#my gray jersey ones are getting pretty threadbare
dykeredhood · 9 months
Y’all have any suggestions where I could find some good cotton/linen blend sheets?
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magalidragon · 3 years
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lucky charm | a Jonerys drabble
YAY ITALY! 🇮🇹 Congrats @youwerenevermine ! Here’s a little silly for you in celebration and because you made that comment that Emilia was the lucky charm for Italy because she’s there now. 🤣 Wrote this in an hour so it’s silly and dumb but oh well!
“Dany!  Dany where are you!?”
Missandei, her best friend, was on the phone with her, heard the shouting, and chuckled, “He alright?”
“Oh he’s fine, it’s almost time for the Winterfell game.”
“Football.” Dany tugged the blue football jersey over her shoulders, picking up the phone and placing it back to her ear, now that she’d put on her uniform.  She sighed, leaving her office even though there was still work to be done.  She had a ton of stuff she’d brought home from work, thinking stupidly she’d be able to tackle it, but she’d also forgotten that this weekend was a big one for the Winterfell Wolves.  
She was grateful they didn’t have to go out to the pub, since it was an away game.  When it was away games, they got to stay home.  When it was home games, they had had  to go to the Lone Wolf pub and she would need to stand there for however long the game lasted, whether it went into a shootout or drew or whatever.  She was from Essos; they didn’t have football as big as it was here in Westeros.  
And she’d met and fallen in love with a man who seemed to be completely normal on the outset.
Then she’d met him when the Wolves played.
He turned into a beast.
She also happened to be there the day that they won the first game in over 100 years to the Casterly Lions.  They were well on their way to being engaged, had spoken about moving in together, marriage, the whole lot of it, and if she hadn’t already had those conversations with him, she would have thought him proposing mid-fuck later that evening—one of the best ones they’d ever had honestly, she should tell the Wolves to win more often—was only because he was so happy that his beloved team had won for first time in 100 years.
And a few months later when she ended up at the dentist with a chipped tooth from tripping over her fucking cat Drogon, the Wolves had lost the worst game they’d ever lost in centuries.  
Jon was positive it was because she wasn’t there with her.
It didn’t matter there were times they lost when she was there.  He found an excuse.  She was in the bathroom, he didn’t have the right beer, they were at the wrong person’s house, maybe her hair was in the wrong type of style as it was the day, they beat Casterly, whatever.  
She loved it about him.  It was just a little quirk that made her look at him with a knowing smile, a slight shake of the head, and she’d kiss him and murmur she loved him, and she’d allow him to put her in a Wolves jersey and sit her on the couch or the correct pub chair or whatever.  
The television was already on in the living room when she entered and Ghost had his jersey on, sitting on his massive pillow bed with a new bone.  “Who are we playing tonight?” she asked, pretty sure he’d told her, but she couldn’t remember.  
“Highgarden.”  He pulled her in his lap, passing her a beer.  She took a sip and made a face; it was a Northern brand she really didn’t like but tolerated because she’d taken a sip against the Dornish Snakes and the Wolves came back from a nil-four goal deficit.  He kissed her temple.  “How is Misssandei?”
“Wondering why I cut her off to come down and watch this game with you.”
He grinned, his dark curls tugged from his face, in his ancient, threadbare, with holes on the edges jersey that she was sure he’d had since childhood.  He tugged her towards him for another quick kiss.  “Because it’s the game.”
“Which game is this exactly?”
“Regular game, but the Westeros Cup is coming up.”
“That the big one that’s every four years?”
He looked horrified at her.  “No!  That’s the WestEssos Cup where we play Essosi teams and we go by provinces, not individual teams.  The Westeros Cup is where each province plays each other to determine who is the superior football player in all of Westeros and it is clearly the North and that starts in two weeks.”  
“I’m so sorry darling.”  She kissed his temple, chuckling.  “Ah, so that means the Crownlands will be playing.”
An instantly suspicious look fell over his face, his gray eyes narrowing.  “Aye.”
She smiled sweetly.  “Well I’m from the Crownlands.”
“Hmm…you’re from Essos.”
“I was born on Dragonstone.  Does that not make me Westerosi?”
“It does.”  He looked confused now, brow wrinkling, unsure whether he was going to accidentally offend her with what he probably was getting into.  “Um…but you live in the North.  With me.  A Northerner.”
She giggled; she was just fucking with him and hugged her arm around his neck, stealing a quick sip of beer and passing it to him again.  “Just fucking with you.  Let’s watch this game, huh?”
“My lucky charm.”
“If you’re a good boy I’ll show you the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow when the game’s over.”
He turned pale pink.  “I was drunk when I said that.”
“Yes, I remember, your pot of gold is good too.”  She was never going to let him live that down.  Especially since he told everyone that she was his lucky charm.  She was why the Wolves won, not that he’d put all his faith in just her alone.  He did support the talent of the team, their coach, and everyone who made it go.
But mostly he believed she was the reason they won.
And she loved that about him.  Her superstitious little wolf.  
“And the North plays in this cup coming up, huh?”
“Yes, we’re going to win.”
“Because I have you.”  He pressed a hard kiss to her lips, just as someone on the television scored.  He whooped, almost throwing her clear off him to cheer, as the Wolves had scored within a minute of the game starting.  She sighed, falling into the couch cushions and made eyes with Ghost, who gave her a well we do love him face.  
That we do, she thought, getting up to get herself a proper drink at the next commercial break.
Several weeks later, Dany made all of Jon’s dreams come true.
Not only did she secure him tickets to the final of the Westeros Cup via her brother’s connections—it paid sometimes to have a brother who was in politics—where the North were playing against the West, but just before the Wolves won in a shootout, she passed him a small bag with something she purchased before they arrived.  
Jon, slightly distracted as the Northern player lined up for the kick, glanced in the bag.  “Oh, another shirt?  That’s nice, but…not now.”  Her quiet wolf sucked in his breath as the player kicked and he clutched her tight.  
And he scored.  
The stadium went insane, every Northerner fan throwing up their blue and white scarves, t-shirts, hats, and waving the Northern gray and white flag, screaming hysterically.  
Jon was almost in tears, holding onto her tight and screaming in his excitement.  She grinned and jumped and down with him, lifted clear off the ground, his arms hoisting her up, so she was downright climbing him like a tree.  “We did it!  You did it!  My lucky charm!  My Dany!  We won!  We won!”
Dany smiled, thinking of the bag with the infant t-shirt she’d purchased, that he had barely registered.  She’d tell him later; she didn’t think she was the lucky charm this time, but something else.  
“Sure Jon,” she teased, kissing him hard, mumbling.  “You’re my lucky charm too.”  
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worthlesspride · 7 years
30 Questions Tag
rules: answer 30 questions and then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better.
tagged by @fxvixen​
1. nickname: none
2. gender: female
3. star sign: capricorn
4. height: 5′4″ (164 cm)
5. time: 8:15pm
6. birthday: December 29
7. favourite band(s): It changes from week to week, but I always seem to go back to Fall Out Boy. 
8. favourite solo artist(s): Halsey 
9. song stuck in my head: Devil’s Backbone - The Civil Wars
10. last movie I watched: Get Out
11. last show I watched: Ozark
12. when did I create my blog: July maybe? I’m not sure.
13. what do I post: Haikyuu reblogs, my writing occasionally 
14. last thing I googled: “Aoba Johsai Jersey” - I’m predictable.
15. do you have other blogs: There’s one other blog that I jointly run. Sort of. 
16. do you get asks: Every now and then.
17. why did you choose your url: I think it’s pretty obvious.
18: following: 136
19. followers: 198 (idk where you all came from but hi. ^^)
20. favorite color: black / gray
21. average hours of sleep: 7-8
22. lucky number: don’t have one
23. instruments: piano 
24. what am I wearing: a threadbare Zoo York t-shirt and Attack on Titan lounge pants. And a single sock. 
25. how many blankets do I sleep with: two
26. dream job: writer
27. dream trip: any sort of tropical island would be great
28. favorite food: french fries
29. nationality: american
30. favorite song now: Heaven in Hiding - Halsey
I was tagged in something similar by @foxyena​ so I’m just gonna paste the additional questions here at the end, so I won’t clog anyone’s feed with the same stuff:
Hogwarts house: Slytherin (this was a recent discovery. and by recent, I mean today.)
Favorite animal: Wolves. Or Rabbits. Or both.  
Dog or cat person: I’m allergic to cats, but I like them anyway. I don’t mind dogs either. 
Why I made a tumblr: Peer pressure from a few people on ao3. You know who you are.  
Tagging: @phenolphthalien​ @twilit-tragedy​ @shrimpyboke​ @janespendlove @ushijimaenthusiast @ruffrabbt
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