#my guaranteed gave me C1 Keqing
kunikame · 2 years
i love how everyone was thinking of meaningful names for scara while i just went "ill try kunikuzushi, if it doesnt work ill go with kuni. if that doesnt work either my options are hoshi cuz hes my star or sora cuz hes blue."
his name end up being kuni btw.
lvl 90 w his signature. fully built. c0. 9/9/9 (cuz i lack his dumbass drops he just HAD to use those huh 😐)
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genshins1mpact · 2 years
Felt happy bc Heizou came home in 11 pulls, then bad cause I nearly hard pitied and lost the 50/50 for my c1 Kazuha, but then he came home only 20 pulls after so uhh mission failed successfully?? and it was a Jean con too so 💅🏻
(open for a surprise, and no it's not a rick roll.)
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And then the next 10 pull after another Kazuha was Keqing*.... so I came out of this with a c2 Kazuha c5 Heizou and a guaranteed.... this all went from terrible to incredible wtf 😭😭
*c7 keqing btw.... bc why not lol. at least the first L was to jean but damn lol.
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Part of me really wants to see if I can get c6 since I'm like Right There but now that Keqing showed up I really wanna save my guaranteed for Sumeru dangit,,,, also I ended up giving up on freedom sworn bc it was just gonna be way too expensive with the Kazuha cons. We'll see if I end up going for Thundering Pulse or not, but ig I also gave up on Klee at this point tbh.. tis a shame bc of my dodoco case but like 🤷🏻‍♀️
Anyway all of this to say that the session went better than expected in the end given its crappy start, but Heizou is sosososo SO fun to play so far and I have absolutely zero regrets going all in for him. His build is kinda whack atm since I only had enough onikabuto to get him to lvl 60 and slapped kagura's verity on him but he's been doing like 10-12k often and then hit like a 27k crit outta nowhere during comms and I was like HOT FUCKIN DAMN WHAT TF??
....unrelated but I did also get the Diluc skin and.. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it now that it's in my hands lol. I love his voice in EN for the skin, but I'm not digging it as much in the JP for whatever reason. maybe I'm just not used to it yet, or maybe it's bc I was playing on my tab last night so it looks jankier than on pc.. who knows 😪
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bluexiao · 2 years
uh for reference….
i got raiden around 15 wishes into her banner (won the 50/50).
i tried to clutch her C1 at the last few days of her banner, but that was when i lost the 50/50 and got qiqi for the first time.
i randomly did a 10 pull in kokomi’s banner for xingqiu, but ended up getting kokomi….and no xingqiu in sight. mind you, i had *3 pity* at the time. (i love her now and built a full tenacity and clam set for her)
i skipped every banner until albedo’s rerun. i was scared because i only saved up 50 wishes, and i didn’t think i was gonna clutch him. first 10 pull gave me a keqing…. and then my fear only escalated. another 10 pull and guaranteed albedo arrived!
you know the disaster i had in the zhongli banner so we’ll skip that (lost my 50/50 to C1 qiqi….) 😃
now i’m saving for kazuha! i have around 8k primos saved up, a guaranteed (45 pity), all of his ascension materials, his 4 pc viridescent set, and basically almost everything he needs. you can tell i really really want him…. and also, i’m inhaling some copium because now that venti is in the upcoming inazuma festival, people are now hoping for a venti rerun. and as someone who wants to have both kazuha and venti, let’s just say…. i’m conflicted 😔
you’re so lucky tho !?!?? like damn in 20 pulls you got 2 5-stars ksksks
aaa goodluck saving for kazuha!! i could totally remember the time i prefarmed for him as well before !! good thing you’re guaranteed tho because my kazuha pulls back then were also a total disaster 😩😩
hope you’ll get kazuha with soft pity!!
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