#my friend was in the process of paying via QR code but gave up with how slow and finnicky it is and just handed some cash
pybun · 1 year
i hate the implications that everythings gonna need a handheld device to function. like some restaurants dont have menus and ask you scan QR codes to see their digital menu. or app versions of a website having better features and/or the website """encourages""" you to use their app instead
i get handheld devices are cheaper and portable, p much more accessible than a desktop... but if everythings dependent on one thing then thats the opposite of accessible
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prorevenge · 7 years
Don't f*ck with IT, we run the world.
long story. tl:dr at the end.
All names and locations changed. About 10 years ago, on Neptune, I was working in my first software development job out of university. We made websites, promotional material, and supplied equipment for conferences and trade shows. So if a company wanted a booth at some event, we would produce everything and support them for the duration of the event. This is where I came across Maleficent. She was in charge of the marketing department of a company on nearby Pluto, and they hired us for a convention they were attending. I produced the website for them, which consisted of some pictures/videos of their latest product with a few paragraphs of text. Also some links to their social media, a sign up form etc., pretty basic stuff. It's important to note here that I never met Maleficent in person during this time, just talked to her once on the phone, the rest via email. She mainly dealt with our project manager, a lovely woman called Credenza, who made sure all the different parts worked together.
Part 1: The f*ck up.
Everything was going fine, I'd produced their website and was just waiting for Maleficent to send some images and videos of their product to replace the placeholders I had been using in the meantime. This was a Tuesday, the event was the following Monday. I emailed Maleficent asking when I could expect the files and got no reply. Still no reply Wednesday, so Thursday I asked Credenza to chase it up. She stopped by my desk a short after, a bit flustered. She'd just spoken to Maleficent, who had angrily claimed that she had sent them the previous week and had emailed me - she blamed Credenza and me for being incompetent. I could find it nowhere in my inbox/junk folder, so as far as I was concerned she was lying or had sent it to the wrong email. Credenza contacted her again, confirmed my email address, and asked her to send them again. She shouted at Credenza some more but eventually sent the files, but not until the last moment on Friday afternoon as I was getting ready to leave for the weekend. B*tch. I had to run that evening, but I promised Credenza I would log on Saturday morning and copy the files to the website and everything would be ready for Monday. Saturday morning and the video files didn't work. I don't remember the details exactly, but the files were made using some kind of proprietary codec that I just couldn't convert to something usable on their website. Long story, marginally less long, I spent Saturday praying to gods I didn't believe in for a miracle that wouldn't happen while trying to get in contact with Maleficent. Eventually on Sunday she replied back and I slowly walked her through the process of using another video format - she was using some crappy pirated software I'd never heard of to produce the videos. When she finally sent it, it still was wrong, but at least it was in a format I could read and convert myself. It all worked out in the end, the website was ready by Sunday evening and the convention went well.
Part 2: Trying to get me fired.
Following the convention, Maleficent was furious. She again accused us of incompetence and me personally for f*cking up her weekend (what about my weekend?!). I fired back at what a pain in the ass Maleficent had been (the guys who met her at the event said she was no easier in person) and how I'd done everything I could, but Maleficent denied everything and questioned how I was still in a job. This made Credenza look bad and her and her bosses (none of them tech savvy) didn't understand what I was talking about with 'wrong codecs' and file formats - it probably sounded like I was just trying to cover my ass after the fact. Plus, when it comes to money, the customer is always right. So it ended up becoming a sort of "let's just agree that we all made mistakes" thing, but it was clear that all fingers were pointing at me. Consequently I didn't get a pay rise I had been in line to get (meaning I couldn't move out from my parents’ house, which was killing me) and was put on probation for 6 months, though I left for another job on Vulcan after 2.
Part 3: Revenge is dish best served with béarnaise sauce and Sauvignon blanc.
About 6 Earth years later, I joined a company that sold women’s boots, all shapes, colours (that's how we spell it on Vulcan) and sizes. They had their own IT department that produced their websites and other internal systems. Little did I know that Maleficent had also moved to this company at some point, again in the marketing department, which was downstairs from me. There was a promotional event soon where our company was giving away goody bags with some freebies to anyone who signed up. The bags themselves were some high quality laminated things that were being specially printed up with our company's branding, plus a QR code. The QR code would take you to a special page on our website with discounts. I met with Maleficent (who clearly didn't remember me from before) and talked about the special page I was to produce for the website. She was a pain in the ass again. She was never available (she would take an hour and half lunch every day, and reclaim it on expenses) and when I did meet with her, she changed the requirements constantly, "Can you just change that bit? Never mind, put it back. Oh, actually could you put this shitty animation at the top of the page, no that's a terrible idea, why would you suggest that?" etc. Also, sitting with her, I witnessed how belittling she was to everyone in her team and would gossip about anybody if they weren't there at that moment. Obviously all the while remembering our previous encounter where she had all but got me fired. I thought about calling her out on this, but it would have achieved nothing and I had only just started working at this company a few weeks ago, I didn't want to make waves. So, I persevered and eventually my web page was done and I gave her the URL to send to the bag makers for printing the QR code. But she screwed up. I was copied into an email chain with her sending off the URL to the bag makers and she had done it wrong. The URL was something like "http://www.ourwebsite/offer" but she had sent "htttp://" instead. I double checked what I had sent her and mine was correct, she had obviously typed it out rather than using copy/paste. We were ordering 1000 of these bags from the printers and they were £1.15 each (I mean, 1.15 space credits). Then I noticed way down in the email chain, she had copied her password for the bag website: it was "password" - yes, these oxygen thieves exist by the millions. I logged in with her details (from outside work, with a proxy, just in case) and could see she had indeed ordered 1000 of the bags with the wrong URL for the QR code. I quickly added an extra zero to the quantity and also pushed the requested delivery date back to a day before they were needed. I wanted to change the URL to some porn website, but that wouldn’t match what she had sent in the email, and I wanted her to be unable to escape blame.
Part 4: The aftermath.
Honestly, I thought nothing would actually happen. I assumed the bag company would spot the URL mistake and just fix it. I assumed someone would notice the tenfold quantity increase and delivery date change. But as they say, when you make an assumption you make ass out of you and umption, because none of these things happened. The bags arrived at the last minute and the URL didn't work. Maleficent stormed upstairs and asked why our team had f*cked up and demanding we put it right. I acted innocent, did some trouble shooting, and explained to her the URL had an extra 'T' in it. "Fine, change the URL on our website" - nope, the "http" bit is out of our control I'm afraid, it must be the bag company's fault. But wait, what's this? Your email to them with the wrong URL? This doesn't look good for you. Meanwhile someone comes up stairs and asks "Weren't we only getting 1000 bags? There seems to be a lot more..." Maleficent rushed downstairs to sort out this fresh hell that was rising around her as a warm glow welled up from inside me. I actually never saw her again, I had to travel to one of our other offices that afternoon, but a friend filled me in later. With not enough time to sort things out with the bag company, Malificent had to rush around town to find a stationary store that could print 10000 QR codes on sticky labels to stick over the wrong one on each bag. Apparently she was there most of the night attaching them all, which was doubly funny as I'm told we didn't quite manage to give away the original 1000 bags at the event the following day anyway, let alone the other 9000. She was put on 'gardening leave' and fired for gross incompetence and costing the company all the extra money - now the marketing department is run by a guy called Theodopolopodous - he's much nicer.
tl;dr Evil marketing queen doesn't keep track of who she f*cks over, got her fired several years later when we ended up at the same company.
(source) (story by ImperiousChipmunk)
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cryptobully-blog · 6 years
New York Today: Living on Bitcoin
New York Today: Living on Bitcoin
Living on bitcoin alone is not easy. Credit Leon Neal/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Good morning on this stormy Monday.
Bitcoin can make you filthy rich, but it still won’t buy you a buttered roll at your bodega.
How do we know? We tried.
For 36 hours last week I lived on Bitcoin alone. Surviving on the cryptocurrency, even in one of the world’s financial capitals, wasn’t easy. It required long subway rides to far-flung vendors where I was often the first Bitcoin-paying customer.
To get started, I bought 0.00737523 Bitcoin ($50) on Coinbase, a popular cryptocurrency exchange. It took an hour, $1.99 in fees, uploading a photo ID, and calling my bank after the charge was flagged as possibly fraudulent.
Coinbase also canceled my first attempt to buy the volatile currency because the price had fluctuated in the 10 seconds or so it took me to check out.
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I went to bed and woke up with Bitcoin worth $50.14 in my digital wallet and a list of things to accomplish: grocery shop, do laundry, buy socks, work out and get a haircut.
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But first, I needed coffee.
The closest place I found was Kavasutra in the East Village, a 30-minute subway ride away. (The subway does not accept Bitcoin, so to ride I had to cheat.)
After pulling a shot of cold brew for 0.00014486 BTC, or $1, the barista called up a QR code on an iPad. I scanned it with an app on my phone, but it didn’t work. He began coaching me like a child patiently setting up Grandpa’s Facebook account, and then gave up.
But eventually I figured it out, the payment went through and I became his third Bitcoin-paying customer of the day.
Paying with cryptocurrency was like that: exciting, fraught and never the same twice.
I was invoiced by email for a load of laundry at the Eco Laundry Company in Chelsea. I texted with a hair stylist in Israel who accepted a tip on behalf of his colleague at Armando Piña Hair Salon on the Upper East Side. I waited — fingers crossed — for five minutes before a payment finally posted and I could dig into an ice cream sandwich at Melt Bakery on the Lower East Side.
And like an obsessive day trader, I would check my digital wallet and watch as the value went up and down by a few cents every few minutes.
It was fun, until I got hungry.
I had searched for restaurants and grocery stores using Coinmap, the Blockchain Wallet and filters on Yelp, but almost none took Bitcoin, and most said they never had.
“No one is really using it the way it’s supposed to be used, as a currency,” said Dan Sim, who accepts Bitcoin at his Lean Crust pizza shop in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.
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Circa 2013, he said, he’d process dozens of Bitcoin purchases a week, but as the currency became more valuable and volatile, that’s dropped to zero. “People don’t want to part with their Bitcoin,” he said.
I couldn’t find anyone to sell me less than $200 worth of socks or a gym that accepted Bitcoin. By the time lunch rolled around on Day 2, I was ready to throw in the towel.
I headed to Sweetgreen. Its restaurants don’t accept cash, but they still take good old-fashioned plastic.
Here’s what else is happening:
= c_phrase
= temp °= temp_unit = c_high ° = c_low °
We’d pay a pretty penny for better weather.
We could see two inches of rain, and thunder may rumble through the morning.
Today’s high is around 60. Highs will be in the 50s all week — a little cool for mid-April.
In the News
• Federal prosecutors in New York are investigating President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen. [New York Times]
Federal prosecutors in New York are investigating President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen. Credit Justin Lane/EPA, via Shutterstock
• Though subway officials have attributed delays to antiquated signals, faulty equipment near the Bergen Street station on the F and G lines is proving that even newer hardware can break down. [New York Times]
• A look at the life of David Buckel, the civil rights lawyer and environmentalist who killed himself on Saturday, through the eyes of the people closest to him. [New York Times]
• Citing concerns like climate change, officials have prepared a long-term plan for the care of the city’s forests. [New York Times]
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• A new graphic novel by the comic book writer Peter J. Tomasi retells the origin of the Brooklyn Bridge and the family who made it possible. [New York Times]
The comic book writer Peter J. Tomasi’s passion has resulted in the graphic novel, “The Bridge: How the Roeblings Connected Brooklyn to New York.” Credit James Estrin/The New York Times
• Ninety years after her death, Nora Bayes, one of the most famous entertainers of the early 20th century, will finally get a headstone. [New York Times]
• Cynthia Nixon won the endorsement of the Working Families Party, a small but influential progressive group. [New York Times]
• More than 200 million eggs that may have been contaminated with salmonella were distributed to nine states, including New York and New Jersey. [New York Times]
• The William Street Tattoo Center on the Lower East Side is a first-in-the-nation clinic dedicated to tattoo-related medical issues. [Patch]
• With more black women rejecting relaxers, hair care professionals on Long Island are adapting to a growing natural hair movement. [Newsday]
• Today’s Metropolitan Diary: “Other End of the Leash”
• For a global look at what’s happening, see Your Morning Briefing.
Coming Up Today
• Taxes are due tomorrow. Get last-minute help filing at public libraries across the city.
• Take a tour of Gracie Mansion on the Upper East Side. 11 a.m. [Free]
• A three-part lecture series on Einstein’s theories begins at the Jefferson Market Library in Greenwich Village at 6 p.m. [Free]
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• The author of “Abraham and Straus: It’s Worth a Trip From Anywhere” discusses the history of the department store that once anchored Fulton Street, at the Brooklyn Historical Society in Brooklyn Heights. 6:30 p.m. [$5]
• Learn how to hack your mind to be more reasonable at the Empiricists League at Union Hall in Park Slope. 7:30 p.m. [$10]
• Yankees host Marlins, 6:35 p.m. (YES). Mets host Nationals, 7:10 p.m. (SNY).
• Alternate-side parking remains in effect until May 10.
• For more events, see The New York Times’s Arts & Entertainment guide.
And Finally…
Sites memorializing the people who survived the sinking of the Titanic as well as those who died. Credit Library of Congress
This week in 1912, around 700 people stepped off the Carpathia steamship at Pier 54 in the meatpacking district.
They were the only survivors of the Titanic, which had sunk on April 15, claiming over 1,500 lives.
On the central beam of the pier, you can still read the lettering of the shipping companies “Cunard,” which operated the Carpathia, and “White Star,” which owned the Titanic.
The Titanic left its mark on other places in the city as well.
• Many of the surviving crew members were first received at the Lower Manhattan Seamen’s Friend Society, which was dedicated to improving the “social, moral and religious condition of seamen” and is now the Jane Hotel.
• Memorials to those who perished include Straus Park, a small park at Broadway and 106th Street dedicated to Isidor and Ida Straus; the William T. Stead Memorial in Central Park at 91st Street, honoring a British journalist who died helping others escape; and a plaque for Edith Corse Evans, a New York socialite and one of the few women from first class who died, at Grace Church in Greenwich Village.
• And the white Titanic Memorial Lighthouse, built a year after the tragedy, stood atop the Seamen’s Church Institute until 1967, when it was moved to Titanic Memorial Park near South Street Seaport.
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New York Today is a morning roundup that is published weekdays at 6 a.m. If you don’t get it in your inbox already, you can sign up to receive it by email here.
For updates throughout the day, like us on Facebook.
What would you like to see here to start your day? Post a comment, email us at [email protected], or reach us via Twitter using #NYToday.
Follow the New York Today columnists, Alexandra Levine and Jonathan Wolfe, on Twitter.
You can find the latest New York Today at nytoday.com.
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swan-s0ngx-blog · 7 years
Psn card codes
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