#my friend said that it felt like RS was babysitting his youngest friends
acoraxia · 9 months
Red Son is actually such a cool character when you separate him from shipping.
He’s not angry and hot-tempered, actually, he’s just very dramatic and has a constant flare for making things more.. extravagant than they need to be. He’s actually more dramatic than Macaque is with the way he presents his inventions and his own person.
He rarely gets mad. Mostly annoyed but never down right mad at either Xiaotian or Xiaojiao.
He also seems to lack social interaction and doesn’t understand a lot of social cues? At least, from what I can remember he’s thrown off by how friendly Xiaojiao and Xiaotian are and almost seemed overwhelmed by it.
Cannot really tell if he enjoys hanging out with them in small doses or if he would prefer spending time alone. Because when he does “hang out” with them it’s not up to him — they’re always saving the world from a bone spirit or healing people from spider poison. And he wasn’t even there for the final Azure fight so he wasn’t really needed for that. He just happened to show up at the beach ending scenes but he seems the happiest when he’s with his parents or alone? It’s weird
He’s not as social as the other two and frankly sometimes it just feels like he’s watching over them to make sure they don’t die or something
But he is so cool
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