#my little gleeb!
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I think im just gonna make this a cat posting account
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jiubilant · 1 year
7, 13, and 15 for my boy GLEEB
7. Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
Happy. Slightly hungry.
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
My mother taught me to take apart Dwemeri machines. No one would teach me how to put them together again, though. I had to bother Old Threesh.
15. What would they consider a waste of time, other than school or work?
Gelebor is teaching me the ritual ablutions and utterances that he repeats daily to...keep his god-place holy? Propitiate his god? I'm glad to learn. I'm interested, and he is happy, I think, to have an... [He clears his throat.] "Acolyte." [He clears his throat again, then rubs it, making a face.] There's no knocktalk for that. I should come up with something. Prayer-learner? Little-priest? Learner-priest...
Anyhow, it brings him peace to do all these fiddly little things every hour. The god-place is full of... [He clears his throat again.] "Mirrors, which—" [He coughs.] —are cold and smooth objects, like sheets of ice or the crystals in a Dwemeri device. And they show overlanders certain things about themselves, like where their noses are, in case they've forgotten—but not Serana, I don't know why. But they also do something else during the burning-hours if they're adjusted at certain times, so Gelebor goes around and adjusts them. Not because he wants them to show him things about himself, but because he wants them to do the other thing that they do. And do you know what happens?
Nothing! They get warmer. That's all.
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cosmicpollyanna · 2 years
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bawrao · 7 years
Gather round, everybody, gather round, and let Creebs tell you a story. It’s a wonderful story, that’s for sure. One that I probably shouldn’t be telling with such pride, but here I am telling it anyways. Are you guys familiar with TED? The whole ‘Ideas worth sharing’ thing? Those guys who do the fancy talks that people listen to when they want to be reminded of the fact that there’s nothing stopping them from achieving greatness, and that they really have no excuse to be sitting on their couch at 3 in the morning with a jar of pickles and a box of frozen corn dogs that they’re sucking on and slowly letting thaw in their mouth. *ahem* So anyways, TEDx is basically the mini-version of a TED conference. I happened to be invited along to such an event because I’m an important person, and of course Blanketguy tagged along because I was allowed a plus one and Blue Plumbogummite was having a spa treatment on the day. I’m sure you can imagine the chaos that would ensue from having Blanketguy at a TEDx conference, but amazingly I’ve very little of an idea as to what he actually got up to. We were separated early on into the event when I got in the line for a coffee and he just wandered off. Once I finally had my drink (which they had written the name ‘Gleebs’ on the cup), I realised Blanketguy was missing, and went off to search for him. I couldn’t find him anywhere on the ground floor, so I concluded that he must have gone backstage to cause some chaos in true Blanketguy fashion. This meant that I had to go find him. That meant that I had to initiate stealth mode. Now guys, the secret to getting places you aren’t supposed to be is to just think that you’re supposed to be there. Walk confidently, look straight ahead, and preferably have a coffee to make it look like you’re an important person on important business. With my suit and tie (I figured I should get dressed up for the occasion), I marched past several backstage workers who barely batted an eyelid at me. I waltzed past the host of the event, told him he was doing great out there, and kept on looking for Blanketguy. I never found him, but I DID manage to get lost instead. Confidently lost. My mindless parading about may have resulted in me taking a wrong turn and walking right into the greenroom, where I encountered 8 of the most influential people in the country just sitting in a circle having a chat. They were all just kinda… looking at me. I could have easily have just turned around and walked out, but I found myself frozen. One of them speaks. ‘Hey, are you a talker?’. Confidence. ‘Yup.’
So next thing you know I’m eating mixed nuts with a child soldier, a psychologist, an economist, an entrepreneur and other forward thinking, highly important people. We’re all chatting about our talks, and eventually the conversation gets to me and I realise that I’m actually NOT giving a TED talk and that I have zero qualifications or reasons to be here. ‘So what’s your talk on?’ I pause and think to myself. Confidence. ‘Conning.’
After the chat was over, I managed to slink away and continue my search for Blanketguy.
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ssadropout · 7 years
Yes, His Name is Maes
Royai Week Day 4- Promise- Yes, His Name is Maes
In a more perfect FMA world, there would be a Royai marriage and at least one Royai baby. Amirite?
It was up to him to quiet the wails. Riza was busy in the kitchen and had been with the baby all day.
“Hello, my little man. Why are you singing the sad song of your people? It's not as cool as my Flame Alchemist rap. Shhh.” Roy leaned over the crib and gently drew his son into his arms, swaying a bit. The cries gradually faded, replaced by the tap of claws on the floor.
“Oh, look. Here comes your big brother. Be glad that he came first, or you might have been named Black Hayate. How was your day, son?”
“Gleeb roorsh.”
“That's good to hear, buddy. That's because you have such a great mother. I'll bet she played with you and rocked you and sang to you and tickled you. Hee hee. I know your mother's special tickle places, but those and flame alchemy will be things I never share with you. My day at work was boring, but I'll even do paperwork to make the world better for you. Yes! Mommy and I promised ourselves that kids like you will never have to do horrible things like we were forced to do. Maybe you won't even have to do paperwork!”
Roy sighed. “Your mother and I did some horrible things.” He kissed the baby's head and placed him onto the changing table.
The baby squeaked.
“I hope that you can try to forgive us when you understand. We have spent the rest of our lives making up for it. Not that we ever can make up for it.”
“Da Da Da Da Da.”
The sweet bright sound brought Roy back to his good mood. “That's right, my little man. It's me- your daddy. Mommy is downstairs cooking dinner, so I'm on pee and poop patrol. How's that diaper of yours?”
“Da Da Da. Blurf. Zzzhh.”
“I was afraid of that. I love you infinity, but you'd be so much more fun if you weren't so high maintenance.” Roy arranged his supplies as if he were performing alchemy. He wished! He had imagined various poop and pee transmutations, but nothing seemed right. There were ways to transmute moisture and dirt out of cloth, but they were for different kinds of dirt and moisture. Besides Riza had given him that look when he mentioned that he was thinking about it. One of the reasons that he loved her was that he was afraid of her.  
Roy put the dirty diaper aside, cleaned his son up, and put on a new diaper. “Ta da! That's much better. Right? I'm glad that you didn't take this opportunity to demonstrate that you have your mother's aim.”
He placed the baby back in the crib and rinsed the dirty diaper out in the toilet.  After washing his hands, he returned and studied his son. “Until you came along, the most important things to us were our vows to work to make Amestris and the world better. You, my little man, are the one thing more important to us than that.” He leaned over, slid the baby's shirt up and blew a gentle raspberry on the baby's tummy.
“Mmpf. Ma Ma Ma Ma.”
“Mmm. Dinner does smell good, my little man, but I'm afraid that it's not for you. Mommy said that you already ate and drank.”
“Hey! Bring that up with your mother, not me. That's her area.”
“Ma Ma Ma Ma.”
“You got it, son!”
“I know. So, listen. It's time for you to go to sleep. That's right. No snap. No spark. Time to sleep in the diggy diggy dark. I love you, my little man.” He kissed his son's forehead.
When Roy went to turn off the light, he noticed Riza in the doorway. “How long have you been there?”
“Just since the raspberry.”
“I'm a pretty good father, huh?”
She put her arm around him and said, “Other than blaming me for his diet, yes, Roy, you're a wonderful father. However, do realize that when you call your son my little man, you're calling him the same thing that you call your penis?”  
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ddemonboy · 6 years
the sims 5 better have these simches fucking speak! how about oral emotion maxis, im tired of these girls qoifica beemo ahh.. gleeb. i want drama!!! my own little westworld
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jiubilant · 1 year
I came across The Mod Rec List you made back in 2019, and left some tags on it that really got out of hand, so, uh, sorry lmao. Also not sorry because every time I read the name Gleeb, I get the 🎵 Finna and Gleeb, Finna and Gleeb 🎵 song stuck in my head to the tune of the winnie the pooh song. And that's YOUR fault.
Anyway, hope you're having a good day, and j hope you keep talking about your OCs because I remember them all vividly and think about them often. I love when you reveal little pieces of their backstories and lore and habits and personalities. Makes me love them more
haha i saw your tags! made me laugh. sometimes i do forget that gleeb is not my character so it was a little surreal seeing that reclist again after all this time
thank you <3 much more random trivia about my characters to come
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jiubilant · 2 years
if i could put my skyrim characters into the game as minor npcs i'd love for each of them to have a little quest attached...maybe you meet ayo in an inn and she asks you to help find her hat (which spawns at random anywhere on the map). as thanks she gives you a juggling lesson that improves your one-handed skill. ravi's a random encounter in giant camps who "quizzes" you on your magical studies by getting you to "demonstrate" your skill with certain spells for him (always by doing things that a wizard of his station could ostensibly do himself, like relighting a bonfire or calming a mammoth tossing his packs around). laf appears along with him and drily answers some of your questions about mammoth-herding. in riften lasa pays you suspiciously well to run suspicious errands; her last task for you is to babysit one of her grandchildren for a day. every time you explore a dwemer ruin you have a small chance of meeting finna and gleeb and getting tricked into tripping some trap. on solstheim you gather canis root for duls or aina and can gradually figure out through their dialogue that duls is a werebear. and sala’s recruitable in the retching netch as a crime-friendly follower with a basic amount of dialogue (who cheerily markets himself as "cheaper than sero, sera—and i know how to shut up")
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jiubilant · 5 years
i’ve seen a lot of posts floating around that decry skyrim’s stupider mods (skimpy armor, bouncy breast-and-butt physics, etc), but i haven’t seen any lately that point out the fun ones, which is a shame. so i’ve written up a quick list of my favorite obscure-ish mods to share with you all—these aren’t massive overhauls, just little tweaks here and there that add to the overall experience
female giants: fantastic reskin that replaces some of skyrim’s male giants with women. there are a few mods for this on the nexus, but this is the only one in which the giantesses resemble their male counterparts, not scaled-up lady nords. you have to hike out to the more distant camps to find them, iirc, but that’s part of the fun 
friendly giants (and mammoths): makes giants unaggressive towards the player unless attacked outright. sometimes they’ll even run over and help you out in a fight. great for lore purposes—i play a researcher who’s friendly with several giant clans—or for players who just want to hang out with giants. who doesn’t
scarified dark elves: adds decorative scar patterns to dunmer models (like in morrowind). you can either apply it to your character alone, or to all the dunmer in the game
redguard fashion: modder’s resource that adds several yoku outfits to the game. noteworthy for including the biggest, fluffiest gloves i’ve ever seen—perfect for redguard characters who miss home, but still want to stay warm and toasty
falmer companion gleeb: adds a falmer follower to the game! his name is gleeb! i love him so much! you will love him so much!
player headtracking: rather than staring blankly ahead all the time, your character will turn their head to look at npcs within a certain range. depending on your character’s relationship with that npc, they’ll also smile or frown at each other! an absolutely essential download, if only so your character can smile at gleeb
bigger trees: scales up all the trees! forests are dense and gorgeous with this mod installed
fallen trees: adds fallen trees to strategic locations around skyrim. some of them span cliffs and rivers, which is fun—instead of wading through the water, you can (very carefully) edge across on the tree
bent pines: adds a gorgeous new tree model to the game. yes, i do like trees. why do you ask
supreme and volumetric fog: i like fog, too. if you hate being able to see your hand in front of your face, this is the mod for you. it really is Supreme and Volumetric
the bottomless pit: probably not lore-compliant but i’m including it anyway. this is my favorite quest mod because of how different it is—you navigate the dungeon (a bottomless pit) entirely by falling. it is extremely challenging. you will die. you will die a lot. but you’ll definitely feel as though you’ve earned the prize at the end
winterhold bridge repair: fixes the college’s crumbling bridge, rendering it infinitely less dangerous. my archmage held me at staff-point until i downloaded this
none of these will eat your framerate, jiggle a boob, or crash the game. go forth and download gleeb immediately
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jiubilant · 4 years
all right i've seen the "is your character the little spoon or the big spoon" meme four times now...fate ordained this. here are my careful and considered answers
the dragonborn: big spoon. snores in your ear. cannot be roused by dragons or dragonfire
the archmage: that's his business
finna: little spoon. a restless and wiggly sleeper with extremely dangerous elbows. cuddle at your peril
gleeb: doesn't know what a spoon is. mode of snuggling can be more accurately classified as "big pretzel"
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