#my man is dusting away(/nsrs)
cherrio-krispz · 1 year
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Designed a Nightmare Cross what should I name him??
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smittenroses · 3 years
Kliff || 7 Minutes in Musical Heaven
CW for this chapter: a bit of degradation to Kliff, if you don't enjoy that sort of stuff, then this chapter might not be for you, sorry about that loves.
You didn’t have to feel lonely for long, passing by a dark alley way, hands gripped at your sleeve before you were dragged in, about ready to yell out when the familiar scent of cologne hit your nose, stopping you moments before you looked up at the ginger holding you by the sleeve. “Kliff- what the actual hell are you doing here?” You hissed, pushing the man further into the shadows as you almost glared him down, “I thought I told you to stay in the apartment, you know that they’re currently looking for you.”
“I had to, it was getting late and I was worried someone had taken you or something.” You knew that was bullshit, but at the same time it was somewhat endearing that he thought of you while trying to come up with that lie, and with a gentle sigh as you shook his hand free, you reached up and pulled over the hood of the hoodie you had given to him to borrow after they had raided his place.
Then again, no one would treat you nicely once they had figured out that you were the reason behind the city almost being blown up by a satellite due to being annoyed that your favourite band had broken up years ago. That was the Kliff that you had grown to know over the years, and frankly, the same one that had begged for you to not turn him in when he had turned up at your door, sweaty and out of breath.
You knew NSR, you knew that they wouldn’t give him the chance of seeing the light of day if they ever caught him out on the street, and while it was risky, it was a shot that you were willing to take if that meant that your friend wouldn’t be forced to rot in the darkest cell for the rest of his life.
“I can’t keep doing this for the rest of my life, Kliff, they’ll catch on eventually…” You muttered, taking his hand as you began to lead him back to the apartments that you called home, “I’m trying to keep them distracted as long as I can, but they will want to eventually meet my ‘roommate’ that calls me at work. You will have to leave at some point.”
And he already knew.
Thankfully since most people were already indoors at this time or night, it would be very unlikely someone would notice who Kliff was, and even more unlikely that you’d even run across someone who’d ask who the hooded figure was- or if it was your ex. Shuddering at the thought, you tried to keep your ‘ex’ towards the back of your mind. He wasn’t really an ex and more someone that you had flings with until you had found out he had a pregnant girlfriend waiting for him at home, and yet you found it hard to throw away the clothes that he had left behind when he had left, and thus they’d been rotting away in the back until Kliff had needed to borrow some.
You hated how they fit him so well, and yet also looked so good on him.
“I made dinner…” What? Pausing to turn to him, Kliff’s eyes shifted away as he refused to look at you, “yeah, I made dinner, for the both of us, and it turned out really nice.” He was a shitty cook, and given that majority of the time he somehow accidently burnt something, you were… pleasantly surprised; even he struggled to eat his own cooking, but to hear that he was putting in that effort, putting in the effort to try and do something that you usually did, it was quite nice to hear.
“When did you become the housewife?” You joked, Kliff’s eyes snapping to you as you turned your head, catching the slightest hint of darkening red dusting his already red and freckle covered cheeks.
“Because I do the housework in exchange for staying at your place, it doesn’t mean I’m a-.” Catching him off guard, you once more turned to face him and grasped the front of the shirt, forcing him to bend down to your height with a slight yelp, “Hey, what’s the-.”
“Admit it, you’re a housewife.” You muttered, noses gently brushing together as you savoured the power you had over this man; with NSR, they had power over you, but with Kliff, the wanted, the cowardly criminal, the person you hid in your home, you held power over him. It amused you to see him have the illusion of being in control, only to see it all come crumbling down in seconds once you had asserted your own dominance. He was weak at the moment, once supported by two fools struck with passion, now relying on someone who held all the money.
“Come on, it isn’t that hard to say.” Cooing out the words, the Adam’s apple in Kliff’s throat bobbed for a moment before he muttered something illegible, and so you tilted your head slightly.
“I’m a housewife.” Letting go of the front of the hoodie, you gave him a gentle pat on the head.
“Come on, let’s hurry up and get home, I’m starving.”
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cosmica-candy · 4 years
Chapter two: one pretty fishy
Another chapter written by @mechamastermind​ with illustrations done by yours truly for our Coraline NSR Au!! I apologize for the lack of illustrations 
POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING, Abandonment and Neo getting in trouble
Chapter one
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Neo was returned back home later as his Daddy grabbed the last of the briefcases, before calling Neo back over. 
“Neo! Come on, help me carry Papa’s luggage up to his room!” 
Neo was stomping around angry cause of the way his father treated him, he got a proper scolding when he came home just for being over the hill with Yinu, to Neo he was out playing with a friend, but to Neon he was out far past where he could see him, and that demanded a scolding apparently.
Neo kicked his feet through the dry piles of dirt, the terrain so old and worn out that a mini cloud of dust filled the surrounding area, leaving Neo to cough and try to fan away the debris. When the dust settled though Neo looked down and saw a glint in the yard. Buried under the falling dust seemed to be a palm sized metallic object, and Neo's natural curiosity would drive him to pick up said object. 
“Neo! Come on!” 
He looked closely at the thing in his hands now, pressing a little button at the top as it sprung open, revealing a system of moving gears and clicking springs. A pocket watch. None like Neo had ever seen, it was clearly very old in design yet shiny despite its age. A jade ring around the minute and hour hands, and the X’s in the roman numerals were all made in gold.
“Woah…” neo simply said, before hearing his daddy call out to him a second time. 
“Coming daddy!”
Neo pocketed the watch and ran after his daddy following him up the stairs. Neon carrying the big heavy briefcase with all of Nova’s shorts, and Neo carrying the small little snow globe with the solar system in it, gently shaking it as they walked up the creaking stairs, and past bits of wallpaper peeling down like the curled nails of an elderly woman. The second story was so much more quiet than the first, the wind blows outside and into the front door, but once it starts making its way upstairs it stops dead in it's tracks. The insects they refuse to chirp on the second story, instead they do their best to crawl through the walls of the mansion without disturbing a thing. Even the wood of the stairs as they go up begins to silence itself, as creaks become quieter and quieter with each step, until even the wood falls peacefully somber. The second story was so much more quiet, it was certainly peaceful in its own way. 
But even silence has its own killer, and does not live forever. As the quiet and dull silence that has draped over the second floor is suddenly cut down in its prime by a deep gutteral animalistic growling, air flowing in and out of a mighty beast. Neo froze when he first heard the hall suddenly filled with the boom of something much larger than him making its presence clear, meanwhile neon had no such fear… as he simply opened up the master bedroom door to reveal the source of sound, being that of a passed out nova face down in the bed, his snores pouring into his pillow and shaking the bedframe. 
Neon walked over to the dresser, beginning to unpack the briefcase of shorts he carried, while neo walked to the bedside with his snowglobe in hand. Placing it on the nightstand next to nova, as he turned the key on its side… playing Neo’s favorite tune. Neo looked to his Papa for approval, thinking it might rouse the beast from his slumber. But nova’s eye was still shut even if pointed at Neo… Neo reached up to tug on his papa’s sleeve. Tug tug. He was only responded to with a small groan as Nova laid their still asleep. 
“Papa… Can you play yet?” Neo asked, and before he could get his answer Neon scooped him up under his arms and held him to his chest. 
“No buts neo… If you want to play with someone so badly, let's go find someone then!” 
“No No Neo, let Papa rest, he had a long night driving…”
“I…” Neo looked down at his feet, kicking them softly as Neon took him out of this room, and watched the door shut on his sleeping father. 
“...Can I go play with Yinu?” He asked, 
“Oh neo no one lives around here but us in the mansion… Oh! How about we go meet our new neighbors! I hear there’s a group of young kids!” 
“Yinu? I don’t know any Yinu here.”
“Oh! She’s the girl I met in the field!” 
Neo pouted once more, he knew of the group his father was talking about, he overheard him talking with papa about the other mansion tenets, the people living on the first floor were a group of college students, still much older than Neo, but comparatively young to Neon. But he was already in daddy’s arms and he couldn’t quite reach the floor anymore, so it was off to meet the neighbors, to his disappointment. 
First it was down the stairs, the first floor, past the entry room that led up the stairs to the other tenants. Neon stood in front of the first floor housing, with Neo in his arms. The door was the oldest one in the house, the tenants having done nothing to repair it even as it hung off its hinges. What they did do was manage to carve their initials into the front of it, “D, R, S, T.” there was also a newly installed doorbell made of sleek and shiny plastic, sticking out against the backdrop of the aging house. Neon reached out and pressed the button, making a horribly loud buzzing noise, as both Neon and Neo had a bit of a jump. Neo was set down at the door, as the crashing of foot steps came from behind it, door knob slowly turning, breathing heavy, shadow stretching out underneath the doorframe. Click. 
Door swung open, and a tall man with blue skin, covered in large white orbs all across his jacket looked down at Neo, holding all the emotion in his face. For a few seconds there was just silence between Neo and this stranger. Neo’s eyes quickly scanning him up and down as his child mind raced to try and find anything comforting, but he looked so cold, and what didn’t help was the katana strapped to his back, worrying neo even more. The silence finally broken by Neon as he greeted the young man, 
“Dodo! How are you?” Neo felt reassured by the sound of his Daddy’s voice, but the blue man would not respond… Neo still felt unnerved by his lack of a smile… 
“I wanted my boy to see your fun project! Perhaps you can show him?” Neon said, and this lit up the blue man's eyes, as he looked down at the young neo with a smile of excitement now, he stepped out of the doorway to reveal a hall lined with fish tanks, and at the very end was a door with many flashing colors coming from underneath it. Neo felt his fear all wash away as suddenly he felt at ease seeing the man finally smile, and the beautiful tanks full of fishies behind him. Neon gently pushing him inside as Dodo lead him in. 
Neo ran straight up to the fish tanks along the wall, bouncing on his toes with glee. He peered into the glass boxes, and into their bright colorful miniature worlds, each one designed specifically for them. Each one seemed to only hold a single fishy, and it was given the entire tank to play around inside of, filled with glowing castles, divers that created bubbles, and plenty of moving parts to keep the small fishes entertained. 
Atop her shoulders in place of a head, there was  blue ringed octopus instead, gurgling its tentacles out at neo much to his fright as he leapt like a cat into Mr. Dodo’s arms. The others extremely disappointed as well as their creation turned into a half fish, half human, half octopus monster of legend. So they gave it all a hard reboot, and once it was gone from their sight everyone slowly began to laugh at the experience. The girl in the pink hoodie hanging to Neo a poster, a design of what it was meant to be, and there on that poster was “Sayu”, a pretty mermaid girl with adorable features, bouncy hair, and a fish tail. 
Mr. Dodo opened the next door, the sound of music bopping in the background as it led into a backroom, lit only by colorful nontraditional lights, like Christmas lights strung up against the wall, or the dozens of computer monitors sat around a small glowing table. Sitting at that table were three other kids, all college aged roughly the same as Mr. Dodo. There was a larger man in a yellow tee, wearing an umbrella hat. Next to him was a girl in a pink hoodie, her face hidden by her attire as she didn’t look much at Neo. And lastly there was a boy in a plaid shirt and shorts. Each one hunched over a monitor with a piece of recording equipment in front of them, a microphone, drawing tablet, and a simple mouse and keyboard. Everyone's eyes lit up though when neo walked into the room, the boy in the plaid shirt standing up. He began pointing at the others in the room, despite their silence they all seemed to be on the exact same page, they began to work overtime for Neo, as the table in front of them lit up like a mini projector beaming its light upwards at the ceiling. All the other lights were switched down until there was only the glowing of the projector. And suddenly the light began to move and form a shape, starting from the bottom neo watched particles fall together and form a fishy tail, a bright and colorful pattern along its scales, then the middle, the waist was made, the torso and the arms, of a pretty and thin little woman, dainty and elegant her form was, complimenting her bubble gum like skin… Neo was enthralled seeing this amazing light show turn the air into this pretty lady.
At that moment one of the monitors exploded, lights began to flicker, as the rest of the girl was rendered. Poorly. 
Neo enjoyed the rest of the hour he spent with the Sayu Crew, even though they did not talk very much at all, they mostly sat around on their devices trying to remake Sayu again and get her modeling correct, occasionally taking breaks to drink sparkling water and stare at the fishes in the tanks for inspiration. Neo’s favorite part was the fish tanks, each fish seemed so happy in that little box, and shined so brightly. 
At the end of the hour neon came back around to see a much happier looking Neo being brought out to him with a little mini bottle of lemon sparkling water. Scooping him up under the arms and holding him to his chest, Neon thanked the Sayu crew for their friendliness and carried his boy back outside and down the steps, towards the lower floor now, residing under the house itself. 
Neon held neo in his arms, and stood in front of a painted door split down the middle in two coats of paint, on one half was white, and the other half was pink. To Neo the bright colors of the door were slightly alarming, they weren’t gently painted like the rest of the house, they were bright and vibrant, splattered on by paintbrush. 
Neon took his hand and pounded it lightly against the door, only to find it slowly creak open… 
Neon sat his boy down on his feet, taking his hand as he walked him into the bottom tenants housing, calling out to her.��
“Miss Eve? Miss eve? Are you home?” 
Neo looked around the hallway they walked in, to see the divots in the walls, and along those divots there rested statues of a woman's head, her skin tone split down the middle, pink and white, long blonde hair, her busts lined the walls. 
At the end of the hallway Neon and Neo walked into a large dugout, surrounding this hexagonal room were even more statues of this woman, standing in various positions and holding various objects. And in the middle standing atop a ladder with a chisel and bucket of paint in hand, was the very subject of all these statues, Miss Eve herself. Neo was wandering around the room, excited at all the fresh buckets of paint, as Eve was mindlessly painting her latest statue. 
Neo tapped a green paint can, expecting it full but finding it very empty, it shifted off the edge of the desk and fell onto the floor. The sudden sound shifted Eve off her ladder as she took a step off the ladder from surprise. The buckets of paint she was holding in her hands going flying and clattering against the floor completely recoloring the room. 
Neon gave his boy a scolding look as neo began to rub his arms. He ran over to help eve up as she seemed quite upset. 
“Did you not hear us coming in, eve?” 
“Neon could you go fetch me more buckets, they’re in the back room.” Eve asked, Neon nodding as he went and fetched buckets. 
“I was in my minds eye…”
She looked over at Neo, frowning at him as he shrunk in on himself… 
Eve walking up the step ladder again, but when she walked up the top she looked down at the floor, and saw what the paint cans had fallen into, the paint splattered in a beautiful but completely random pattern, and this put a smile on eve’s face, suddenly from upset to very happy as she looked down at neo now, seeing a tiny artist. 
She stepped off the ladder and knelt down in front of the boy with cupped hands against her cheek. 
“Well hello there little artist! I’m afraid we didn’t get introduced properly… I’m eve.” 
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But neo didn’t respond back, he was still startled by the mess he made and worried about the trouble he was in. It was quite clear he was very close to crying… that’s when eve got an idea. 
She went over to her fridge and pulled out one of her Artistic Juice boxes, neo’s eyes almost instantly lit up as he saw her pull it out. 
She walked back over to him with the juice box in hand, as she looked down at the tiny artist, 
“Perhaps you’d like some juice? I find juice helps me when I feel down…” 
Neo bounced as he looked at the extremely tall woman with the juice. Reaching up with the grabbiest of hands, clamming up at her wanting the juice already. 
She pulled the straw off the back and poked it into the top for him, kneeling down as she handed it off. His eyes sparkling for a moment as he took a long hard sip. 
Neon walked back in to see his boy and eve giggling over two juice boxes, their feet covered in paint as they stomped around on the wet floor. 
Neon darted over taking neo up into his arms, a mix of frustration and concern. 
“Thank you miss eve for your hospitality but I think we must be going now.” Said Neon, as he took away neo and carried him back up to their floor, passing by the other boys as they all walked to their rooms for the night. 
Neon set him back down in the kitchen as he sat him against a kitchen chair, pulling his shoes off as they were absolutely covered and ruined with paints. 
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Neon was upset for sure, so he left neo in the kitchen for a moment, coming back escorting a half asleep Nova into the kitchen, as Neon pointed down at his feet and the shoes on the floor.
“Look what our boy did, his shoes got ruined!” Neon exclaimed, as Nova began to frown at neo… Neo felt a new level of fear he didn’t know he had before… as he watched his large space dad kneel in front of him, picking up one of his shoes and holding it. 
“Neo… What were you doing to make your shoes all messy?” Nova asked, as neo couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes. 
“I was… painting with miss eve… and stepped in the wet paint…” Nova simply sighed as he shook his head. 
“You can’t be ruining your shoes like this Neo… Your father will take you to get new ones in the morning.” He was so stern and direct, and Neo felt his heart sink… 
“You mean… you won’t take me, Papa?” 
“No Neo, i’ve got work to do.” 
“...But I didn’t… get to see you all day…” 
Neo felt his little heart twist as he was about ready to cry, he hadn’t spent time with his Papa in days it felt like, and it was just too much for him to handle… He tilted his head down as a few tears began to roll down his cheeks, hidden to both of his father’s… as nova simply turned away and went back to bed. 
Neo felt the tears burst like dams holding back too much water, as Nova leaving felt like the last straw. He hopped off his chair with one arm covering his eyes, darting past Neon who was too slow to catch him. Neo ran to his room, eyes tucked into his elbow soaking his sleeve as Neon stood back and just watched him run, gently sighing as he felt pain in his heart as well… 
Neo leapt into his bed, boxes upon boxes of unpacked toys and clothes stacked to adult height levels in his room, the only thing he had ready for him was a blanket and pillow, of which he held onto tightly as he poured the rest of his tears into it… 
Minutes and one tear stained pillow later, neo was laying there clutching onto it still, as his sobbing turned to sniffling and all he could do was look at his door, wishing, waiting, hoping that maybe Papa would come back and apologize, and tell him they’ll look at the stars again together… 
Neo ended up staring at the door for hours. 
He fell asleep waiting. 
Another time, another place… large fingers, massive like loaves of bread descended down carefully against a workshop desk. Atop this desk laid a small mouse, as if disassembled of all it's parts. One by one the pieces were picked up, cogs and gears, springs and levers, in such massive hands carefully putting it back together again. The eyes put back into place, a tail reattached. But when all the pieces came back together it looked like any other mouse, just with a small keyhole in its back. It was missing the final touch. The massive hands reached into the desk, pulling open the large drawer to reveal a collection of hundreds of keys, various shapes and sizes, materials and textures. It hovered over the pearl section for the longest time, sometimes switching back and forth between it and the silver keys… but ultimately deciding on the bronze keys, picking one up and rubbing it in oil and wiping it clean with a delicate rag, before slowly pushing it into the back of the mouse. Locking into place as it turned the key several times, winding up now… 
The mouse sprung to life as soon as the hands let go, scurrying across the desk before leaping into a grandfather clock and disappearing. 
“You’re coming home soon, neo.”
Chapter three
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