#my fanon design for pinkie IS HERE
goodsmellerart · 10 months
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superduper funfetti-flavored pink party pony 🎂🎉
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glapplebloom · 7 years
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Rainbow Dash defeated Starscream. Pinkie Pie made friends with Deadpool. And now Twilight Sparkle takes on Teen Titan’s Raven. Welp, only a matter of time before the other three get in. Might as well make suggestions.
To make it more interesting, it’ll be one opponent for each of them. Each one having a series the other three nor the official three have faced before. Because if I didn’t do that, this list will be filled with one series. And that series is...
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Applejack Vs Arizona (Them’s Fightin Herds)
(Artwork by LytletheLemur)
You all know the story of Them’s Fightin Herds by now, but for the few of you that don’t, he’s a small summary:
Fans make Pony Fighting Game. Hasbro don’t like it. Fans make new game based off old game.
For more details like how Lauren Faust got into it or why Hasbro C&D it, its just a google search away. But this one is so easy I’m not going to even bother with the format the other two will get. Of all Them’s Fightin Herds characters, Arizona is the closest to Applejack’s play style in the original. While others definitely have their own flare, Arizona and AJ are cut from the same cloth. So a Death Battle between the two is a no brain-er.
Plus, if we can get in contact with the developers, maybe have Tara Strong come in to voice Arizona and we can have an official voice actor play a role outside Yang.
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Fluttershy Vs...
First, a reply to  a question...
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It makes a little sense, but it is immediately broken when you realize two things. 1- Ma-Ti’s ring can control animals. 2- Fluttershy is an animal. So Ma-Ti would dominate before the fight even begins.
But despite that and the fact she is the most timid one, I think I found a fighter perfect for little Fluttershy. But before that, let’s see if you can guess who it is with these shared similarities.
They’re both adorable.
They both can talk to small animals.
They’re both more into peace than violence.
Despite being cute, they have a secretly terrifying strength.
They both can fly.
They have defeated an opponent the other main characters couldn’t.
And they have a relationship with a rabbit.
Did you figure it out yet? Well, see the answer below.
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Cream the Rabbit
(Artwork by Longsword97)
Of all the possible fights for Fluttershy, Cream just makes the most sense to me. They share a lot in common with each other and even have an animal companion who would most likely do most of the work. This one is the most even I could think of.
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Rarity Vs...
Of the three, I feel Rarity is the hardest to suggest. She’s a lot more unique than the other five. She’s a fashionista who designs her own stuff. She’s a proper lady but willing to fight when needed. She is whiny, but she weaponized it for tough situations. Finding an opponent for her is difficult. Even the Death Battle Fanon has few suggestions for her (ironically the other two have fewer despite how easy it was for me to figure out).
Cornelia Hale - I don’t know much about WITCH, but her Wiki suggest she is kind of the character Rarity was thought of to be. A materialistic, overconfident female with good intentions. Again, don’t know much about WITCH but I don’t see how thematic these two are.
Steve - Get it? Because they’re both obsessed with Diamonds. And that’s it. And yes, that is it as Steve really doesn’t have a character since he’s just an avatar of the player. He’s not even in the Story Mode of the game.
Daisy Duck/Minnie Mouse - Really?
Scrooge McDuck - Again, really?
Squidward Tentacles - Now this makes absolutely no sense.
Even considering the two series above, Velvet from TFH nor Rouge from the Sonic Series don’t have much in common with Rarity outside a few elements. And I don’t think they’re strong enough for a match. Rarity needs someone who is creative yet butt kicking. Someone with flair that hides what they’re capable of. And that person is...
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Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
Possibly the most out of left field choice, but he does meet the criteria. He’s very creative (see all the inators he has made) and butt kicking (see his numerous fights with Perry the Platypus). And you want flair? See any musical number featuring him. And of every fight here, these two are the most likely to have it done in a musical. Honestly typing that just makes me want to see these two fight more. A duel of duets if you will.
And he does have a history with ponies...
Those are my choices, who do you feel would make a better option?
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rantsaboutponies · 7 years
Season 7 Retrospective
Well, we’re between highly anticipated movie releases this weekend (for me, anyway), so it’s time for our annual look back over the season!
Good lord, the beginning of Season 7 seemed like so long ago. I could have sworn the Flurry Heart episode was last season. Maybe this has just been a really long year. Well...okay, yeah, I can certainly see why it would feel that way, given the year this has been.
With a rating of 4-9-13 (W-L-T), this season must have been better than the last one, even if it didn’t feel like it. Season 8 is forthcoming, so how long before Hasbro gives up and reboots the series again? Only time will tell.
So, here we are. From best to worst:
#1. “Secrets and Pies”: This episode was...good? Like, really, really good? Why? I don’t get it! I wouldn't be so confused if you guys did this more often! I swear, the next time this happens, I'm going to get whiplash!
#2. “Rock Solid Friendship”: To complement the really good Pinkie Pie episode, here’s an episode that was really good in every way except Pinkie Pie! They’re at exact opposite ends of the season, too. Maybe it’s an equivalent exchange thing.
#3. “Triple Threat”: I thought this episode did a pretty good job of avoiding the “why don’t you just tell them?” problem that virtually every episode of every sitcom runs into. We’ve already established that Thorax is a whiny little milquetoast weenie and that Ember is a heinous prick who doesn’t listen to anybody but herself. Hell, that was the entire reason for the conflict in the first place! Honestly, why would Spike try to reason with either of them?
#4. “To Change a Changeling”: If the monster hadn’t turned out to be a giant mole, the ending battle might have seemed a little more life-threatening. That, Starlight’s very, very stupid plan, and Pharynx’s abusive ass made this episode a little worse than it should have been. Apart from that, though, I liked it!
And now here’s the hardest part of the list: trying to figure out which “tie” episodes were slightly better or worse than all the others.
#5. “Once Upon a Zeppelin”: Yeah, Twilight’s parents were annoying (and idiots), but not to the point that I’m going to dread them ever showing up in any future episodes (unlikely as that is at this point). Plus, bringing back Iron Will actually seemed to have a point, and it helped that he didn’t have to “unlearn” his lesson from his first appearance just to make the current episode make sense.
#6. “Uncommon Bond”: This episode went out of its way to prove that yes, Starlight and Sunburst really do have only one thing in common. I would have expected the resolution to be the realization that the two of them liked more things than just that board game, but nope! Giant version! That’s it!
#7. “Daring Done?”: I was so distracted this episode that I forgot to mention that Pinkie Pie was actually acting like Pinkie Pie and not an annoying little shitbag! It was refreshing! But anyway, you’d think Daring-Do would have written enough books by this point to realize the obvious tropes this episode followed. The real challenge for her is going to be stretching this adventure out to novel-length.
#8. “Discordant Harmony”: I’m still not sure what made Discord think he needed to change a bunch of shit about his house to make Fluttershy happy. It looked the same way he made her house look every time he visited her. What did he think she was expecting?
#9. “A Health of Information”: This is the second episode in a row on this list where Fluttershy acted kind of like a doofus throughout the episode for no discernible reason. It also proved that unicorns are the solution to everything. Need to grab some moss from a swamp without falling in? Unicorn! Need to collect honey from the flash bees without going anywhere near them? Unicorn! Need to destroy an entire planet without breaking a sweat? Unicron!
#10 & #11. “Shadow Play (Parts 1 and 2)”: The first half fools you into thinking this isn’t just going to be a run-of-the-mill finale episode by promising you a halfway interesting quest before immediately giving you all the artifacts within a few minutes. Ha! Gotcha!
#12. “Hard to Say Anything”: I’d kind of hoped we were past the whole “two men competing for the trophy that is the personality-deprived female character” cliché, especially in a show designed for children, but I guess not. I mean, at least Big Mac and Feather do realize that’s what they’re doing by the end, but that doesn’t fix Sugar Belle’s “sexy lamp” issue.
#13. “A Royal Problem”: Has Twilight been of help to any friendship-related issues since she stopped being the main character? I think these episodes must be based on Twilight's memoirs, i.e. this isn't how things actually happened; this is how she remembers them happening. Here's what really happened during "Magical Mystery Cure":
Twilight Sparkle: So...I accidentally totally and completely fucked up my friends’ lives, but then I fixed it! That means I'm good at having friends, right?
Princess Celestia (sarcastically): Oh, yeah, you're a regular princess of friendship.
Twilight Sparkle: *gasp* Really?!
Princess Celestia: Oh, no, I didn't mean– Ah, crap, the music's already started. ♫ You've come such a long, long way... ♫
Princess Celestia (mentally): I've really got to stop using the word “princess” as an insult. This is the third one this week. I'm running out of castles! She'll just have to stay in the library until I can find another one.
#14. “All Bottled Up”: This episode is a perfect example of why the writers typically just don’t include characters in an episode if they have nothing to do in said episode. That escape room nonsense was just stupid. The six of you might be best friends, but you have never gotten along that well!
#15. “Celestial Advice”: Ugh, this one. “As a teacher, I have to send my student away. I don’t know exactly why I have to do that, but I’m sure I’ll figure the reason out later. Oh, wait, you don’t want to leave? Well, that changes everything! You can stay!” I think they were making this one up as they went along.
#16. “The Perfect Pear”: One of the emptiest “love” stories I’ve ever seen. This was an “attraction story”, if you can even call it that. This is another case where I’m positive that at least a hundred better fanfics had been written about this exact story before the episode was released. I get why people have headcanons about things now. Why wouldn’t you have a fanon when the canon is so...weak?
#17. “Honest Apple”: Once again, we have a brand-new writer for this episode. Kevin Lappin was very likely just given a slip of paper with “APPLEJACK = HONEST” written on it, which constituted the entire material he had to work with. That might explain why Applejack was such an unlikable prick for the entire episode.
Whoo... All right. Here we go.
#18. “A Flurry of Emotions”: If you don’t want to watch your kid (because, seriously, you’ve got better things to do), just show up at one of your relatives’ houses one day and dump it on them. They’ll have such a guilt trip that they’ll be glad to accept! But make sure it’s someone who’s completely unqualified for the job and has a mountain of other responsibilities first. That’s the best way!
#19. “Campfire Tales”: The fact that this episode was actually just a clunky setup for the finale might explain why all three stories sucked so hard. It’s this season’s The Mummy!
#20. “Not Asking for Trouble”: Now we’re going to get into the part of the list where I have to figure out which episodes are worse by balancing how much the episode irritated me in general with how toxic the moral is. Trust me, if your children’s show has a moral of “Do what you want to do for other people, regardless of what those people have explicitly told you not to do, because you’ll end up being right in the end. After all, people don’t know what they want!”, you’ve fucked up something awful.
#21. “Fluttershy Leans In”: I said in this review that this felt like the MLP version of The Fountainhead, but I only just recently realized that I also said the same thing about Season 5's "Canterlot Boutique". Given that the episodes were written by different people, this must be a storyline that creative types really like (even if it’s nothing more than a power fantasy).
#22. “It Isn’t the Mane Thing About You”: All right, you actually had a good idea with this one. Despite being the Element of Generosity, one of Rarity's main problems has always been her vanity. That means you pulled off the rare feat of making the moral both 1. something the character hasn't already learned in a previous episode and 2. something that a normal functioning member of society might not automatically possess. (There has been a distressing number of lessons in the past five seasons or so that don't fit one or both of these qualifications.) It's just a shame you crashed and burned so spectacularly by 1. turning the moral from “don't be vain” to “have confidence” (something Rarity has never struggled with AND which you have already had as the moral in MULTIPLE previous episodes) and 2. went about it in the most nonsensical way possible!
#23. “Parental Glideance”: This one was a little sickening. The “my parents are so embarrassing!” trope is bad enough, but you’re an adult, Rainbow Dash! Grow up! If the things your parents are doing embarrass you (or if they’re legitimately dangerous, like SHOOTING FIREWORKS OFF AT AN AIRSHOW), talk to them! You can do that without snapping and acting like a dick!
#24. “Forever Filly”: Holy crap, I have never wanted to punch a fictional cartoon character in the face as badly as I did in this episode. I don’t know what made Sweetie Belle act like such a little shit or why Rarity is so out of touch with her (seeing as Sweetie Belle would have had to have been about four to be into the stuff she was trying to do), but I hated this. Shove your black box experimental theater up your ass.
#25. “Marks and Recreation”: I got the sense from the beginning of the series that cutie marks were originally supposed to be something really deep and meaningful. I mean, they’re your passion. They represent that thing that you love so much and are so good at that you can spend the rest of your life doing it and wearing a permanent symbol of it on your body. Well, not anymore! Now it’s just some obligatory shit that you get because you have to and that doesn’t have any real meaning at all! Fuck you! Just...fuck you!
#26. “Fame and Misfortune”: Yeah, no surprise there. Holy shit, this was a painful experience. Like “Stranger Than Fan Fiction”, this was just embarrassing to watch. To quote somebody else, “...you don't get back at critics by attacking them, you do it by ignoring them and continuing to be awesome.” Hell, this episode's moral is contradicted by its own existence. “You shouldn't be affected by criticism of your work. That’s why I wrote this episode where all my critics are painted as raving lunatics and I am totally the victim!” The fact that this is the SECOND such episode is just pathetic. This one actually manages to be worse, though, because, unlike the earlier episode when it was just Quibble Pants being a dick, this one paints the ENTIRE fandom as either complaining whiners who hate everything or creepy stalkers who follow everywhere you go. Nothing says “we want you to keep watching” like insulting the few fans you have left right to their face!
Remember, next week is the review of the remaining six Equestria Girls: Summertime Shorts. Be there!
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