#my friendly neighborhood unfriendly puppets
venisonvendor-ve · 8 months
Just quickly jotting something down for some My Friendly Neighborhood-related OCs
Working on some designs for my versions of the Unfriendly Neighbors. Do they count as OCs? Honestly, I've been in fandoms since I was technically ten years old, and now at the ripe age of 22, I can safely say: I have no clue.
But if not, I could twist them into original designs.
While I work on the designs, here were some names that I thought would be cool for them:
Unfriendly Norman - Nightjar Reasoning: Most of these puppets have alliterative names, but I thought something relating to the newfound dark nature of this Unfriendly puppet would be great. It's a standard trope in horror that we associate the night with frights (haha), so something relating to that was something in mind. Nightjar, specifically, is a name taken from nocturnal birds of the same name (some species of which are classified as owls).
Unfriendly Junebug - Jade Reasoning: Once again, alliteration, but when you hear Ricky drop the lore that some of the puppets' minds were twisted by the horrors they saw on television, you could argue that some of them were "jaded" by what they saw.
Unfriendly Lenard: Lenore Reasoning: Similar to how Lenore from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" was considered to be someone precious who was lost, so is Unfriendly Lenard, now dubbed Lenore, now fallen from their former self. She is the closest to her Friendly counterpart, though tends to follow the others in attacking Gordon because of the hive mind habit. I headcanon both Lenard and his unfriendly counterpart to be genderfluid/nonbinary, using any pronouns and comfortably expressing themselves through their relaxed personalities in how they dress no matter what naysayers try to say and do.
Unfriendly Liliana: Lilith Reasoning: In Judaic mythology, Lilith is allegedly Adam's first wife, banished and shunned and, in turn, becoming the first she-demon, because she did not comply with Adam. Similar to this religious/mythical/Biblical counterpart, Lilith embraced the darkness within her, and due to this, was exiled to the Unfriendly Neighborhood because she wouldn't - and couldn't - be what the other, less scathed puppets expected her to be.
Unfriendly George: Ghost Reasoning: Unfriendly George became fascinated with death when he saw the bad TV shows, realizing that, for most, at least, it was inevitable. He wondered how it would be to be a spirit, a ghost, free of the pains and troubles that plague his mind.
My art isn't the best, but I hope to post some design ideas for these Unfriendly fellas soon. Thanks for taking the time to read this, I had a lot of fun writing and researching name ideas. Until next time, ciao!
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lavafet · 7 months
I love when people ship an oc with a character! It’s like “Yess love them!!!” Idk I just wanna see my favorite characters receive affection I guess. That said I think Jamie is super cool and think the drawings with him and Norman are so cute!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I agree! :} I'm a big sucker for romance myself so I love seeing ships of all sorts, especially with my favorites. I'm glad you like them so much! ♡♡
Little somethin' for your travels that came to be last night :]c
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There is some opportunity to be had with the puppet clones..... 👀
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fireflysummers · 11 months
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My brain has been unfriendly, so I decided to draw some friendly friends: Wally Darling from @partycoffin's upcoming ARG Welcome Home and Ricky from the recently released indie game My Friendly Neighborhood.
I finished watching a let's play for MFN, and it was a solid game. No "installments by chapter," self-contained story without sequel bait, felt like a survival horror game without any significant horror, no real jumpscares.
And while I love mascot horror for the most part, I've didn't realize I was getting tired of how... mean spirited it is? And also how I'm tired of mean spirited. MFN felt very tributary, and as a true tribute, it didn't try to twist things designed for love and for children into something darker. (I would have rioted if they'd made a Dark Mister Rogers plot twist, really.) Despite the more distinctly horror themes of Welcome Home, there's very much a feeling of love that transcends "What if Elmo was Evil."
Commissions are Open
Image ID: Wally Darling (a muppet-type character with yellow skin, a red ascot, a blue blazer, and a blue pompadour) from the upcoming ARG "Welcome Home" sits leaning on a white wooden fence, with his lower half obscured. To his side is a birdhouse that looks like Wally's House, and from its door emerges the gray-and-red sock puppet Ricky, from the indie game My Friendly Neighborhood. They are enjoying sharing a conversation, although the speech bubbles surrounding them are blank, leaving it to the audience's imagination what they're talking about.
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ericaportfolio · 11 months
My Friendly Neighborhood Review
Hey Kids! Do you want a mascot horror game that's actually good? Do you want to shoot and watch puppets fly across the room in funny ways? Or do you want to play a game that breaks you to the point of ugly crying due to the messages about selfishness versus selflessness, the trauma of war, grief, depression, death, and depending on which ending you decide, make you feel miserable or hopeful? (Boy, what I wrote there got dark!) Then you should play My Friendly Neighborhood!!!
July 8, 1993, in a very unfriendly city where the citizens that were emotionally affected by the war that lasted for twenty years by watching it from their TV sets (An in-universe version of the Vietnam War in this game), an old studio's antenna starts up playing a canceled kids show that's the in-universe version of Sesame Street, My Friendly Neighborhood, over the news. You play as repair crewman Gordon O'Brian was forcibly sent by his employer, Sprocket Palm Property Management, and their clients, City Network Broadcasting Group, to shut down the antenna at the top of the abandoned studio's hotel. Failure to do so, Gordon, due to his terrible, mean, and rude behavior, would result in getting fired. Upon getting there, SURPRISE, The Puppets Are Alive That A Lot Of Them Want To Hug You To Death!!! Along the way, Ricky the Sock Puppet guides Gordon throughout the studio trying to convince him not to disconnect the antenna. Can Gordon survive the night at the studio as he tries to find a way up to the antenna? Or will Gordon be trapped in the studio forever?
Pros... There's a lot! I can list them all day! The game is a love letter to tv shows and movies made by the Jim Henson Company over the years. The shows and movies had different names to prevent copyright claims in the game's universe. The cute factor is that you'll get attached to Ricky the Sock Puppet. He's like if Scout Prime from Hello Puppets was similar to Kermit the Frog and doesn't curse. If you're thinking, wait Hello Puppets already did possess murder puppets, that seems repetitive! Actually, the puppets aren't possessed. I'm wondering if the creators are saving a twist for another game. (Please let it be Gordon, Ricky, and the Neighborhood characters versus the villains from the in-universe The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth movies after they fell for a trap they thought was a movie deal!) I won't dive into details in this review. Let's say you have to think on your own about what's really happening here. I think for a horror game to do that was refreshing. What you might have fun with in this game is the clever ideas and designs of the weapons you find, the Rolodex and the Novelist being two of them, and the puzzles you come across along the way. However, the best part of the game has to be the writing since it takes a survival horror game and turns it into a dark comedy that would make Mel Brooks proud. If you're a completionist and you finish the game, don't leave! There's More! There are 'secret tapes' scattered around the studio, and once you finish the game, they will unlock cheats and mods to create some interesting experiences the next time you play.
There aren't many cons to this game. Something was happening with the maps, but that was fixed, thankfully. If I have some things I have to nitpick, first, this game has a lot of backtracking to other levels that many would find annoying. However, you'll make discoveries along the way. Just get ready if the previous levels you have been through get harder as more puppets appear. Second, you need to be ready to conserve your ammunition. Once it's gone and used, it's GONE, and your left with the wrench. So plan ahead, or you're dead in the finale! For beginners, this game may take hours or days to beat unless you got the patience to win. As the game continues, some of the puzzles will get harder and leave you scratching your head for a while. There have also been some complaints that the game should be considered a horror game at times, even though there are terrifying moments. Especially in the climax and ending that would leave you shaking unless you wished for more from that. So the cute factor in the game may turn off some who want something darker than this. Yet, if you read carefully the files you collect, you'll discover where the true darkness lurks in this game.
I may need to warn you of potential spoilers to some trigger warnings of war, depression, and references to taking away your own life. In a game about fighting murder puppets, the game does a shockingly good job tackling war trauma not just for the victims and soldiers but also for the citizens back on the homefront, where many viewed the soldiers as villains and getting exposed to the war on their home televisions. Because of that, the citizens in the city were traumatized and depressed by it. Even one worker at the studio wrote about "going into the light". I got a theory as to what happened to them. Something I noticed at the beginning makes sense now when reading those notes.
So there are multiple endings in the game. One is the true ending. Whichever ending you get, get your tissues ready. You might cry ugly tears of joy. Overall, spending money on this game is worth it! Even if you don't have the money, watch your favorite Gaming YouTubers and watch the game as a movie experience. It's not perfect, but it's rightfully up there, along with that antenna. This game may not be for everyone, but if you're a fan of Resident Evil (which I should start watching more gameplay of the game series if able, to be honest), you grew up with Sesame Street and the Muppets, you're a big Jim Henson Company nerd, you like puppets, you're a fan of Hello Puppets and Welcome Home, and you love film noir, this game is for you. So get it while it's still on sale, grab a buddy or two, and get learning in your favorite friendly neighborhood!
I would give this game a 9/10 for Ricky being adorable and Gordon getting some needed sleep.
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lenardslittlemeowmeow · 8 months
*Rises from the grave* I'm not dead!
And I present: My Unfriendly Lenard design!
Ok so his name is Lestat and I lomve him.
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I imagine him to be the most similar to his Friendly counterpart, personality and interests wise. Except he's a total pushover. A complete welcome matt. He wouldn't know how to say "no" if his life depended on it. Which it has. Several times. How is this puppet even still alive-
When he was still in The Unfriendly Neighborhood he was the others' errand boy, test subject, messenger ("don't shoot the messenger" didn't apply there), whatever the other Unfriendlies needed. He was a prime bullying target too since he wouldn't stand up for himself. He's also very accident prone and got hurt a lot even when the others weren't doing anything to him.
When the Unfriendlies finally get to go back up to the surface, Lenard tries to teach Lestat to be more confident. Lenard isn't the best at it considering his own issues, but he tries. They both grow better at it together.
Lestat becomes pretty protective over Lenard. He has a hard time standing up for himself, but no one messes with his (pretty much) brother.
I also colourized my favorite drawing from the page!
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There's actually a backstory for this Lestat having two eyes! I totally didn't just forget that he only has one eye while drawing it and then make a backstory reason retroactively.
It's because this is him right after he got patched up by Lilianna, when he first came back to the surface. This was the first time he saw himself in a mirror since before he became unfriendly. When Lilianna was fixing his one eye, she offered to give him another one just because she could, and he accepted thinking it would be nice to have full vision.
He ended up being so overwhelmed by having full vision, and he hated how it looked so much, that he almost ripped it off again himself. Lilianna stopped him though and was like "no, I can fix it" and removed it much more carefully than he would have.
Anyways hope you enjoyed this infodump! *Sinks back into the ground*
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astrangeghost · 11 months
I had a dream where I was watching a playthrough of my friendly neighborhood and they got a new ending where the unfriendly puppets escaped and wrecked havoc on the city
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gameguides · 11 months
My Friendly Neighborhood How to get S Rank
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Hello from our My Friendly Neighborhood How to get S Rank Guide. Something terrible is happening at everyone's favorite Saturday morning puppet show, The Friendly Neighborhood! Play as Gordon, a mechanic sent to get to the bottom of this disturbing dilemma. Fend off puppets and solve puzzles in this survival horror adventure. Our guide contains information about how to get S rank the unfriendly way for you on this adventure!
My Friendly Neighborhood How to get S Rank Unfriendly
#MyFriendlyNeighborhood Read the full article
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lavafet · 8 months
I was wondering if you had any other art of the Unfriendly Neighbors? Please I'm begging your art is so good
I have one sketch just for you at the moment :] here you go!
(CW under the cut. Nothing bad but perhaps just slightly spooky)
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I like to think that they had carved smiles into themselves—as they had a hard time smiling after a specific point—and the scratched out eyes were a result of not being able to stand what was on TV. Lenard's mouth and nose is scratched up pretty bad, especially on his right since they focused a lot of their clawing there on that one eye. George's jaw has a difficult time remaining fixed and he tore the stitching from where his nonexistent eye was. And Lilianna resulted to using some of her "artistic ability" to try and- restore her face at one point. Which went QUITE well. :]
Quite the happy bunch!
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venisonvendor-ve · 7 months
Literally Gordon and Norman from My Friendly Neighborhood
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