#my god we love immigrant music. Carlos I love you for this song thank you for it
aeolianblues · 5 months
Oh god, Carlos O'Connell really nailed it, didn't he. He knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote Big Shot. That instrumentation. The lyrics, even as seemingly abstract and distant they are. I get it. What he's written, I couldn't always pinpoint a lyric and tell you, this is what it is, but I know what he's written the song about. It's almost too fragile to put it into words. It might even break it to try. It would be too ugly to. But you get what he's saying. And when Grian puts his low, slow, strong and here very wistful, almost nihilist and faraway vocals onto it, he's really conveying what Carlos meant to say and it's so beautiful I might be sick to my stomach. I listen to that song sitting at home, and I feel homesick. Because it's about the other home. The unattainable one. The one only in memory, the one you left behind, forever. It's the fact that it will never exist for you. You will always be on the move. Home is everywhere and nowhere. It is a pin rusting through a mental map. It's an image in my head and it's been stuck there for ten years, rusting. I— my god. This song.
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