#my fave totally real vtuber ;)
foxceus · 1 year
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yuzu-adagio · 2 years
been thinking about goals
Here's what I've got at the moment, if anybody's curious!
Short term
-Make some friends
-Make some fans
-I'd like to get up to, like, two active chatters average? It's fun even if nobody shows up, but it's more fun if I have a chat to bounce off, y'know? That'd also be enough people to consistently raid with without feeling like That Guy.
-Song covers
-Get a youtube going and put up some recorded content (music? script reading? compilations? video essays?)
Mid term/less probable
-Animated model!! If I ever have a formal "debut," it'll probably be when I start with that.
-Channel trailer
-Affiliate (or is it partner? the first one, I just wanna have emotes and redeems and stuff)
-I'd like to play Total Extreme Wrestling, probably as a recording since it needs me to grab the screen instead of a window and I'm not confident with that. It's my fave!
-Related, a lot of the games I want to play would be fun if I put custom people in them. I'd like to be able to put out a "who wants to be in my [game] playthrough?" post, and get enough response to make it worthwhile. And then I'd like to do it.
-Get my voice training going some more. I want to be an alto, and I want to sound like a girl, and progress is slow on both of those but not zero.
-Exchange money for vtuber-related goods and services. I do have one art coming already! This'll probably always be a slow steady drip, I have some budget but not a ton.
-Endurance stream(s?) One of my faves did an 18-hour debut, and I want to do that one time to see if I can. There are also just a lot of fun things you can do with endurance streams or X-thons format wise that I'd like to try.
-Tabletop gaming. Maybe with handcam?
-There are a lot of senpais that I would like to notice me, and probably most of them won't, but hey maybe I can befriend a couple?
-Develop my social skills to the point where a zatsudan would be fun for the viewers
-Better tech: capture card, good recording mic, face tracking, maybe even a setup where I could actually use a real dang mouse, or at least a better controller
Long Term/unlikely but still plausible
-Close friends?
-Consistently stream like 4-5 times a week....somehow?
Pipe dreams
-Part-time job levels of income, doing this as a main job sounds very stressful and I do actually like my IRL job
-Join Holo-EN
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