#my grandads got a hospital appointment at 3 tomorrow
timoswerner · 2 years
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#i am going to scream#my grandads got a hospital appointment at 3 tomorrow#so after work today i've got to go and get him and bring him back here#then finish work early tomorrow and take him then take him back home#so thats 3 hours of driving tomorrow#and now hes just phoned saying hes got an appointment on friday at a different hospital#and im off work on friday and now i know im gonna have to take him to this as well#and i obvs its more important than anything i'd be doing#but i thought we'd agreed with him that for the appointments in cambridge he'd get ataxi there and someone would meet him there#because the driving is just too much#and its costing so much as well#but apparently not seen as i've got to do all the driving#all he's doing tomorrow is going on a treadmill for 6 minutes and having an echo its not like hes having an op or anything#and after my week off for my birthday getting fucked up by it all im like i just want time to do what i want to do you know#but most of all i just fucking hate driving i hate it so much i would be happy never to drive ever again#and now i'm being made to fucking drive when i dont want to#but i know im just being selfish and need to get over it#also completely unrelated by im pretty sure the old lady who opposite us has died#she used to be a dinner lady at my primary school#because her house has been cleared out and they keep leaving stuff on the front lawn#for people to take for free#but we've not heard that she's died#but i dont think they'd be clearing the house like that if she's just moved#but someone just full on parked on the pavement to look at the stuff......... you cant park there mate jadhgajygdhwdw#stacey speaks
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damelucyjo · 5 years
The NHS really confuses me at times.
My grandad went to see his GP, his blood oxygen levels were very low so they call for an ambulance and within 3 minutes he’s on his way to our closest hospital (which is still too bloody far away but that’s a whole other headache). This is a man who has COPD and in remission for 2 different cancers. He spends a couple of hours at the hospital on oxygen and is discharged.
My 5 year old nephew is sick and is showing many signs of meningitis. My sister-in-law calls our urgent care, gets told that he won’t been seen by anybody, theres no ambulances around to have someone come out and see him, so theres nothing that can really be done for him...then puts the phone down. She calls our closest hospital and manages to get him an appointent to see a doctor there at midnight last night, and is told that because of what she’d told them of his condition that he’d best come in to be seen. They get there last night and even though they have an appointment with a doctor there was still going to be a 2 hour wait for them! Because they didn’t want to spend all night in hospital with him whilst my mum was at their house looking after their other son they came home, phoned their doctor surgery this morning to make an appointment and was told that ‘maybe we can get you one for later today’... She’s still waiting to hear.
Meanwhile I had an appointment in thorasic medicine at what’s left of out local hospital last week, had scary high blood pressure readings and almost ended up in urgent care (thankfully didn’t) and was told to make an appointment at my doctors surgery to have it checked again in a couple of days. Cut to a week later (because I’ve been sick) I finally got my arse out of the house to go to my doctors and make an appointment (lunchtime). Managed to get an appointment for later on that day (6pm) with the nurse, she didn’t like the readings she was getting so made me an appointment to see my GP the next morning (11 am today). Saw my GP this morning, still not getting great readings so she’s asked me to get bloods taken, have another ECG done, and have a 24hr blood pressure monitor attached. I managed to get an appointment for my bloods tomorrow morning, my ECG is being done in a couple of days, and I’m waiting to hear from the person who deals with the 24hr blood pressure monitor when they’re next at my surgery.
All of us belong to the same doctors surgery but all have completely different experiences with them. We all go to the same urgent care and closest hospital and have different experiences. It just really confuses me. But I’m more shocked than anything that nobidy seems to care that my nephew could have meningitis!!!
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