#my last act as a 25 year old 🫡
oatflatwhite · 15 days
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you can't fool us tom hanks @ifapromise
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whyse7vn · 8 months
[ot7 x reader]
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8 participants - 8 online
jin: namjoon be honest are you bald by choice?
namjoon: yes
yoongi: pretty shit choice
jk: namjoons bald?
tae: cancer :/
jk: OMG???
y/n: that’s not funny tae
tae: not cancer
jk: oh…
jimin: why do you sound disappointed
namjoon: why wouldn’t it be by choice
yoongi: cuz it’s a shit choice idk
jin: was wondering if tae shaved ur hair off by accident or something
namjoon: why would that ever happen
jk: why would you choose to be bald?
namjoon: it’s hot
y/n: hot as HELL
hobi: drop it like hot
namjoon: i hate summer
y/n: wait
jimin: we’re talking about temperature btw
hobi: not the seventeen song?
y/n: not namjoon?
tae: i’d get him pregnant if i could
y/n: 🙏🏽
jin: what
tae: i’m a man full of love
yoongi: full of shit
tae: some say i over love actually
i overlove
i overthink
i overfeel
jimin: you underbathe
jk: i love to bathe
hobi: it doesn’t show
y/n: i have to dress jungkook everyday so he doesn’t embarrass me
jin: that’s sad
yoongi: why would the way he dress effect you
y/n: we live in the same house if i let him dress himself some people might suspect child neglect
jk: neglect
namjoon: the worst part about it is that you let her jungkook
tae: what have i told you about standing up for yourself kookie
jk: i enjoy it actually
tae: stop talking
you can’t keep embarrassing me like this
jk: i’m sorry
tae: if you were sorry you would change
jk: i will change
for you i’ll always change
jimin: get a room?
hobi: is it not jungkooks birthday today?
jk: happy birthday 🎂 💜
oh that’s me lmao
jin: idiot
y/n: it’s tomorrow
jk: when she knows ur birthday 😍
tae: when’s mine lol
namjoon: are we having a party?
yoongi: not coming
jimin: let’s have it at yoongi’s place
yoongi: what
can you not read??
y/n: we can have a sleepover party!!!!
that would be so cute
tae: super cute!!
it would also be cute if you told me when my birthday was loool
jin: give up
i’ll bring drinks
namjoon: i can do snacks
jimin: NO YOU WONT
last time you were on snacks you brought us a whole load of plant based crackers
hobi: i can be snack man
y/n: i can decorate yoongi’s place a bit before
yoongi: wtf is wrong with you all
when i don’t open the door to any of you
y/n: i have a key?
yoongi: you do?
y/n: don’t act like you didn’t know
yoongi: idk what ur talking about
that’s pretty scary actually
jimin: get a room pt 2?
tae: let me in the room lol
when was i born @y/n
jk: all of this for me 🥺🥺
jimin: don’t flatter urself i just want to drink
hobi: what about a cake??
namjoon: i can get one
tae: you can just say the month i was born forget the date lmao
jin: how old is he turning?
jk: 26
jimin: 25???
hobi: i thought he was 23?
namjoon: i think it’s 24
yoongi: 1
y/n: he’s been 24 for like 5 years in a row
jin: somone google it
actually nvm i don’t care enough
namjoon just gonna put 24 on the cake
jk: is it a surprise party?
yoongi: are you stupid?
jimin: yes now close ur eyes ok?
jk: ok
hobi: there’s no way
y/n: jungkook…
yoongi: he is stupid
tae: i’ll give you a hint it ends in ember
namjoon: tae shut up
y/n go tell jungkook to open his eyes
jimin: here comes the fun police guys
y/n: sir yes sir 🫡
tae: lol i’m into that
hobi: tae got a really round head
my head is perfect
jin: no because i was thinking the same thing it’s BIG as hell too
tae: ur wrong
if anything
yoongi’s head is CRAZY ngl
yoongi: why the fuck did you word it like that
y/n: yoongi and tae fucking omg???
jk: plot twist
jin: look who opened his eyes
jk: it’s me lol
he’s talking about me
cuz my eyes were closed
jimin: we know
hobi: open your eyes - 7th sense nct u
y/n: neo got my back 💚
tae: whose neo why is he touching ur back
is this consensual???
can he fight??
namjoon: you all are getting to old to be acting like this still
hobi: wdym jungkook is only 24?
jimin: maybe he’s talking about jin
namjoon: i’m so tried
jk: i bet ironman is tired rn
yoongi: didn’t he die??
jk: you can be tired in heaven as well yoongi
jimin: beyoncé probably tired rn but she still looks pretty what’s ur excuse namjoon
hobi: bald people can’t be pretty
tae: about to cook guys wish me luck
yoongi: kys
tae: what
jk: keep yourself safe?
yoongi: kill yourself
tae: i’m gonna ignore you
y/n: jungkook shake ass on tiktok
jimin: ew
jk: ok
jin: you literally have no backbone jungkook
jk: ummm yes i do
i am no worm
namjoon: 😕
hobi: if she told you to jump off a cliff would you
yoongi: pls
jk: who
y/n: jungkook jump off a cliff
jk: what cliff
where is it
i’ll do it
jimin: not surprised
hobi: i think every year he decreases in age
jin: that makes a lot of sense
tae: i just deep fired an apple
y/n: why
tae: stay tf out my business
y/n: i hope you never see happiness
namjoon: what time is the party btw?
yoongi: never
jk: happy birthday 💜
hobi: we ride out at dawn
tae: should i bring deep fired apples
jin: i don’t even fuck with you all i won’t lie
y/n: do you think nct will perform for us
tae: sausage fest woah
yoongi: there is something really fucking wrong with you
tae: me and ur mother be fucking lol
yoongi: he’s not invited
someone kick him
nvm i’ll do it
yoongi kicked tae from "namkook month!!"
jk: do you think fish get lonely when they’re alone
jin: you think fish have kinks?
hobi: what if fish were behind the titanic crash
jk: what if they were in front of it
y/n: wow that’s insane
jk: ikr sometimes you have to think outside the box
jimin: you think outside the box constantly!
hobi: bro thinks outside the triangle 💀💀
jin: what does that even mean
jk: thanks guys!!!
namjoon: i asked a question
y/n: are we in school rn?
jin: yk i love a good bit of role play 🙈
yoongi: isn’t it better without him
jin: who’s him?
yoongi: exactly
jimin: i’m him
y/n: i could throw up
jk: do you know the muffin man?
namjoon: can we decide on a time pls
jk: OMG
what if we all just show up and see if we’re all in sync with each other
namjoon: that’s stupid
yoongi: i agree i’m not mentally connected to you guys in anyway shape or form
y/n: yoongi’s lying we talk telepathically all the time
jk: YOU DO???
jimin: ….
hobi: i agree with jungkooks idea
never thought i would say that
sorry give me a minute guys
jk: take all the time you need bro
yoongi: he just insulted you
jk: WHO?????
jimin: i’ll be there at 6
PM btw
jk: i don’t think you understand what we are doing jimin
ur not supposed to tell us
jimin: stop talking to me
namjoon: 6 ok
fucking finally
y/n: dw jk jimin’s a bit yk…
jk: ohhhhh ok
i’m sorry jimin
6 sounds like a plan wink wink lol
jimin: never fucking wink wink lol at me again you rat
hobi added tae to "namkook month!!"
yoongi: do you hate me
hobi: sorry he wouldn’t stop calling me
i don’t like being harassed
tae: hiii guys did you miss me
yoongi: no
yoongi left "namkook month!!"
jin: if i was to ever pass out it would go like this
HELPPPPP 😩😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😨
🫨🙄😵‍💫😵 (that’s my eyes rolling to the back of my head btw)
now i’m passed out £2!2£2&:&&;&;&;&;&;&,&;&;;;8;&&:&&:8:88;87,7,7,£,£,£;&;&;&,7,7,7,77,7,8;&:,&,&&,&,&,&,&,?&,&&?&&&,&,&,&:7,7,7,7;77;£,£;7££;£,,£,7,7,7,&&,&,,’cmnnmmmm98828:&,&,&,&,&:&,&,&,&,£,£,£,£,
and scene
jk: wow that was really good
it really felt like you passed out
jimin: wish you would pass out for real
jimin left “namkook month!!”
hobi: i don’t think it’s healthy that after one conversation everyone just ends up leaving the gc…
namjoon left “namkook month!!”
tae: no but fr who is namkook and why is it their month what a selfish bitch
y/n left “namkook month!!”
hobi: nvm i get it
hobi left “namkook month!!”
tae: lowkey i think you might be the problem jungkook…
jk: you think so?
tae: yeah lol
jk: why can’t you be the problem?
tae: why would i be the problem?
jk: i can’t always be the problem
tae: you seem to make it work
jk: ur not invited anymore
tae: what
jk: to the party
don’t come
ur uninvited
tae: don’t say things you’ll regret jungkook
whose gonna bring the deep fired apples if i don’t come??
jk: i’ll make it work
like i always do
this is goodbye taehyung
jk left “namkook month!!”
tae: what the fuck
happy jk day !! clearly this was written yesterday lmao
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