#my hair is so short now!! i have the alt girl from scott pilgrim hair
stinkrascal · 1 year
i got a haircut yesterday and my bf said it makes me look like im bisexual. 🧘
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hooterhorror · 3 years
hi!! could I have a matchup? tysm!! I’m not sure if they are all slasher mashups but I would like one of those.
My pronouns are they/them and I like women (anyone that’s not a man really but I don’t know how many nonbinary slashers there are)
Personality wise I’m very confident appearance wise, and I’m kind of… snarky I guess? A little rude at times, but I think that I’m fun to be around and like a kind person hopefully? the things I deem most important about myself… I’m not sure. I don’t actually deem my looks as an important part of myself really, I think everything else is more important. I guess I don’t have something most important but I’m quite creative so I’ll say that. I feel like other people probably perceive me as quiet and anxious or maybe mean looking as I have a bit of an RBF. I think of myself as really confident but I don’t think that’s how I actually come off.
My appearance is that I am white, I have short layered brown hair (I cut it myself recently! it was based off of Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim, I didn’t really like the movie but I liked her.), and I’m average height. I’m inspired by trad goth fashion/makeup but I only listen to a bit of actual goth music, although I’ve been getting into it a little more recently. I shaved off my eyebrows to draw them back on with eyeliner recently.
My hobbies/interests are visual art (drawing, painting, ETC), customizing clothes to fit my style, horror (I like horror comedies the most I think), I really like all kinds of music but I think I probably listen to punk/alt rock the most? Although my top artist this year is mitski but the rest of them fit into that genre lol. Most of my time is spent doing something that has to do with one of those things.
My top love language is DEFINITELY touch, although there has been debate over whether that counts as a love language or whatever but I am just. very touch starved. I also really love when I have shared interests with someone and we can talk about it together. An ideal date would maybe be staying in and watching movies together OR having a picnic in a cemetery. Cemetery picnics are veryyyy calm? I don’t know how to describe it it’s just a nice feeling.
I would like for my partner to be funny and I guess I would just like for them to genuinely like me and enjoy spending time with me. Optional things that I would enjoy would be them having a similar fashion sense to mine and being interested in the same things as me like I said before.
Cons about myself are that I tend to prioritize my own wants without thinking about how it will affect other people, or I do think about it but I do the thing anyway.
Thanks again!! It feels strange to share all of that info about myself but this seems very fun.
hi!!! ofc!! tysm for sending this in :33 I didn't know people debate on if that's a love language- it totally feel like it should be considered one, since a lot of people identify with it by now.... idk I've never paid attention to debates xp
Carrie White.
OKAY OKAY. Carrie adores you. She found herself fiddling and stumbling over her words around you, but she's always been a shy kind of girl... can you blame her? she's been bullied and harassed for so long that it's gave her perma social anxiety :// but she does manage to awkwardly compliment your eyeliner and mention your eyebrows, or lack thereof.
"I- I like your... like your makeup, and stuff... uh, your eyebrows are- different."
she has the biggest smile on her face after she was able to talk to you 😭 so proud of herself
Looks into goth culture and it's many subcultures just to be educated. She hides it all from her mom, being that she's overly religious and probably would see you as a devil... poor Carrie has probably already struggled with the concept of her being attracted to women because of her. Now she's proud of her wlw self, and kinda finds an escape from her shitty home and school life in you.
I have so say she probably was intimidated at first. I mean, who knows what other people said about you! and how you looked was certainly different, but she starts to LOVE it. and you, ofc!
loves little picnics with you, even in as such a dreary and depressing setting as a cemetery. she packed all the food herself and smiles so big when you take a bite and seem to enjoy whatever sandwich she tossed together for you. Her love language is definitely acts of service, but she isn't exactly opposed to physical touch! in fact I think she enjoys it. She just has to start out small like with hand holding and cheek kisses before full on cuddling and pecking a kiss to your lips
PLEASE do her eyeliner- or her makeup in general- don't touch her eyebrows tho, she thinks a bare forehead wouldn't suit her face like it does yours.
If you do end up doing her eyeliner, I think her poor little heart would stop for a full second as you leaned close and started to carefully apply it
she doesn't think you're selfish when you think about yourself. she envies that you don't worry about other people first, since that often plagues her mind when she's making decisions. Carrie finds herself worrying what other people would think if the breakfast she eats, sometimes. While that might be a con and get in the way of some relationships for you, she admires the ability to care for yourself first.
while her style isn't like yours, she does adopt something's and incorporate it and makes it her own. It's cute! especially cus she steals thinks like bracelets, earrings, necklaces, or maybe even a leather jacket. It's a little big on her but she LOVES that.
"Should I cut my hair? I like a style like yours."
Carrie would love to have a soft moment with you where you just listen to your music together.
she ends up being a huge mitski fan. Tears up the first time she hears "I bet on losing dogs" and washing machine heart makes her less emotional but still hits her in the heart.
"can we listen to that one again?"
has such sweet nicknames for you tbh. calls you flower, sweetie, and starling. yes, after the bird. you just remind her of it!
she would probably sneak out to see you. she loves being around u sm that she just.... has to be with you more and more.
breaks my heart to think about you being at the dance with her when everything goes down so... let's not touch on that.
just imagine laying in bed with her, facing each other, foreheads pressed against one anothers, and just looking in each other's eyes as music plays softly in the background 🥺
she adores you. that is all.
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