#long ish post
teasodium · 4 months
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that moment when you are the eldest sibling n you coerce your youngest sibling with snacks so they can give emotional advice (ghibli redraw also >;3)
silly fun idea that i may follow up one day with Mikey info dumping about Edo period queerness.
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bouquetofpoetry · 24 days
i remember really hating the ending of dead poets society the first time i watched it. i was sitting on the stairs of my house, looking angrily at the tv. i told my mom “this can’t be how this ends, there has to be more. i need to hear the rest of the story.” i felt the same way as if i had read a book series and thought the ending let all the strings loose. but now as a rewatch it for the millionth time, i enjoy the ending. i’m a lot more emotional now when i watch it, i cry harder than i do at the neil death scene (i honestly laugh cause of the slomo). i understand now that the ending is so open, it makes you wonder what happened next. but you know what happened… the cycle starts again. the travesty goes unnoticed and unpunished and the next group of welton boys go into the school and leave one day. the ending shot of todd’s head makes me so emotional because i genuinely feel so horrible for him, his life was changed by the people around him and the system brought them all down. his english class turned into a jail cell and his best friend died. the ending is now one of my favorite scenes in the movie.
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troublefemme · 5 months
I've been thinking quite a lot about my position as a stone femme especially. That I haven't had many of the traumatizing experiences some other stone femmes have gone through. I've learned vicariously, quickly, and it saddens me regardless, but I don't know those experiences personally, aside from occasional online hate. I'm quite lucky I suppose, but I aspire to give you hope.
I've only ever dated butches that regardless of any flaws have never made me second guess myself in my experience, my boundaries; that always pushed me to be confident and loud in my identity; that have helped me settle into the femme I am today.
Through my experience, I started to believe stone butches and stone femmes are somewhat bound to find each other, to see each other with no doubt involved, even if they're not involved romantically.
I'm afraid I've been stuck in a pleasant stone bubble, in which, through the hands of a stone butch I found myself and continued to see eye to eye with every other butch I've been involved with following that.
I like this dance we do, I could just close my eyes and know the steps like the back of my hand. I like the chivalry, a hand at the small of my back, and I allow myself to be guided as I subtly guide them right back.
I am and have been loved in that sense so undoubtedly. Carefully and steadily, around still fragile walls being built to make myself a home where everything makes sense.
If I'm completely honest, I have no desire to leave this bubble, I almost fear that'd be my undoing, to be questioned on something so intrinsic to who I am, to my lesbianism. I feel afraid of the certainty and confidence and pride being torn down by the lack of understanding, by someone who looks at me but doesn't see me.
So I'll stay here, in my home made of stone, but I hope by showing you around my space a little I give you hope of getting to experience that, to be seen and to be loved, to be safe.
That is out there and you deserve it.
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cosmos-mews-and-twos · 3 months
Deep sea mew in your inbox
First off, I want to say sorry for not answering this one sooner! I've had a hard time focusing on drawing lately and I've been a bit busy, But as a bonus you get 2 mews!
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First here is Gumi, he's just a silly guy! he was my first idea for this ask, He is based off those kinda scary bioluminescent fish (like angler fish and such) I imagen he can't go to long without water, so he uses the frill around his neck to hold a bubble to stay hydrated.
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And then Oceana! (still in the early works) she's a Primarina fusion! she is mostly based on some inside jokes my siblings kept making about another character I'm working on (which I'll hopefully post soon as well as a slightly more detailed depiction of this one >:3 )
As for canon, Oceana has a fairly important part I'm still working on and will be part the comics at some point, and Gumi is more of a side character but will be in at least one or two chapters with Oceana.
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hebuiltfive · 8 months
Trigger Warnings for very brief alluding to, and thus mentions of, child abuse/endangerment, and of swearing (all under the cut).
This is born from the discussion with @edutainer2022 the other day (hope you don't mind the tag!) that is still running circles in my mind.
Setting the scene: imagine for a moment that Scott is being questioned on the stand. By this point, the news and the media have been running wild with speculations, and there have been many vultures swooping in to try and rip the Tracy family, their company and/or International Rescue apart. Many lawsuits have been filed in succession, many rumours (some baseless, some probably true) are swirling.
The world is starting to doubt the legitimacy and integrity of iR and those who run it.
*puts this out there and runs for the hills*
Prosecutor: Mr. Tracy, have you ever abused your youngest brother, Alan Tracy?
Scott: How fucking dare you?! Of course I haven't! He's my brother!
Prosecutor: Mr. Tracy, how old was Alan when you allowed him into your organisation?
Scott: ... Alan was never sent on a mission alone until he was fully trained and fully experienced—
Prosecutor: With respect, Mr. Tracy, that wasn't my question. I asked you how old he was.
Scott: When he first joined, he was fifteen. When he first started flying, he was sixteen.
Prosecutor: And his first solo mission was not long after that?
Scott: ... I'd say it was almost a year later.
Prosecutor: So you admit you had a minor working for you?
Scott: What? No! What we do at International Rescue isn't exactly work...
Prosecutor: Alright, let me rephrase it, then. You admit you allowed your younger brother, a minor, to participate in the dangerous day-to-day activities International Rescue undertake?
Scott: When you put it like that, it sounds bad, I get it, but that's not the full story! Alan—
Prosecutor: Was a minor, a child, who you allowed to be constantly put into danger!
Scott: It wasn't like that!
Prosecutor: I think you'll find that willful child endangerment constitutes abuse, Mr. Tracy.
In short, thank God the world trusts the Tracy family in these shows because they'd be so screwed if people ever did turn against them. I think The Imposters came closest to what could happen, but even then (as an episode that had to have the story be solved by the end) they didn't really delve into it all that much.
Disclaimer to say that the timings and ages for Alan are probably not accurate and are just placeholders. I began writing and it spiralled. Not even confident about posting this because it's so unfinished but I needed to get it out.
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pi-mawrth · 7 months
Zoro and Sanji kinda parallel Ace and Sabo
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More in depth under the cut
So to begin they both bracket Luffy supporting him through different parts of his life. And there's something about Ace and Sabo sharing a devil fruit while Zoro and Sanji both are non users but I can't put that into words yet.
Ace and Zoro
To begin just look at their names A to Z, the start and the end. Linking to that: When Zoro meets Luffy, he gets saved from a marine yard before his execution, while Ace's last goodbye happens as he's executed in a marine yard.
Both men are willing to die for Luffy.
Not to mention the slight similarity in their appearances (just in terms of how built they are and that post time skip Zoro foregoes a shirt too)
They're both descendants of great people, being gold roger and ryuman respectively.
They have a reputation that proceeds them, even before we really meet them.
Sabo and Sanji
Once again to begin, look at their names!
While the other two were mirrors these two are the same!
They both vanished on Luffy for a bit, but came back stronger.
The physical similarities from them range from their hair colour to how they dress.
They both have bio parental issues (I've not really got up to Sabo in the anime so I can't say much), but have a strong relationship with a radical father figure, the revolutionary leader and a reformed pirate.
They both conceal their pasts whether knowingly or not.
I'm not saying that Luffy was searching for people to fill the roles that his big brothers left,,, however I'm not saying that he didn't achieve that
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capo-cino · 1 year
hi guys
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now that i have your attention im posting my stupid ass “thought up on a whim” headcanons here because that’s what ive been seeing the kids born yesterday (2009+) use tumblr for i think
- newton and the collector are buddies for they are stupid idiots who became evil for their stupid idiot decisions or behavior. they both also didn’t even build like half the traps and machines and shit themselves. newton just looked at his dad’s stuff and said “damn this is straight fire now how do i ruin it” and the collector kidnapped some guy to do everything for him
- there’s a brand of vacuums named and modeled after the negativitron
- if vex was given a chance to have a “redemption arc” he would just spend each day dedicating a completely random percentage of his day just him being himself, and the other percentage to him actually doing a decent job at not being himself. he will dedicate 76% of his tuesday to feeding seagulls a fat bag of chips and watch as they shit all over a crowd at a beach and the remaining 24% is spent on helping sackboy pick some apples off a tree and make some smoothies with them or something. never let anyone know his next move
also vex likes sour candy. he probably puts salt instead of sugar in his lemonade and drinks it completely without making a face
- scarlet and vex’s dynamic is that of like those shoulder angels and devils in cartoons except on sackboy’s shoulders. so they just constantly bitch at each other over what to do whenever sackboy’s stuck on something he has to do, with scarlet doing the best she can to just end the argument and get sackboy to try what she suggests while vex makes some stupidly snarky ass remarks to deliberately drag on the conversation just to (mostly) annoy scarlet
i kind of drew this but like, as a redraw of that one meme of the angel and devil looking horrified at a computer screen
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- this isn’t really a headcanon idt but i kinda imagined vex’s attempts in “corrupting” sackboy as rare but also extremely unintentional positive interactions and possibly bring out more personality in sackboy, like he disguises his first few attempts as “harmless pranks” as he would know that sackboy wouldn’t cave in so easily to his harsher pranks that he has planned so he starts off with something small like getting him to throw a snowball at an unsuspecting sackperson from a hill on a particularly snowy day but the sackperson in question just laughs it off when they notice its sackboy so they just throw a snowball back and a snowball fight ensues between the two and possibly throughout all of loom and vex is watching this like “what have i just started”
- newton has put diesel in cars
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remosdeerica · 7 months
Summary: Jade has brought Lian to the only person she could think of to protect her now that Roy is dead: Damian al Ghul.
[Context: this is set in my AU where Damian has adopted a bunch of Villain's kids. The 11yr old mentioned is Zoe Lawton.
TW: there are allegations to postpartum depression and abortion but nothing explicit.]
"You can't be serious. Nguyen, this is insane."
"There is no one else. She is not safe with me."
Damian took a sharp breath through his nose in frustration as he stared Cheshire down. She looked ragged. Tired in a way he had never seen her before, though unless you had known her for as long as he had you would never be able to tell.
In her arms was a bundle. Small, wrapped in a pink fuzzy blanket. Damian knew what that bundle was, and as he had just stated, it was asinine for her to have brought it to him of all people.
"What about, Queen? If the child is truly Harper's like you claim her to be, would it not make more sense for her to be with her adopted Grandfather?" Damian tried to reason.
Jade gave him a hard look. "Do you truly wish me to entrust the safety of my only child to Oliver Queen?
Okay, Damian could at least concede that Queen being given access to an infant was a horrible idea. Especially so fresh after he and Canary have split for what he assumed was the umpteenth time.
"I just don't understand why you would bring her to me. I can not be your first choice."
"Of course not," Jade snapped. "My first choice is dead."
Damian could admit he felt a modicum of guilt at invoking the thought of Roy Harper's demise. Especially as he was seemingly to be given the privilege of being the first to meet his daughter, when by all rights it should have been him.
"You aren't even my second choice," she continued.
"Who was?"
"Todd?" Damian asked.
It would make sense, he supposed. From what he understood he, Harper and Jade had all had some form of… arrangement. Harper being the focal point. Damian had only witnessed Jason and Harper together once, but they had looked so disgustingly in love that he made sure to never have to be in the same room with them again, if he could help it.
Grimly, he thought that would no longer be a problem.
But the problem with Jason being her second choice is that shortly before Harper's death, he and Father had some falling out in regards to the Penguin and he went off grid. Damian wasn't even sure if he knew his lover was no longer living.
"Yes, Jason." She said, "but though hard as I try I can not find him."
Damian sighed. "I'm not surprised. When Todd wants to disappear he makes sure that even Father can't find him. But I still don't understand the logic of me being your third choice."
Jade laughed bitterly. "Do you not understand, Little Prince?"
Damian winced. She had not called him that since they had been in the League.
"You are not my third choice. You are my only choice. There is no one else. I have no one else to trust."
The pair shared a long look amidst the silence of the cold night air.
"The Justice League would help you, Jade." He said, softly. It was not often he showed others this kindness. But he knew deep in his bones the hysterical and bitter feeling of having no one to trust. No one to rely on. It was part of the reason he had gone about collecting his little band of misfits. So at least he could be someone to trust, even partly.
Jade scoffed as she tightened her arms around her daughter.
"Please," she spat. "Like they protected Roy? Or Jason? Or you?
Damian had to look away from her glare.
"The Justice League can not even protect their own children! I can not- will not- entrust them to protect mine."
"But why me?" He shouted, demanding to know what the woman was thinking. "I'm seventeen. I live with a handful of other teenagers and an eleven year old. We don't even stay in one place for more than a few weeks. Not to mention that said eleven year old is also being hunted because of her connection to her father. Your child will not be any safer from your enemies with me, Jade."
"Perhaps not. But she will be safe from me."
Damian felt a growing sense of unease as he saw a deep hollowness take over Jade's eyes. He didn't have to wait long for her to elevorate.
"Sometimes she just… cries. And cries and cries and one night I- I almost- I could have-" she took a shuddering breath. Damian had never seen her this shaken. " I thought I could do this. I thought I could love her enough to be what she needed. But I'm not… I'm not built for this. For the… softness that she needs. It's just not in me."
Damian felt his heart twinge as he watched a single tear trickle from her eye.
"I tried. We're she anyone's but his… I would have terminated. But I… I couldn't bear to bring myself to kill the last part of him that remained in this world. I tried for her, for Roy, but… I'm just not built to take care of anyone but myself."
Damian opened his mouth to say something. What, he didn't know. But he felt she deserves to hear something.
She, however, interrupted him.
"But you are," she said, her voice nearly more than a whisper. Then stronger, " I have known you since you were a boy. I have witnessed you in many parts of your life. And what you have always demonstrated, without ever giving it conscious thought, is your ability to care for those you consider under your protection. Those you consider your own."
"My brother's would very much disagree with you."
Her lips twitched upwards. "You are a good man, Damain al Ghul. You always have been. Even all those years ago. I know that you will guard my child with your life. And that you will take the life of others in her defense, should you find it necessary."
Damian felt his shoulders sag in defeat.
"I still don't think this is a good idea. What exactly is your plan?"
Knowing she had won, Jade drew her shoulders back.
"Find Jason," she said, authoritatively. "He is who she has left now."
"And if he won't take her? Or if… he can't?"
"Do whatever you have to do to keep her safe."
Damian sighed for what seemed to be the hundredth time that night. "I supposed that's all I really can do."
He lifted his arms towards her to take the child.
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sharky-the-idiot · 13 days
So episodes 7-8 of Crispia got me thinking about the Cookie Laboratorium and I kinda realized there's a bit of parallels somewhat?
Like for one there's discussion of baking a cookie. Both forms of White Lily are there (White Lily and Dark Enchantress.) and they have some people helping. Personally I think the main difference is that the Cookie Laboratorium is using technology from the witches? Idk I haven't gotten there yet...
But like. Surely somebody has to have noticed before. It was said that cookies couldn't bake other cookies after all. Which means that there's most likely only really going to be failure.
And also, if the Cookie Laboratorium goes anywhere like what happened in the Blueberry Yogurt Academy? Yeah they're fucked. So I kinda hope not...
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sketchbook-gal-xe · 4 months
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Happy new year's! ⭐
I don't really like to celebrate new year's, but I do want to take moment to appreciate some stuff that happened this year.
It was my first full year of posting my art and making digital art, I'm really happy the progress I made and that it helped me meet so many cool people, I just want to say thank you to Everyone for supporting me :) much love ♡
Anyways here are 10 of my favorite drawings I made this year
Also, you can check out my @gal-xes-gallery blog for a quick view of all the art I've posted.
Direct links to all original post below
1: CMYK City. 2: Sliver and gold. 3: Andromeda. 4: Moonstruck.
5: What's on your mind? 6: Pride month. 7: Summer vibes.
8: Zero. 9: Trick or treat! 10: pretty colors :)
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so-called-egg · 1 year
Shadow the hedgehog is hedgehog Jesus and you can't prove me wrong
1. He is the ultimate life form, literally supposed to be the most powerful living thing ever (like Jesus)
2. He sacrifices himself to save the world, at the end of sonic adventure 2 he straight up canonically dies, he was not supposed to be brought back, but he does end up getting brought back anyway because he's just that cool.
(like Jesus)
3. He fucking sucks at sinning, literally every time he tries to sin it ends up being a really good thing to do, he gets 16 sin points handed to him by the devil (from the bible) and even ends up losing those (Jesus also did not sin, even when tempted by the devil himself)
Shadow the hedgehog is hedgehog jesus
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, we have cookies at the door
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cosmos-mews-and-twos · 4 months
*Places an bitter orange and electric blue marbled mew with advanced technology gadgets and a look in its pale mint eyes that it has seen atrocities on the ground*
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Okay, I got a little carried away with this one, his name is Dominic and I'm already way too attached to him lol
I played around with the colors a bit and I wasn't quite sure how to do the marbling but hopefully this works.
For the technology part I made him a tech nerd, he used to work at a lab but left when he found out they were cloning mewtwos (maybe even with his dna) he makes lots of gadgets, even his prosthetic arm (which he lost in a lab accident)
In terms of canon, I'd say he's an Important side character, it may be a while till we see him, but definitely want to use him :)
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Finally making an original post since a long while, and its about Warframe! i’m sorry to all the peeps that helped when my ps4 acc crashed and i had to go to pc, then i suddenly abandoned it because i got my ps4 acc back, but ive migrated to pc fully now! warframe tumblr, lets make some friends >:)
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germpills · 1 year
thinking about how the utdr fandom will tend to horribly mischaracterize characters or have a hard time grasping morally grey characters
chara is a HUGE example of this, the fandom for a large period of its existence demonized chara and made them the scapegoat of the no mercy run, painting them as the “villain” of the story when there is no villain in undertale besides you, the one who starts the no mercy run in the first place
chara is “not the greatest person” from asriels words but isn’t a awful murderous demon, but they aren’t a perfect angel child either as i seen from some chara defenders
I see this in deltarune too where people just have this need to have a villain in the story when you the player are the only one who is truly the bad guy depending on your actions, spamton and jevil are antagonistic, but I wouldnt call them villains or ultimately terrible people, they are morally grey characters, the worst of spamton only comes out because of YOUR actions in the snowgrave route, and i have even seen in some places people calling spamton the true “villain” of snowgrave,,, what??? again scapegoating because the player cant admit for being at fault
not everything is black and white, and it shouldn’t have to be
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
{Ingo and I-S/o are talking about past relationship and how their Pokémon fit into it.]
I-S/o: ...I made it a rule that if anyone wanted to date me they had to accept Shoelace as part the deal, he’s my little bud after all. And first things would be going great, I think people were more attracted to the fact the that I had Shiny Pokémon, but once that Wow-factor wore off their true colors showed themselves.
I-S/o: One girl wouldn’t come into my house unless she was sure Shoelace was in his ball and would recoil in disgust at me for trying to touch her after seeing me petting him. Another one screamed at me for using Shoelace at the battle café. Apparently she didn’t want that “disgusting monster” anywhere near her precious Minccino, and then there was the guy I dated before you... He decided it was him or my Ekans, 
Ingo, appalled: He made you choose between him or your Pokémon?!
I-S/o: Oh no...I had no idea what he was planning. That jackass decided that since we were pass the one year mark of dating, that meant whatever was mine was also his now... He tried to sell Shoelace to some shiny collector while I was at work! Luckily I forgot something and walked in on the negotiations, Needless to say. The collector dude was horrified when he found out that Shoelace wasn’t my Ex’s Pokémon and how close he came to becoming a criminal. He tore my ex a new one before apologizing to me and left.... No surprises I kicked that ex to curb pretty fucking quickly.
[Ingo looked disgusted. He would’ve killed someone if he caught them trying to sell his Pokémon!]
I-S/o: I take it you have a similar thing with Chandelure?
Ingo: uh...
I-S/o: I noticed the way your eyes narrowed or how the corner of your lips would twitch every time I said “We needed to talk” I knew you were expecting me to say “Keep Chandelure away from me!” or something to that effect...
Ingo, flustered for being found out: *Ahem* I- Yes, I have a similar condition with Chandelle, If someone who is interested in me can’t accept her then there’s no use in us dating, I had a girl try to convince me into trading Chandelle for someone’s Lilligant I told her “Trade back my house key for a suitcase cos’ you aren’t staying at my place anymore!” She threw a tantrum in public over me choosing that “Soul eating husk.” over her, The next person we were barely together a week before he started suggesting I leaving Chandelle in a storage box...I told him to lose my number, Then there was Grimsley, I really thought we had something, He seemed to like Chandelle a lot! But-...
I-S/o: But?
Ingo: What he really liked was my wallet more.... He stole about five grand from me and lost it all gambling, and he refused to get help, so, yeah...The relationship didn’t last.
[awkward silence.]
I-S/o: Y’know I’m glad I bumped into you that day and accidentally switched Shoelace's ball with Chandelle’s.
Ingo, holds her hand: me too.
{Context: I-S/o and Ingo met while running late for work, they were in a rush and ran into each other, causing them to drop their Pokéballs, they quickly picked up the mess apologized and went on their way. Not realizing they had mixed up two of the balls, Ingo had Shoelace and I-S/o had Chandelle, they only found out when they went to use their respective ace in battle and realized “that’s not my baby!”.]
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epsilon-system · 9 months
Here (throws Y2kvr headcanons at you [mainly Benrey cause . Little guy])
- Benrey likes to hide places, you can't find him? Ok but have you tried looking in the fruit bowl.
- Bubby just. Lights pieces of grass on fire. Just for funsies (he has probably started a fire that required the fire department to put it out at least twice)
- Forzen has 100% had random stupid songs (like Nyan cat or something) on loop for a maximum of 10 or so hours. (I also like to think he can connect to speakers so he also works as a very annoying alarm clock)
- while some may think Benrey would be the scariest to encounter I personally feel like Coomer would be the scariest. No I will not elaborate /lhj
- Benrey does bite, he has 100% bitten Spork and Gordon before, hell some of the others probably have dents in their arms or legs from him just being silly
- Speaking of Gordon ! He probably tried to do jazzercise again at some point but hurt himself so he can't and won't (is that how you spell that ?? Idk)
- While Benrey tends to hide on purpose, he sometimes probably hides on accident, like he's accidentally hidden himself behind a pillow and scared one of the others
- Benrey's favorite song would probably be 'No One Lives Forever' by Oingo Boingo because Spork showed it to him (it is also my favorite song but we are ignoring that /lhj)
- Darnold still likes flowers, they probably have a small window garden so he can look at them
It's like 4 am and I need sleep but I also needed to get these Out Of My Brain and will probably be back with more at some point
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