#my little brunette Rapunzel ❤
boowhumps · 8 months
Whumptober 2023
Day 20
By - B.W
~ Swearing
~ Mentions of Abuse
~ Mentions of Death
~ Mentions of Murder
"Your hair is growing back out." Zaaron says as he brushes Karyme's hair, preparing to braid it.
"I don't think it'll ever be as long as it was.." Karyme replies.
Zaaron sighs. "One day it will, or you'll learn to love it shorter."
Karyme hums. "..it has been easier to manage.."
Zaaron smiles. "See? Sometimes change is good."
Karyme nods, looking at Kairo as she sleeps next to them.
"So.." Zaaron says. "What happened at home, kiddo?"
Karyme sighs. "I.. we fought."
"You and your mother, I suppose?" Zaaron replies.
Karyme nods. "..i needed out.."
"I know kiddo.." Zaaron says. "Can't imagine what she hit you with today.."
Karyme takes a deep breath. "..I'm not going back."
Zaaron stops brushing her hair. "Is that a thought out decision or a in-the-moment decision?"
"Does it matter.?" Karyme mumbles. "I hate it there, and I'm not going back."
"What about your things, they're all there-" Zaaron says.
"I'll leave them. I don't want anything from that place." Karyme says. "..i have some things with me.."
Zaaron frowns. "You wanna tell me what she said? As long as I've known you I know it takes some fucked up shit to upset you this much.."
Karyme sighs. "She-.. I.."
Zaaron finishes her braid, and turns her to face him. "Easy.. take your time.. we have plenty of it.."
Karyme frowns. "She brought.. the incident up.."
Zaaron stops. "Fuckin' hell.." He says coldly, then switches to a softer tone. "Karyme.."
"I know.. it's not my fault.." Karyme mumbles. "..but she-.. I don't know, she always uses it against me.."
Zaaron shakes his head. "Frankly, she has no fucking right to use that against you." He sighs. "Did she.. blame you for it?"
"No.." Karyme says slowly. "She.. told me that.. it should've been me, not him.."
Zaaron's eyes narrow in anger. "I should go give her a piece of my mind-"
"No." Karyme says, grabbing his arm. "Words won't fix a monster.."
Zaaron takes a deep breath. "I know.. I'm sorry kiddo.."
Karyme drops her head. "..should it have.?"
Zaaron raises an eyebrow. "What.?"
"Should it have been me.?" Karyme mumbles.
Zaaron immediately shakes his head. "Karyme, no, not at all. You listen here, I don't care if the whole damn world says it.. it shouldn't ever have been you."
Karyme nods slowly. "But don't you miss him.?"
Zaaron sighs. "Sometimes.. we were twins.." He places a hand on Karyme's shoulder. "But other times.. I still feel him here.."
"Like.. mentally.?" Karyme asks.
"Not exactly." Zaaron replies. "Physically. Like.. a part of him lives on.."
"Really.?" Karyme asks.
"Of course." Zaaron says. "In fact.. I see him right now."
Karyme sighs. "Me.?"
"Who else?" Zaaron replies with a smile.
"I don't see it.." Karyme mumbles.
"Well, let me point out the similarities." Zaaron says.
"First off, you both have a peculiar way of thinking.." He says.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Karyme frowns.
"It's not a bad thing." Zaaron clarifies. "You both just think things out like it's a war decision.."
Karyme rolls her eyes. "Go on then.."
"Okay.. you both have the same annoyed face." Zaaron points out.
Karyme sighs.
"Exactly, that one." Zaaron says. "You both also have the same favorite color.."
"Purple?" Karyme asks.
"Kinda.. go more specific." Zaaron replies.
"The heather shade..? Karyme asks.
"That's the one." Zaaron laughs. "Still remember him asking the store employee if they had a tie in that shade.."
"He did that.?" Karyme asks.
"Yup, wanted to look good for the occasion.." Zaaron replies.
"What was the occasion?" Karyme asks.
Zaaron smiles. "The day he brought you home."
Karyme's eyes widen a bit. "Oh.."
"That's probably why you guys have the same favorite color.. poor baby you was surrounded by that specific shade of purple.." Zaaron shakes his head playfully.
Karyme hums. "..what else.?"
Zaaron smiles. "You both have the same smile.."
Karyme raises an eyebrow. "I don't remember what I look like smiling.."
"But I do." Zaaron says. "It's a subtle one.. hardly noticeable.. but I've seen it from you both."
Karyme looks away, feeling a light feeling in her chest.
"Oh, there it is.." Zaaron says softly. "That's the smile.."
Karyme shakes her head. "Now you're just embarrassing me.."
Zaaron sighs. "Alright.. I'll stop, but watch your back.. I'll get a photo one day."
Karyme rolls her eyes playfully. "Why would you want that?"
"I need a photo for my wallet." Zaaron says.
"..of me.?" Karyme frowns. "That's a family thing.."
Zaaron sighs. "You are family. You're my niece by blood.. but almost my daughter by bond."
Karyme raises her eyebrows in surprise. "You really see me that way.?"
"Of course." Zaaron says. "Ever since I got back in contact with you again I've seen you that way.." He gives a slight smile. "..and my coworkers may think you're actually my daughter.."
Karyme sighs. "Really.?"
"It was in the moment, Karyme." Zaaron says. "Plus, you basically are."
Karyme hums. "..you just gave me a great idea.."
Zaaron raises an eyebrow. "Really now?"
Karyme nods. "..what if.. I changed my surname to match yours.?"
Zaaron's eyes widen. "That's.. quite the idea.."
Karyme looks away. "It's too much, isn't it?"
Zaaron shakes his head. "No I.. I see what you mean.. but this is another of your in-the-moment decisions.."
Karyme nods. "Yeah.. maybe.."
Zaaron pats her shoulder. "Don't get disappointed now.. we can talk about this when you're older.."
Karyme sighs. "Okay.."
Karyme looks at Zaaron, and without a warning hugs him.
"Thank you.." Karyme whispers.
Zaaron slowly hugs her back. "For what.?"
"Being there for me.." Karyme replies.
Zaaron frowns. "That's the bare minimum, there's no thank you needed.." Zaaron sighs. "But for your sake, I'll accept the 'thank you'."
Karyme hums.
Zaaron turns his head, looking at the time.
"Shit.. it's really late.." Zaaron mumbles under his breath.
Zaaron looks back at Karyme. "It's bedtime, kiddo."
Karyme huffs. "I'm 19, Zaaron.."
Zaaron sighs. "Well in this household, everyone has a bedtime.. you included."
Karyme pulls away from the hug. "Alright.."
Zaaron hums in satisfaction. Karyme lays down, sighing.
"I'll stay until you fall asleep, okay?" Zaaron whispers.
Karyme nods, closing her eyes slowly..
After some time, Zaaron smiles seeing both Kairo and Karyme fast asleep. He stands up, exiting the room. He stops at the doorway, taking a deep breath.
"She'll be alright, brother. I got her from here.." He whispers into the dark.
With that, he exits the room, shutting the door behind him slowly.
Zaaron sighs, knowing what he has to do now..
"..where is it.." Zaaron mumbles, scrolling through his phone.
His finger stops on the blocked contact, reading 'Norma'.
Zaaron frowns. "There you are, sister.."
He hits the call button, eyes narrowed.
"Let's see what you have to say.."
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stasammenarchive · 3 years
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@mixnmuse​ asked: “  if you were a vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber.  ” (Rapunzel to Jack hehe)
flirting prompts || ❤❤
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      “ a cute-cumber? ”    the words were repeated with a small hint of amusement, though the brunette shook his head in mock disappointment, trying hard to fight back the grin that threatened to pull at his lips.    “ is that really the best you could come up with? not gonna lie, that’s a little weak. ”     he let out a laugh, nose wrinkling playfully as he looked over at her, expression affectionate.      “ oh -- i’ve got one. you must be a banana, because i find you really a-peeling! ”      he winked, lips pulling up into an even wider grin. oh no. it seemed he was really getting into the spirit of things now. 
     “ in fact, you know, punz -- i think we’re mint to be! ”    there was a definitive sparkle in his eyes now, and he leaned to the side slightly, gently elbowing her in the arm, practically gleeful at what she had inadvertently started by dropping a pun related pick up line on him.     “ wait -- wait, i’ve got another.  you make my heart skip a beet! ”
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