#now i eep. goodnight. love and light
foxceus · 1 year
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animeomegas · 3 years
I don't know if it counts as a request, if so then ignore it please-- but I have a headcanon of Near and Mello with the L's alpha like,,Near being the first to directly open up to his father's new partner while Mello silently judges him. I feel like it would take a long time to gain Mello's trust haha.
(my english is so trashhhhh i'm sorry if sounds nonsense 😭😭 i love your work<3)
(It all makes perfect sense and your English is great! Thank you so much for your kind words as well! 💓)
You’re absolutely right, Near finds attaching to L’s alpha easier than Mello does. Like, a lot easier.
It takes about three days for Near to play next to the alpha, and about two weeks to play with the alpha, and about a month to fall asleep cuddled up with the alpha.
Once two months has passed, Near fully treats L’s alpha as his other parent and is very attached to them.
Mello is trickier.
He’s more defensive. He’s terrified of getting attached and then being abandoned and hurt, so he avoids attaching to his step-parent as much as possible. And to make matters worse, he resents that Near gets so attached so easily.
Mello goes out of his way to show favouritism with L, as a way to piss L’s alpha off, but they just smile this infuriating smile and say how cute it is that he loves his dad. And he’s not cute!
Wearing Mello down is a slow process filled with bribery and consistency, just showing him that you'll always be there. It takes Mello about a year to start properly treating his father’s alpha like his parent, and even then, there are some bumps in the road, but it’s a worthy endeavour, because Mello is a sweet kid under his aggressive act.
“Okay,” you say, turning off the film you had all been watching together. “It’s bedtime now boys.”
Near blinks at you slowly before holding up his arms in a silent wish to be carried. He had been dozing on your lap for most of the second half of the film, so you weren’t surprised that he was being so docile.
But Mello… you watch him huff at the suggestion of bedtime… he’s always more difficult. He hasn’t really warmed up to you yet, so bedtimes could sometimes create conflict between you two.
You pick up Near first and settle him in your arms before offering a hand for Mello to take.
He doesn’t take it.
“Can we say goodnight to daddy first?” Near asks, question muffled by your shoulder.
“Of course, come on Mello, we’re going to say goodnight to daddy now.”
Mello doesn’t put up too much of a fuss and follows you and Near into the corridor, pointedly not holding your hand.
The hotel you are staying in is massive, and so Lawliet had given you and the boys your own floor when you had first arrived, so to go and say goodnight, you have to walk through some eerie, empty hotel corridors.
Near buries his face in your shoulder again, and you can feel Mello walking more closely by your side than normal.
“We’re nearly there, boys, nothing to be scar-“
The lights suddenly cut out.
“Eep,” Mello squeaks, immediately fisting his hand into your top, his body pressed right up against your leg. “It's dark!”
You can’t see at all, but you snake down a hand to rub soothingly over Mello’s head.
“It’s okay, it’s just a powercut, I’m sure daddy will have it fixed in a moment. He’s super fast, you know that.”
As you just finish speaking those words, the lights turn back on.
“See? Everything’s fine.”
You continue your walk to visit your mate, but this time, with Mello clutching firmly onto your hand and a small smile on your face.
L is delighted that he can have his pups travel with him, and he shows his appreciation in small ways so that his alpha knows how he feels. L’s happiness is eventually what convinces Mello to give the alpha a shot, and ultimately improves their relationship leaps and bounds.
It’s never smooth sailing to merge into a family like this (especially one so atypical), but after a few years, it’s very clear that the rewards far outweighed the struggles.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 4 years
Lepidoterophobia Prt. Three (Finale)
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: A couple of y’all asked real nice for kisses and you know what, that’s valid. Shinobu is such a tease though so she’s gonna make you work for it! Just not in the way you’d expect. It’s all fluff but get ready for some loving caresses and a massage at one point! It gets a little frisky, but nothing too explicit and sorry for the sub bottom energy but, come on, its Shinobu. I think this will be it for this little series. Thanks for liking it so much! <3 (Part One) (Part Two) Word Count: 4,977
(Y/n) had been recuperating within the Butterfly Estate for only two weeks before she felt as if she was about to lose her mind.
She still hadn’t been allowed to leave her bed. Only limited movement and changes in position to partake in very simple exercises and to avoid bed sores were permitted. What made it even more depressing was how the small movements would take the little energy she had right out of her. Then there was that disgusting medicine as well. (Y/n), quite literally, almost threw up the first time Aoi had given it to her. Aoi had scolded her good after that, going on about a special brewing process and rare ingredients; how Shinobu had worked tirelessly to make it for her.
Shinobu... Now, if (Y/n) had to assemble a list of reasons for the impending mental breakdown she felt coming on, Kochou Shinobu would be at the tippy top of that list.
She was an absolute tease! Lingering touches, no regard for personal space whatsoever. Then there was her downright devious way with words that could make (Y/n)’s skin heat intensely and her brain short circuit, leaving her completely out of commission for the rest of the day in some cases.
That was to be expected though, especially since this was Shinobu they were thinking about, and (Y/n) was fine with that. She wouldn’t want her any other way. However, despite all of the teasing, or because of all of the teasing rather, Shinobu and (Y/n) had yet to kiss, unless one counted nose and cheek kisses of course. There was no shortage of those sweet affections.  And it wasn’t like (Y/n) hadn’t attempted on quite a few occasion to initiate a kiss herself, but her attempts had always been thwarted. If not by the sweet little girls of the estate interrupting the moment, then by Shinobu herself turning her head so (Y/n)’s lips would meet the soft skin of her cheek instead.
There were a few close instances, such as last night when Shinobu had come by to bid (Y/n) goodnight. She hovered over (Y/n)’s face, close enough that (Y/n) could feel the air leave Shinobu’s lips and wash over her own as she spoke. Unfortunately, (Y/n) had forgotten to actually pay attention to what Shinobu was saying, which led to more teasing.
After Shinobu had thoroughly roasted (Y/n), she delicately cupped the side of (Y/n)’s cheek, her cool and calloused thumb had skimmed over her lower lip, pulling it to the side slightly as Shinobu came closer still. Their noses brushed and (Y/n) almost forgot to breathe, her head muddled with the dizzying wisteria scent that clung to the other woman. (Y/n)’s eyes slid shut and her heart beat pounded in her ears. The feeling of Shinobu’s thumb as she made another pass over her lip was electric, fire, leaving a tingling feeling in its wake over the trembling flesh.
And then, a sweet yet chaste kiss to (Y/n)’s hairline and Shinobu rose back to her full height, an undisguised smirk and gleaming, mischievous eyes filled (Y/n)’s vision as her own eyes snapped open to look over the Hashira with a barely contained sense of betrayal. Shinobu’s pigeoned laughter rang in (Y/n)‘s ears for hours after the Hashira had retired to her own bedroom and (Y/n) awkwardly maneuvered herself in her own bed to yell into her pillow.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n), are you sleeping with your eyes open? What an unsettling habit.”
“Hm?” (Y/n) blinked, turning her head to see the devil herself smiling down at her. She looked unfairly angelic in the soft sunlight that was streaming through the window. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”
“Thinking about what?” Shinobu asked, taking a familiar perch on the edge of (Y/n)’s bed.
“Meh,” (Y/n) shrugged, willing the beating of her heart to not betray her, “Nothing. What were you saying earlier?”
Shinobu leveled a look at (Y/n) that could be clearly interpreted as saying something along the lines of, ‘I could easily grill you for the answers I want, but I’m feeling merciful at the moment so I’ll let it be’. “I had said good morning and asked you if you were ready for your light exercises. It was strange to see you look so focused. I’ll admit, I didn’t know your brain could work so hard. Don’t strain it too much though, okay?”
“Shinobu!” (Y/n) huffed, pursing her lips while Shinobu laughed at her cute expression.
“Oh don’t take it too hard, (Y/n). You know I’m just teasing. I think you’re quite intelligent,” Shinobu praised, leaning over to land a quick peck to (Y/n)’s forehead before pulling back up. “Now how about we sit you up, okay?”
“Okay,” (Y/n) couldn’t stop the small smile tugging at her lips in response to Shinobu’s affections, “I’m ready.”
(Y/n) strained her core, and with a little help from Shinobu pushing at her back, she managed to sit upright in bed without much fuss. Still, (Y/n) felt a little light headed from the excursion.
“Take a moment to focus on your breathing.” Shinobu said. She had noticed (Y/n) swallow thickly and rubbed her back in soothing circles. “Let me know when your ready to move to the edge of the bed.”
After a minute passed, (Y/n) nodded at Shinobu and slowly but surely they worked together so that (Y/n)’s legs dangled off of the side of the bed and her arms hung loosely at her sides. It had really surprised (Y/n) how quickly her health had deteriorated in the wake of the butterfly demon’s attack. Even her legs which had been her best asset to her survival that night, felt like lead now. Heavy and weakened like the rest of her body as her energy was sapped away to heal the most damaged areas.
“Let’s begin with your arms, shall we?” Shinobu spoke almost in a whisper, her mind undoubtedly returning to that hard night as well. “Can you lift them for me?”
(Y/n) fought against the heavy feeling in her arms. Thanking the gods for the absence of the snug slings she no longer had to wear constantly. Though she had to fight hard, the burn she felt as she raised her arms felt kind of good, like stretching a sore muscle. She only managed to raise her straightened arms so that her hands were about level with her navel before they started to tense and shake.
“Good, Just hold.” Shinobu coached. (Y/n) held the position for almost fifteen seconds before she let her arms fall back to her sides in a sharp exhale of air. “Well done. Take a couple breaths and try another rep, okay?”
(Y/n) made it through three more repetitions. Blood thrummed in her ears and a light sheen of sweat covered her forehead but she had done better than yesterday and that was all she could ask for. Next were the wrist rotations which were a welcome relief despite the slight discomfort (Y/n) felt reverberate in her elbows. Then the finger flexes and shoulder rolls solidified the poor slayer’s exhaustion, but at least that signified the end of her light stretches. Or so she thought.
“We should really stretch your legs a bit. They feel stiff, don’t they?” Shinobu inquired, inspecting (Y/n) from where she stood in front of her, a finger tapping against her chin as she spoke.
“They have been feeling rather stiff,” (Y/n) agreed, “but I’m sure if I tried to stand up right now I’d buckle over like a sack of rice.”
“No need to stand. Usually I’d get the younger girls to help with such things but it won’t take long, lean back,” Even as Shinobu spoke, she didn’t give (Y/n) enough time to move on her own, pushing her flat on her back with a gentle hand pressed firmly against (Y/n)’s chest near her collarbone.
“Wah- wait. Aren’t you going to talk me through it or— eep!” (Y/n) choked on her words as Shinobu worked her hips between (Y/n)’s legs which still dangled off the bed. (Y/n) felt her blood pressure skyrocket as the space between them completely disappeared.
One of Shinobu’s hands moved slowly, excruciating so, over (Y/n)’s thigh in a way that was entirely unnecessary.
“Are you alright, (Y/n)? I’m not hurting you am I?” Shinobu cooed while her hand disappeared under the backside of (Y/n)’s thigh.
“No!” (Y/n) squeaked, cursing the way her voice rose another octave above her normal cadence.
“Good, I hope we can keep it that way. Let me know if it gets to be too much, okay dear?”
It should be a crime to have a voice that can hold such power over a person like that. Shinobu could have told (Y/n) to climb to the top of Natagumo Mountain and jump off and she’d have done it, no questions asked. (Y/n) released a shuddering breath and nodded her response, unable to trust her own voice to reply without risk of further embarrassment.
Shinobu hummed and pushed up on the back of (Y/n)’s thigh, her hand naturally sliding up to the crook of the slayer’s knee as the leg rose up. Slowly, she began to push the knee inward towards (Y/n)’s chest. (Y/n) winced slightly at the stretch, but it hardly registered in comparison to Shinobu’s extremely close proximity.
Shinobu placed her once idle hand over (Y/n)’s knee cap, her other hand sliding further up to cup (Y/n)’s calf, gently squeezing while she raised the rest of the leg and began to slowly stretch it over (Y/n)’s torso as far as she could get it to go.
(y/n) sucked in a breath, “Okay, that burns a bit!”
Shinobu paused her movements and held the leg in position, “Not bad flexibility, (Y/n). With a little bit of work I bet you could go even further. I think I’d like to see.”
What was (Y/n) supposed to say to that? She made some uncommitted sound and tried not to think too intently about how Shinobu was pressing into her. After a few more moments of holding the position, Shinobu moved the leg outward to stretch it from another angle. The limb cracked near the base of her hip and (Y/n) sighed with relief. This was a lot more gentle than what the younger girls put her through during recovery training all those months ago.
“Oh? Does that feel better, (Y/n)?” Shinobu asked, her voice like honey and silk. Her hands slowly massaging the muscles of (Y/n)’s calf and thigh. (Y/n) nodded, her eyes nearly closing as she focused on Shinobu’s ministrations. “I’d like to hear you say so, just to make sure.”
“Yeah, it feels awesome.” (Y/n) sighed again, unabashed. Shinobu giggled.
“Wonderful, let’s move on to the other one then, shall we?”
“Gods, yes please!” (Y/n) responded eagerly, rubbing her free leg against Shinobu’s side until Shinobu took hold of it and gave it the same treatment as the other leg which was now hanging loosely over the edge of the bed.
By the time Shinobu had brought (Y/n)’s other leg back down, (Y/n) was trying to fight off sleep. However, the loosened and relaxed state of her muscles after the stretches clearly were beating out her efforts.
“Wow, (Y/n). Tired already? You haven’t even eaten breakfast yet.” Shinobu commented while she absently ran her hands over (Y/n)’s thighs, the motion felt comforting.
“I know,” (Y/n) groaned, “It's your fault for being so good at your job. I feel like a limp noodle, a very sleepy limp noodle.”
“Oh?” Shinobu chuckled. Sliding her hands purposefully upward until they rested at either side of (Y/n)’s ribs. The shift in her weight had her resting on her elbows, her chest resting just below (Y/n)’s. “Perhaps I could find a way to liven you up.”
“What do you have in mind?” (Y/n) asked slyly, hoping Shinobu couldn’t hear how fast her heart was racing. She wrapped her legs over Shinobu’s hips, locking her in, in hope to distract her, but also to egg her on.
Shinobu grinned at (Y/n) and shimmied closer. One of her hands came up to cradle (Y/n)’s jaw. She leaned even closer and landed a quick kiss to (Y/n)’s chin, then she pressed another one in the crook of (Y/n)’s neck, making the injured slayer laugh as she nuzzled closer.
“Oh!” (Y/n)‘s eyes shot wide open as the feeling of teeth grazing the sensitive skin of her neck.
“Hm? What is it, (Y/n)?” Shinobu asked, smiling against (Y/n)’s neck. “You seem to be perking up already.” she added, punctuating her words with a quick swipe of her tongue over (Y/n)’s neck, making the girl beneath her shiver.
(Y/n) whimpered quietly, much to her embarrassment, while Shinobu lavished her neck with attentions. Shinobu slowly worked her way upward, kissing her jaw and cheek before connecting her line of vision with (Y/n)’s.
The lovestruck look in (Y/n)’s eyes quickly morphed into an indignant glare as she perceived the familiar, mischievous glimmer in Shinobu’s plum colored irises.
“No.” (Y/n) said, her tone disbelieving. “No.” She said again, this time with a little more force behind it, shaking her head while Shinobu grinned down at her. “Shinobu!”
“I’m sorry (Y/n), but my meeting is starting soon so I must be off. Aoi will be by with breakfast soon. Make sure you eat it all so you can get stronger, okay?”
“But—!” (Y/n) tried to hold Shinobu to her body by tightening her legs around her but they did nothing to help her in her weakened state. Shinobu easily slipped free and (Y/n)‘s legs dropped back down over the edge of the bed in defeat.
“No buts! Let’s get you turned around quick, alright?” Shinobu grunted as she hoisted (Y/n)’s lower half and twisted (Y/n)’s body to lay fully on the bed with very little help from the dumbfounded, disgruntled girl. Then with a quick, teasing squeeze of (Y/n)’s knee, she was gone.
(Y/n)’s arm shook as she painstakingly pulled one of the pillows behind her free and pressed it as hard as she could over her face. “What the fuck?! AHH!” (Y/n) screamed, her voice muffled by the dense material.
The next time Shinobu walked into her room, (Y/n) had decided that was going to kiss her. She was going to kiss her full on the mouth or die trying because if she knew one thing, it was that she couldn’t play Shinobu’s games any longer.
For the rest of the day (Y/n)’s head was filled with thoughts of Shinobu getting a taste of her own medicine. (Y/n) had it all planned out. First, she was going to tease and flirt. How hard could that be? Shinobu made it look as easy as breathing. Then, once Shinobu had been thoroughly charmed, she would be practically begging for (Y/n) to sweep her off her feet, metaphorically of course, at least until (Y/n) wasn’t on bed arrest anymore. Then she’d kiss her and it would be Shinobu who would short circuit, Shinobu who would be at (Y/n)’s complete mercy! A foolproof plan!
(Y/n)’s chance came around midday four days later. Shinobu had been sent away on a mission soon after her meeting, giving (Y/n) plenty of time to think of how to execute her plan of action. The slayer sat upright in her bed now that she could do so herself without too much strain. She stared the door down with a determined gaze, gently scratching behind Mochi’s head while the bird stood in her lap. Any minute now she would come through that door. Prepare to be seduced, Kochou Shinobu!
A knock resonated off the door before it slid open a moment later and Shinobu glided in. Mochi cawed happily, flapping off of (Y/n)’s lap to fly around the Hashira in greeting. Shinobu simpered at the overly enthusiastic raven and told the bird about a fresh meal worm cake with his name on it. Mochi screeched and Shinobu laughed, ducking her head as Mochi flew out the door and towards the garden at mach speed. Then Shinobu closed the door behind her. Then, when she turned back and smiled a most dazzling smile that was all for (Y/n), every suave thing (Y/n) had thought to say flew right out the window. Four days of planning, completely down the drain. And all that remained was one lovestruck idiot.
“H-hey... you.” (Y/n) greeted, returning Shinobu’s smile although she was definitely screaming at herself on the inside.
“Hey yourself. You already look so much better than the last time I saw you! You’ve been keeping up with your medications and stretches, right?” Shinobu sat herself down on the edge of the bed. Her back was tilted away from (Y/n) and one leg was tucked and bent over the bed sheets while the other swung off the bed. (Y/n) also noticed that curiously, Shinobu had one hand hidden behind her back.
“Of course I have. I want to get better as soon as possible.” (Y/n) nodded resolutely. “Now,” (Y/n) tilted her head and eyed Shinobu warily, “what have you got behind your back?”
“I have something I want to test with you, a game of sorts, (Y/n).” Shinobu grinned devilishly.
“I have a feeling I don’t want to play this game if that look on your face is anything to go by.”
“Oh don’t be like that, (Y/n). I think it will be good for you. Won’t you please do this? The reward should you succeed will be very sweet.”
“Hrrrmmmm,” (Y/n) winced as she adjusted herself on the bed to sit a bit straighter and looked at Shinobu suspiciously. The Hashira’s eyes gave nothing away and (Y/n) sighed. “I suppose I could humor you. I’ve missed you after all.”
Shinobu simpered, and bounced a bit closer to (Y/n) on the bed, jostling her somewhat. Her hand was still behind her back as the other one lovingly brushed at (Y/n)’s hair. “(Y/n), you’re too sweet,” she cooed, “I missed you too.” She came even closer and nuzzled (Y/n)’s nose with hers, giving it a quick peck before withdrawing. Her face appeared to have morphed into a more serious disposition that had (Y/n) feeling both confused and filled with a sense of apprehension.
“Uh, I don’t usually associate such serious expressions with games.” (Y/n) laughed nervously.
“Perhaps I misspoke earlier,” Shinobu amended, a bit sheepishly, “It’s not a game, I should not have phrased it as such. I’m sorry. I was belittling you without you even knowing, without me realizing. I didn’t mean to, I-“
“Shinobu,” (Y/n) covered the Pillar’s free hand with her own, “it’s okay. What is it?”
“Remember what I said about exposure therapy a while back?”
“Shinobu, no.” (Y/n) backed as far as she could against the headboard, her heart beat picking up pace.
“(Y/n), I think it would be good for you. I’m not saying you have to love butterflies, I just want to help lower the distress and anxiety you feel when they are near.”
“Maybe you should focus on your own fear of furry animals before you start trying to fix my problems.” (Y/n) shook her head, her eyes flickering between Shinobu’s own and the Hashira’s hidden arm.
“I told you, it’s not a fear. I just can’t stand the mess all that shedded fur makes. Need I remind you that I’m allergic to the dander left by most of those furry beasts?” Shinobu easily countered.
(Y/n) thought back to earlier last week when Naho had smuggled in a stray dog to feed it. Kiyo and Sumi had gotten an idea in their heads that if they could hide the dog from Shinobu, they could keep it. Unfortunately, they were not very good at keeping their excitement to themselves. They had already led the dog through most of the estate, including the infirmary just before Shinobu made her morning rounds. By the time they reached (Y/n)’s room to show her the sweet pup, Shinobu was already there, trying to find some solace from the irritants that ransacked her senses. Her eyes were irritated, puffy and watery. Loud, unrefined sniffles and sneezes practically had the poor Hashira gasping for air. (Y/n)‘ s heart went out to her, but the way Shinobu’s voice sounded while she was so congested was insanely adorable.
Shinobu had admonished the girls as gently as she could between ferocious sneezes that seemed impossibly loud coming from such a small woman. (Y/n) felt bad for the girls, for the dog, but at least the dog hadn’t been a stray after all.
Fortunately, it had belonged to the Wind Pillar of all people. Giyuu had apparently been charged with watching the dog while he was away on a mission. He had lost sight of it and had been looking for the fluffy white dog all morning. (Y/n) couldn’t help but chuckle as she recalled how Shinobu shit talked Shinazugawa and Tomioka while sitting at the desk in (Y/n)’s room while she mixed herself some medication between wiping her nose and dabbing tears from her eyes.
“You were so cute!” (Y/n) thought gleefully.
“There was nothing cute about it. I felt disgusting.” Shinobu disagreed, the vein in her forehead pulsed faintly. “Now, back to the subject at hand. (Y/n), behind my back I have a specimen jar. In this jar is a butterfly that is so small, it’s wingspan is only about half the size of my pinky finger,” Shinobu slid her free hand out from under (Y/n)’s and stuck out her pinky finger, “See how small that is?”
(Y/n) had wanted to say something snarky, something along the lines of every part of Shinobu being small, but she smartly kept that comment to herself and simply nodded instead. Shinobu put her hand back down over (Y/n)’s.
“The butterfly can’t get out unless you untwist the lid. All I want you to do is hold the jar for a minute. This is a completely controlled, safe environment for you to explore your responses to butterflies. If you really don’t want to try, I won’t force you. I’m only suggesting because I really wish for you to be more comfortable here, to feel more at home.”
(Y/n)’s heart warmed at Shinobu’s admission. Yes, Shinobu had an air about her that (Y/n) felt powerless to deny, but Shinobu would never want to take advantage of her nor anyone else. Though she provoked and teased like a demon, Shinobu was endlessly kind and compassionate where it mattered.
(Y/n) gave the Hashira a nervous smile and shakily presented her hands over her lap, “Don’t mess this up Kochou. I’m only doing this because I like you so much.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Shinobu said, sincerely. Finally, she produced the specimen jar from behind her back, cupping the bottom with her opposite hand while the other held firmly from the side. She gauged (Y/n)’s expression and observed for any intense discomfort in her body language as her hands made their approach.
(Y/n) immediately locked on to the small butterfly fluttering against the glass and swallowed hard. Her throat suddenly felt unbearably dry. Despite this, she kept her palms, now slightly sweaty, upturned in front of her, waiting.
(Y/n) jolted, feeling Shinobu’s knuckles slide against her palm. The only barrier left between the glass and her skin was slipping away.
“Oh gods!” All too quickly Shinobu’s hands were gone, hovering at either side of the glass, and (Y/n) was left holding the jar. “WhoooeeeEEAH! nooo nonono fuck-!“ (Y/n) scrambled to adjust her hold, only allowing the very tips of her fingers to hold on. Of course she realized that there was a layer of glass between herself and the insect, but she couldn’t help but hastily adjust her fingers every time the small insect fluttered too close. “Shinobu!”
“It’s okay, you’re doing great!” Shinobu encouraged. “Try focusing on telling me what you notice about the butterfly.”
“It looks like it’s out for blood!” (Y/n) exclaimed sharply, not taking her eyes off the specimen jar. Her fingers still dancing clumsily around the glass.
“How about you tell me about what you can physically see that is scientifically sound.” Shinobu tried again.
“It’s blue with black edges that have little white dots and it’s fast as hell! I think it’s tongue thing is flexing at me! Why is it doing that?!”
“That’s the proboscis, (Y/n). Butterflies use it to drink the nectar from flowers.” Shinobu provided helpfully.
“I bet it would drink my blood like a mosquito if it had the chance!” (y/n) thought bitterly.
“It physically can’t, (Y/n). The proboscis is too weak too pierce skin.”
“Is that true?” (Y/n) asked skeptically, “There’s not a single butterfly that would suck me dry if it could?”
“There is not a single butterfly in all of Japan that could do that to you, (Y/n).” Shinobu assured. Of course, she had read about some species of butterflies and moths overseas that did have the capability to drink blood and even presented the salty nutrients to their mates. She wasn’t going to tell (Y/n) that bit of information anytime soon though.
“Okay, that’s actually kind of reassuring, but it still freaks me out!” (Y/n)‘s fingers had finally found purchase on the rim of the metal lid. The butterfly inside had finally calmed down and settled at the bottom of the jar, it’s wings flapping intermittently.
“That’s okay, do you think you can tell me anything else about it? Our time is just about up.”
“Its legs bend weird. Its eyes are soulless. It looks like it’s resting now but it’s just biding its time.”
“Biding it’s time before I let it back out into the garden perhaps, but it has neither the desire nor the means to harm you.” Shinobu assured.
(Y/n) pursed her lips. She was staring so intently at the insect that she hardly registered Shinobu’s movements until she was fully straddling her thighs.
“What are you doing?” (Y/n) mumbled, not taking her eyes away from the jar despite Shinobu’s change in position. The Insect Pillar did not speak, instead lifting (Y/n)’s chin up. “Hey!” (Y/n) exclaimed. She tried to keep her head down, unwilling to let the butterfly out of her sight lest it suddenly disappear. Yet, Shinobu persisted, taking either side of (Y/n)’s head in her hands, drawing closer until all (Y/n) could see was purple. “Shi-“
(Y/n)’s mind went delightfully numb, filled with a fuzzy warmth that radiated all the way down to her toes. She leaned further into the kiss, reveling in the softness of Shinobu’s lips nipping against her own. After a few more moments, (Y/n) could feel Shinobu’s lips part into a smile against her own and (Y/n) couldn’t help but do the same, resting her forehead on Shinobu’s.
“What was that for?” (Y/n) giggled breathlessly, her hands had somehow made their way to Shinobu’s neck, her fingers laced behind her head threatening to pull the Hashira back in at a moment’s notice.
“Hm? Can’t I kiss my girlfriend?” Shinobu teased, landing a quick, a more chaste, kiss to (Y/n)’s lips.
“You can, and you have, but never on the lips. What changed? I thought you were going to tease me about it forever.”
“As entertaining as that sounds, I was actually trying to do you a favor.” Shinobu grinned.
“How do you figure that?” (Y/n) asked, looking at Shinobu incredulously.
“Because now that I’ve got a taste of you, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.”
Another kiss more fiery and involved than the last. (Y/n) actually had to slip her hands down Shinobu’s chest and push her away so she could catch her breath.
“Not that I mind, and I really don’t mind,” (Y/n) spoke between breaths, “but what changed, why right this minute?”
“It was your reward.” Shinobu stated plainly.
“Oh my, you really did forget already, haven’t you? I’m sorry, I hadn’t realized I had cut off the oxygen supply to your brain so effectively.”
Suddenly (Y/n)’s eyes snapped down to her lap and yelled loud enough for Shinobu to wince and lean back a smidge. How had (Y/n) forgotten? She picked up the discarded specimen jar by the lid using her index finger and thumb and scanned the inside, shivering once she found the butterfly still inside. Then she reached to place it on the bedside table, it made a little clattering sound as she quickly removed her hand as if the glass had burned her. Pulling Shinobu closer, (Y/n) buried her face in her chest and groaned while Shinobu laughed and patted (Y/n)’s head.
“You distracted me.” (Y/n)’s muffled voice accused.
“Perhaps, but didn’t it feel nice? And look, you are no worse for wear. In fact, I might even say you looked even more relaxed than before we began.”
“So what, are you going to kiss me every time I see a butterfly? Hardly seems practical.”
“Mmm but what a lovely idea. There are certainly enough around that I could get several kisses every day. If we make a habit out of it, sooner or later when you see a butterfly, your first reaction will be to pucker up rather than screaming.” Shinobu mused.
“Can’t you just be satisfied knowing that you’re the only butterfly I have ever, and will ever like?” (Y/n) paused, “Well, you and Kanao, Aoi, Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi.”
“I’m so honored.” Shinobu smiled and rolled her eyes, still stroking (Y/n)’s hair.
“You should be. It’s a very exclusive list. But there is an even more exclusive list that only you have access to.” (Y/n) said, returning to an upright position to face Shinobu once more.
“And what list would that be?”
(Y/n) tilted her head and stole another kiss from Shinobu who eagerly reciprocated, chasing (Y/n)’s lips even as she pulled away, giggling.
“The list of butterflies that I could not be happier to kiss.”
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someone1348 · 3 years
This is for my lovely best friend who was kind enough to write me a fic! Here's yours! @sleepy--anon i hope you enjoy!
People in this: Ler!Sapnap, Lee!Quackity
(Karlnapity romance so if you dont like that dont read it!)
Tw: like the smallest bit of angst (jealousy) pretty much! Thats it though it's soft! For the most part! And mild cursing!
Plot: While Karl is out on a "business trip" (time travel stuff) he leaves his other two husband's alone and well lets just say it was an eventful evening to say the least
With all that being said enjoyyyy :]
Tickle fights and Tickling in general was almost an everyday occurrence in the Karlnapity household. It pretty much was second nature to the three.
With that comes ler moods and lee moods poping up left and right. Typically between the three Sapnap was ler the most, followed by Quackity with Karl most of the time being lee, nothing bad of course, they loved the dynamic of everything from this specific thing to how their relationship worked. They were happy and that's all that mattered.
The days went on as they normally do.
"EE! SAHahap! StahAhap!" Karl would twist around from Sap's evil fingers pushing at the boy's hands, giggling freely as quackity watched smiling a bit as his two husband's went on to do what they do.
It was always like this for the most part. While he was getting a snack,
"No pLEase!! Hehe" Karl's beautiful laugh could be heard from the other room.
While cuddling, sap would run his fingers over the time traveler's stomach sending sweet giggles to flow out of their husband's mouth.
Even in the store one time Sapnap poked at Karl's sides. Of course Quackity would join in sometimes to tickle his favorite lee (leaning) fiancé, but he was jealous, beyond jealous.
Seeing this everyday not only built up on his lee moods but he just wanted to be involved, not just in tickles but in the relationship. He wants cuddles and attention and affection from the two people he loves most.
And yeah with the lee moods he has bad but it's not the same. He wants his husband's and so help me thats what he was gonna get. He was a man on a mission.
'Let's goooo!!' He thought in his head as he started the day.
Karl had left last night, the bed was alot colder now. He turned to see Sap curled up onto his side his mouth slightly a-jar with his hair flowing perfectly on top of his face.
He sighed happily lightly pushing some of the hair out of his face. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this happy and in love.
'I'm gonna make him breakfast' He thought getting up carefully as to not wake him and got started on cooking up his favorites.
Not even 20 minutes later the firey boy poked his head into the kitchen
"Mmmm yay! Thank you babe!"
Quackity smiled "Anytime"
After the two finished the scilence became loud.
"What do you wanna do?" Quackity asked rocking a bit back and fouth on his heels trying not to make the scilence anymore awkward.
"I got work to do so you entertain yourself, I'll be quick"
Quackity nodded "okay! Good luck!"
"Thanks" Sap said shooting him a smile leaving back to their shared room to do the said work.
The beanie boy sighed flopping down onto the couch. He flipped on a random channel and texted Karl.
'Hey Baby!! I hope your trip is going good,we miss you and can't wait to see you tomorrow!<3'
He held the phone close to his chest letting out another sigh. He knew in his heart that Sapnap was gonna be busy all day so instead of sulking he told him he was going for a walk.
He went walking around, coming back, making more food, playing video games. All while sap typed away at the keyboard.
It wasn't helping at all it only increased the feeling of wanting to be with his Sapnap, his fiancé, he wanted attention and love dammit!
The smaller boy marched up to their room.
the bandana wearing man shook and snaped up to look at his clearly ticked off tiny lover.
"WOAH! what!?! Yes?!" He said furrowing his eyebrows.
"Are you done yet?"
The other slowly blinked "uhhhh,," he looked back at his work "nope not yet"
"Too bad! You are now finished because i say so!" He crossed his arm's
"Ha! Yeah thats cute hun but im busy, i gotta get this done, im sorry, I'll be there soon"
Quackity scoffed "whatever" he left as sapnap sighed
'He's never like this, maybe i should stop and check on him' Sapnap thought closing his laptop quietly sneaking up on his amazing fiancé on the couch.
"HIYA!" he tackled him to the couch holding him close.
"WA!- SHIT!" he fell over with him now in a cuddly trap, smiling widely giggling a bit.
"What's wrong Quacky babe" Sap said concerningly putting his head to his adorable smol husband's shoulder.
"I wanted to hang out together,,, i want to be involved, i want attention and affection and love sapnap and i haven't gotten anyyy in a long time" Quackity spilled out as sap processed everything.
'Looking back i see where he's coming from, it's been alot of Karl-'
"Don't get me wrong i love karl and i love giving him attention and affection and everything and i love watching you two be that way with each other i just i guess i felt a bit left out"
Sapnap nodded,
"Im Sorwy baps, forgive me?" He used his small voice making quackity cringe a bit jokingly.
"Give me attention and we will see what happens" He smirked
"Hmmmm" He anticipated his moves and ideas watching quackity's eyes that were pointed right to his hands
'So that's what he wants' he smirked wider lightly running his fingers slowly up and down his sides.
The other on top of him tensed "s-sap"
"Yea babe?" He said as if he wasn't tracing the man's sides with tickly anticipation.
"W-what are you doing?"
"Giving you attention, isn't that what you wanted?" He smiled at him as Quackity sank into Sapnap's embrace leaning his head on the pillow behind them, Sapnap's head still on his shoulder.
Sap lowly giggled quickly stittering his hands his stomach then back to his sides watching him lift up and squeak.
"You're such a dick" Qauckalee said in a joking matter making Sapnap's smirk deepen.
"Oh im a dick?!" He digged into his stomach watching as quackity squealed digged his heels to the end of the couch.
"Thats my name love~" sap moved closer towards his bellybutton.
"Yes there! The giggle button has been unpressed for wayy to long, i need it to make up for the lost times Quackity"
Sapnap giggled with him taking in every werid noise and laugh that the touch starved lee had made.
Seeing it was clear he wasn't used to it he slowed down moving back to his sides lightly to get his breathing steady again.
"Easy tiger, i got you" he reassured him getting his breathing together
"Im gonna getcha'!" Sapnap said moving up towards his ribs scribbling along up and down and In-between.
The smaller's back arched as his giggles mixed into light laughter.
"AyEehehe naha-Ha! Tickles!! It tickles!!" The man rang out trying to squirm out of his fiancé's tickle trap.
"Thats the point Quacker's im hungryyyy i need your giggles to surviveee" he lightly blew a raspberry onto his neck, the other scrunching up
"Nomnomnom" he made fake eating sounds, playing pretend before blowing another raspberry into his neck.
Sapnap giggled and stopped holding him close rubbing circles into the top of his hand
"Come here bubba" He lifted Quackity up letting him wrap around him while he got a blanket.
Sitting back down he put the blanket overtop of them throwing on the Disney movie Coco for some well deserved aftercare and fiancé time, Playing with his hair Sapnap smiled down at his man kissing the top of his head.
"We gotta get you a haircut buddy its so long" he teased as quackity laughed
"I'll get a haircut the day you shave" the tired one teased back both laughing together enjoying the moment, the beanie boy slowly falling asleep on his chest.
"Goodnight handsome" he placed another kiss to the top of his head.
Quackity's phone went off, Sapnap looked, it was Karl.
'Hi bubby!! It's going lmao, i miss you both so much too! I'll be home soon i promise! And when i do get home It's cuddle time! Hehe I'll talk to you soon quack baby! Tell sap i said hi and that i love him too! *mwah!*'
Sapnap smiled and put the phone back down to the side of him, smiling at the boy in his arms.
'Homework can wait'
I absolutely LOVED writing this! I love Karlnapity! I hope you all enjoyedd! :]
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Sweet Tooth
AKA 3 times Patton gave away his lollipops, and one time he took them back.
DLMR (Janus/Logan/Patton/Remus), Patton POV
Word Count: 3,768
Thank you to everyone that helped with this fic (especially @cute-and-angsty-princess for coming up with the original idea!)
The first time was a complete accident.
Patton had always had a love for sweets. Candies specifically. Jellybeans, chocolate bars, gumdrops, you name it. He loved every sugary treat Thomas had ever eaten, and he always had a few candies in his pocket just in case. It’s always a different candy each time. Somedays he’ll have Hershey kisses to eat between recordings, other days he'll have a pack of bubble gum to chew on and blow pretty pink bubbles.
Today, he had lollipops.
Patton vividly remembered these lollipops as a reward for doing his job well. Every time that Thomas did good at the doctor’s office or behaved in certain restaurants, his parents would get him a tiny flavored lollipop to suck on. They were overly sweet and just the right size, and every time Thomas had one Patton would be flooded with happiness because he did a good job.
And Patton felt like he deserved a lollipop today. Thomas had been struggling with a moral dilemma, and Patton had done his best to stand his ground without being pushy. It was difficult for Patton to find the middle ground between compliant and overbearing, but he was getting better at it with Janus’ help.
So here Patton was, sitting on the couch, a green apple lollipop in his mouth. He changed the flavor a little when he summoned it, so it was the perfect mix of sweet and bitter. He also made sure there was enough food coloring in it to stain his lips the prettiest shade of green.
(It had absolutely nothing to do with Remus giving Patton such a dazzling smile when he supported the dark side’s tamer ideas today. And it definitely had nothing to do with how Patton had wondered it the creative side’s lips would taste sweet or bitter, or if he’d still be able to feel them on his lips after they kissed, like the green color that stained his lips. Nope, not at all)
Anyways, here Patton was, enjoying a lollipop for a job well done. He was also updating a few of his scrapbooks, since he hadn’t done it in a while (a while being 2 weeks, but there were so many new memories to add, and so many old memories to look over and reminisce). He had just finished gluing the last photo in place when-
Patton shrieked, though it was more amusement than fear, as he jumped off the couch. Remus had popped up on the other side, chuckling as the moral side regained his composure. “I got you this time Daddy-O!”
Patton giggled, sitting up. Ever since Remus had been accepted, Patton had grown used to his disturbing imagery and tendency to pop up anywhere. Remus had seen that as a challenge, and now tried to scare Patton whenever he could (Patton didn’t think he was trying very hard though, especially since he never used spiders and the goriest thing he used was a ‘beating heart’ made entirely out of cherry-flavored gummies).
Remus huffed, crossing his arms. “I did! I saw the fear in your eyes! I could smell your fear, from the top of your head to the tip of your-” He suddenly stopped, looking over at the table. “What’s that?”
Patton looked over and smiled around his lollipop. “Oh! It’s my scrapbook.” He got up and went to flip through it but Remus stopped him, just looking at the current page. He pointed to a picture of Remus and Roman working on an idea together, but the photo was obviously more focused on the green-clad twin. He was doing something that required careful precision, and his nose was scrunched up slightly while the tip of his tongue was peeking out under his mustache.
Remus had an odd expression on his face while he looked at the photo. “...I didn’t realize you were there.”
Patton blushed, looking away. “Well that’s the point, silly! It wouldn’t have been real if you were posing for it.”
He kept that same odd expression as he started at the photo. “I guess you’re right…” He suddenly looked up, staring at Patton with that same look on his face. “What’s with the new lipstick?”
Patton frowned. “My new lip- oh!” He pulled his lollipop out and gestured with it. “It’s just my lollipop. I guess it stained more than I thought it wou- eep!”
Remus suddenly took the lollipop into his mouth, his mustache brushing against Patton’s fingers before he pulled away, taking the lollipop with him. The dark sides hummed, pulling the candy out of his mouth with a loud pop! “Green apple, my favorite! Thanks Pattypop!”
Before Patton could even think about forming words, Remus had sunk out, presumably to go enjoy the rest of the lollipop. Patton let out a strangled squeak and got up, grabbing his scrapbook and rushing back to his room.
The second time was technically accidental.
It had been 3 days since what Patton had dubbed the “Apple Accident,” and he was now able to look Remus in the eye without turning into a blushing mess. It helped that Remus never mentioned the incident, being his normal chaotic self and acting like it never happened.
It was now just after midnight and Patton was searching through the cabinets for a late night snack. Technically he could summon a treat for himself, but he was tired and just wanted to explore the kitchen and see what he could find. He was thankful that no one was awake this late into the night, so they couldn’t walk in and see how red the father figment’s cheeks were from blushing.
He had just woken up a few minutes ago from a rather interesting (and unfortunately recurring) dream. It wasn’t anything… risqué, but it was still mortifying. It always started with Patton alone in a flower field, making flower crowns. He would be halfway done with his crown before one of his crushes joined him. Usually it was just one crush, but sometimes it was two or all three of them. And Patton would lean forward for a kiss just moments before he woke up, his heart racing. This most recent one had been a little different, ending with a yellow lollipop being gently tugged from his mouth and a gloved hand cupping his cheek-
Patton shook his head, blushing hard. He came downstairs to forget about that! He just wanted to grab a treat and ignore the way his heart pounded at the thought of-
Oh. My. Gosh.
At the top of the candy drawer was a lemon-flavored lollipop. He must’ve put it there when he refilled it yesterday. Patton tentatively took the lollipop out of the drawer, the small candy suddenly feeling much more important than usual. He shouldn’t…
Patton ripped off the wrapper and quickly put it into his mouth, sighing softly as the sweet-yet-sour flavor assaulted his senses. He felt like he was doing something forbidden, and that only added to the pleasure.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”
Patton jumped and spun around to see Janus in the doorway. He tasted the lollipop on his tongue and suddenly felt like a kid caught stealing from the cookie jar. “Janus! What are you doing up so late?” He suddenly remembered the dream he had and was thankful that the dim lighting of the kitchen hid his blush.
If the deceitful side noticed his gay panicking, he didn’t mention it. “I was just looking for something sweet to have. A little bit of self-indulgence before bed.” He stepped closer, and Patton noticed his attire. Janus was wearing a pair of silk black pajamas, just a size too big so the sleeves were loose and the collar dipped down to expose part of his chest. Pale yellow-green scales ran down his neck and chest, even stretching to the tips of his fingers on his left hand. It was almost mind-boggling to just see Janus without his hat and gloves, much less the rest of his usual outfit. Patton was starting to wonder if the scales covered exactly half of his body or if they formed some sort of pattern under his shirt when Janus spoke up. “Lemon?”
Patton looked up from where he was staring at Janus’ collarbone, his blush growing deeper as he cleared his throat. “Pardon?”
Janus took another step closer, sticking his tongue out again to scent the air around him (which Patton found extremely adorable). “Is that lollipop lemon-flavored? If so, where can I find another one?”
“Oh! Yes it is! I uh-” Patton thought back to the candy drawer behind him. It might have another lemon lollipop, but Patton wasn’t sure. And if it was the only one, then the only way he could have one would be- “I’m pretty sure this is the only one.”
If Janus noticed the lie, he didn’t mention it. Instead, he stepped closer, causing Patton to scoot back as far as he could against the counter. Janus smirked, slinking closer until he was inches away from him. “Well then...” He reached up to cup his jaw, the smooth scales on his hand feeling like electricity to the moral side. “...I guess I’ll just have to…” His other hand tugged lightly on the lollipop. “...take it.”
Patton’s heart was racing as he opened his mouth, letting the lollipop easily slide out. He tilted his head slightly, waiting to be pulled closer, ready to be kissed-
Patton didn’t realize that his eyes were closed until Janus pulled away. He opened his eyes to see Janus smirking, the yellow lollipop pressed against his scaled lips. Patton held his breath as the dark side wrapped his snake-like tongue around the lollipop and pulled it into his mouth, pulling a breathless gasp from the moral side. “Mmmh, sweet, just how I like it. And the lollipop’s good too, I guess.” Patton squeaked, blushing hard as Janus chuckled. “Goodnight, Sweet Heart.” Patton opened his mouth to respond, but he had already sunk out.
Patton stood in the kitchen for several minutes, just staring at the spot Janus had been in. His fingers reached up to trace his lower lip, the lemony sweet-yet-sour flavor still fresh on his tongue. He let out one last squeak before sinking out to his room, burying his face into his pillow and screaming.
The third time was entirely on purpose.
It was the morning after his encounter with Janus and Patton was still feeling… something (bold, flirtatious, flustered? He couldn’t tell). So when the opportunity for another… interesting experience with lollipops arose, the father figment couldn’t resist.
Breakfast was over and almost everyone had left to start their day. Remus and Roman were in the imagination, Virgil was hanging out in his room, and Janus had left to go help Thomas have a full self-care day. Patton had just finished doing the dishes and was currently sucking on a cherry-flavored lollipop (he’d become addicted to lollipops recently. It had nothing to do with the two flirtatious encounters he had surrounding lollipops. Nope, not at all). Patton was sitting on the countertop while Logan moved around the kitchen, presumably getting his morning coffee before leaving. Patton was shocked that instead of turning on the coffee pot like expected, Logan opened up one of the lower cabinets and started digging through it. “Uh, Lo? What are you doing?”
The logical side grunted, trying to dig through the piles of pots and pans. “I’ve come to realize that my… fondness towards coffee is negatively impacting Thomas, Virgil, and myself in terms of overall anxiety and degree of focus. Janus suggested an alternative form of caffeine consumption.” He grunted again before grinning in triumph, turning to show Patton the tea kettle he’d found. “Some green tea with honey should be a good substitute for my normal coffee.” Patton then remembered four things at once:
There was no honey in the kitchen because he used it all this morning to make honey biscuits
When Thomas was younger he did a project on candy and learned that the first lollipops were just honey on a stick, which are called honey spoons and are used to sweeten tea
Logan is Patton’s third crush, and the only crush he hasn’t had a flirtatious lollipop moment with
Patton was still sucking on a cherry lollipop
Patton quickly waved his hand while Logan wasn’t looking, removing any traces of cherry and replacing it with a honey spoon. “Well, I know we used the rest of the liquid honey to make breakfast, but I do know where a honey spoon is.”
Logan turned back to face him, smiling gratefully. “Thank you Patton, I really appreciate it.” When Patton didn’t move to grab anything, he tilted his head in confusion. “Uh, where exactly is this honey spoon?”
Patton put on his most innocent expression. “Oh! It’s right here!” He pointed to the honey spoon in his mouth, the sweet treat starting to melt across his tongue. “As long as you’re fine with sharing with me.”
Logan blushed, clearing his throat as he adjusted his tie. “I...I could just summon another one…”
Patton tilted his head to the side, trying not to let his smirk show. “You could. Or…” He leaned forwards slightly, maintaining eye contact the entire time. “You could take mine.”
The logical side stepped forward, looking lost as he reached out but didn’t grab the honey spoon. Patton pulled it out with a soft pop, honey smearing across his lips as he handed over the treat. Logan went to grab the stick and their hands briefly touched, both of them shuddering from the contact. Logan sounded slightly breathless as he stepped back, pulling the honey spoon with him. “Thank you, Hon- I mean! Thank you for the honey, Patton.”
Patton smiled dazedly, his heart melted like the leftover honey on his tongue. “No problem! And Lo? I’d like it if you called me that again.” He quickly sunk out before he could see Logan’s reaction, popping up in his room. He squeaked as he realized what he just did and buried his face into his pillow, ignoring the blush on his cheeks.
Things were starting to get out of hand.
It’s been a week since Patton handed over his first honey spoon to Logan, and a sort of competition has started to form. The rules were simple: if Patton was alone with a lollipop that corresponded with the side in question (green apple for Remus, lemon for Janus, honey spoon for Logan), that side takes it, and shows said lollipop off to the other two sides (Patton didn’t even realize that last part until he walked in on Remus showing off his freshly-stolen lollipop to Janus). Patton almost always had lollipops on him by this point, since at least one of them would show up every hour to snatch one in their own way. Patton had even altered the lollipops to the way they preferred them!
Remus liked his lollipops to be drenched in food coloring, so it stained his (and subsequently Patton’s) lips and tongue for hours, even after just a few minutes of eating it. The creative side would pop in and try to scare Patton like he always did. Then he would mess with the moral side for a few minutes before asking what flavor the lollipop was (he didn’t even need to ask that, Patton’s lips were always shamrock green when he had Remus’ lollipop). Instead of offering the green apple lollipop in his pocket, Patton would take it out and start gesturing with it. Then, when Patton was in the middle of a sentence, Remus would grab the treat with his mouth, his mustache (and sometimes lips) brushing against Patton’s fingertips before pulling away, taking the candy with him.
Janus liked his lollipops to have a really strong flavoring, so the taste lingered for hours after you tasted it. He would saunter into the room and make up an excuse about needing some candy for ‘self-care’ before asking if Patton had another one. Patton would ignore the lemon lollipop sitting in his pocket and lie, saying that this was the only one he had. Janus would then slither up to him, cup his cheek with one hand and gently pry the lollipop out of his mouth with the other. Then he would take it while commenting that it’s “not as sweet as you.”
Logan liked his honey spoons to easily melt into his drink, so when Patton handed it over there was a sticky trail of honey along his lips. He would always appear with a new mug of tea, spend a few moments chatting about what happened last time he saw Patton, and then shyly ask with a blush if the father figment could share his honey spoon. Patton would always end up getting honey on his lips as he handed it over, and they would both blush as their fingers touched before Logan stirred his tea and left.
Patton knew that he should end this game, but he couldn’t. Every exchange felt like a forbidden moment, like an unspoken rule between the four of them. Every minute of Patton’s day was filled with anticipation, and every night was filled with dreams of lollipops and flower crowns and kisses under the summer sun. He wanted to break the spell, he really did, but he was scared. He was afraid that if he tried to step off of the tedious tightrope they had made, he would fall and no one would be there to catch him. He was pretty sure that they wanted him the same way he wanted them, but what if he was wrong? No, it was safer to just ignore his feelings and savor their little game while they still wanted to play.
And that worked, for about a week.
You see, there was another unspoken rule that Patton hadn’t realized until now: whenever one of his crushes walked into the room, Patton was supposed to change his lollipop to match their tastes. Green apple for Remus, lemon for Janus, and honey for Logan. Plain and simple. Barring his first incident with Logan, Patton had been doing this subconsciously. And another rule that seemed to be unspoken was that his crushes always appeared at random times throughout the day. This wouldn’t matter if they decided to tell each other when they were visiting Patton,but they didn’t.
So here Patton was in his room, enjoying a blue lollipop (it was supposed to be cotton-candy flavored, but Patton wasn’t sure what it actually tasted like) when all three of his crushes decided to pop in at the exact same time. Patton decided to stay quiet, curious about what they would do now that one of their rules was unintentionally broken.
At first they just tried to intimidate the other two into leaving. That was a fun glaring match to see. Then they began making excuses as to why they needed to talk to Patton alone, which said moral side found extremely amusing. Then they decided that whatever flavor lollipop Patton had would determine who got to stay. Patton was confused by that one. Even though the candy was fully in Patton’s mouth, it was obviously not one of their flavors. His lips weren’t shamrock green, he didn’t smell strongly of lemons, and there wasn’t a glaze of honey across his mouth. Then Patton realized it:
They wanted him to change the lollipop flavor and choose. Choose between the three of them. Well, that won’t do at all.
With one snap, the blue lollipop was gone and each side had their respective lollipop in their mouth. They all looked ready to speak but Patton beat them to it. “Nuh uh, it’s my turn to talk now. Got it?” They nodded and Patton smiled, relaxing slightly. “Good. Now, I feel like we’ve reached a bit of a misunderstanding here. You think you can waltz in here, claim my lollipops like they’re yours, argue over who I get to give them to, all without me getting what I want?” He tutted, sauntering forward. “Shameful, all of you.”
All three of them looked away for a moment, blushing in embarrassment. “What did you want?” Logan, always straight to the point.
He chuckled, stepping closer to the logical side. “It’s simple really. I think it’s my turn to take a lollipop or three.” He grabbed the stick of the honey spoon and tugged gently, smiling when Logan willingly opened his mouth. Honey trickled down his chin as Patton took the lollipop, and he gently grabbed Logan’s jaw when he tried to close his jaw. “Nuh uh, I want all the honey.” He leaned closer, giving Logan time to back out before kissing him.
It was exhilarating, tasting Patton’s candy on Logan’s lips. The sweetness of the honey only made the taste of Logan even better. He savored the taste like he would never taste it again, sighing softly into the kiss. When he pulled back, he smiled at Logan’s dumbstruck gaze before turning to his next crush.
The human side of Janus’ face was bright red as he stared at Patton, the lemon lollipop hanging limply from his open mouth. Patton chuckled and cupped Janus’ cheek, taking out the lemon lollipop before pressing their lips together. The lemon was stronger, much stronger than Logan’s lollipop, but that only made him pull Janus deeper into the kiss, desperate to find the taste that was purely Janus. There was still quite a bit of honey on Patton’s mouth and Janus seemed to notice, his tongue brushing against his bottom lip. Patton groaned before pulling away, turning to his third crush.
Remus didn’t even give him time to catch his breath before pulling him close, smashing their lips together. Patton felt the creative side’s mustache tickle his nose and he giggled into the kiss. He couldn’t taste much of the green apple, the lemon flavoring still assaulting his taste buds, but he knew that his lips were being dyed that lovely shade of green as he kissed him.
When Patton finally pulled back, he sat on his bed, three lollipops in hand. His three crushes (boyfriends? Lovers? They needed to clarify that soon) trailed behind him, situating themselves around him. “You’re going to spoil your appetite.” Logan warned him as he looked down at the three treats.
Patton chuckled. “I know, and I don’t care. Because there are only three things I ever wanna have, and they’re all right here in front of me.”
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @arodynamic-enby @sanderssides-angst @whatishappeningrightnow @idont-freaking-know @cute-and-angsty-princess @artsy-enby09 @girl-who-reads @larrymalecsolangelo
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bkdk-writings-dump · 5 years
Love Language
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A little one-shot I wrote just for fun! Full text under the cut.
Summary: Izuku just wants Katsuki to say “I love you” back, Katsuki just wants Izuku to kiss him back, and both can’t help thinking the other doesn’t actually want to be with them. They’ve only been dating for a month, after all, so maybe they should just... break up? No way is any of their friends and family going to let that happen, though.
Word count: 3.6k
Info: fluff and light angst, break up and make up (sort of), arguments, Uraraka Ochako is good friend, Mitsuki wants Izuku to be her son-in-law damnit, happy ending.
Izuku shifted closer to Katsuki on the bed, hesitantly, but without much fuss, laying his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder. Boyfriend. That was new to them, this relationship, whatever they were. It was still just blossoming, and yet had seemed to be lying under the surface for months and months before: everything now so natural, to just be in each other’s presence, and yet so foreign, all this affection they had longed to give but didn’t think they could.
But it was calm in that moment, Izuku with his head on Katsuki’s shoulder, the computer playing an episode of a show they were watching together, neither one completely interested, but rather attached to the excuse to spend time in each other’s company. Eventually, though, the episode reached its end, and as the credits rolled, Katsuki turned down the volume, the arm he had around Izuku pulling him imperceptibly closer.
Izuku sighed wistfully, leaning closer into Katsuki, and put a hand on his chest. They stayed like that for a moment, Katsuki’s hand starting to rub Izuku’s shoulder, and then Izuku sighed again, pursing his lips slightly, then opening his mouth, before closing it and sighing once more.
“Kacchan,” he said, quietly.
“Hm?” Katsuki looked down.
“Kacchan,” Izuku repeated himself, looking up and moving his hand to Katsuki’s cheek, which he caressed gently with his thumb. “I just… I feel so…” he said, voice still nothing but a faint breath. He gave one last sigh, eyes closing, and let his head slump back down onto Katsuki's shoulder, his nose barely touching Katsuki’s neck. “I love you, Kacchan.”
Katsuki chuckled at that, rolling his eyes but smiling softly.
“Damn nerd,” he said lovingly, somehow, and reached down to grab Izuku’s face, pulling him into a kiss. Izuku keened, opening his mouth for Katsuki, eyes closed heavily as if he were near falling asleep, and let his boyfriend kiss him slow and warm and passionate.
He didn’t realize until after Katsuki kissed him goodnight and left to go home that he’d never returned the sentiment; Katsuki never said I love you back.
Sitting across from one another in the ramen shop, Katsuki watched how Izuku’s eyelashes fluttered when he leaned down to eat. His cheeks were a little flushed, both from the steam of the hot ramen and from his general nervousness about being out on a date with Katsuki, and it only made him look even cuter.
A year ago, Katsuki would have killed himself for thinking such a thing, but now it was as natural as remarking that the sky was blue or the sun was warm.
Under the table, one of Izuku’s legs swug out a bit and tapped Katsuki’s foot.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, drawing his legs back towards himself, but Katsuki smirked and reached a foot out to rub against Izuku’s leg. “Eep!” Izuku yelped, pulling his legs up tight against the seat and out of Katsuki’s reach, his cheeks turning ever pinker. “Kacchan!” he admonished, “We’re in public.”
Katsuki chuckled, swirling the ice in his drink around with the straw.
“Yeah, because playing footie is so scandalous,” he joked with a roll of his eyes.
Izuku hummed discontentedly, pouting and staring down and away from Katsuki, but eventually mumbled, “No, but you startled me.”
“S’okay,” Katsuki shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “I just think you’re cute when you’re embarrassed, that’s all.”
“Kacchan, you meanie! You did that on purpose!” Izuku kicked him under the table, and Katsuki laughed, nearly spitting out his drink.
“No shit,” he said, which just made Izuku even more red and pouty. “I don’t know how you put up with me,” he added jokingly.
Izuku huffed once more, but seemed to calm down after that, and their lunch date went on normally after that. Izuku talked about something nerdy, and Katsuki teased him, but eventually relented because he, too, was interested, and then they finished eating and argued over who would pay the bill, which Katsuki won, as usual, and then they left the shop holding hands to walk home.
Their conversation fell into a quiet lull as they neared their neighborhood, and Izuku slowed to a stop at the last corner, where he would have to cross to get home, and Katsuki would keep walking.
“You know why I put up with you, right?” Izuku suddenly asked, looking down at his feet.
“Huh? Oh, right, that,” Katsuki said.
“Mm,” Izuku nodded, his cheeks getting warm, but continued to look down. “It’s cuz I love you, Kacchan.”
“Yeah, I know,” Katsuki smirked, and reached out to take Izuku’s chin between his thumb and pointer finger, tilting it up to kiss him softly. Izuku shivered a bit at the contact, but then just as quickly Katsuki pulled away, leaving his parted lips just a few millimeters away from Izuku’s, waiting for him to breach the gap.
But he didn’t. Instead, Izuku’s blushing face scrunched up and fell forward into Katsuki’s chest, his arms wrapping around his waist for a practically crushing hug.
“Kacchan…” he whined into his shirt, and Katsuki couldn’t help the sad pull in his expression. At least Izuku couldn’t see his face, he thought, and hugged him back before saying goodbye so they could get home.
He bit his lip as he walked, heart floundering hopelessly in his chest.
Why wouldn’t Izuku kiss him back?
They sat quietly on Izuku’s bed together, watching another episode of the show they both mildly enjoyed, but this time Izuku didn’t feel so soft and snuggly. Instead, there was a gnawing nervousness fluttering around in his stomach that he just couldn’t get rid of.
He kept thinking it every time he and Katsuki hung out or went on a date; that Katsuki was avoiding telling him he loved him.
He didn’t want to think what that meant, he didn’t even really want to bring it up for fear of what they answer might be, but it was beginning to take over his thoughts. When the credits rolled, he made up his mind to just say it.
“Kacchan,” he started.
“Yeah?” Katsuki looked at him, concern already written all over his face just from Izuku’s tone.
“Um… can we talk?” he said, looking away and almost inwardly cringing. It sounded like he was breaking up with him, or something.
“Uh. Okay,” Katsuki nodded, an uncharacteristic hint of fear in his voice.
“It’s just, um…” Izuku spoke quickly, but ran out of words too fast. He took in a breath and tried to start again, but faltered once more before he finally found the right train of thought.
“Kacchan. How come… how come, when I say that I love you… you don’t say it back?” he asked. “I don’t think… I don’t think you’ve ever said it back…” his voice got quiet, and Katsuki sat in quiet contemplation for a moment.
“Why does it… matter so much?” he asked.
“What?” Izuku looked up, his brows bent in confusion.
“You can say you love me all you want, but your actions speak otherwise,” Katsuki mumbled to himself, turning his face away.
“W-what?” Izuku stuttered, leaning forward and placing a hand on Katsuki’s knee to try and get a look at his expression. It wasn’t entirely successful, but he thought maybe Katsuki was scrunching his eyes to keep in tears.
“You never fucking kiss me, Deku!” he said in return, cheeks heating up. “I always have to do it, and even then you don’t even act like you like it.”
“That’s not…” Izuku started, but trailed off as he tried to think back. Had he ever initiated a kiss with Katsuki? He couldn’t recall.
“If it matters so much to you, I’ll say it right now… if you kiss me,” Katsuki said, turning to look at Izuku with a stern face. Izuku looked at him, eyes glossy and expression wounded, but didn’t do anything.
“That’s what I thought,” Katsuki hissed, and pushed Izuku off him to leave.
“Wait, no, Kacchan!” Izuku yelled, scrambling to get up, but Katsuki was already sprinting down the hall towards the door. By the time Izuku got there, Katsuki was running down the sidewalk towards his house.
“Kacchan,” Izuku moaned, tears suddenly rushing down his cheeks as he slumped against the doorframe, watching him disappear into his own house. He wanted to follow, to make it right with Katsuki, but he knew the other boy would need space.
After all, all he wanted to do was hide under his covers and cry.
“Fuck fuck fuck!” Katsuki yelled, punching his pillow over and over, before stopping when he ran out of breath, a wave of regret washing over him.
“Ugh!” he groaned, flopping forward and hugging the pillow to his chest. That was almost worse, though, because when his face touched the fabric of the pillow cover, he could feel that his cheeks were wet, and so he rolled over and threw the pillow down onto the ground.
“Katsuki? Why are you home early?” his mother yelled through the door. Katsuki groaned and put his hands over his face. “I swear, if you broke up with Izuku–”
“Why are you assuming I broke up with him?” Katsuki yelled back, his annoyance with her at least distracting him from his distraught state.
“Because he doesn’t have the heart to break up with you, and you and I both know it,” she insisted.
Katsuki growled to himself and rolled his eyes.
“We didn’t break up,” he eventually shouted at her.
“So you had an argument, then?” she asked.
Katsuki groaned and rolled over again.
“Yeah,” he said into the mattress.
“Hmpf,” his mom huffed and walked away. Katsuki rolled his eyes again, wondering why she even bothered to talk to him; his chest probably only hurt more, now.
“I just don’t understand,” Izuku sobbed into the phone. “What’s so bad about always letting him kiss first? And it’s not true that I don’t like it! I just… I just get embarrassed! But not saying I love you back? That’s bad and I know he knows that! Everyone knows that!”
“Hm…” Ochako hummed on the other end. “Not necessarily, Izuku.”
“What?” Izuku asked.
“Look, you have a right to be upset, and I’m happy to be a shoulder to cry on, but I think there’s a pretty clear explanation both of you are missing,” she said.
“W-well what is it?” Izuku demanded.
“Hold your horses,” Ochako laughed, “I’m looking up what it’s called right now.”
Izuku bit his lip, waiting as he heard keyboard tapping on the other end, and then Ochako started again.
“Right. So there’s this theory about the five love languages, and I think Bakugou and you are having communication issues because the language each of you values the most, the other doesn’t seem to value much at all.”
“O-okay?” Izuku nodded slowly, his brows furrowed in concentration.
“So the five love languages are words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, quality time, and physical touch. You clearly value words of affirmation above the rest, since you think the only way to know if Katsuki loves you is if he says so, right?”
“Well… y-yeah, but isn’t that just obvious?” Izuku asked.
“Not necessarily. See, to him, it seems that physical touch is his most important love language, so you’ve actually been sending him the same message by not kissing him. In his mind, and, well, this is only my best guess based on what you told me, the only way he can know that you love him is if you kiss him back,” Ochako explained.
“Oh. Wait, so… he thinks I don’t love him? But I tell him every time I see him! I make sure of it!”
“I know, I know. But that’s not how Bakugou communities his… well, his love,” Ochako chuckled as she said it.
“What’s so funny?” Izuku asked, pouting.
“N-nothing!” Ochako stammered out, but broke down into laughter again. “Sorry. It’s just hard to think of Bakugou as being, like, loving since he acts so guarded around everyone else.”
“So you think… he really doesn’t love me?” Izuku questioned.
“No, no! I think he does! What I meant is it’s funny for me, since he’s usually not super friendly with me and… well… pretty much everyone who isn’t you. That’s how I know he likes you, Izuku.”
“Ah. Right,” Izuku smiled sadly.
“Sorry, that’s completely off track. My point about the love languages stands, though, and I think you need to talk to him and explain that this is all a misunderstanding!”
“Y-yeah,” Izuku nodded. “I just don’t know if he wants to talk to me.”
“Oh, Izuku, I’m sure he does. He was just upset because he cares so much about you, and he’s hurt that, to him, it seems like you don’t love him as much as you say,” Ochako explained, then inwardly cringed at how she phrased it.
“Oh, gosh. I really hurt him, didn’t I? Oh, this is my fault then, isn’t it?” Izuku started to spiral.
“No no no no no!” Ochako stopped him in his tracks. “You both hurt each other, and you both still love each other, and, like I said, this is just a misunderstanding! It’s no one’s fault! You’re on equal footing, okay? Just talk to him about it and I’m sure everything will be fine!”
“Ah, right,” Izuku nodded. “Maybe… maybe tomorrow. To give him a day to cool off.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. Keep me updated, okay? I’m a bit busy to come over, but my ear is always open, yeah?” Ochako reassured him.
“Mm. Thanks,” Izuku said before saying his goodbyes and hanging up. Once he had, though, a creeping realization came over him; there was no way he was going to work up the nerve to invite Katsuki over to talk in the first place.
When Katsuki came downstairs at about noon, his mom was sitting at the dining room table reading the newspaper with a bouquet of flowers and a heart-shaped box of chocolates sitting on the table in front of her.
Katsuki cringed, already knowing what she was up to, and tried to retreat up the stairs, but she folded the newspaper down and held him in place with a glare.
“Katsuki. Don’t you dare go locking yourself in your room all day again,” she started, one hand already on her hip.
Katsuki grumbled to himself, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, but he didn’t move.
“What’s that shit for?” he asked.
“These are for you to take to Izuku and apologize to him. He’s too good for you and we all know it, so if you don’t go running back to him with your tail between your legs, so to speak, he’s gonna realize you’re not worth it and then it’ll be over for real,” his mother ranted.
Katsuki rolled his eyes.
“I thought you said he doesn’t have the heart to break up with me?”
His mother glared harder at him.
“Katsuki. Go apologize to him, now,” she commanded.
“Why do you care so much?” Katsuki grumbled, his back sliding down the wall a little, making his shoulders hunch and his chin tuck into his chest.
“Because I’ve known ever since you were little that this was going to happen, and I’m not going to let your stupid, stubborn pride ruin my chances at having such an angel of a son-in-law!” she barked.
“Mom!” Katsuki yelled, straightening up and clenching his fists. “We’ve only been dating for, like, a month!”
“Officially, yes,” she shrugged, and then went back to reading her newspaper. Katsuki stared at her flabbergasted, and then felt his face heat up as he considered what she said. True, they had only been together for a month, but Katsuki had been in love with him for years beforehand, and what they had was a lot deeper than a one-month relationship thanks to all those years they’d known each other before.
But the truth was, if Izuku wanted to, he could do a lot better, couldn’t he? He didn’t need Katsuki the way Katsuki needed him.
And so, with flushed cheeks and a pounding heart, he took the flowers and the chocolates off the table and marched out the door.
Izuku sat on his bed in a cocoon of blankets, distracting himself by watching videos on his phone. He knew he should call Katsuki, but just as he predicted the day before, he didn’t have the guts.
A bit after noon, someone knocked on the door of the apartment, and he heard his mom get up to answer the door.
“Oh, hello Katsuki,” she said, and Izuku felt his stomach do a somersault. He fumbled with his phone to turn it off, and then got up for a second, thinking she should change out of his pajamas, but then he heard Katsuki walking down the hall and panicked, diving back onto his bed and pulling the covers over himself.
Outside his door, he heard Katsuki clear his throat before giving a knock.
“Izuku?” he asked, but Izuku didn’t respond.
“I’m… I’m coming in, okay?” Katsuki said, the door slowly creaking open. When Katsuki saw the lump on his bed, he sighed and walked in, closing the door behind himself.
A moment later, Izuku felt the bed dip a bit as Katsuki sat down on its edge, and then he felt a hand on his back through the blanket.
“Izuku. M’sorry, okay?” Katsuki said softly.
Izuku sighed and poked his head out, a response ready on his tongue, but sputtered to silence at the sight of the flowers and chocolates on his desk.
“W-wh-what are those?” he asked, reaching his arm out to point.
“Ah, um… those are for you,” Katsuki said, turning his red face away. Izuku instantly climbed out of bed to go look, picking the flowers up and admiring them for a while before he opened the chocolate box and popped one in his mouth.
“Mm! Kacchan, you shouldn’t have,” he said, a hand covering his full mouth.
“Yeah, well… my mom bought them, actually,” Katsuki admitted.
“Oh,” Izuku said. They were silent for a moment, and then Izuku swallowed the chocolate in his mouth. “Well I… I still appreciate the sentiment, but um… I thought you were the one who was mad at me?”
“Nah…” Katsuki looked down at his lap, face still burning. “I was just… upset. I still… I… I still love you, Deku.”
“Huh?” Izuku startled, holding the heart-shaped box to his chest. “Y-y-you… you said it!”
“Yeah.” Katsuki half covered his face with his hand, and then Izuku gasped, remembering what he knew he should do.
He quickly put the box down and stepped up to where Katsuki sat on the bed, reaching out to cup his head in his hands. Katsuki dropped his hand to look up at him, confused, but before he could say anything Izuku swooped down to press their lips together. It was a clumsy kiss, but when Izuku pulled back, Katsuki’s eyes were wide and shinny; he’d gotten the message clear as day.
“S-sorry that was… I guess I’m not that good at kissing, huh?” Izuku joked, averting his eyes. His heart was pounding too hard to look at Katsuki’s face.
“No! No, not at all!” Katsuki began to insist, speaking too quickly for his own brain to register. He opened his mouth to say something else, but didn’t seem to find the words, so instead he just kissed Izuku back, long and sweet, until they both toppled backwards onto the bed.
“Oh, Kacchan,” Izuku said, tucking his face into the crook of Katsuki’s neck, his thumb rubbing softly at Katsuki’s cheek. “I love you so much. I’m so sorry you ever thought that I… that I didn’t.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m the idiot who wasn’t saying it back this whole time,” Katsuki shook his head.
“Ah, see, but I think I get it now, actually,” Izuku said, sitting up.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Katsuki furrowed his brow, following him up.
“Well, we both thought the other didn’t feel the same way because we communicate our love differently,” Izuku explained, flushing a bit at how corny it sounded, but pushing through nonetheless. “I value words, so I wanted to hear you say you love me, but you value physical touch, so you wanted me to kiss you. But, now that we know this, we should have an easier time communicating that sort of thing… yeah?”
“Um, yeah,” Katsuki nodded, his own cheeks just as red. “So you just want me to… tell you how much I love you and stuff?” he asked, half-mumbling.
“Mm. I mean, you don’t have to all the time, but… it’s what makes me feel the most loved, you know?” Izuku explained sheepishly, reaching out to take Katsuki’s hands in his all the while. “But I mean, I have a lot to work on, too. I need to be able to show you, ph-physically, that I love you,” he stuttered, hesitating for a moment, and then kissing Katsuki on the cheek. “Cuz I do. I really do,” he said, his forehead falling to Katsuki’s shoulder. “It just makes me kinda nervous, is all. The kissing and stuff, I mean.”
“Mm,” Katsuki nodded. “Me too. Except, the other way around.”
Izuku chuckled at that.
“Well, at least we can agree there.”
“Mm,” Katsuki smiled, leaning down to plant little kisses on whatever part of Izuku’s face he could reach.
“Kacchan!” Izuku giggled, scrunching his shoulders as Katsuki started to kiss down his neck. “That tickles!”
“That’s the point,” Katsuki chuckled to himself, tackling Izuku back down onto the bed.
In the living room, Inko smiled to herself at the sounds of laughter from her son’s room.
“Oh, yes,” she said to Mitsuki over the phone, “I think it’s safe to say everything’s back to normal.”
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cake-writes · 5 years
Little Lies (Iceland)
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Pairing (For This Chapter): Bucky x Reader
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Smut, Dubious Consent, Punishment, Praise Kink, Oral (Giving), Suicide Attempt, 18+
Summary: You went to Bucky when you wanted punishment. He’d be rough with you because he understood your self-loathing, and he’d leave bruises on your hips that wouldn’t go away for a week. You loved it. He didn’t.
You went to Steve when you wanted reassurance. You went to him because he liked to whisper sweet, sweet things into your ear as he made love to you. He’d tell you that you were perfect and amazing and beautiful. Then you’d get your fill, just far too much of it. He cared too much.
It all came to a head when the three of you went on a mission together. You’d done it a hundred times, even during this mess of a situation, and still neither of them was any the wiser. Your little lies always slipped right through the cracks - until one night, they didn’t.
Master List
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November 2015
Winter in Iceland was an extraordinarily harsh, biting cold. The bitter chill in the wind sank deep into Bucky’s bones, but he knew it well. He’d acclimated to the freezing weather in Siberia, not to mention the many years he’d spent in cryo, but your small body didn’t handle it nearly as well.
The two of you were inside a small cabin in the mountains with double-glazed windows and a fireplace. One of the locals kept it for travellers and tourists. The two of you were neither, but you’d been given the keys all the same.
Despite the many layers you wore for this mission, you were still shivering from the cold. The moment he went to offer you his jacket, the slightest hint of tenderness, you shot him a look as if to say: Keep your distance, Barnes. Know your place.
He did know his place, and it wasn’t to be gentle with you. It was the opposite. The fact that you wouldn’t even let him help warm you up was evidence enough. You didn’t want any affection from him. You never wanted it. You only wanted to be hurt, punished for reasons he didn’t know.
What Bucky did know was that you hated yourself. If he could relieve you of some of that loathing, even just a fraction – soothe your troubled mind and whatever worries ailed you – then he was more than willing to do that for you. He was willing to do anything for you.  
He tended to the fire while you changed out of your wet clothes in the only bedroom. It didn’t matter that there was only one bed. You’d been sleeping together off and on for a few months, now.
You slowly stripped off your soaked clothing, covered in fresh snow, and lay it all out to dry. Inside your duffel bag was a tangled mess of clothing to dig through: your shirts and tac pants and socks and underwear were all mixed up with Bucky’s, but it didn’t matter. You were used to sharing a duffel with him, because it made things just a little easier having one less bag to lug around.
You had your own clothes, but you’d always liked Bucky’s long-sleeved henleys. They were soft and warm and you pulled one on. You didn’t ask. He wouldn’t care. Whatever was his was yours, an unspoken truth that neither of you would ever admit.
You brought the sleeve at your wrist to your nose and inhaled. It smelled just like him, like spice and pine and snow. To you, he smelled like home – a fleeting thought you immediately discarded.
After you pulled on a fresh pair of underwear and some sweatpants and socks, too, you made your way back to the den where a half-full bottle of alcohol sat on the coffee table. Next to it was a single glass, already filled with two fingers of whiskey. Bucky had poured it for you.
He was staring into the fire, lost in thought, slowly rolling his own glass back and forth in between his fingertips. If it was anyone but him, you’d have assumed that he hadn’t heard you arrive, but you knew that he had when his fingers stilled.
“You don’t like it, do you?” you asked softly, sitting down next to him on the sofa. Your thigh brushed against his, and your hand was a gentle comfort on his shoulder, one he leaned into just a little.
When he glanced over at you, about to ask what you meant, the words caught in his throat. He didn’t need to ask. You already knew. You always knew. He hated coming to such cold, frigid places because it reminded him of his past. It reminded him of things he didn’t want to remember. Hydra. Torture. Death.
He didn’t answer. Instead, he took a drag of whiskey.
“This isn’t Siberia,” you reassured him, sliding your hand from his shoulder to the nape of his neck, where your fingers gently smoothed away a few sweaty strands of hair sticking to his skin. “It wasn’t you.”  
Bucky slowly took in every single feature on your face – from your forehead, to your perfect brows, to your soft lips – but he focused primarily your eyes, those gorgeous, sparkling eyes that read him like a book. Sometimes, he felt like you knew him better than he did. Other times, he was made well aware that you didn’t.
“I know,” he responded, gently bringing your hand down from his neck so that he could press a kiss to your palm. Your skin was so soft and warm against his chapped lips and it was in that moment that he realized how lost he would be without you.
God, he loved you. Every single part of you. Even the part that used him so easily.
You used him, but he let you. He liked to think that he used you, too, but that was a lie.
When you slowly pulled your hand back to your lap and away from his affection, he knew you’d done it purposely, as if to make the same point you always made.
Know your place.
He wasn’t allowed to get too close, but he did. He always did. You brought his walls down so easily, and then you blamed him for letting them down to begin with. As if he had a choice. As if he had any choice at all not to fall in love with you so much that it threatened to consume him.
When Bucky polished off the rest of the glass, the alcohol burned his tongue and throat – burned away the words he so desperately wanted to say.
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The evening came and went. The two of you shared a dinner of military rations, tasteless and bland. He didn’t have much of an appetite. Neither did you. You both forced it down anyway.
While the whiskey took the edge off and you talked with him some, conversation was minimal, just a few short exchanges of words. You asked whether he’d reloaded his rifle and if he was running low on ammo. He had, and he wasn’t, and he casually reminded you to clean your Beretta because that particular model had a habit of jamming in such cold temperatures.
He was, of course, well aware that you knew your way around your weapons and he half-expected you to bristle at the implication that you didn’t. He might have even wanted you to, just a little, because he wanted to know that you could feel something, anything, anything at all.
But you didn’t. You took your handgun apart right there on the coffee table, just for him. You cleaned and polished every piece so thoroughly that by the time you were done, the two of you had finished off the bottle of whiskey.  
He went to bed sometime after ten, left you on the sofa, focused intently on the screen of your tablet as you wrote up some mission notes.
He didn’t tell you he was going to bed.
You didn’t bid him goodnight.
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Sometime after one, Bucky woke to the sound of silence.
You weren’t in bed with him. He didn’t really expect you to be. You slept together off and on – literally and figuratively – but sometimes you purposely took another bed as if to remind him that it was nothing more than a casual arrangement. You never let him get too close.
This was one of those nights. There wasn’t another bed, but there was a couch in the living room. He’d left you there earlier, and he figured you’d probably fallen asleep there, too.
The only light in the darkness came from the full moon.  He made his way from the bedroom back to where he thought you were. It was pointless, really; he knew you’d be nearby, but he still wanted to know that you were still there.
The fire had gone out at some point. You’d told him that you’d tend to it, but you hadn’t.
You weren’t on the sofa. You weren’t in the living room at all.
When he spotted you out on the balcony, the sight chilled him to the bone.
It was a steep drop off the side of the mountain. The valley dipped low into a frozen river, and the tall trees were covered in snow, glistening in the moonlight. While the view would normally be breathtaking, not tonight it wasn’t.
You were leaning over the railing just a little too far.
The only thing you were wearing now was his red henley – no jacket, no sweatpants, no socks or shoes. The way you were leaning over, on your tiptoes, offered him a peek of your black panties, something he normally would have enjoyed but all he felt was dread. There was no doubt in his mind that you must have been freezing, but for some reason the cold didn’t seem to be bothering you at all.
You were more focused on whatever was so interesting out there in the darkness. All he could see was the forest.
The crunch of his boots in the fresh snow made your spine straighten, and you swiftly pulled yourself back. It was almost like he’d caught you just before you did something stupid.
You wouldn’t.
Would you?
“Hey, doll,” he said softly, placing his warm hand on your ice-cold shoulder. You’d been outside for far too long judging by the chill on your skin, but you weren’t shivering like you had been earlier. “Why don’t you come back inside?”
For once, you didn’t argue with him. Instead, he led you back inside in what was a particularly unsettling silence. Your breathing was too steady, too even for what you’d just been doing. The fire was out, but it was still much warmer inside than out and he hoped that it would help bring you back to a normal temperature.
Bucky sat you down on the sofa and wrapped a thick blanket around you.
You didn’t say a word - didn’t want to talk. That much was obvious. He’d seen you upset before, seen how you processed horrors and death plenty of times, but this wasn’t that. It was different. Worse. He didn’t know what had caused it, but it must have been something bad.
He didn’t pry.
You didn’t even notice when he pressed a hot mug of tea into your hands. Only when he helped you bring the brim to your mouth and you instinctively took a sip did you finally realize that it was there. The familiar taste of warm black tea with just a hint of cream and sugar melted on your tongue. He made it just the way you liked.
You didn’t thank him.
Bucky wrapped his arm around your shoulders, and for once, you didn’t pull away. You let him hold you - only for a little while, only until your tea was gone and along with it, your rare moment of weakness.
When you’d had enough, you didn’t say a thing, just shrugged off his arm and went back to your tablet to finish up the rest of your notes. It was almost like you’d just taken a quick tea break.
Bucky took that as a sign to leave you alone again. He didn’t particularly trust you to be by yourself, but he knew that you didn’t want his company anymore. Not tonight.
Right before he went back to bed, he stopped just short of kissing your forehead. His lips just barely ghosted against your skin. You allowed it.
He found it difficult to get back to sleep, but at some point, he managed.
You spent another hour trying to type out a single phrase – ‘mission report’ – but the only thing you could focus on were the horrors of your past.
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Half past four, Bucky woke to the feeling of your lips around his cock. A soft groan escaped him from it, at the knowledge that you’d been working downright magic on his body before he’d even woken up. Your perfect mouth was wet and so, so hot, and your tongue slid around him so expertly – let alone the way your perfect hands worked every inch of him. You knew his body so fucking well and it drove him insane.
He took in a sharp breath, his head lulling back as his fingers slid into your hair. He didn’t need to grip hard, or even assert dominance; you just felt so fucking good and he needed to touch you, needed the slightest bit of intimacy in knowing that you were still right there after what he’d witnessed on the balcony.
You pulled back enough to lick every inch of him, and then you took him all the way down your throat which ripped another groan from him.  “Jesus, sweetheart—”  
You responded with a particularly hard suck that sent him reeling. In his dazed, half-asleep state, he couldn’t hold back anymore and spilled into your mouth, gasping, painting your lips and tongue with hot ropes of his cum.
He looked down at you with half-lidded eyes and watched as you licked up every fucking drop like the goddess you were. And, to him, you were a goddess. He’d happily worship you every day if you’d let him – but you didn’t. Not even when you’d been on the brink of something so dangerous tonight.
As you straddled his hips, he reached up for you, pulled your head down for a kiss. It was sloppy, full of passion and desire and anything he could ever want from you – except the one thing he wanted most.
He rolled the two of you over, then, so that you were on your back, staring up at him with those gorgeous eyes that seemed to see right into his soul. Your hair was sprawled out around your head like a halo, but you were anything but an angel and a few strands of it were caught on your lips. He brushed them away with the pad of his thumb before he leaned in to kiss you again.  
With you under him like this, letting him touch every inch of you, he particularly relished in the feeling of your breasts – so soft and perfectly moulded to his hands. His hand slid down your side to pull one of your legs around his waist, and he slid inside you far too easily. You were absolutely soaked for him, slick and hot and wanting.
The moment he was completely inside you, you whined against his mouth. He swallowed the sound as he kissed you gently, leisurely, like the two of you had all the time in the world to experience this. It wasn’t just plain fucking, not this time. He was making love to you – sweet, gentle love like he so desperately needed right now. The bitter cold here was just like Siberia and it brought back memories that only you could make him forget, just like he always did for you.
His hips rocked into yours and you writhed under his body, moaning his name, tangling your fingers in his hair, pulling him down for another kiss, another touch. He whispered into your ear sweet words of praise, told you how good you were for him, how you took him so well and god he needed this, needed you—
And then you shoved him off of you so quickly that it blindsided him. You didn’t have super strength or serum or any other ability other than your brevity of wit. He weighed at least twice as much as you, but your small hands had pushed him away like he was nothing.  
To you, he was nothing.
“Don’t do that, Bucky,” you hissed at him in a way that almost made his heart still in his chest. 
It was another brutal reminder. Don’t get too close.
Every part of him wanted to cry out in protest. He wanted to be close to you. He wanted to be gentle. He wanted to love you, but you wouldn’t let him.
“Why?” was all he could manage to ask, and even on just that single word his voice still wavered.
“If you won’t fuck me,” you spat, like pure acid, “Then I’ll find someone else to do it. It’ll be easy.”
Those words shattered something inside of him. You didn’t do gentle. He knew that. You never did, and yet you’d been so receptive until he got too close once again, said something stupid, said he needed you like the fool he was. He needed you, but you didn’t need him. You never did.  You never would – even when he’d seen you so broken earlier tonight. Even when you were just as broken as him.
He wasn’t proud of the bitter, angry way he reacted to your nasty words. His fingers curled around your hips, and he yanked you up and threw you onto your knees. He hated how easily your skin bruised so easily under his fingertips. He hated how much you loved that it did.  
The way he shoved himself inside of you with no warning was brutal and punishing. He wanted to stop at your hiss of pain, but he didn’t. He pushed through it and made you take every thick inch of him because that was what you wanted. You wanted to scream and cry, and he made you do that, too. You begged him to punish you, spank you, ruin you, break you – and he did.
He slapped your ass until it was raw and red and hot tears were streaming down your face. He pulled you back by your hair and bit your neck, your shoulder, left bruises there, too – until he couldn’t bear to hear another sob and he shoved your face down into the pillow. He ordered you to shut your god damn mouth, and you thanked him for it. In between your gasps and sobs and cries, you fucking thanked him.  
This was what you wanted. You wanted it rough. You wanted to be punished.
You never told him why.
After you’d come three times from being used so brutally and he’d shamefully filled you to the brim, you left him alone. You made a point to sleep on the sofa that night - not in bed with him. 
There was no aftercare. 
You didn’t need it, but Bucky did. He desperately needed it, but he knew his place. He couldn’t get too close. 
No, instead he felt further from you than ever before.
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