#my frat circa 2019
esoteric-marketing · 4 years
The revival of American brewing
A historical look & opinion piece on American breweries and their reintegration into pop culture
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The history of American brewing – When you stop and think about it, there is really only one drink that sums up American culture. Any guesses? If you said beer, you my friend would be correct. In fact, beer has been brewed in America since before it was officially called America. Back in 1587, some of the very first Virginia colonists began using corn to brew their first Ale’s. Fast-forward to 1632, the West India Trading Company built a then state of the art, brewery in what was then known as New Amsterdam. This region is now currently known as New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Connecticut.
By 1754, brewing had become so popular in America that George Washington himself entered a brewing recipe into his own personal journal. In 1810, brewing had become so popular that there was a grand total of 132 breweries operating within the United States. Said breweries were producing a staggering 185,000 barrels worth of beer for a country whose population was nearly seven million strong.
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A buttload of beer barrels
In 1846, the first major blow to brewing hits the state of Maine after the State level Government votes to pass the nation’s first prohibition laws. More states follow suit in the coming decades. By 1866, beer has become a federally taxed good/product. Nearing the end of the 19th century, there were thousands of breweries to be found all over the United States. So, it seemed that the widespread prohibition laws that had swept a large part of the nation had little effect on the Beer industry.
However, by 1910 modernism and it’s production/manufacturing capabilities had shrunk the amount of breweries to around 1,500 countrywide. Come January 1920, and the Federal Government’s war against liquor began. Simultaneously, the roaring 20’s gave birth to an exorbitant amount of Speakeasies throughout the Nation. Come 1933, and the Federal Government legalizes liquor sales once again. By June of that same year, 31 large breweries had reopened their doors. Just one year later in 1934, there were now 756 breweries back in operation.
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Anti-prohibition rally
American beer experienced another change between 1941 and 1945. During that time, the United States was at war with Germany, Japan, and Italy. This meant that any willing and able men were shipped halfway around the world. Thus, a large number of women had to pickup a great number of the jobs that their husbands, brothers, and fathers had previously occupied. In fact, many women had picked up jobs at the local factories in order to contribute to the war fighting machine.
As it turned out, a large number of these women began drinking beer after a long and exhausting day at work. Said women quickly realized that they didn’t particularly care for the hoppy taste that was in beer during the time. Since these women were now a large part of the target market within the beer industry, companies like Anheuser Busch and Pabst Brewing Company adjusted the amount of hops that was present within their beers. Effectively lowering its hops quantity be nearly two thirds! 
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American women working in a factory
This major change did two things to the American brewing industry. First, by lowering the amount of hops that was present in American beer, it allowed companies to brew more beer and at a lower cost. However, the cost savings would never be seen by the American populace. In fact, the price of beer would continue to rise in the following decades. Second, because the larger American breweries were using nearly one third of the original amount of hops to brew a bear, a great deal of the flavor was lost for decades. That is until the Federal Government legalized home brewing in 1978. By legalizing home brewing, the Federal Government had essentially put the fate of beer back into the hands of the American people. In the 1990’s and 2000’s craft brewing had become so popular that it wasn’t uncommon to have a friend who brewed their own beer at home.
By 2001, Americans were loving their beer so much that there was just over 1,400 breweries within the United States. Just 100 short of the total amount of breweries before prohibition circa 1910. Fast-forward to the end of 2019, and there are more than 8,000 breweries within the United States. Making it safe to say that Americans are currently living in the Renaissance of beer!      
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Current day beer culture – There is no question that America is the epicenter of beer and brewing in the 21st century. However, America is a very diverse country that is filled with all kinds of people who have varying opinions when it comes to beer and what it is that makes a good beer. For example, there is a large number of people within the United States that enjoy what I like to call post WWII American beer. You know, the kind of beer that a person would shotgun at a Fraternity party? Names like Busch Light, Bud Light, and Michelob Golden Light come to mind. Said beers feature far less hops which results in a lite or almost flavorless taste, while also coming in at a somewhat cheaper price point when compared to craft beers for example. Said beers are still enjoyed by millions of people around the United States.
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Frat guys doing their frat things
However, with everything in life there is the polar opposite. I’m talking about the kind of beer that a connoisseur or a hobbyist wouldn’t mind paying a little bit of extra cash for (myself included). You know, the kind of beer that comes from your local brewery down the street. Said local breweries create every kind of beer under the sun. So I guess the question is, where to start? Well, there is Surely Brewing Co, Summit Brewing Co, and New Glarus Brewing Co just to name a very select few that are in the Midwest. All of which are still originally owned and operated by the way. Thus, making them direct competitors to the American classics such as Anheuser Busch and Miller Brewing Co. Then you have the different types of beers including but not limited to: Stout’s, IPA’s, Lager’s, Belgium Bitters, Ale’s, etc. All of which are types of beers that are currently brewed by companies both small and large within the beer industry.  
You see, craft brewing in the 21st century isn’t necessarily concerned with your feelings or what you think a beer should be. Craft brewing is about trying new brews, experimenting with different ingredients, and sharing the end result with your family, friends, neighbors, and customers. Home brewing and craft brewing offers people the opportunity to improve on an original recipe, or to create something entirely new altogether. No longer are Americans stuck with Budweiser and their tasteless watered-downed product (yes, that’s how I really feel). Instead, people have the opportunity to improve, grow, and innovate within the beer industry. 
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Craft Beer
So whether you prefer Busch Lite while watching the Super Bowl. Or grabbing a case of Surely Furious to watch the PGA tour with your friends. Couldn’t we all agree that the resurgence of craft and home brewing is good news for anyone that just likes a nice cold glass of beer?     
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