#my first gifset brought to you by vapoursynth lol
therukurals · 4 years
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Te adoro eres única. Quédate un minuto más. Mucho vampiros tipo Dracula. Su mundo chiquito, nuestra un galaxia. Tu luz brillante, Jupiter.
    - ÌFÉ - House Of Love (Ogbe Yekun)
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allofmylovelove · 3 years
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
thank you so much for tagging me sam!! @lixikan
taking the five (or so) very liberally (as i’d made a lot more sets than i realized 😅) and also organizing these by blogs.  also also these all look better on the dash than on my theme so look at them that way please if you can!
main kpop (this blog):
somin for ele:  the coloring came out just like i wanted it to and also she is so beautiful i love her
whisper choreo:  despite this being one of my fave songs this is maybe only the second time i’ve giffed this mv???  anyways i love this choreo so much and once again the coloring came out just like i wanted it to
black rose:  this is one of those few times where i had a clear vision for a gifset and was able to successfully execute it instead of just giffing whatever and seeing what works lol.  i used a psd for the phone screen template but edited the time stamp to be the boys’ birthdays (which mau noticed, thank you mau lol) and also edited the red button to show that it was recording instead of just ready to record
jiwoo 200903 gunshot:  the coloring.  the sharpness.  i love it.
enemy choreo:  this was my first ever set using vapoursynth and especially for a first go i’m sooo happy with the quality!!!  idk why but before that when i was just using photoshop and topaz the quality kept coming out so badly and i would get so upset and i nearly quit giffing entirely so this was just such a breakthrough for me
jiwoo on good girl:  like. do i even have to say anything.  m a ‘ a m.
networks & other blogs:
jaehyeong smiling for the rose net:  i mean look at him.  look.  at.  him.  i love him.
chungha snapping 190705 for chungha net:  the quality and sharpness are just *chef’s kiss*
french musical fan cast for my main (feat. vixx leo and teen top niel):  this was for a 30 day challenge and it was my first time combining gifs and edits into one piece of content and i just love how it came out and i would prob sell my soul to see that show with that cast
fave music videos:  sorry by the rose for my main:  i’ve giffed this mv about a million times now and this is prob one of my fave sets of it, the coloring just came out so nicely and also woosung’s jawline in that one gif is just extra sharp and i love it
hold on (band version) for hidden kard net:  oof i remember coloring this was a PAIN IN THE ASS but i love how it turned out
tagging (if you’d like to of course):  @beomgyutie @galaxymagick @pilot-kun @taeks <33
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