#my first wedding anniversary is Monday and I’m still here baby you’re never getting rid of me!
sandalwoodhusbands · 4 years
So one of my head canons is that when people first meet Elu they see Eliott as this sunshine child and Lucas as a very grumpy hedgehog, buuuut then realize how chaotic Eliott really is and how soft Lucas is for Eliott (and how whipped they are for each other)
sorry for the delay, i hope this is what you had in mind. peace❤️
"Eliott? Demaury?" is the first thing Emma asks that fateful Monday morning after the mural fiasco. "Him?"
Lucas frowns. "Yes, him." He doesn't look up from his locker as he picks up his chemistry book. "Is that a problem?"
"But you're so," Lucas raises one unimpressed eyebrow at Emma's vague gestures. "Well, like that. And Eliott is the complete opposite."
He shuts the locker with a loud bang, more forcefully than he'd intended to, and turns to look at Emma.
"Are you trying to say I'm not good enough for him or something? Because honestly Emma, I was having a great morning, but if-"
"No! No, it's not that." Emma interrupts him with a hand on his arm, big brown eyes staring up at him. It makes Lucas' heart settle, Emma's familiar stare. "I just meant- he looks so affectionate, you know? So full of soothing energy and happiness. I didn't think he'd be the type of person you'd go for, that's all."
Lucas shifts his weight from one feet to the other, watching Emma watch him, and nods once. "Okay. Well, he is." He gives her a small smile that she returns. "I have to go now though, and you should too if you don't wanna be late."
Emma nods in agreement and lets go of his arm. Lucas takes that as a cue to get moving, but then
"And Lucas-" Emma's hand hangs in the air between them. "Of course you're enough for him. You're always enough. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
Warmth bursts inside Lucas' chest, fondness burning in his heart for the girl standing in front of him, and he lets his lips curl up in a soft smile.
"Thank you, Emma."
Emma's eyes crinkle. "Anytime."
It happens again, and again, and then one more time. And then Lucas loses count of how times people comment on his boyfriend's never-ending patience for putting up with his grumpiness.
The next time it happens they're all having lunch by the river, and Lucas has been flipping Basile off every time he opens his mouth for the past 20 minutes.
"I'm just saying-"
"Oh my god Lucas can you just fucking listen to me for one second-"
Lucas rolls his eyes. "What do I get out of having a conversation with someone who compares coke and mentos to a fucking bath bomb?"
"Okay." Basile groans, falling backwards on the grass with one arm thrown over his eyes. "Okay, I give up. I don't understand how Eliott puts up with your stubborn ass."
"Seriously though, you're so moody all the damn time I'm not convinced you're not bribing him." Arthur pipes in. "Or maybe it's the sex."
"I'm not bribing Eliott, what the fuck-"
"Who isn't bribing me?" Eliott decides then to join the group from where he'd been crunched down by the riverside, taking close-up pictures of the small followers there. He looked so beautiful with the sun shining on his nose, that Lucas' veins ran with love. "Hi, baby."
Lucas turns his head to look at him with bright eyes, biting back a smile as Eliott loops his arm around his shoulders and pulls him against his side. Lucas goes, chin hooked on the crook of Eliott's shoulder, and kisses his jaw softly.
"Hi. Missed you." He whispers between them.
Eliott grins at him, bringing their faces closer together, and Lucas lets the ghost of a smile creep up on his face.
"Missed you too." Eliott mouths, rubbing their noses together.
Lucas closes the gap between them, brushing his lips against Eliott's softly. Eliott's mouth tastes like beer and vanilla when he swipes his tongue across Eliott's lower lip, and he smiles into the kiss, feeling Eliott do the same. He tilts his head to one side, nose dragging against Eliott's cheek, and he always thinks he's never felt happier than when Eliott is here, with him, in his arms. This time isn't different.
And then he flips his friends behind Eliott's back as Eliott deepens the kiss, because, well. He doesn't need a reason.
Eliott has had one too many tonight. He would've been fine any other day, but his psychiatrist had readjusted his pills dose a week ago and he's still struggling to find his pace.
Hence, his slightly tipsy state.
Lucas is aware he's been sporting the most ridiculous heart eyes since the moment Eliott decided he absolutely needed to get rid of his boots and tie a shoelace on the loops on his and Lucas' jeans so that 'they don't drift apart.'
God, Lucas hasn't been this fond of anyone, ever.
They're walking back from the club, the whole gang, because Basile had screamed sleepover at Elu's! and before either of them knew it, murmurs of agreement from other 9 equally drunk people had filtered through. So here they are now, walking home.
He slides his hand inside the back pocket of Eliott's jeans, which makes Eliott turn his head and grin at him with a dopey look on his face.
"Hello, boyfriend."
Lucas snorts a little. "Hi there, my love. Having fun?" He nods towards the folded napkin Eliott keeps turning over and over between his fingers.
Eliott hums, nodding excitedly. His hair flies everywhere. "These are gonna be our wedding invitations, okay? Look how pretty they are. Don't you think so, baby?"
"They are."
"Yeah, and then," He stops on his tracks to press a loud kiss to Lucas' lips. "And then we'll rent that van for our honeymoon and we'll travel everywhere. To the moon. Do you think we can go to the moon for our anniversary?"
"I can look into it." Lucas promises, laughing at the flush in Eliott's cheeks and wild gestures.
"Of course you will, my smart boy. Ohhhh, Lucas. Lucas, baby, can we do the thing? Please?" He turns his body completely, standing in front of Lucas with his hands on Lucas' neck. Lucas sees from his peripheral vision how the others stop to stare at them. "Please, please, please. Can we?"
Lucas laughs softly, covering Eliott's hands with his. "We can."
Eliott pumps his hand up in the air with a victorious shout before he's dragging Lucas inside the park next to their apartment building, the others confusedly trailing right behind them. And then Eliott is plopping himself down on the grass, pulling Lucas down with him.
"Wow, he's so fucking drunk." Yann notes above him.
Lucas watches Eliott brush his fingertips across the flowers under their legs for another second before tilting his head up
"Oh no, we do this all the time." He explains. Eliott yelps when he accidentally yanks a flower too hard, and he feels his insides melting. "It's usually more graceful than this, maybe." He laughs a little, inching closer to Eliott so that their knees touch. "But Eliott loves doing this, and I love being with him. So."
"Who are you and what have you done with my Lucas?"
Eliott takes that moment to raise his head. "This is Lucas, though. You guys just didn't pay enough attention." He shrugs helplessly. His eyes light up a second later, a swirl of colors held inside his eyes, and he's Lucas' favorite hurricane, this boy. "Oh! baby! Baby, let's go buy some hot chocolate! Do you guys want chocolate? We should totally go do that. We'll be back, c'mon, chop chop Lucas."
And then he's pulling himself up to his feet, and with him goes Lucas, because he always does.
Lucas stops him before he can get any further though, throwing his arms around Eliott's waist and hugging him close. Because he can't help himself.
He presses his head to Eliott's chest. "My baby." and he thinks he should feel more embarrassed about this than he does, with all of his friends as witnesses, but somehow he can't find it in himself to care. He whispers the words in Eliott's neck. "Let's go get that hot chocolate."
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