#my heart can’t handle how adoorable they are look at them the sillies
ender1821 · 2 months
the a-door-able saga continues!!!
(clip taken from Pearl’s stream on 06/03/2024, transcript below!)
Pearl: —that’s true, I don’t know.
Gem: Where’s yours, Pearl?
Pearl: Up here! I didn’t have— I didn’t have enough room to put armour stands in, otherwise I wouldn’t have put them up there. Trust me, it’s not a vain thing, I just didn’t have enough room.
Gem: Riiiight… Right, right.
Pearl: It’s true!
Gem: Mhm.
Pearl: I had to put the Mail Co. at the top, like c’mon…
Gem: Mhm.
Pearl: There wasn’t enough room— Look, how would I have fit them in, c’mon, c’mon, give me that solution, Gem. Let’s hear it.
Gem: There.
Pearl: But then I— There’s no barrel underneath for that.
Gem: …okay.
Pearl: *laughs*
Gem: I’ll let you have it.
Pearl: Yeah, yeah, thank you, thank you—
Gem: Y’know what, Pearl? You’re— You’re allowed to be vain.
Pearl: I’m—
Gem: Look at you up there.
Pearl: That—
Gem: You’re a-door-able.
Pearl: Ow!
Gem: Perfect.
Pearl: Wait, did you just use my own pun against me?
Gem: Yes, but you don’t have any door— Oh, here you do.
Pearl: Oh—
Gem: Doors!
Pearl: —I shouldn’t have said anything!
Gem: *giggles*
Pearl: Oh, this hurts.
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