#my grandad was a james -> jim in fact. i have never heard anyone call him james he was jim to the point where i didnt realise his actual
steelycunt · 1 year
THANK U james IS a jimmy i stand by it...... he is just a little guy. james is too formal for him
he is isnt he!! and james being shortened to jim or jimmy was far more common back then than jamie...jamie sounds so modern jamie sounds like a guy who knows what tiktok is and i hate that. jamie is a guy replying to ur snapchat story with a flame emoji and vaping at the top deck of the bus. but james would enjoy being a jimmy. anyone who thinks he is not a jimmy is projecting their own distate for the name jimmy onto him as a character but failing to consider the reality of how well it fits him and how much he would indeed like it. i rest my case...
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