#my little sister has her prom today & she's hosting the pre-prom party thing
slurp-imagines · 5 years
Uzumaki Naruto - Pokemon AU (Team 7)
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I feel like Team 7 would be Johto kids, so I’m building their eventual ace teams based off the combined Johto-Kanto Pokédex from Heart Gold / Soul Silver.
Uzumaki Naruto
Dragonite (female)
Muk (male)
Charizard (female) 
Ambipom (male)
Gyarados (male)
Ampharos (female)
Dragonite is such a comforting presence for Naruto honestly. He overslept so bad that he was far later than Professor Kakashi was for the meeting, so when he got there all the other starters were already paired off to other trainers. There was just a little Dratini left, and he is so glad it turned out that way.
She’s a lot more mature than Naruto is and she just has a sort of motherly energy about her.
Whenever he’s doubting himself, she’s always able to put a little more wind in his sails. She keeps him from being lonely, from getting caught up in his failures or short-comings.
She’s a treasure and Naruto refuses to treat her as anything but.
He and this Muk though, I stg lmao. It’s such a messy relationship (no pun intended). They meet at this gross little pond in a forest somewhere. Grimer emerges from it looking like a nightmare creature and Naruto just shrieks
It turns out that Grimer is a touch-starved little baby. He thinks this kid looks kind enough and makes funny faces so he seems like a good hug buddy, and Naruto is like no! stay away. gross child
Grimer follows him back to their camp out of spite and that’s the end of that. He discovers that Naruto is a lot more annoying than expected but that’s okay, he’s still fun to tease. A couple days being stalked and Naruto finally holds a Pokéball out to him.
They say when you’re stuck with someone for long enough, you either learn to love or tolerate them. They keep a fine balance between the two lmao
Naruto is convinced that his Charizard is the grumpiest thing alive. Grumpier than Sasuke. That’s saying something
Sasuke hates the comparison, but the second Naruto does something dumb in from of them? Both their arms crossed, with the same “you are such a stupid idiot why am I still here” expression on their faces. Naruto cracks up every time
As a Charmander, she was probably just as prideful as she is now. Thought she was bigger than her body. Chest puffed out at all times. So cute
As she got older and evolved, she just became more and more of a grumpy grandma. Which is still pretty cute. Naruto loves her to bits
Ambipom is the little brother he never had tbh. They get up to so many terrible antics. It’s prank city with these two
They’re very similar in personality, and they clicked instantly when they met.
As an Aipom he was really unruly (and may have taken a few pranks too far, Sakura forever holds a grudge against Naruto for one in particular lol) so he kind of forced Naruto to mature a little early and set him straight. They learn about boundaries together
Also Naruto would always let Aipom dangle off him, but Ambipom weighs like 45 pounds and still koala-climbs on him all the time. The first time Ambipom grabbed his shoulder to jump on, Naruto straight up just fell over lmao
Gyarados is Naruto’s pride and joy. Cause just look at him. So majestic. So noble
No one was allowed to insult this Magikarp without getting some serious lip from its trainer. No one
“Just you assholes wait til my boy evolves. Then you’ll see”
Training with Magikarp was rigorous, but always fun. Naruto is full of encouragement and positive reinforcement, Magikarp could never doubt himself for very long
I like to imagine that Naruto was swimming in a lake, just chilling with the team, when the guppy under his arm evolves out of nowhere. The sudden expansion sends him flying out like 10 feet lol, but you better trust and believe that Naruto was whooping and cheering for his lil buddy, lake water sloshing into his mouth or not
Ampharos is.. a meme
You know how Team Rocket does those cheesy poses together? Ever since she was a Flaaffy, Ampharos has done one with Naruto pretty much every time she’s sent out for battle. Naruto started it ironically at first (mostly to annoy Sasuke when they spar/battle) but they never stopped and he honestly doesn’t know if he can. It’s so automatic. At first they’d burst out laughing after a few seconds but now they can do it completely straight-faced
But also... Naruto lowkey finds Ampharos intimidatingly smart for a Pokémon. Has an animal ever just stared at you? And you can kinda see in their beady eyes that there’s something going on back there? Almost like they know something. And they’re just uncomfortably staring into your soul. That’s Ampharos
This got too long so I broke it into parts!
Sakura, Sasuke
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My Experience at MY FIRST EVER CON!
Hey all,
So I’ve been away a few weeks, but now I’m back! And this past weekend (12-14 May) I was at Asylum 18 in Blackpool with my supernatural family!
It was an epic adventure and I loved every second of it!
If you’d like to read about it - click on keep reading, if not, and you just want photos, I’ll create another post! Just FYI - it’s flippin long, I do apologise.
THURSDAY I woke up, pumped, tired, but pumped, and picked up my hire car. Headed to the airport to pick up the first member of the fambam! She’d arrived from Germany and was overwhelmed! It was an easy 1hr and a bit drive to our hotel - where we did end up parking in the wrong area, but ... adventures! Then I ferried more of my family from the station to the hotel, in two lots. Now we’re all together, all checked in. Blah blah - met up with more family, had fish and chips for tea and just chatted about how excited we were for our weekend to start.
FRIDAY We had more family arrive, and now our group was complete. Today was registration, lots of lines, lots of waiting, perfecting the art of snake queues and figuring out where each member of the group were. By the time me and twinsie (a lady named Carolyn who thinks a little too much like me!) passed through registration, added extras and picked up our pre-orders - we’d probably passed 3 or more hours. Rookie moves were made by not packing water, so we then indulged in slushee’s after we’d passed out the other end of that mammoth queue. She checked in to her room, and we were taking a breather when we got the tweet - autos were happening. ARGH! So we met back up and headed straight to autos. I have a pillow case that I was getting signed - we started with Mark P (who was lovely and the only person who commented on the badges on my jacket - he liked). Moved on to Kim - the loveliest person ever, she looked stunned when I told her to have a good day, she told me to have a good one too! Then Lauren, who is just so precious. She thought I’d made the pillow case and was saying how smart and talented I am ... bless her, I had to say I’d clicked a button online and it showed up on my doorstep! Katherine Ramdeen was oh so sweet, had me wishing I had bought an op with her, she was so nice and genuine. The line for Briana and Osric were very long, so we went over to Chad, he was quirky, very sweet and kind though. Then we went to the line for Briana, and they closed the doors for autos, so phew we’d got in in time. Briana was oh so special! She told me to enjoy myself, and we’d moved on by the time I could think, and oh what a thought - kicking myself I didn’t say “often do!” And last but definitely not least, Osric. He was all smiles and happiness and the sun just shines outta that man. He was sweet AF, liked the pillow case and said he hoped I enjoyed the weekend, as I had wished him a fun one. That night most of us had dinner together, then separated and washed up for “the party” that night. Twinsie and I cosplayed (my first ever). We dressed as Howard and Bernadette from The Big Bang Theory - made funnier by the fact that I was taller than her and the blonde wig was just ... wigging me out! Everyone loved our costumes! But it was an early night as we were tired from queuing all day.
SATURDAY! I was up early at 0630 and showered and ready for breakfast by 0745. I went down the hall to a friends room and we had breakfast together in the hotel. Then stood in the queue (oh yes, another) for the main hall where the panel would take place. Myself and two new friends followed Jensen (no, not that Jensen. Yes, it was fun yelling his name and watching people turn round so fast whiplash was inevitable) into the hall, then realised he was up with the diamonds, and we were the cheapies. So we found seats at the back and got comfy for the rest of the day, practically! - First up with their panel was Kim and Briana - Adam Rose and Chris Gauthier were our co-hosts. The ladies were inspiring and brilliant and had alot to say about their characters, how they wished we would get to see more of them - so to keep an eye out for an upcoming side work! And Kim was very clear that Jodie was hers whilst she was in front of a camera, when she had a script, but then Jodie became ours to do what we will with her, that she supports all the creativity and ideas people have about Jodie, and that she encourages us to keep going, and even send her stuff! - Fifteen min break, then Adam and David - our beloved BMoL men. They said they were nervous but they looked like they were in their element. There were times where they would both keep saying “I’m sure this is boring, but I gotta tell ya real quick...” bless them - nothing you say will bore us! One of the questions was about their most embarassing job they’d ever taken. Adam said his had to be a stage play where he had the role of a gay male, had nude scenes and there was a lot of kissing the same sex. Apparently his sister was mortified when she went to see it and his Dad shook his hand and said “there was a lot of kissing in that!”, but his mum was proud. And David’s job was at a convention where he was dressed as a member of Devo and listened to Whip It nine hours straight for two days, and had to dance and stick stickers on people who came through the doors - he gave us a song and dance as example, much whistling happened! - Chad, Katherine Ramdeen, Chris and Adam Rose were up next. The boys were up there a while without Kat as she was still doing photo’s. I ran out to get Alaina’s auto at some point - SO SWEET, love her and she appreciated that I liked her daughters painting art that she posts on instagram. The four of them were actually quite interesting and sweet, although when I came back in Kat was talking about how she’d synced up with Kathryn on set, the boys then started making fun of her - not happy bout that, but there’s nothing I can do about that. - Misha ... and of course they posted a vague tweet about photo ops, maybe one I had, so I rushed out (knowing my seat was safe). Not my photo op, so I went back to my seat. Then Mark S autos were called, so I ran off again (my row is not too impressed by now). I get to autos and Mark is gone ... BUT Adam Rose and others were there and I have a ticket for him, so I text my friend with my bag, and ask her to pass back my wallet with all the tickets (as opposed to climbing back over everyone). David Haydn-Jones’s was very kind and said he was enjoying his second con so much and is impressed by all the love that this fandom has to offer and was surprised when I said I was from Aus but relieved when I said I’d moved so I hadn’t come up just for this! Adam Fergus didn’t have a lot of people at his table and he was brilliant, again enjoying his second con and loving the people he’s coming across. No one was at Adam’s desk so I got his autograph and got to have a lovely conversation with him. He was genuinely amazed that I had brought up his travels and loved following along on Insta and that I remembered that he had a dog and then we were talking about his pup, and then he said I should check out his youtube for more traveling. Then I was back to Misha’s panel. LUNCH (this is getting long, apologies, I’ll start paraphrasing). - So Osric and Lauren’s panel was first after lunch, but I was at Alaina’s photo op, again, she’s so sweet and said she hopped she got my request right - I’d asked for a raised eyebrow... she nailed it! Then returned to the LOsric panel, they are both darling. - Mark P and Alaina were up next, they were actually great up there together. Not a packed house, but a lot of questions and they had a great laugh together. - Mark S... he’s hilarious. He walked around the whole auditorium, he was rude and sassy and sarcastic and just brilliant. People were handing him chocolate bars and I was worrying cause I had Tim Tam’s for him (well his wife, heaven knows they didn’t get back to her!). He walked right behind me and was answering a question as I shook the packet at him. He smiled like it was christmas day and I’d given the best present. He then collected something else from the other side of the hall and went up to the stage, sat down and asked if there were any Aussie’s in the audience. I was the only WOO and he laughed, ripped into the Tim Tams, bit the top and bottom off one and picked up his tea. I was the only one to cheer, then he used it as a straw and then ate the whole thing. I screamed out “YOU’RE WELCOME”! That night my roomies were like - was that you? Yep uhuh thought so! - Hillywood were up next - but I was gone. I like their parody - but that’s all I’ve seen of them, and that’s not enough to keep me in my seat. Me and roomies got pizza, I drove out and picked it all up. Then I wandered down the hall to Jensen’s room to watch Eurovision. Jason Mann’s was performing that night and Briana made a surprise appearance (that Alaina pretty much said she was doing then sent her a text while in her panel). It was a fun night with a small room packed with nine people then eventually eleven.
SUNDAY Today was BUSY AF. I was back and forth and that hotel is spread out! Sat through the Mark P and Alaina panel to start my day then I went back to the room to get rid of some stuff out of my bag, use the loo, then as I reached the main hall Mark S was walking in front of me, he was slow and I wanted to go around him, but I was headed to his photo op, so why not stay behind him. But when I reached the room, they called all groups for Misha... - So in I go, Misha (it was go go go, I asked for an awkward prom photo, he spun me around and it turned into a weird pregnancy photo). - Had my Mark S photo, he was himself! But when I got up there with another packet of Tim Tams he smiled and said “I still have my other packet!” I said he better! And then explained I wanted to do it like a Tim Tam advert, he pulled me in close, it’s my fave picture. Then as I was leaving and after I’d said thank you, he said you better eat them and not share them! - Mark P was up next, I asked for a hug but with bunny ears, he was so tall I couldn’t reach, so it looks like I’m trying to grab his hair, but it’s a good photo. Left my copy there as the printers were jam packed, but headed over to... - Lauren and Osric, they were were the cutest and sweetest, and not many people were there for the duo so they were really taking their time with each person. I asked for an awkward family photo with the weird hands on hips and odd faces. Osric shotgunned back and Lauren was confused, but it’s my second fave photo, it turned out so well! - FINALLY got my Misha auto, I got to the desk and said “You’re doing an amazing job, not just here at con, but everywhere... in life.” And he looked at me as if I was the first person to ever tell him that and he said “Thank you so much.” Like it meant to world to him. And then I had to go and have a moment in my room (no not like that!) cause I didn’t expect for that to hit me like it did - but I could say that to you and I’d have the same reaction. (yeah YOU). Got changed, packed away the pillow case, reorganised my bag, went downstairs, got lunch (before the massive lines started) then joined my friends in the hall for Mark S’s panel - more walking around, more brutal than yesterday, just hilarious. LUNCH... - Had my Kim and Briana op, my friends (mum and daughter) in front of me had theirs first, they did the YMCA and it was BRILLIANT, Bri stood the wrong way round for the C then got it right, then was cautious to not have her arm in Dawn’s face. Then I asked for a sandwich but with faces that said someone smelt like BO - great photo! - Back to the hall to wait for my group to get called for Adam and David. Kat, Chad, Adam and Chris were up on stage when I got there, and only had two more people in line to ask questions and still had half an hour to go, so I thought I’d get up to save from being awward. I wrote out a question for Kat (as everyone had questions for Chad and Adam...) then Dawn said “ask them what their fave cheeses are”! A lot of waiting, i was last question, and just skipped the Kat question went right for the cheese. Kat was real animated cause I mentioned that she was Vegan so my friend Dawn was wondering ... it was a good last question, they all got a kick out of it! - THEN ADAM AND DAVID!!!! There was a long line, but they were giving each person a good amount of time with them, making them all feel special. I asked for a smushy hug, and it was heaven. You’ll see i got a little possessive. And David grabbed me at the end and looked in my eyes and said Thanks. And Adam was very thankful and sweet as well, wished me a good end of con, I said I hoped he’d enjoyed it. Then the steward was proper “MOVE” - doing their job! - Back to Panel’s, Kim and Briana, the goddesses that they are. And Kim talked about how much she’s learnt from her autistic daughter and that she’s realised she tried to mother everyone, now she just mother’s her child. Same for Bri, she’s more than happy to let her kid do whatever and figure it out for themselves cause they’ll never take you for your word. - Misha was last up, he was very grateful to everyone for coming along. Said how “nice blackpool” was (sarcasm - the venue was mediocre at best). He took of his jacket - the crowd went nuts as they do. He thanked the event organisers and just like that, an amazing weekend was over. - That night the few that remained played CAH and ate chicken meals, opting for an early-ish night before saying goodbye in the morning. I wouldn’t have traded a second of it for anything. It was a grand weekend, and amazing first con and I had an absolute blast meeting all those new people, meeting my family and seeing old faces. I can’t wait to go to another one!
Taking Pics Making Friends
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