years (not counting the 1 in 2020). 
They had 5 singles alone in 2017 only in korea 
In 2018 they had 9 comebacks total between South Korea and Japan 
Back to just 5 in 2019.  
Average is 2-3 comebacks a year for girl groups for the first two years then 1 or 2 after that...TWICE’s least active year was 2016 with 2.  (Not counting their debut in 2015.) 
As of 2020, their average age will be 21.8. 
Also on solo artists, he has no idea what to do with them really, regardless of male or female.    
Overall, I think I’m more critical of JYP as a company, because they try to hide the fact that they function like a business as opposed to YG or SM in terms of big three.  They want to be seen more of an artist themselves rather then a business, which I find hypocritical.  I based my opinions on facts and overall feel of the company that I get from them.
In terms of music, I tend to like vocal’s more, which also is not just a kpop thing.  It’s true for most music genres, which is a personal preference.  
So To end on happy notes, 
Groups I Like from the company: 
Miss A 
Wonder GIrls 
Baek A Yeon 
I know it’s a lot of former….
Some Songs that I like that you should check out from this company: 
ITZY - Dalla Dalla 
TWICE - What is Love?, Like OOH-AHH, Dance the Night Away 
MISSA - Hush, Only You, I Don’t Need a Man, Bad Girl Good Girl 
Wonder Girls - Tell Me, Nobody, Be My Baby, Why So lonely, Draw Me 
Day6 - Congratulations, Out of My Mind, I need Somebody Lean On Me  
Got7 - Just Right, Miracle, Hard Carry 
Baek a Yeon - Sad Song, Shouldn’t Have, So-So Just Because 
Stray Kids - Hellevator 
Things to note in general: 
Some of these are not just JYP issues, but also a kpop industry as a whole.  I tried to point those out, when I can.  
It’s well known that Male groups are a gamble in terms of profit either they make a ton of money or the loose a ton of money, while Female groups always bring you money just with a shorter life span and don’t tend to out sell male groups (With some exceptions), which is why most small time companies debut female groups in order to gain money to debut a male group.  
Also this just my opinion, so these issues might not be a problem for you, maybe you even prefer dancing groups to vocal groups.  Both are valid.  I’m just giving another opinion.  
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Hey so I don’t normally posy other fandom stuff on here but this is my most followed account and I need some advice on a fic. It’s destiel, please tell me if it’s any good and if you like it I’ll post the link to the rest of the story
"Very well. Have it your way," Crowley turned to Azazel and Alistair, "boys, shall we?" I saw a smirk cross all their features, and before I knew it, Crowley and the others were shoving me and my friends into the water.
My name is Castiel Novak, and I'm a mess.
One big giant mess. Let me tell you about my day, how it went from good to bad, and how I ended up getting pushed into a lake.
Today, it was summer. Well... months into summer. School would be starting in just about six days. I woke up to quickly find out that it was one of the hottest days of the year. The sun was beating down like thick blanket and never left the clear sky. If I had to guess I'd say the kids in my neighborhood were all playing in sprinklers and having fun, trying to make the most out of what little they had left of summer. Since school was starting very soon, I thought that I should possibly do the same thing, and make the most of what I had left of the season.
I woke up early in the morning. I traveled down the stairs to see an all to familiar view. My Dad was no where in sight, probably in his room writing. My mom was sitting at the kitchen counter reading a magazine, completely ignoring the chaos in the living room.
To tell the truth, what was happening in the living room wasn't all that bad, but, still disturbing. Even though I've seen a lot worse go down in that room. The tv was on and Gabriel, my little brother was sitting on the floor in front of it, constantly changing channels. Anna, my sister, sat on the couch. She was pressed all the way to the end of the couch, trying to still sit there while being as far away from the other end of the couch as she could.
Why was she trying to stay away from the other end of the couch you might ask? Well... Luci, my oldest brother, was there, and so was his boyfriend, Michael. Michael and Luci have been dating for about a year or so. I was shocked they'd made it this long, seeing at they were polor opposites. Michael graduated highschool with a perfect GPA and taking a all advanced courses, while being a star football player as well. Now, he's going to college and spends his free time either with Luci or shadowing the doctors at the hospital so that it'll be easier for him to get a job there. Probably as a heart surgeon or something. Also he had a spotless criminal record.
Meanwhile, Luci had probably all E's in his classes before he dropped out. Never once touched a football and spent most of his time smoking weed with the other bleacher-creatures during the games. He was not attending any colleges and was job-less. His free time was spent either with Michael or at the police station, and it sure as hell wasn't for volunteering. I remember a couple times mom and dad refused to bail him out, so Michael had to go do it.
So yeah, I'm shocked they made it a year. But anyways, right now Michael was over and sitting on the couch with Luci. Well, it was more like Michael was sitting on the couch and Luci was sitting on top of him. They were making out. It was disgusting.
They were making weird moaning noises as Michael's hands practically groped Lucifers torso and chest. I wanted to gag.
I soon decided very quickly that I didn't want to be here, so slipped out the front door before anyone would stop me. Mom and Dad never cared if we went anywhere so I figured they'd be fine if I just left for a little while.
I opened the door and quickly went outside. I closed the door behind me and took a step out into the morning air. If I had to guess I'd say it was about 9:00am, the sun was blazing across the sky as I sat down. I let the warm air and occasional cool breeze wash over me. It was one of those, buy ice cream, go to the beach, summer days. I wasn't much of an outside person, but I enjoyed them none-the-less.
I stood up in my short sleeve, buttoned, baby blue shirt, and jeans before I began to walk down the street. My friend Charlie lived a few blocks down from me, and a few blocks down from there lived Dorothy. See, I had friends, but, there was only two of them. I have known Charlie forever, so we were always close. We met when we were probably five. I remember being at the park with Luci when I saw a small red-headed girl fall from the jungle gym. She looked hurt so I ran from Luci to see if she was alright. She was bleeding, but shockingly, not crying. I went to the bench where Mom was. I rummaged in her purse for the Band-Aids I always made her keep in there for reasons such as this.
I helped the girl bandage her arm to stop the small amount of blood. When I finished she turned to me with an incredibly bright grin and said, "are we best friends now?" And ever since then, we've never left each other's side.
Then Charlie met this girl named Dorothy when we first started middle School in sixth grade. She was pretty badass for a twelve year old and she shockingly decided to sit with us. So she became part of our group too. Now sixteen and we were all inseparable.
Charlie was the fun nerd in our group, she always had the best and craziest ideas out of all of us. Her bright and spunky personality made her instantly loveable. Dorothy was a bit more grounded but was always up for adventure, so when Charlie got an idea, Dorothy was the one to make it happen.
I was the downer of the group I assumed, mainly because I always tried to talk them out of their crazy ideas. But they were both stubborn and I bet if they had the chance to go to Oz they would take it in a heartbeat. They never listened to me, and of course, dragged me along with them every time they were up to some shenanigan. Like the day Charlie said we should go downtown and take edgy pictures of the train tracks, so we could be douchy hipster wannabes. The next day Dorothy grabbed her camera and yanked us downtown to the train tracks. That day we almost got hit by said train on the tracks.
See what I mean? Bad Ideas. But I will admit, there has been some good ones. Like two summers ago we were all sitting at Dorothy's house, bored with nothing to do, so Charlie randomly said we should go into town and take some weird class. We spent the whole afternoon learning pottery and making clay. That was fun.
So, in conclusion, I love my friends and their idiotic selves. That's why I was on my way down there now, to go do something interesting. I approached Charlie's house very quickly. Her house was small, probably the smallest out of all our houses. She was an only child and therefore really didn't need that much space. Her house was painted a red-ish orange color, it was like a burnt faded orange kind of. I don't know how to describe it, but it was pretty. Her grass was bright green lined with pink flowers around the house. Cute little white shutters to match with the windows.
The door was a plain brown and I smiled at it before I knocked. I always liked her house. I waited only mer seconds before the door burst open. Charlie looked like she had just been running. She grinned at me when she saw me standing in the doorway.
"I saw you coming from my room and came running." So I was right. She waited a bit before turning to stick her head into the house, "MOM IM GOING OUT WITH CAS!" She called, slamming the door shut immediately after.
I smiled at her again as she linked her arm with mine and started off down the porch steps. Today Charlie was wearing baggy jean shorts that went down to her knees, as well as a Star Wars t-shirt. Her head phones were wrapped around her neck and the cord trailed down her back into her pocket, where her phone probably was.
"Anyways, hi best friend!" She finally greeted once we made it to the sidewalk. I couldn't help but smile, even if it was faint.
"Hello Charlie." I greeted back, watching her long red hair bounce with each step.
"I was hoping you would come by today." She told me, seeming determined. I tilted my head a bit.
"Oh? Why's that?" I asked curiously, taking notice we were on our way to Dorothy's.
"Cant I just wannna see my friend!?... Alsooo when you were sick last week, me and Dorothy went out and discovered something really cool. We gotta show it to you." She sounded excited and picked up her walking pace subconsciously.
We made it to Dorothy's shortly after leaving Charlie's. Dorothy come out almost as fast as Charlie had, giving us her signature smirk before heading out. She was wearing skinny jeans and a brown shirt with her brown hair in a side bun. She was gorgeous I always thought, but not that I was into that kinda stuff.
We started walking down the road together, I started to sweat.
"Man it's hot out." Dorothy complained, sighing and wiping her forehead. Charlie smirked,
"Well duh, that's cuz I'm out here bitches," she grinned as Dorothy gave her a playful shove. I smiled shyly.
"Shut up," she told Charlie, still grinning, then laughing.
"So can anyone tell me where we are going." I asked curiously, changing the topic. I noticed Dorothy smirking.
"You'll have to wait." She told me, causing Charlie to suppress a smirk. I frowned.
"Guys, we are getting far away from town and-" I was quickly cut off by Charlie.
"Oh my gosh Cas, don't be such a stick in the mud. We'll be fineee." She urged, but I wasn't convinced.
"It's just that, you guys don't always have the best ideas..." I mumbled. Charlie looked fakely offended.
"How?!" She questioned while I just looked down sheepishly.
"Well, like... The train incident... that time you almost got us stuck on a flight to India, or when you and Dorothy got me to join your prank fight and we got covered in quick drying paint. Or when we went to the movies and that guy-"
"Okay, okay! You've made your point!" She informed quickly, a flustered blush forming on her face. I couldn't help my grin just a little bit.
After walking for what felt like forever, we were at what I thought was the edge if town. We lived in Michigan, smack dab in the center of the glove, in a town that, if you walked far enough, it turned into all wilderness. I think that's where we were now because on our very long walk we passed a bunch of trees and ponds. Now we were at the end of the dirt road, the very end before it faded into trees.
I would say I was scared, I would say being in the woods made me uncomfortable, I would say we should head back, but, I love nature. Nature is calming and beautiful, how could I say to turn back when we are in the best part of our town?
Charlie turned to me and grinned, Dorothy walked ahead of her. While Dorothy cleared the path, Charlie grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the opening Dorothy made by moving tree branches.
"Close your eyes." Charlie told me, and started guiding me through the forest.
"Please don't run me into anything." I pleaded, not fully trusting my red-headed friend. I could practically feel her eye roll.
"I won't," she grumbled, even thought she probably had been planning too before I stopped her.
"We're here!" Dorothy said, excitement filling her voice. Charlie smiled brightly and let go of my hand.
"Open!" She commanded cheerfully. I let my eyes flutter open and widen at the sight in front of me.
It was an absolutely beautiful lake.  It seemed almost deserted. No one was here and it appeared to be a place where no one ever went. The sun was shining bright and created a sparkling reflection in the crystal water. Trees surrounded the entire lake, lillypads and cat tails laid where the water meets the grass. Flowers, exotic ones that were bright orange and neon pink were also by the trees. I was shocked.
I took a step forward and grinned wide. I turned my head back to my two friends who stood behind me.
"How did you-" I started to ask how they found it, but Dorothy was already answering.
"Find it? Easy. We were going for a walk in the woods when, poof! Here it was! No one was here, and we knew we had to show you." She told me, smirking proudly as her and Charlie came closer to stand next to me.
"Well... I love it..." I stutter, speechless. I heard Charlie laugh next to me but I couldn't drag my eyes away from the beautiful sight to look at her.
I wasn't sure how long we had been there. It was a while that's for sure. We sat on the edge of the grass, our feet hanging in the water. We were just chatting about school and such when we heard something. It was yelling and laughing in the distance. The noises we're coming closer and I tensed. I recognized the noises all to well.
It sounded like Crowley and his friends. Fergus Crowley MacLeoud was his full name, but he had everyone call him Crowley. He was basically the head jock at school, despite him not being particularly that athletic. He somehow still made the football team and managed to be the most popular boy in school. He hung out with Azazel, Alistair, Lilith, Abbadon, and a few other of the popular kids. He didn't even like Abbadon, hated her to be exact, but still hung out with her because she was popular and head cheerleader. Lilith was another cheerleader, and incredibly beautiful at that, but very rude, she also had a little sister four years younger in Gabriel's grade. Her name was Ruby. Azazel and Alistair were just super creepy and rude. I hated them both, they always wanted to pick on someone. That someone usually being me.
They all seemed to follow Crowley blindly, except Abbadon, but she cooperated. I could hear their annoying screams and laughs getting closer, so I decided to stand. Charlie saw and stood too. Dorothy looked up at us both.
"Guys, it's okay, nothing's is gonna-" I knew Dorothy was gonna say nothing was gonna happen, and that we'd be fine, but she couldn't. That was because guess who came through the trees.
Crowley and his friends. I'm not typically one for swearing, but I really wanted then to f-off. Dorothy saw them and finally stood as well, glaring a bit as she watched the tree branches move, revealing them all.
"Well, well, well..." Crowley announced in a British accent. Today he was wearing black jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt. Lilith wore a white sun dress and Abbadon wore a t-shirt saying, "the devil made me do it," and jeans. Everyone else wore very similar clothes to Crowley.
"Why are you here?" Dorothy asked bravely. Crowley grimaced.
"This is our spot so I'll have to ask you the same question." He growled, clearly very annoyed. Charlie jumped next to me.
"Anyone can come here, it's not just your spot." Dorothy spat, taking a step closer. No no Dorothy stop. Why do you have to be so brave?
"I suggest you leave before someone gets hurt." Abbadon threatened, pointing a pale, flawless, slender finger at Dorothy. Her nail was long and painted a bright shade of red that matched her lips perfectly.
But obviously, Dorothy wasn't going to back down. "Excuse you, but who the hell do you think you are. You don't own us." She snarled in return. Abbadon looked offended at her words, almost recoiling. A scowl formed on her sharp features. Then before I knew it, Crowley, Azazel, and Alistair were walking over.
I gulped, wishing that Dorothy just kept her mouth shut. Crowley stood right by us with his minions behind him.
"Leave." His one word filled the whole forest with venom and left a sting right in my throat because suddenly I couldn't speak. And even though Crowley was shorter then me, chubbier then me, and probably less strong, the way he carried himself made him so much more intimidating then I ever could be.
"We aren't leaving." Dorothy stated harshly. Crowleys stern facial features quickly changed and he back away from me and grinned.
"Very well. Have it your way," Crowley turned to Azazel and Alistair, "boys, shall we?" I saw a smirk cross all their faces, and before I knew it, Crowley and the others were shoving me and my friends into the water.
If someone reads this and likes it, please let me know and I'll post more chapters
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unsettledink · 4 years
For the ask meme: Z, V, S, R!
Oh crap this got long. The easy ones first!
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
A LOT APPARENTLY. Most of these I will at least open and try and read even if they're not very good because I just can't help myself.
Soul mates/bonds of any sort. Angst. Hurt/comfort. Canon character death. Outside pov. Second person pov. Power dynamics or BDSM of the good sort (very subjective and to explain would be like an essay). ABO. Slow burn. Pining. Fake dating. Not quite enemies to lovers. Size difference. Sacrifice. Hooker AU. I hate time travel yet I always read it??? Missing scenes. Dopplegangbang. Fix it. Identity porn
V: A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
Ahh, this is hard. I mean! I am a SUCKER for side characters and outside pov and like I've written fic for characters that had like three words in canon, ok? But now that I'm sitting down I can't think at all. It's so fandom specific.
I fucking love fic that's from the pov of like, random background extra #7 though.
Ok the rest under a cut because it got so LONG see the trick isn’t getting me to answer these things it’s getting me to shut up.
Z: Major character death--do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can't tolerate?
Oh yeah. Um, let's see – just under 50 out of about 300 fics have major character death. I mean, perils of writing in a fandom where your ship dies, but still. I'm writing less of it because I just can't handle it as well any more, but I still do read it a LOT. First step when someone dies or almost dies in canon? Is it the fix it? No it is not. It is going to find all the most painful death fics and cry myself sick and then I can deal with the fix it.
As far as can't stand – I can handle character death in fic way easier than in canon. For example, I have read god only knows how many fics where Tony dies, but show me ten seconds of a trailer for Endgame and I'm already crying. (I still have not, and honestly don't know if I ever will, watched Endgame. I know what happens. I don't need to see it. I don't think I Should see it.)
There's an odd thing now for me where if it's a character I've followed across more than one movie/book/episode, I can't handle it, and if I know they're going to die, I just won't engage with it at all. I haven't watched Logan. I haven't read I Shall Wear Midnight. I get unreasonably angry about Days of Future Past. I still can't think about Bialar Crais's death. I stopped watching Daredevil after Wesley (it's so STUPID).
Ok so this just devolved into a list of deaths I'm ANGRY about.
I tend to avoid most media these days that looks like it's going to be death heavy until it's been vetted by someone I trust. I got enough unhappy in my life, and I become easily and overly attached to everything. In fic, I'll read it easily enough if it's canon. I think I mainly can't stand it when a character in fic dies (that didn't in canon) and they're the one that's sort of just been handed a lot of shit in canon and never really had a chance for better. I want fic to give them that better, not pile it on. Which is odd considering how often I am all 'make it worse'. Derek Hale is a prime example of a character I don't want to read about dying, and I don't want to be whumped, and I don't want to read fic that makes it worse (with a rare few exceptions).
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Oh man, asking all the hardest questions. So, I don't really know? There are a lot of authors I really enjoy for their writing style as much for the story, but at the same time I don't know how much they influence me? Or maybe I'm just not very good at picking apart what does influence me. Hmmm. I feel like most of my influences of this style are more like, emotional states provoked by writing and I don't even know how to describe that. *goes to stare at bookcases for a bit*
Ok these sort of stick out to me as like, authors who I admire and probably at least unconsciously try to emulate for various things, even if I am obviously not even approaching their level of polish.
Terry Pratchett for his way of allowing characters to think through complex issues and not always arrive at a simple answer, leading the reader along to do so as well.
Patricia McKillip for dropping you straight into complex, strange, and intensely sensory environments without any sort of infodump, and making it somehow not confusing.
Francesca Lia Block for lyrical poetrylike prose
Robin McKinley for characters that are able to have a certain solid certainty about their core motivations and drives and wants, even while they are allowed to be confused and searching.
Diana Wynne Jones for holding three dozen threads and managing to bring them all together in the last five pages and have it work.
Jennifer Roberson for excruciatingly (amazingly) slow extensive character growth.
Anne Bishop for the wildest dives into just fucking going for those crazy worldbuilding ideas and committing to it.
Issac Asimov for showcasing the structure of how a short story can be complete in itself and fucking slap because of it.
Going into fanfic writers would be a deep dive, yikes. Maybe one day.
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A rummage sale
Opens Friday, October 6th at 2pm, Closes Friday, October 13th at 11:59pm
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How humorous it is to say that I, a traveler like me who can never stay in one place for long, would be holding such an event. It is an event that is typically reserved for those who stay put and collect, to then find themselves overcrowded with bobbles and trinkets to find the need to regift them - for a price of course.
But it appears that my little shop has been around for a year now, and I suppose that due to that homely nature I find with keeping it, I too have turned into those creatures that make it a habit to sell their old belonging.
After all, a year's worth of clutter must be dealt with, even for a peddler such as myself. And I have always found that it is better to give things no longer needed away than to sell them; generosity is in my nature after all.
So please, dear traveler, have a look around at all the trinkets, charms, and books you see upon my shelves and see if one catches your eye or even heart.
After all, trash can become a treasure in the right hands
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Please Choose What Calls to You
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Personal Reading of Your Palm:
If you are a little weary of venturing into all that is unique around you, perhaps I can be your guide. Allow me to look upon your palam and direct you where your heart is asking to go and the fate that will befall you should you listen. (matchup + how you meet)
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Enchanted and Alluring Charm:
It caught your eye didn't it, from the moment you walked in you could not take your eyes off of it. I am more than willing to allow you the chance to claim it as your own, if you so wish to treasure it (moodboard and/or matching outfits)
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Intriguing Book of Old:
I see you have found a bit of my collection of literature, one that has taken many years over many landscapes to curate. Though I do find it rather sad to part with such old friends, I can see they would be far more beloved by a traveler like yourself. So please sit, and stay a moment longer, after all, I would want you to love the story you are about to be bonded to (fairytale matchup with drabble) (none left)
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I so hope you will find a treasure amongst my things, traveler
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bruntriceballs · 5 years
Hetalia Xmas Event
December 16 Prompt Decorations/Presents/Traditions
Man has it been a while since I have written anything for the Hetalia fandoms. But I did this and I am super excited and proud of it because it has been forever.
Main character: Human Female Iceland and Human Sealand
Side characters: Human Female Hong Kong, Human Female South Korea, Human Seborga, Human Ravis, Human Norway, Human Denmark, Human Sweden, Human Finland.
Things to watch out for: mention of a car crash twice and implied death.
Summary: Emila and Peter spend another Christmas together.
Emila grew up in Iceland for the first ten years of her life, she knew that she had a brother out there somewhere. But for the first ten years it was just her and her mother. Emila always longed to have the family that her friends had over for Christmas. She wanted the big family dinner, decorating the tree with the brother she never met and cousins she only ever heard about.
Then she did get it. Yes she moved to Norway, and then to Denmark later, but she did get the big family Christmas she wanted. Her Christmas was now filled with the family she always wanted. It was tradition to get together with her extended family, though they left decorating to just her immediate family. Which consisted of her parents, her brother, her brothers best friend Soren, and her cousin Berwald and his husband Timo. Of course there was also herself, and later Peter.
As she grew older, as she made new friends, she added more traditions to her Christmas. Some changed over the years, skyping her friends turned into eating and exchanging gifts when they started to live together. Her friends turned into a family, a family away from family as it were. They supported her when her family didn’t. Even if her idea of wanting to finish high school in Iceland was a little out there.
In the end she did her last year of high school in Iceland, even if she didn’t spend Christmas with her family. She stayed in Iceland for college, and another year of Christmas before she was able to come over for Christmas. Being with her family again felt wonderful and the then twenty year old even met with her cousins kid that.
Christmas ended up being the one time a year that she would see her family. Between college and working she spent most of her days in Iceland, the only down time she would have was spent sleeping. And she only got about three to four days off to visit her family. Emila was happy though, and after moving into an apartment with her friends, they had started a tradition of going out to find the perfect tree and decorating it before she left.
Then tragedy struck. Emila had already been home for a day, leaving behind her family to take a trip to her grandparents in Norway. So when she gets a call from an unknown number she knew something happened. In the living room of her apartment, in front of her best friends, she was asked to come back to sort out papers and medical information.
She did, but not before asking about Peter. Peter was bruised, someone had protected him against everything. She made her way back, taking the next flight back and calling in favors to get her next three shifts covered. Emila got there in time to get custody of Peter, just before he was put back into the foster care. She wasn’t as close to Peter as say her cousin Ludwig and Lilly due to age, but there was no way she was letting the government take him. Peter had lost his first family, he wasn’t about to lose his second. Even if it had gotten smaller in such a short amount of time. Even if she probably wasn’t the best person to take him in.
She was twenty-three then, and it was hard, especially when Christmas came around they next year, but they made it. Making some traditions that was just between the two of them and keeping others that reminded them of family. But those thoughts were for later. Right now they had to pick out a tree and Peter needed to come down so they could get going.
Emila looked towards Peter’s room with a raised eyebrow, usually the fourteen year old wasn’t this lazy, so to say, when he knew that they were going out. Just when she was about to call out for him to hurry up, he started to come down the hall. A camera, one that Natalia gave him last year for Christmas after he expressed an interest in them, hanging around his neck.
Peter looked up, then down red dusting on his cheek, before looking up again to answer her unasked question. “Niccolo wanted to see pictures of Iceland in Christmas, so I wanted to make sure that I got the good pictures.”
Leona, standing next to her wearing three layers and ready to brave the ‘ass freezing cold’ as she like to call it, nodded. “We’ll have to get them developed so we can put them in an album.”
Peter brightened up and smiled, something she was glad for, no matter how many years passed she knew that there would always be lingering sadness around this time of year. But if Peter can smile, then she can smile too, because it means that he was healing. She shook her head and got Peters attention.
“You ready to go?”
They all piled into the car, Peter and Min-seo in the back with her and Leona in the front. It only took half an hour to get to the tree farms, not long due to the early morning, and they parked and got out quickly. Peter looking around with his camera up to his face, she smiled at him when he focused on her. A click and shutter sound later had her shake her head and Peter looked up and smiled at her. Min-soe and Leona, the dramatic people that they secretly, or not so secret in some cases, were demanded that Peter take pictures of them too. Her something of a nephew slash little brother obliged and started taking pictures of the to as they waking up to the trees
Peter stopped when they started to split up, Peter staying with her while the other two went off by themselves. He could have gone off by himself, the tree farm wasn’t that big and she trusted Peter enough to be good and take care of himself, but he didn’t. She didn’t say anything, only let the younger one wrap an arm around her when they were alone and ruffled his hair.
It didn’t take them too long to find ones that they all liked. They had gotten here early enough that they basically could pick any that they want. So the four of them converged back to the front and started to show off the ones that they saw. A vote, and a call to Ravis who would be getting back sometime tomorrow, helped them pick one that looked full and was tall. Not all enough that they couldn’t fit it in their house though.
Getting back it took some cordenation to get the tree in the house but they did get it into their living room. Leona and Min-seo making sure that it won’t fall down while Peter and her went to find the decorations. When they had them all in the living room the two of them shared a grin, it was amusing to watch the other two putting up the tree. Mainly because they always started arguing about how straight it was.
Before they started Emila had Peter help her make a batch of hot cocoa. This had become a tradition long ago when she was his age, having hot cocoa as they decorate the tree. Usually it was her mom making it, now it was her and Peter. She wanted to be sure that when he was older, off living with by himself or with his own family, he would know the recipe. So she made what was really a one person task into something that the two of them could do.
They walked out into the living room, each holding two cups full and topped to everyone's preference. The tree was up now, and the boxes were opened and the decorations laid out. She handed out the cups and then took her own from Peter before looking around.
“Shall we start?”
Peter shook his head, “We have to have music Aunty.”
Emila nodded and hid a laugh, “Of course, of course. How about you pick some out?”
Peter nodded and jumped his way to the speaker, she sneakily took her own phone out to take photos. She might not be his father, not even his mother. No that honor went to her beloved cousin, but one day maybe the rest of their family would wake up. And she wanted to be ready, ready to show them how their littlest one had grown.
Later, when they have the tree nicely decorated, Peter will put the star on top. Later, the two of them will go out and enjoy the cafes and live music. Peter will take pictures of the city to show Niccolo and she will take pictures of Peter. They will skate a little bit and make their way home, and while everyone else is either out and about or asleep they will call Soren.
They will ask about Lukas and Berwald, the only two survivors of the car crash that took her parents and Timo. They will talk, Peter will fall asleep and then she will talk some more. After that she will hang up and help Peter get into bed before cleaning up the kitchen and then prepare it for tomorrow's cooking. Then she two will go to bed, curl up and hope once again that her brother and cousin will wake up. But that’s for later, for now music plays and laughter sings across the room.
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
Voltage Island Prologue (Multi Canons x OCs Dating)
Fandom: KBTBB / IM / ASA / FILA Category: Drama / Fluff / Smut / Angst?
Character: Eisuke (33) / Ota (27) / Yukihisa (36) / Shunichiro (36) / Rikiya (32) / Aki (26) OC: Eriko (31) / Katie (21) / Jazz (28) / Pippa (28) / Kara (30) / Joanne (24) Notes: After a glimpse of the reality TV show Love Island and given how ridiculously hilarious it is, I cannot resist doing one with Voltage men for my own entertainment purpose. Basically just a bunch of guys and chicks who wear swimwear all day in a mansion, doing nothing but drama and have audience vote them off one at a time, oh and they’re here to find love or whatever. So in my case numbers of Voltage canons and OCs, if you find this fun and want to add your personalize oc, inbox me as readers could definitely vote who they want off the Island, that’s if I could still bother with it ;)
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Six tall and slender men in their swim shorts marching from the grand entrance to the 5 meters enormous pool, sitting themselves down on the deck nearby with one blonde helping himself and begins tending drinks while the rest quickly introduce themselves.
“This place is fucking huge, Eisuke.” The boy smirks and puts his wavy brownish-orange hair out of the way, placing six glasses on the bench.
“Guess they really like rubbing money in peoples face, huh?” The auburn hair eyes widen to the huge pool while Eisuke Inchinomiya shrugs in response.
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“The place is okay, could have found a better interior designer but not as bad as I expect it to be.”
The pool has blue water that sparkles in the sun, the one with pale skin and short, black hair gazes down at his wavy reflection, giving in to the luxurious temptation and jumps right in. After a few lazy strokes, he emerges from the water, shaking that gorgeous hair of his to the side of his face as his pale skin glistens with tiny water droplets, sliding down his toned chest. 
The two older men watches from the stools with cocktails in hands, wondering just why on earth they’re invited here.
“It is good publicity for the firm.” Says the man with neck length hair while his friend on the right questions with his brows raised.
“Yes for you and the firm maybe, I’m an in house doctor. Or is that why I’m here, as a doctor?”
The dark hair man shurgs, “Or your image just fits the show.”
“Oh my image?” The doctor chuckles, “Sure I’m the one who would fuck any woman with her legs spread open, aren’t I?”
“Are you not though?”
“Does it matter? The audience doesn’t care, I don’t even have a route, no back story no nothing, I’m just a sexy pervert.”
“Who seems awfully happy about this situation more than anyone?” The man finishes his drink and politely asks the blonde boy for a refill.
“I’m not exactly a bartender, just so you know.” The pretty boy combs his hair in irritation but refills the empty glass anyway before finding his quiet and arrogant looking friend who’s now sitting by the corner on his own.
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“Free drinks, free food, hot chicks well lack of privacy but hey the hot chicks pay off, I suppose.”
The two older men share a sly grin and continue drinking, the boy in the pool has now swam to the edge.
“Hey, I’m Aki and you are?”
“Rikiya Mononobe, how’re you approached?” The older and taller man puts his feet down into the cool water and makes a new friend.
“They said it would bring me more customers for my pastry shop and a chance for finding love.”
A dry mocking scoff escapes from the man sitting by the pool with his hands stretching behind his back, letting out a loud yawn. “Sure love exists with 12 strangers trap in a freaking mansion and sleeping in the same room.”
Meanwhile six girls in similar heights await inside the mansion, some with their eyes rolled and annoyed while two are overly excited but a particular girl pacing around the glass sliding door anxiously, fully aware and uncomfortable in her bikini that’s provided by the producers.
“What’s your name?” The shortest woman with blonde and beautiful long hair asks.
“Pippa.” The girl pushes her glasses up on the bridge of her nose and soon crosses her arms over her chest. “Why are you girls allowed one piece swimsuit and I have to wear this?”
“Because we are the older women and you three are the young hot and sexy ones.” Another woman in black strappy onesies that’s clearly showing off her sides and flat stomach joins the conversation.
“How old are you three?” Pippa takes a step away from the other two girls in bikini and stands closer to the other three.
“31.” The one in black immediately says follows by the woman in white who is 30 and the blonde who’s 28.
“I’m 28 too why am I …” Pippa bites her bottom lips and lowers her voice, “categorized with them?”
“Welcome to stereotype baby.” The one in white low cut lace and backless one piece plays with her ponytail and puts a hand out, “I’m Kara by the way.”
The blonde in yellow is called Jazz while the one in black is Eriko.
With instructions coming from their phones as signals, the two youngest girls open the sliding door and rush outside to finally meet the golden boys while the other four walk hands in hands and see just what on earth they’ve gotten themselves into.
Eriko is the first to swear, “Shit, you’ve got to be kidding me!” She keeps her mumbling to minimal as everyone starts picking a spot by the pool.
Choosing the far left corner of the pool, right opposite Eisuke Inchinomiya who also comes from a wealthy family like her but mainly because Eriko would avoid talking to her other three acquaintances from college at all cost, she bets someone has tipped the show off and invites Shunichiro, Yukihisa and Rikiya on purpose, without exchanging a single word to the men on the other side of the pool, the woman who’s in charge of one of the largest clothing brand in Japan is already getting a tremendous headache.
Pippa who’s previously covering herself up is now sitting next to Eriko, totally captivated by Shunichiro’s charms and gentleman like smiles. The Creative Director of Addison & Rhodes rises his cocktail and winks at the clearly overwhelmed 28 year old whose heart is about to burst right open.
Next to Pippa, sits Jazz the pretty blonde who’s trying her best not to roll her eyes at the choices of men across the pool, the event planner who’s always too busy for dating is now seriously doubting her friend and supervisor at work who talks her into this joke. Scanning the men in few seconds, she decides to sit opposite Yukihisa, simply because he seems to be the least annoying and most mature one, judging by the looks he should be in his mid 30s and Jazz prays that they could at least hold a proper conversation.
Kara who has just turned 30 last week takes a seat next to Jazz purely bases on her impression earlier, never once consider the choice of seat would affect her next step. The auburn hair nods at her before stealing a not so oblivious glance at Eriko.
The 21 year old half Japanese half Brazilian part time model Katie flashes her eyes at the angelic blonde artist while the larger figure in red bikinis Joanne sits herself down at the right corner of the pool and sets her eyes on Aki the pastry shop owner who’s still unintentionally shaking water out of his wavy hair.
To put it ever so nicely- the first one on one getting to know each other session is about to begin with half the girls who are more than ready to fall in love while this remains the start of a complete disaster for the rest.
Let the dating begin, here on Voltage Island.
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Writer Notes: Feedback welcome but be warned that this may discontinue at any time. And yes, canons and OCs shall be changed from time to time, if you’d like a say or vote, inbox me no guarantee though.
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scfrankles · 7 years
Thank you to @educatedinyellow for tagging me! How many fics have you written? On AO3 there are 149 listed. On DA, which is mainly original fics… er, 580. That does give rather a false impression though - about 100 are six word stories of varying quality, many of my ACD Holmes 60 word stories are crossposted there singly, and my 60 ACD Holmes clerihews are there too. There’s some other pieces that overlap with what’s on AO3, there’s poetry as well and a bit of non-fiction stuff. And of course on both sites I specialise in microfiction which doesn’t take long to write. Where do you share your writing? On AO3, LJ, DW and DA. What is your pseud? SCFrankles/scfrankles everywhere. Though I do also use maiden_aunt as a secondary pseud on AO3 for my Dear Ladies fanfics. Simply because I fancied having another name. Where/when do you usually write? I usually write at home, in the dining room (because it’s got a table) or sitting up in bed. And I suppose I do generally write in the evening after work. I am at my best in the morning and early afternoon though. I find it hard to concentrate and come up with ideas when I’m tired. I write best on my days-off, when I’ve had a good night’s sleep and I know I’ve got the whole day ahead of me. In terms of planning stories I often do that while walking or having a lie down. What is your favorite fanfic that you’ve read? I’ve rather fallen out of love with reading Sherlock fanfics but back when I was reading a great many of them, my favourite hands down was What to do When Your Flatmate is Homicidal by hyacinth_sky747. It is can’t-catch-your-breath-please-make-it-stop funny (there is a bit with John doped up on painkillers and writing a blog entry that I shall forever remember fondly - I’m laughing just thinking about it). But it also addresses the unpleasant and sad aspects of the world without any abrupt changes in tone. And it’s a story always full of hope and love. I’d love to be able to write like that. I do sometimes talk about ‘humorous stories’ and ‘serious stories’ as though it’s impossible to combine the two aspects but the best comedy always has a serious aspect too. Not that I make a habit of it, but the first time I ever stood up in front of a group of people and made them laugh was at my elder brother’s funeral. My fics tend to ignore real life altogether and be silly but I would love to write stuff that stares life in the face and makes you laugh anyway. Another fic I’d like to mention is the ACD Holmes fic Literary Shortcomings by rachelindeed - and not just because Rachel was the one who tagged me. Rachel wrote this as part of the summer 2015 round of ACD Holmesfest, with me as the recipient. It’s a beautiful, beautiful fic and I still love it. But I’ve chosen it here because I think it illustrates so well the possibilities of amateur writing, and the creativity in fandom. I can’t see there being much of a market for a story written in this particular microfiction form - it’s too left-field. I couldn’t see anyone ever writing something like this in the hope of selling it or a publisher ever commissioning someone to write something like this. Rachel wrote it for, I assume, her own artistic satisfaction and in the hope of pleasing me, the recipient, and the others taking part in the fest. Beautiful and experimental things that perhaps the professional world would ignore get to exist and flourish in the amateur world. What is your fave fic that you’ve written? Nothing really stands out as my favourite overall. I am quite proud of my longer Dear Ladies fics, my Without a Clue and Whitehead Holmes fics, and my collections of ACD Holmes 60s. And of course there is Watson’s Diary and my infamous ACD Holmes/My Fair Lady fusion… What inspired you to start writing fanfic? Er, it’s kind of a long story… I was a fannish kind of kid but I had absolutely no connection with fandom in any sense growing up - no fanzines or anything like that. And I came relatively late to using the internet - I first used it in 1999 when I was about 30. I absolutely loved it and from then I went online as much as I could, using computers at local libraries, but still no involvement with anything fandom related. And to be honest I had rather a skewed idea about what fanfiction was all about, as outsiders tend to do. In 2010 I joined DeviantArt. A couple of years later, we finally had a computer at home, series 2 of Sherlock had aired and I had just rewatched the series on DVD. And I felt the urge for more. I was looking forward to series 3 (hollow laughter) but it was a long way off, so I decided to investigate the Sherlock fanart and fanfics on DA. And I found a few perfectly nice and competent fics, and a fic that was off the scale badly-written but still oddly readable. And then I found Harry Knows Best by hbomb90. And I was blown away by it. Here was a writer writing prose at a professional level. At that point she was the best writer I’d come across on DA (it took me another couple of years to find the talented original fic writers there). And I wondered if she had other fics elsewhere on the internet. I Googled her name which took me to a rec list on LJ. So I did find more fics of hers but of course it led me to other Sherlock fics and other writers too. And those fics led me to other fics. I wasn’t paying too much attention at first to sites but  LJ and AO3 came up more and more. I did spend an awful lot of time on AO3 waiting for ivyblossom’s The Quiet Man to update so that encouraged me to explore the site. Like all kinds of fiction, with fanfiction you get all levels of writers. There are beginners, the competent, the experienced and the just plain talented. But I was just amazed by how many extraordinary stories there were online, written for fun and absolutely free to read. This was entirely out of my sphere of experience up to then. Good literature came in a book that you had to buy or borrow from a library. You became a writer only when a publisher graciously bestowed that title upon you. ‘Amateur work’ meant poorly written work. It was utterly amazing to me the quality of some of the work I was being presented with. And that you could talk to these talented writers! It wasn’t always a one way relationship. It changed my worldview - it really did. Essentially I thought, crikey, I want to be in that gang. Fandom was full of such creativity and, paradoxically, originality. But on a more minor note I also wanted to try new forms of microfiction and was very taken with 221Bs. Then I met someone on DA who was writing ACD Holmes 60s. I started writing them on DA on my own but was eventually brave and joined sherlock60 on LJ. And that was my proper entry into fandom - I found my niche in the ACD world. I think perhaps most of my Sherlock fics have a generic feel to them - I was essentially just reworking what I’d read. But I think writing ACD fics I found my own style a bit more. Though - I’ve said it before - I think I’m a good writer but I don’t think I’m a particularly good fanfic writer. Because although I enjoy discussing the source material that doesn’t really translate into the urge to write fiction about my thoughts. I think fanfiction is essentially about making closer examinations of the internal workings of the characters. I like writing stories in which people slide corpses down staircases on tea trays. What is your favorite trope to read? According to AO3, it’s ‘first time’. Which doesn’t surprise me. Though ‘angst’ is then joint second with ‘humor’, which really, really does. What is your fave trope to write? Not really a trope, but humour. What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever read/heard/would like to share? This is a difficult one to answer. Maybe adding on to the excellent advice I’ve read as part of other people’s answers - try not to compare your writing to others’ too much. I sometimes think someone is funnier than me, someone’s writing is lovelier, someone’s writing is better technically, someone’s writing is more insightful. And it’s generally true. But as a reader on AO3, I have 8 pages of subscriptions. Readers don’t just pick the top three best writers to read for the rest of their lives and ignore all the others. I read the work of many different writers because I enjoy them in many different ways. As a writer I try and remember to take pleasure in what makes my work mine. What is your favorite feedback you’ve received as an author? I had my answer ready even before I was tagged! On The Case of the Deceased Marmalade Thief, bubblesbythebeach commented: If a fic was ever going to be described as "shenanigans", this is the one and I for one am delighted Me too, kid. Me too… Anyone who sees this and wants to have a go, consider yourself tagged!
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meanderfall · 7 years
5 11 17 22 28 30 for the identity ask!!!
le gasp!!! Adri has graced me with their presence in my inbox!! Rejoice!! 
5. do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?This question fucked me up. Okay, I’m pretty sure I identify myself mainly by the things I do? Because see, I don’t feel any kind of attachment to my body. I consider it to be mainly a tool I use to interact with the outside world, but who I am comes from my mind (or soul if you want to be spiritual about it), and you can only express who you are by doing things. Or maybe to put it another way, someone could tell me I have all sorts of qualities, that I’m sweet, I’m smart, I’m funny, I’m sarcastic, etc. but I wouldn’t believe it until I had actual evidence of me doing those things. So to sum up, identities like gender, physical appearance, ethnicity, and the like, are all kind of meaningless to me because all of that has to do with my body physically, and everything else about me isn’t true unless I’ve shown those qualities.
11. describe your ideal day.I’ve already responded to this question on a previous ask, but for you I shall copy and past the answer I gave:
I wake up before noon and eat food. I spend the afternoon with my friends, playing games, watching movies, or just silently enjoying each other’s company. I come home, have supper, and then go out for a walk. I come back in at like 7pm. I go to my computer and spend the rest of the evening writing with a cat curled up and purring on my lap, sometimes chatting with adri and drace and ranting to them about the writing process and how it sucks. i go to bed at like 2 or 3 am because i stayed up all night, as I adore the night, but that’s fine, I can just sleep until 10 or 11 am. At no point do I interact with my parents or older siblings, in fact, I no longer live them.
17. would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?Nope. It’s a side of me, the more dorky and fangirlish side, with sprinklings of my mental health and the meta posts attesting to the side of me that’s always thinking, always analyzing, but. There are other sides to me too, the angry and bitter side, the sarcastic side, the hyperactive side, the quiet one, the “leave-me-the-fuck-alone”, the romantic, the academic, the math-lover, and so on. I tend to filter those parts of me from my blog, because a) this isn’t really the platform for all of that and b) my tumblr is a side of me that rarely gets indulged? Especially the kindness and sweetness, and the yelling about fandoms. 
22. list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.Honestly, number 1 is probably reading fanfic. Number two would likely be watch achievement hunter, number three would probably be tumblr, number four would be sleeping (though i think 2-4 are pretty interchangeable tbh), and number 5 would be listening to music while playing sudokus probably.
28. on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?Depends on who you are. If you’re like one of my older siblings or my parents, I would probably sit at a solid 4, aka super easy they just gotta say the right thing. Anyone else? Meh, an 8? a 9? maybe a 7 or 6 depending on my mood? I don’t know, I’d say it’s pretty hard to annoy me, and if you do, I can usually forget about it a few minutes later, no problem. Like, the only time I ever got so annoyed at someone that I scolded/yelled at them, was when we were playing soccer in gym class and they were putting in zero effort. (Keep in mind that physical activity tends to make me emotional, like sometimes I think the only way for me to know if I’m sad or upset about something is to go running and see if I cry or not). But yeah, I think the only think that really gets under my skin are people not doing their jobs, like flaky teammates or someone who said they were going to do something but then never did it. Kind of rare to encounter in the great big world and it’s not like anyone would know that about me unless I told them, or they saw me get mad. 
30. pick one of your favorite quotes.“Grown-ups love figures... When you tell them you've made a new friend they never ask you any questions about essential matters. They never say to you "What does his voice sound like? What games does he love best? Does he collect butterflies? " Instead they demand "How old is he? How much does he weigh? How much money does his father make? " Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
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