#my first thought after seing the similarities between ino's and granny's ct
runabout-river · 7 months
Nanami's Return
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This is going to be an elaboration on my short list of characters who're going to come back in JJK.
My theory on Nanami's return is that Ino is going to use his Seance CT and replicate Granny Ogami's version of it to temporarily bring Nanami back to life.
Ino and Ogami have a similar CT
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On my first read through that detail had stuck out to me immediately. Ino channels the abilities of 4 Beasts (basically shikigami) in the same way that Sukuna channeled Max Elephant's water to use as his version of Piercing Blood.
Ino's CT is called Auspicious Beast Summoning and it's explicitly stated to be a seance technique. Upon seeing Ino use his CT, Ogami and her grandson talk about the "chances" of encountering another seance user.
We have seen that the usages of CTs can be switched up and copied from other sorcerers, Sukuna as I already said, does this by replicating how Ino uses his technique to get the same result as Kamo's CT. In the same vein, Yuki's Black Hole achieves the same pulling power as Gojo's Blue.
On top of that, Mahoraga doesn't differentiate between CT. His adaptation ability is solely concentrated on "phenomena" which was why adapting to Dismantle also made him adapt to Cleave and made him immune to Sukuna's Domain Kitchen. He would also be immune to any other CT that utilizes slashes.
So a cross-usage of CTs and them being inherently simialr in some aspects has already been shown in the story. What also has been shown is sorcerers like Mei Mei pushing their CT to unknown limits and acquiring new attacks and applications.
But I wouldn't write all of this with only these backdrops as a foundation for my theory.
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After Gojo had been unboxed, Shoko let Ino enter their room with the words: "Ino has something to say about Nanami." Ino enters and has his mask in his hand, the item he needs to perform his cursed technique.
What extactly would there be to say about Nanami? And with the mask in his hand no less? Nanami's story as we've seen in the last episode, is over. He died without regrets and there are no open threads left for him to untangle. At the airport he seemed content as well.
Now everyone could have their own interpretation of this scene but for me it's a setup for Nanami's eventual return. And yes, while Nanami himself doesn't have things left to do on earth, his presence would still be a moral boost for Yuji (and others) because I can feel it in my bones that that boy is going to suffer even more than he already did.
The only problem I see with my theory is the placing. Since the start I've been talking about how we only have 3 villains and a fuckton of good guys who have nothing to do except for getting heart attacks wile watching a screen.
My thoughts on this was that Kenjaku would recruit other sorcerers to his side so the others like Kirara, Kamo, Momo and everyone else on the lower tier list would get to fight and contribute to the struggle. Instead, Kenjauku was last seen hunting other sorcerers. And then there is the ending of the last chapter.
So for now, there is no space (and devastated Yuji) in the story where Ino would need to bring Nanami back. Nanami wouldn't even be needed right now with other living sorcreres better suited to fight. But if, eg, Kenjaku released all of his curses onto Japan or another horde of enemies appeared like after the merger, then I can see Ino pulling out this last trick he learned by watching someone else.
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