#my hand hurts after drawing all of this shit
downbadfororcs · 2 days
Faltered Action
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IM ALIVE thank you all so much for being so patient and so supportive 😭 I’m so so sorry it’s been so long. Thank you all for your comments and reblogs and likes it’s been so motivating and so nice to see i really hope this next next part lives up. Love y’all!!
Ps. Tw: nightmares, swearing, mentions of violence I think
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As the orc turned to leave, something caught his eye. Kneeling down, Xürgarh picked up a small card with shining letters.
“East Docking Trading, Post, and Services”
He flipped the card over, never seeing anything like it, on the back was scribbled with ink:
“Ask for James”
The writing was in Old English, must be a human based port. Not uncommon but large groups of humans aren’t often found anymore, not since the great wars. Xürgarh turned over the card again before placing it in his pocket and swiftly leaving, not wanting to draw more attention than he already might’ve.
Xürgarh returned home, shuffling off his cloak and outside garb. He placed the card on the coffee table, occasionally looking it over once more before placing it down. He stared into the hearth, thinking, until his eyes grew heavy, falling asleep on the couch.
Pain. Pain and agony is all you feel, pounding and throbbing across your body as the scene you’re trapped in progresses. Familiar faces and events play over and over. A burning ship sticks out, the heat is unbearable, making everything feel as if it’s ablaze. The act itself is almost beautiful, as all of the souls it’s taken once before escape. Somethings wrong though. They aren’t sent above the clouds as they should be. They swirl and combine like a thundering storm, a violent one at that, so fast that the faces you one recognize are contorted beyond recognition. They begin to swarm around you, all the voices and screams, the searing hot pain of it all is overwhelming.
It suddenly stops. You feel cold. It’s so sudden it’s startling, compelling you to finally open your eyes.
Light floods the room, after a few blinks Marvin’s figure is more recognizable, as well as his worried gaze.
“Thank god you’re awake. That was a nasty nightmare that one, I was beginning to worry you wouldnt wake up”
As he walks off he carries a cloth with him, placing it back in a bucket and wringing it out before placing it back on your forehead
“You’re sweating through the sheets, I’ll have to change them while you’re in the bath. How do you feel?”
Marvin assists as you fight to sit up, hissing with a flinch as your side radiates in agony
“Like shit”
He smiles at your answer
“Better than being dead no doubt, if you hadn’t been found I don’t wanna know what would’ve happened”
“But who found me?”
“You don’t remember, i was afraid you had a concussion, let me see your eyes-“
“No no no get away from me it hurts-“
“It’ll only be a second”
“I’ll bite you. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again”
“I know, I have the scar on my hand to prove it”
Marvin chuckles and sits down on the edge of the bed
“Alright alright I’ll leave you for now, maybe you’ll remember later. How does a bath sound”
“Gods yes. Do you have any more of that bath stuff?”
“You’re lucky I have any left, the ladies around town hound me for it whenever their monthly happens, apparently it’s the best pain solution around. Come on”
He gently lifts all the covers he trapped you under, removing the cloth from your head before picking you up. Marvin apologizes as he hears a multitude of pain sounds the whole way to the bathroom, after a few moments of water running you’re left in the massive tub.
The water has a purple tinge, with lavender and light floral scents filling your senses. Any agony and discomfort is washed away the longer it soaks in your skin. Leaning against the back of the tub, last nights events play over and over in your mind. Slowly, a face of an attacker and rescuer becomes more clear. Only one is missing a name, the other carries a title best forgotten.
After a while the water goes cold and you make your way out of the tub, draining the water before eventually getting dressed and dragging yourself downstairs to chat with Marvin before he opens up the pub for the day
He smiles as you still sit in the same spot, the only seat which the top is built to be human size.
“Feeling better?”
“Yeah, loads, still tired though”
“I’d expect so, I’ll give you a little sleeping draught if you want so you won’t be woken up by all the noise-“
“I think I remember who saved me, but I don’t have his name”
“Xürgarh. He’s an orc”
“Figured with a pretty green face like that and being built like a tank, if he comes in tonight can you send him upstairs?”
Marvin stops, setting down the glasses he was cleaning
“Are you sure? You’re still very hurt even if you can’t feel it, I don’t want you to wear yourself out with too much excitement”
“A conversation is not too much excitement”
“No but I know he’s your type and I want to still have my bed intact when I finally go to sleep tonight, that thing was custom made you know”
You felt your face grow hot as you grab some nuts from the bowl Infront of you and throw them at him. Marvin laughs and throws up his hands in defence
“Have mercy! I’m being attacked by a human”
“Fuck off marvin, you haven’t even talked to that centaur you’ve been fawning over since we moved here”
“Hey you know disputes between our kinds just ended, I don’t know how he feels”
“Probably the same and it’s some will-they-won’t-they troupe”
“Oh hush, I’ll let Xürgarh know if he comes in today but I doubt it, usually he has to be dragged”
“Well where does he work?”
“He’s a blacksmith, his workshop is just a block or two from here i think. I’ve only been in once when that drunk elf tried to fight that hoard of halflings with my sword and broke it. You can hardly tell where it snapped unless you’re really looking for it”
“Hmm, you think he can fix the music box from auntie?”
“Oh I’d say so, I can’t believe you still have that since it was-“
Marvin stops as he sees you wince at the memory, placing his hand on yours for comfort. When you finally look up he offers a smile “it’s about time for me to open, you should probably wait upstairs. I’ll come check on you later and I’ll let you know if Xürgarh comes by, probably lead him up and everything”
“Thank you Marvin, I really appreciate it” you return the smile before slipping off the stool gently and making your way back upstairs.
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duck-t0pia · 1 year
Reanimated the little intro thingy for my AU!!
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