#my girlfriend really likes sansa and I just don't... I think that's because the tv series doesn't do a great job preserving her character
terr4ance · 6 months
I have a terrible habit of not reading the books I own, so I am going to post here on tumblr to force myself to act. I am like 130 pages from the end of game of thrones, 1/3 of the way through brave new world, halfway through rethinking suicide, and very near the beginning of my late granddad's memoire. I want to finish game of thrones this week, and get further through brave new world. I will do this. this will definitely work. I never make false promises as far as goals are concerned I promise...
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witchthewriter · 1 year
You don't have to answer these questions if you don't want to. I hope you are having a lovely day.
I wanna say thank you to @brilligbroilledbooks for coming up with this!
Of course, I want to answer them! Thank you for taking the time to send in the ask! Also, I'm not sure if all the questions are in relation to the Grishaverse??? So I'm just going with whatever...I want lol oops
💀 Favorite villain?
I mean The Darkling was a pretty good goddamn villain but the best ones are when you start to agree with them. When their perspective starts making sense, that's when you know you have a good villain. So with that being said, I guess ... the Joker? I mean the Darkling is a DAMN good villain, so yeah he will always be one of my favourites. But also I love a good female villain so Jennifer Check from Jennifer's Body?
"Jennifer! You're killing people!"
"No, I'm killing boys-"
It really is a cult classic.
👯Favorite ships/duos/dynamics (friendships are also ships!)?
Me & Money (lol just kidding...👀), Katniss & Peeta, Nat & Wanda, Nikolai & Zoya, Jesper & Nikolai, Buffy & Faith, Sansa & Dany, Sansa & Margaery. These are all romantic ones though - friendship ones are; Inej & Nina, Genya, Alina & Zoya, Buffy & Willow, and Peeta & Finnick.
📺Favorite tv show quote/scene?
I think would have to be Carmy's scene in The Bear, when he's at the AA meeting and finally opens up. I just related so much, he says he didn't have friends growing up, he had a stutter, never had a girlfriend...here's the scene if you want to watch it. Trigger Warning though! And then at the end of the series ... god I don't want to spoil it for you, but I have never cried and laughed so loudly and so much at the same time.
For Grishaverse -
When Jesper and Kaz are taken to see Dresden (or whatever his name is) but it's really to see Nikolai and just ... god the interaction, the witty banter. Kaz's side eye with Jesper about knowing about him being a durast.
📚 Favorite book quote/scene?
In William Shakespeare's play, 'Much Ado About Nothing,' the scene where Beatrice and Benedick are talking and she yells, "O if I were a man! I would eat his heart in the marketplace!" (Here's the scene if you want to check it out). I got it tattooed actually, except it says "I'll eat his heart in the marketplace." To me, in the play, it means the social constructs are obstructing Beatrice from standing up for her cousin, but my tattoo means ... f*ck the social norm, f*ck tradition - I can and I will call anyone out. Let me know if anyone wants to see the tattoo... if no one cares, that's totally chill as well lol
For Grishaverse -
My favourite quote would be Genya talking about her abuse from the King. It's so much more hard-hitting than in the tv show. I cried and cried while reading it. Because I think the King was still alive, and she got to say it to his face while Nikolai was there as well.
✨Which Grisha order would you belong to?
Oh my god! I'm always thinking about this. On one hand, I would love to be a summoner, but one that doesn't exist - I wanna be the main character like that tehe oops. But then again, being a durast would come in handy!!! But then there's also being a Heartrender, and no one can survive without their heart so I just want to be the most powerful 👀
🐐Who/what is your emotional support goat?
Jesper - whenever I feel overwhelmed, I'm like 'Jesper would be laughing right now, I need to chill.' But also my pets - Baloo (my lab cross rottie) and Silly (my cat who is currently asleep on my bed). Also...The Hunger Games series is my emotional support movies??? I think that says a lot about me ...
🗡️Wraith, what are your knives' names? (Moral principles that you value - yes, also name the knives)
I would name my knives like they name their swords in Game of Thrones.
Maiden Death
Fate's End
Vicious Hope
...Bad Luck
My moral principles are:
Everyone is equal and has equal opportunities (except for those who have done unforgivable things - that's a whole other discussion).
I think we should Eat the Rich - no one needs that much money
Water should always be free - everywhere
Abortions need to be legal and accessible (everywhere and without hassle)
Religion has no place in government
Marriage equality is an obvious yes - I can't believe we're still arguing about this
Guns need to be banned
Education is free, yes that includes university degrees
Medical care also needs to be free as well
Okay so that turned into opinions rather than principles...
🧇Heartrender, if you had to betray your country for food what would it be?
Okay so I don't know if you guys have these outside of Australia but we have these chocolate bars called Picnics. They're a wafer covered in caramel, then nuts with Cadbury chocolate. They're what waffles are to Nina - I would eat these for the rest of my life. I can easily eat a bag of 12 in less than 30 minutes. They're ... delectable. I'm actually eating them right now ahahah oh my god
🧨Demo-expert, how do you code your experiments? (Favorite hobby)
My fav hobby is ... this. It's this account, writing for you guys, making moodboards, researching astrology signs, mbti, pair ups, headcanons. This, as well as learning about witchcraft and tarot. Reading, and extending my writing abilities.
🧤Dirtyhands, what's your weakness?
Um... being ridiculed/insulted. But also talk sh*t get hit amirite ladies?! I think it's being rejected, looked down on, and thought of as disgusting. That's my weakness. But if we're talking...how would the enemy get me to do anything, it would probably be kidnaping my family???
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perfectdisastr · 5 years
Well that was an episode or a TV show...
I didn't think it was that great but I also didn't think it was bad.
Haven't read everyone's thoughts on the episode, but people seem kind of discouraged?
To me the episode does not negate jonsa/ Pol! Jon/ dark Dany in any way!
There are some scenes/lines that really set it up nicely!
Jon apparently told D Sansa is beautiful? I meeeean... Anything else there is to know about your platonic sisterly sister, Jon?
"I had the choice to give up the crown or save the North. I chose the North." (paraphrasing, but you get the gist). Well except you didn't Jonny, she promised to help before you bent the knee, you could have had both... Or did you maybe not have a lot of faith in good Ole D, hmm? Felt like you needed to give her some more motivation, maybe?
'We need allies' is also a great way to convince your people that bringing that chick and her overgrown pet lizards home, was a good idea...
'We would  be really old' also is a romantic as fuck answer to your girlfriend confessing she wants to run away with you and hide with only you in this majestic place, for forever...
I mean maybe this is kit being a bad actor, but Jon does not look very happy around the lohl.
This weird dragon Montage, I wasn't a fan of because it was way to long, but if we give the D's of this episode the benefit of the doubt in whether they thought with an actual working brain, while deciding to include this sequence, it does need to serve some purpose except for badly done jonerys fluff:
->Rhaegal  trying to throw Jon off and staring while Mommy and Step-Daddy/Cousin kissed looked to me like he didn't trust him very much... (Maybe it was Drogon staring, we've never been taught how to tell them apart). Dragons are supposed to be smart and 'smell' intentions, so sure he (being Rhaegal) let Jon ride him because he is a Targaryen, but he seems to think/sense something is up. He does seem to try to intimidate Jon. Also Jon looking terrified might just be him internally going: 'oh damn, he knows I think his mummy is cray...' Anyway what is the fucking reason for this shot if this isn't the case? What D, D, D and D?? Your J0nerys fluff and Jon is a Targaryen foreshadowing, would have been much smoother if you just didn't include that bit! Why is he staring Jon down??
The Dragons ain't eating: looks like two very good boys might not be that big of a help against the biGGeST threat after all, huh?
Jon asking Sansa if she had faith in him and telling Arya, that Sansa thinks she is the smartest person ever, very much sounds like: 'my darling, I'm going to need you to trust me, you don't know everything, there is more to the story, and I  really need you to play along!'
Sam asking Jon if Dany would give up her crown for her people, aka is she a Queen for the people or for status? And Jonny doesn't answer, but he is sad, so I'll give him a pass
Davos mentioning the marriage alliance exactly 5 episodes after it would have made sense. Just before  everyone finds out that Jon isn't the best candidate, the North would want as representation anymore. (guess who is though?!)
Yes there is some shit in this episode and Jon is acting like a self-righteous little asshole, Dany threatening Sansa, seems kind of out of line to me... Jon didnt really defend her, which I wish he had, because Team Stark, but it didn't seem as alarming watching it, looked like he was in the middle of coddling her... but let's not give up hope!
Other thoughts about 8.01:
Sam is the only valid person in GoT, I love him, I wanna hug him!
Varys with the fur, what an icon
Tyrion believing in Cersei seems very fishy too me... What's up with him anyway?
Gendrya is LIFE!
Cersei is great as always
Arya and Sansa, yes bitches the pack survives!
I don't understand why Yara still is 'on' Team Daenerys? Bitch, she fucking left you to die! Run!
I don't care for these Dragons at all.
Winterfell in birds eye is so obviously cgi. Very off-putting...
Riding a dragon with a cloak seems dumb to me
Glad my boy tormund is okay!
Jaime and Bran!!
Where the fuck is ghost??
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myrish-lace-love · 7 years
One more and then I WILL stop... Don't be silly, you don't have to get up for me - I'll just sit on your lap.
Sansa was glad the room was dark enough to hide her scowl as Margaery slid onto Robb’s lap and started pawing at him.
We get it, she thought, you’re in love, great, could you please stop showing off on movie night when I have to sit a good eight inches away from Jon on this side of the couch?
The four of them got together each week, squeezing onto Margaery’s sofa and snacking on the amazing popcorn Margaery had. The delicious, crunchy snack was a small solace for Sansa as she watched Jon maintain the distance between them like it was some kind of religious requirement.
She deserved it, she supposed. She hadn’t been all that kind to him when they were children. She’d been popular. Captain of the cheerleading squad. Jon had been bookish. Shy. Nerdy. He only hung out with his best friend Sam. Sansa had tried over and over to get him to talk when Robb dragged him to family dinner. She’d even ribbed him in a good-natured way about not having a girlfriend.
Which was some pretty sharp irony, considering he’d come back from his second year of college with a head full of gorgeous black curls and some sort of magic that transformed him into an Adonis. Not that she’d looked. She’d gawked, actually, at the Stark summer home, when Jon descended the pool in blue swim trunks.
When she’d asked him about it (once she could get her mouth to close) he’d shrugged and muttered something about hitting the gym a lot when his girlfriend left him.
He didn’t try to turn it into a pickup line, though. Or not-so-subtly flex in front of her, like other guys did. Which was great. Understandable, too, especially since he probably thought of her like an irritating little sister. She wasn’t disappointed. Not in the slightest.
She sighed. Who am I kidding?
Read more below or continue on AO3
She wished every week that he’d make some kind of overture as the screen flickered. But he didn’t. He’d smile warmly at her when she sat down, in a way that made her tummy flip. Then Total Silence Protocol during the film. Afterwards he’d sometimes ask her in a halting, endearing way about her classes, until Margaery announced who’d be making the movie pick next week.
Which is how they ended up watching Scream. It had been Margaery’s turn to choose. She normally leaned towards foreign films or romantic comedies. But no, this week it had to be a horror film.
”C’mon, Sans,” Robb had teased her last week when she’d gone white as a sheet. “You’re not still stuck in your ‘need a nightlight at bedtime’ stage right?”
She’d given Robb an icy, haughty stare, and he’d backed down.
But now, as the images started to flicker on the big flat-screen TV, Sansa felt queasy. She was terrible about horror films. They bypassed all her good sense and turned her into a quivering ball of fear.
She set her bowl of popcorn on the side table. She could handle this. It’d be fine. Breathe. Breathe. The movie wasn’t even that scary, based on the reviews she’d read online.
Oh god. There was a girl trapped in the house. Of course there was, it was the start to every cheesy horror movie ever.
And Sansa was petrified.
“Hey, you okay?” Jon’s voice had gotten deeper. And Jon Snow sounding sexy right now was not helping. She realized too late her hands were shaking as she waved him off.
“Fine, Jon. Fine.” She plastered a smile on her face. They turned back to the screen.
Even the sounds of Robb and Margaery vigorously french-kissing couldn’t pull her out of the movie. The girl on the screen panicked.
Sansa shuddered. She’s going to die. She’s going to die in that house and she can see her parents coming up the driveway and they can’t save her!
She let out a small yelp the first time that hideous mask appeared. She felt a warm, rough hand close over hers.
“Sansa, we can stop. Turn off the movie.” Jon had his head bent towards hers. He was a whole six inches over the neutral zone.
She shook her head. She and Robb were locked in a childish battle of wills lately, and she couldn’t let Robb win. “I can’t let them know I’m a wimp, Jon.”
She could just make out his smile. “So I’ll tell them it’s me.“
"You?” She squeaked.  
“Yeah. Why not?”
Because most guys would want to be macho, she thought. Would try to put their arm around her or make some other obvious play. Not offer themselves up as a scaredy-cat in front of their friends.
“Let’s tough it out. Would you–” god, she was really going to ask this, wasn’t she– “I think it would help if you kept holding my hand.“
"Sure.” And thankfully, Jon’s hand was thoroughly distracting. When the fear factor started to ramp up again – what was it with that creepy mask, it did things to her – Jon traced the underside of her hand with his thumb. Sansa wasn’t sure what he did to get calluses, but she was appreciative. She shivered when he rubbed small circles on her palm.
It almost kept her mind off the movie. Almost. But then the throat slitting started, and she recoiled, shrinking into the couch cushion.
“Turn it off, Robb.” Jon’s voice echoed in the room. Robb’s tongue was halfway down Margaery’s throat, so he didn’t notice.
And now there was blood everywhere. Everywhere. Ugh, how did people enjoy these? Sansa squeezed her eyes shut.
“Oi! Off!” Jon’s bark surprised Sansa enough that her eyes flew open. Robb finally turned his head. He seemed dazed, but Margaery was perfectly composed. She stopped the movie with a delicate flick of the remote. She turned on the lights. The screen was blessedly black. No knives, no masks, no blood.
Sansa’s heart rate slowed. Jon loosened his grip, giving her the chance to pull away now that they could all see each other. Instead, on an impulse, she laced her fingers with his. She didn’t want to let him go. Jon was staring straight at Margaery, but she thought she felt him squeeze her hand gently.
Sansa must have looked worse than she thought, because Margaery leaned forward. “Sweetie, are you ok?”
Robb’s obnoxious smirk was forming when Jon spoke up. “Yeah, I’m all right. Thank Marg.”
Margaery blinked. “Good, that’s good, dear.”
Robb piped up. “But Sans–”
“–Helped me keep it together. Sorry, slasher films aren’t my thing.“ Jon shrugged.
Robb snorted. "And since when did you become such a baby, Snow?”
Margaery gathered Robb’s face in her hands. “I know, darling, it’s ridiculous. Almost like how you asked me to turn off that home-shopping show because there were snakes in the backyard.”
Sansa and Jon snickered as Robb grumbled about “real world menaces” and “totally different story.”
Margaery let him fume as she clapped her hands. “Well, more time for games! Into the living room everyone.”
Jon ducked his head as they crossed the threshold. “Not charades. Please not charades,” he muttered.
Sansa had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. Jon really was awful at charades.
“You’re not so bad, Jon.” She brushed his shoulder with hers.
“Do you remember last week’s stick figures?”
She did. Jon had laboriously drawn a top hat on a stick figure and then stood mute next to the easel.  They’d all stared at him blankly until the timer ran out, and he’d had to sheepishly admit it was Abraham Lincoln. Even Margaery had been at a loss for words.
“But now I know your style, Jon. We can make it work. It’ll be like a secret language.” Like how you figured out I was scared and kept me safe, she thought.
As it turned out they wiped the floor with Robb and Margaery. They found their own rhythm, and Jon even high-fived her at one point when he passed her the marker.
In the end, though, Jon hustled out, like he always did. Sansa’s stomach sank at his usual quick exit. She couldn’t just let him run away tonight. She caught him before he got to the door.
“Hey, um….thanks, for all that.”
The floral wallpaper made the foyer seem small. They were alone briefly. It was chilly outside, but the entryway was snug and warm.
Jon looked uncomfortable as he tugged on his grey jacket. “No problem. Any - anytime, Sansa.” Suddenly he didn’t seem to know what to do with his hands.
“Kind of like protecting your little sister or something, right?” There was her perky cheerleader voice. She only wavered on the last word.
Jon’s eyes were a shade darker. Sansa could see the snow falling through the glass plate in the door. He was quiet, so quiet Sansa thought she might sink into the floor from embarrassment.
Jon finally frowned. “No. No. It’s not like that. Sansa, I–”
Margaery burst in on them. “Oh, sorry! You two look like you’re having a moment.”
Robb was right behind her. “Yeah, what’s going on?” His Big Brother voice was in full effect.
“Just telling Sansa I appreciated the help,” Jon murmured, and he was out the door before Sansa could get another word in.
Sansa sighed. She was in for a whole week of wondering what Jon had been about to say.
But Robb and Margaery broke up the very next day. Movie nights were over. And now, Sansa had no way to learn what Jon had meant.
(The next installment in this series is here on AO3!)
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