#my french isnt fantastic but even i can see theres like net zero info in this document lol
allbeendonebefore · 1 year
If you feel down for it, I would love to see a small crossover between your Canadian and Ancient Greek characters
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since you asked so nicely p:
occasionally i think about how they're actually contemporaries today, but it's hard for me to say anything significant about Canada-Greece relations from here because most of them are based in Eastern Canada (Montreal and Athens are the only sister cities between the two nations, which certainly would make an interesting dynamic! but one may have to ask @randomoranges)
so the primary connection I know is from the University of Alberta; we have a dig site near the modern village of Kallithea (in Thessaly, south of Larissa). I do regret not going to field school when I had the opportunity; I did hear secondhand that the post-dig ice cream was excellent. Since Edith is the representative for the university, she's standing in for Ed here. If I remember correctly, which nationalities can dig where is strictly controlled by the Greek government, so I think Canadians typically work on sites in northern Greece.
The only other connection I can think of off the top of my head would be the torch lighting ceremony for Calgary's Winter Olympics...
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